06-10-2014, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by SiSiX
Okay, all joking aside for a moment Glitch, one serious thing I think you should look at needs to be the use of a bow set on staff users. It's been brought up before, but here's the deal: Besides the loss of stats that only staff users have to deal with, and the loss of the different processes, the biggest problem (besides the processes, Conqueror's Quiver anyone?) is the loss of tempers. Before Aff and Epic Health bonus this was just a small-ish (6x tempers when they first came out) so we were looking at a difference of 1530 HPs (6x 3 slots x level 85). For the damage output that a DD or DoT staff user could put out, plus the actual bonuses that the draw speed of having a staff gave, this was a reasonable trade off.
This is the reality of the game now:
8x tempers
Deft casting (eliminates staff advantage if you don't keep auras up)
Aff skill was created ( up to 100% increase to tempers)
Epic Health Bonus activated ( up to 100% increase to tempers in addition to Aff)
R5 and R6 Euphoric, Manatic, Enertic, Manergy Theft runes activated in clans
High Mre/Pre % process on LG Armors
High Mre/Pre % process on LG Bow/Arrows
High % chance of double casting process on weapons/bows negate staff advantages.
Processes on LG bow sets confer bonuses to non-ranged attacks/non-archery skills
Just using tempers as an example, when they first came out, staff users lost out on four sets of tempers, then Double Bond was introduced, so they only lost three sets. (6x tempers at the time, 18x total)
That was 1530 HPs. (18x85)
Now, a staff user loses three sets of 8x tempers (24x total), so 2040. Wait, there's more...
With Aff at level 100, you lose double that, so 4080 HPs.
A level 86 could lose 4896 HPs (24x 86 x Aff Level 100 x 20% Beast Bonus)
A level 87 could lose 5712 HPs (24x 87 x Aff x 40% BB)
A level 88 could lose 6528 HPs (24x 88 x Aff x 60% BB)
A level 89 could lose 7344 HPs (24x 89 x Aff x 80% BB)
A level 90 could lose 8160 HPs (24x 90 x Aff x 100% BB)
These are not Trivial amounts of HPs. These are LOST HPs, ones that staff users CAN'T have. This is above and beyond the loss of processes, stats, and options that every non-staff using toon has. While there might have been an argument at one point that casters were so potentially OP that they needed these restrictions, the reality is that this is no longer the case as proven by the fact that:
* All of the high end farming builds are LG pets with LG whips either auto attacking or auto shooting.
* Trojan's little climb proving that the hybrid build can cast nearly as well as a staff user while not using a staff.
* The addition of the split melee gems effectively making the caster teams the went back and forth for the #'s 1-4 spots last season much much less effective. Especially when they have the advantage of potentially significantly more HPs than opposing casters.
* A deft casting archer with the proper set of LG armors and weapons using DoTs can cast as fast as a staff Dotter PLUS do the damage from their bow, weapon, pets, and Shaft of Death. And get the additional bonuses from the bow set beyond just the extra processes, tempers, stats. With the right stats, they can also maintain the Manergy required to pull this off.
Finally, unless you're actually anti-caster, is there a good reason anymore staff users can't use a bow set but 2h weapon users can? Unless it's hard coded into the game, in which case, call it like it is please and just tell us so we can give up on this line completely.
BTW, before the whiners start in, I know exactly what my team's build was last season, how many times we changed, and just what walls we ran into. I also have a really good idea of what tweaks a couple of teams could have made to beat us and a particular team that could have gotten their act together much sooner in the season and made life much more "interesting" for Cy's, MA's, Tro's, and my team. They didn't use staves at all.
Great post , I was about to point some of those facts but i could not do it better than you did
I agree 100% with that ^ . Glitch please show some love for staff users.
06-11-2014, 01:03 AM
Seer's BFF
Roeth is offline
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I don't think there would be a problem with staff users being able to carry archery gear.
However, archers would be able to carry a staff, and get all those benefits, and that suddenly makes the DoT archer very strong
06-11-2014, 03:29 AM
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Killda is offline
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maybe the new patch on the 28th will make it so gems are casted automatically only when you have a staff equipped?
Would that be a nice trade off?
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Mobs are dumb.
