06-08-2014, 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
This patch is scheduled for the 28th of this month.
We can verify the following additions will be made:
-A means to autocast gems or to bind gem slots to keyboard keys for easier casting. In general casting is a bit too click tedious, and the people who are having the most success are the ones who have the most legal macros (1 key press = 1 mouse click and no logic). We think this change will open the casting build option up to all the players, not just the ones who are good with macros. You'll still need to place gems into slots, it won't change caster farming to the same as melee.
-Encumbrance display color change when reaching critical mass.
-Warnings or prevention of sacing trophies that train a maxed skill.
-Addition of proper commas to numbers inside brackets and parenthesis.
-Clan mass messaging for officers that will work for offline players as well.
-A Legendary Beast
All great things! I may indeed play a caster again. But aside from the UI enhancements...were you planning on adding actual content in the future? LG weapons are great and I know they're still dropping, but new quests/bosses/zones would be great too. I know that requires artwork and that costs money, but would be the best thing to add imo.
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06-08-2014, 10:30 AM
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Soxson, I have been playing this game for better than 4 years, many longer than myself. I have noticed that you try to speak for glitch in nearly every post, I'm curious as to what you get out of doing this? I would prefer that you refrain from telling me how I should think or feel.
Time is irrelevant, it passes weather or not you are working towards an objective or not. Positive direction is better than no direction at all.
Last edited by Cyress; 06-08-2014 at 10:43 AM..
06-08-2014, 10:33 AM
Dorcas is offline
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auto casting is great for NON casters. you non casters go ahead and throw up a recastable in auto shoot, be good to have more people casting. I however will not be taking up a slot and slowing down deft. same reason flame call and gem haste are obsolete. Deft + my 99 staff (beter then the lgs imo) is the op for fast casting. as an actual caster id like to be resisted less. make each click Actually count for some thing. can i get a lg flame call or gemhaste? can i get something thats actually usefull for red DD. can my hits be more Dense instead of 1 mil casts that are watered down crap.
speaking of more dense. HELLO make trophs more dense!! i don't need i mil troph worth 10k xp each. can i get 1000 trophs worth 1 mil xp per troph??? having so many troph for so little value makes farming high zones annoying and impossible. i don't want to gate/recall 15 times, i don't have the storage to actually farm more then a few fights, and if i wanted to sell them i have neither the storage nor sales slots.
also being able to rearrange rune in the vault would be amazing.
k thx bai
06-08-2014, 11:07 AM
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Support more content. Game gets boring when nothing left to really do besides farm daily RRT.
and ^5 Cyress for Soxson pwnage !!!!!!
06-08-2014, 11:07 AM
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Zan is offline
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Originally Posted by Dorcas
speaking of more dense. HELLO make trophs more dense!! i don't need i mil troph worth 10k xp each. can i get 1000 trophs worth 1 mil xp per troph??? having so many troph for so little value makes farming high zones annoying and impossible. i don't want to gate/recall 15 times, i don't have the storage to actually farm more then a few fights, and if i wanted to sell them i have neither the storage nor sales slots.
This, please.
06-08-2014, 11:09 AM
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chloe is offline
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recastable heals anyone?
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
06-08-2014, 11:16 AM
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OMG HOODRAT! I miss you 
06-08-2014, 11:31 AM
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I also wanted to mention that I am sure that even though Glitchess posted the next update in this thread, it doesn't mean that we can't add any more ideas.
So don't be a suck up.
06-08-2014, 12:35 PM
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andyrogan is offline
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Darn, where's the clan master reporting tools so we can keep track of when players last logged in, how much RP they made in previous months etc.
Thanks for the Clan Mass Messaging though
06-08-2014, 01:14 PM
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Jvance is offline
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Hey something that makes it harder to do this when you are a Nod-o-thon would be great
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06-08-2014, 07:46 PM
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EnigmaWave is offline
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A pet which heals your teammates instead of yourself.
A complementary skill to double bond which further increases stat and temper bonuses to staves only. Since double bond exists to compensate for the lack of an item in your offhand slot, it would be nice to have another skill which compensates for lack of items in the archery slots.
Keep tempers when uptiering. If both of the input items are tempered, use whichever temper is higher (or lower if you prefer) on the output item.
Floating confirmation messages after switching pouch/suit/rune set from the shortcut menu. It's sometimes hard to tell if they actually changed or not, and reopening the shortcut menu to verify that the X moved kind of defeats the purpose.
Install one of these bad boys, so that people who don't know any better will stop complaining about the "unfair" random number generation. 
Last edited by EnigmaWave; 06-08-2014 at 07:52 PM..
06-08-2014, 09:30 PM
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06-09-2014, 03:57 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
Kyron is offline
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
This patch is scheduled for the 28th of this month.
We can verify the following additions will be made:
-A means to autocast gems or to bind gem slots to keyboard keys for easier casting. In general casting is a bit too click tedious, and the people who are having the most success are the ones who have the most legal macros (1 key press = 1 mouse click and no logic). We think this change will open the casting build option up to all the players, not just the ones who are good with macros. You'll still need to place gems into slots, it won't change caster farming to the same as melee.
-Encumbrance display color change when reaching critical mass.
-Warnings or prevention of sacing trophies that train a maxed skill.
-Addition of proper commas to numbers inside brackets and parenthesis.
-Clan mass messaging for officers that will work for offline players as well.
-A Legendary Beast
Disapointing, sorry.
When i came back a year ago i hoped the city fights thingy that was suggested years ago and mostly worked out by players would be live, but no nothing happend.
Give end content such as an enemy that really treatens NOD. A Quest that all players need to work together... defend cities from evil things or let guilds fight for cities.. such things.
06-09-2014, 11:43 PM
Glitchless is offline
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We hear the players loud and clear on the desire for extended content. That will be the goal of the subsequent patch. In the mean time, you can try and kill the heroic versions of the new creatures yet to be killed and unlock the clue no one has been able to find.
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06-10-2014, 06:03 AM
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Oneangel is offline
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
We hear the players loud and clear on the desire for extended content. That will be the goal of the subsequent patch. In the mean time, you can try and kill the heroic versions of the new creatures yet to be killed and unlock the clue no one has been able to find.
I have no clue. Somebody help me!
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha
06-10-2014, 06:04 AM
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Oneangel is offline
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WTB op hero boss grp...
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha
06-10-2014, 09:45 AM
Epic Scholar
hotshot64 is offline
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Originally Posted by Oneangel
WTB op hero boss grp...
I'm in
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06-10-2014, 12:41 PM
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shhhted is offline
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Take me weef joo - ill be no use and ill die but if you guys win ill have eternal nod glory !
or not ......
Id rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy    .
06-10-2014, 03:10 PM
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If anyone even had a chance at it atm it would need to be a team similar to hoodrat,thorin and Brookland i think
06-10-2014, 04:44 PM
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