06-13-2014, 08:15 AM
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When you have staff equipped a deft recovery ignores aura gems.
06-13-2014, 04:49 PM
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Treeofdeathp is offline
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See what we really need is for the min level to enter skelly lowered to 20 >.>
06-14-2014, 12:46 AM
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Princenuada is offline
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Not asking for much...just would not like to be charged 9 recalls if I accidentally use the wrong transportation potion. If you try to gate while in town. It does not consume gates, but displays a message, something to the effect of "You are already in a town". But if you use recalls while in the square you have already recalled to, it consumes your recalls, you go no where and a message is displayed that reads something to the effect of "You are now in a new location". Could we change this to the way gates work? Have it NOT consume your recalls and state something to the effect of "You cannot recall to the same location you have already recalled to" or something close. Again not asking for much, but when I'm in a hurry and I'm going back and forth moving trophs to town, sometimes we make mistakes...especially when I'm in the location I'm farming with the inventory window up and I still here town music playing in the location I'm farming. This happens when you use gates from the trophy alter area of a town...so sometimes I think hearing the town music in my farming location plays a part in when I make this error sometimes...but just annoying flushing 4.5k gold down the tubes every time this mistake is made. Shouldn't be a huge fix/adjustment at all. See? I told ya I wouldn't ask for much 
Daaaaaang, nice pet(Tommy) crit :O
06-14-2014, 09:50 AM
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LadyGaGya is offline
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Now that tc's are approching 1million or more, how about eliminating the gold cap, so that people can actually sell significant amounts.
06-14-2014, 12:28 PM
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Atropos is offline
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1. Personally i want to see a new Picture for Heroic Essences and LG Armor Essences. THere are some aura buffs icons that already use the same picture. Not demanding, but would be good mini update for cosmetic purposes at my opinion. And make it so we can distinguish Overgen and Hypergen gems with no text.
THUMBS Up for eliminating all ``Clone icons``
2. And, an option to TUrn Off looting warning message, sometimes i dont want to loot trophies and just farm mobs for gold, then that warning message gets annoying abit, especially when one kills mobs fast it keeps asking ``DO U really want to leave before looting blah blah blah`` lol.
3. And why is there an option to Dismantle Runes if they cant be dismantled... can it be removed? Same with TIme Cards, if UN-soulbound option is not nescessary anymore, wouldnt it be better to remove it too? I personaly was confused at first been asking in a clan about that TCs Un SB option in clan, and i thought RUnes could be craftable for the first half year of playing, cuz i saw that DIsmantle option.. All unnesccessary lines should be removed.
4. SOme blank interface mini icons/signs at Arena bonus and Potion status positions (when theres no potion used and no arena bonusw). So new players would know that those places actually exist on player interface. Its a bit surprising that when U hover a place wheres theres is nothing suddenly a description text appear out of empty place...
5. An option to turn on HP/ENERGY/MANA numbers to permanently be shown on their Statistcs UI. For those who doesnt want to Hold SHIFT all the time to check the numbers.
6. SOme kind of system to actually see Regeneration instead of trying to figure a mystical number it out by testing and such, why players should do that, they need to know the exact amount, really would help in building BALANCED toons. So we will know when its enough and when not. It should not be `invisible` just like all other basic stats of a toon. I suggest to add an amount of regenerated points per second under HP/Energy/Mana amount when U hover a respective stat over HP bar UI:
Hitpoints: 5,985/6,500 <---- Basic amount
..................+315.3 <-------- Amount regenerated per second
Same for Energy and Mana bars.
Make it so that +XXX number automatically modifies in certain circumstances, for example when in pvp and under Reaper aura, the number lowers, with and without Regen RUnes, with Regen buffing gem etc.
7. Buff storage! xD
thats all for this time,
Nod the best!
Last edited by Atropos; 06-14-2014 at 11:04 PM..
06-15-2014, 12:26 PM
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Pearllife is offline
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Make a second storage area that is only for TCs and Masters, so as to not give horders to much more space to keep stuff that you need.
06-15-2014, 03:09 PM
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Princenuada is offline
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Originally Posted by Oneangel
WTB op hero boss grp...
Let me get about 7k more HP's (20k goal) and I'll tank those hero bosses for ya 
Daaaaaang, nice pet(Tommy) crit :O
06-15-2014, 03:27 PM
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Master is offline
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hate to burst your bubble but you will need more than that
06-16-2014, 05:37 PM
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Tharkas is offline
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Something I'd like to see: Every month or two have Glitch hold a raffle, 1 tc for 1 ticket, with the grand prize being a never before seen LG weapon. Would be a massive gold/tc sink and would help all the LG weapons drop ALOT faster. Maybe even have a 2nd and 3rd place prize of 2 lg armors and 1 lg armor respectively.