06-11-2014, 04:16 AM
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The auto casting is not a power increase though. It's a quality of life change. Also, Glitch has mentioned before in Devilz's thread on hybrid casting that he wants to promote casting in other classes aside from staff users.
06-11-2014, 04:29 AM
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i actually do have a problem with caster getting archery gear, as some the gear would boost casting dramatically, aka the double cast bow. i also agree with roeth that it would make archers using dots very powerful too.
im not saying casters do not need something, but i just do not think this is the solution
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
06-11-2014, 07:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
We hear the players loud and clear on the desire for extended content. That will be the goal of the subsequent patch. In the mean time, you can try and kill the heroic versions of the new creatures yet to be killed and unlock the clue no one has been able to find.
Didn't you say the princess would be revealed after the defeat of these bosses and you banned someone for calling bull****.
Now you are saying this will provide just a "clue"?
06-11-2014, 08:00 AM
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Fior is offline
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What will be good for caster will be good for archers too. Allow bow for casters and allow staff for archers 
06-11-2014, 08:58 AM
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Make it so staff benefits doesn't work while auto shooting
That will solve it all. And people still can have it equipped.
06-11-2014, 10:04 AM
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Master is offline
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even then Gooddevil... just build up dots then auto shoot 1 time for bladow.
only way i would think this to be fair is to have a 1 hand wand for other builds too.
06-11-2014, 10:09 AM
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Sezr is offline
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why not jsut give dummy equipment for archery slots that give no archery bonuses,and can not shoot. They would be temperable, and would give the hp bonus. Different lines of equipment could have different stats,potentially making them an option for melee toons who do not plan to use the bow for an opener. I would suggest that these dummy items are able to hunt though, but once again can not auto shoot or give any other archer based bonus.
06-11-2014, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Master
even then Gooddevil... just build up dots then auto shoot 1 time for bladow.
only way i would think this to be fair is to have a 1 hand wand for other builds too.
You got a point .... Maybe once staff is wielded autoshoot button will be grayed out ?
06-12-2014, 12:12 AM
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Soxson is offline
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a feature where when you hold SHIFT and click on a stack too large for you to handle, you automatically take from it, the maximum you can stack. its great for nooby alts who get trophies from the main. much easier than holding CTRL and typing the stacking limit and hitting enter
Praise the hindu gods!
accel |
06-12-2014, 02:54 PM
westicek is offline
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triple/quad/quin.. etc -accel
- 3x, 4x,5x.. rrt consumption speed as accel
- each cost double then its preprocessor
at least triple for now..
06-12-2014, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Soxson
a feature where when you hold SHIFT and click on a stack too large for you to handle, you automatically take from it, the maximum you can stack. its great for nooby alts who get trophies from the main. much easier than holding CTRL and typing the stacking limit and hitting enter
Be happy for what he's already adding. He's got a lot of work to do, anyway. If more things are to be added, then the release date could be postponed another few weeks.
06-12-2014, 08:26 PM
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Oh how i miss her
06-12-2014, 08:33 PM
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[SARCASM]geef easy button. 1 click all skills maxed and lvl 90 wif 100% beasty hp bonus. [/SARCASM]
06-12-2014, 08:38 PM
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Something I would like to see would be a new skill tab under social for some new epic skills, but give it a twist. Only hint at what the skill does in the description and don't tell us how to actually level them. Have some be raised by resourcing, town walking, combat, etc... Also throw some really confusing to lvl ones in there like sacrificing spirits on a combat altar or sacrificing RUNES (yes give them a use) to the Seer. Also there should be a skill in there that only lets you train the other skills as high as its level like collection or workmanship.
Edit: Also i'd like to see lg master of higher tiers than t1, but with a craft cost as close to equal as possible. Ex. A t1 lg costs say 18mill to make so a t2 should cost right around 36mill to make and a t3 should cost 72 (you get the idea)
06-12-2014, 08:41 PM
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hotshot64 is offline
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I'd actually like to see an increase in the gold cap so rich players don't hoard 500 TCs in order to get rid of some gold.
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06-12-2014, 10:51 PM
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i had a bunch of cool ideas but im too drunk to remember them atm
06-12-2014, 10:52 PM
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oh! one of them was, be able to enchantatrash or uptier runes! obviously have to be same exact to uptier.
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