06-16-2014, 10:18 PM
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Soxson is offline
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be able to look at our epic timer and know how soon an epic will drop. I.E, x number of drops since your last epic drop
Praise the hindu gods!
06-16-2014, 11:05 PM
Crab Defiler
Princenuada is offline
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Originally Posted by Master
hate to burst your bubble but you will need more than that
 Oh noes....
Now all the sudden I feel like putting lipstick on while holding my high powered hunting rifle...bubble bursted.
Daaaaaang, nice pet(Tommy) crit :O
06-17-2014, 11:57 AM
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06-17-2014, 12:10 PM
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Akilthedestroyer is offline
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Originally Posted by Soxson
be able to look at our epic timer and know how soon an epic will drop. I.E, x number of drops since your last epic drop
Dude, Epic drops are a random thing. We just see a pattern and ESTIMATE when our epic will drop. It's not something that is a surety that it WILL drop within this time. Coding this is difficult just because it's an uncertainty... I mean, how can you time something which is uncertain and random?
Also, if you really want to time that, there is a way I know to estimate when I will get my next epic drop. Keep a count of a certain resources for amount of drops I've gotten. That helps me estimate when I will get the next epic.
06-17-2014, 12:24 PM
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Jvance is offline
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Originally Posted by Akilthedestroyer
Dude, Epic drops are a random thing. We just see a pattern and ESTIMATE when our epic will drop. It's not something that is a surety that it WILL drop within this time. Coding this is difficult just because it's an uncertainty... I mean, how can you time something which is uncertain and random?
Also, if you really want to time that, there is a way I know to estimate when I will get my next epic drop. Keep a count of a certain resources for amount of drops I've gotten. That helps me estimate when I will get the next epic.
Epic drops are very predictable I have a little note pad doc I keep on my desktop to keep track I would suggest you do the same.
Looks like this...
Drop 1 hero
Drop 2 Hero
Drop 3 Hero
Drop 4 non hero
Drop 5 hero
Drop 6 hero
drop 7 non hero
drop 8 EPIC HERO
Drop 1 hero
Drop 2 non hero
Drop 3 non hero
drop 4 hero
Drop 5 hero
epic drop
drop 1 hero
Drop 2 hero
drop 3 hero
drop 4 epic
drop 1 hero
Drop 2 Hero
Drop 3 Hero
drop 4 hero
Drop 5 Hero
epic dbl tp drop
drop 1 non hero
drop 2 non hero
drop 3 Hero
Drop 4 Hero
Drop 5 hero
Drop 6 Hero
Epic drop
Drop 1 hero
Drop 2 Hero
drop 3 hero
Drop 4 hero
drop 5 hero
drop 6 non hero
Drop 1 hero
Drop 2 hero
drop 3 hero
Drop 4 hero
Drop 5 hero
Drop 1 HERO
Drop 2 Hero
Drop 3 hero
Drop 4 hero
Drop 5 Hero @ 8:53
Drop 3 Hero
Drop 4 HERO
Drop 5 non hero
DROP 6 NON hero
Drop 1 hero
06-18-2014, 03:40 AM
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Akilthedestroyer is offline
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No you see, that is still an estimation... It's not definitive.
06-18-2014, 11:26 AM
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hotshot64 is offline
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You're between 3 and 6 drops between epic on heroic. Look at non-heroic and that could be between 5 and 15 easy. It's a very broad range and quite random
Your comprehensive source for Nodiatis calculators and information.
06-18-2014, 12:23 PM
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Akilthedestroyer is offline
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Exactly my point. Thanks Dear! oops, Daer...
06-18-2014, 02:07 PM
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Jvance is offline
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with a variable of 1 I get them on the 6th drop hero and 10th non hero that early drop I really think I just forgot to put a drop or 2 down.
06-18-2014, 03:16 PM
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Huggles is offline
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Originally Posted by Jvance
with a variable of 1 I get them on the 6th drop hero and 10th non hero that early drop I really think I just forgot to put a drop or 2 down.
I used to boss farm Opri 100% of the time. I'd get my epics while townwalking, having had no drops at all. Drops have nothing to do with it.
I believe the chance for an epic drop increases as more RT/RRT is expended, and resets to a base low chance once you get an epic drop. This is why people have gotten epics within a very short time of each other: it's random.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
If they put a nice icon on you it's beneficial if they put a mean one on the other guy it's detrimental.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The player was banned for using an exploit repeatedly without reporting it. There's only 1 proper way to profit off an exploit: report it.
Originally Posted by Huggles
Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay
For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.
Just repeat for multiple effects.
DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
06-18-2014, 05:16 PM
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Jvance is offline
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Ok, fine it doesn't work.
I still seem to know exactly when they will drop maybe I'm just lucky
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