Disconnect -> Attempt timeout |
04-18-2014, 02:26 PM
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Disconnect -> Attempt timeout
Well, it's been happening so often I came to post about it.
It happens randomly and has nothing to do with my isp connection, apparently, since I only lose connection with one of the three toons and other tabs continue to stream data with no problem - also downloads do not get cut.
After the 1 minute timeout messaage has passed and im kicked to login screen, the "submit" button doesnt light up again (if I go back to the princess' screen and back to login, it does, but always give "attempt time out" message), forcing me to refresh the page and have to load all the graphics again.
Anyone else experiencing this? Or is there at least a way to keep nod graphics stored so I don't have to go through loading all the goddamned items/trophies/resources again upon refreshing?
Thanks in advance
04-18-2014, 02:33 PM
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hotshot64 is offline
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Your nod graphics are stored in your Java cache, if that's turned off or minimized it will take a while to load them back up. As for the disconnects, that will take some serious troubleshooting, how often does it happen?
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04-18-2014, 02:45 PM
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Well, at least once every hour, as far as I remember.
I changed now to a desktop computers, to rule out processor energy saving/heat control strategy. Will let you know if it continues
04-18-2014, 03:11 PM
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Yea.. processor temperature is fine and no other processes other than nod and vlc playing audio but still happens, with only zan disconnecting, while the other stays online.
04-18-2014, 04:54 PM
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It happens on both chrome and firefox. Every 10-30 minutes I'd say and is always with only one toon at a time.
04-18-2014, 05:58 PM
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hotshot64 is offline
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Happens on multiple computers? Probably something to do with your connection, computers will disconnect you in funny ways. If you pm me ingame next time you see me I'll try to work it for you.
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05-22-2014, 06:04 PM
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Problem still going on. Just noticed something new:
When timeout is going on, or I'm already disconnected and at the login screen, if the message "attempting to resend packet" appears, I get reconnected instantly, everytime.
Could you, Glitchless, make those attempts more frequent (like every 5 seconds when timing out, for example)?
05-24-2014, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Zan
Could you, Glitchless, make those attempts more frequent (like every 5 seconds when timing out, for example)?
05-25-2014, 03:54 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Does this happen on other browser windows or does it happen on the browser you are currently using at the time?
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05-25-2014, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Does this happen on other browser windows or does it happen on the browser you are currently using at the time?
It happens randomly, sometimes Zan gets timeout until being disconected but Sami stays online without even a timeout warning, other times Sami DC's but Zan does not.
Even happened that both of them stayed online with no lag whatsoever and the bossbait got disconnected (which was on an inactive window).
I believe that making the reconnect attempts more frequent would most likely solve this issue, but I'm not sure if its coded by your team or the java client controls it.
05-26-2014, 12:50 AM
Glitchless is offline
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The reconnects happen every 10 seconds which means there should be 6 before a disconnect. The issue is they aren't happening at all and it's not clear if the issue is being caused by java being unresponsive or a corrupt packet causing the client to throw an error.
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05-28-2014, 01:00 AM
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Froth is offline
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i have seen this hapen many times with 2-5 instances of nod open
one will try to time out
the others stay responsive
05-31-2014, 05:38 AM
Boss Hunter
Neela is offline
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I have similar problems where it sometimes happen when one of my nod windos gets dced out, and then i have to reresh the page to be able to logg in, otherwise i just simply cant. the rest of the toons i have logged on can be fine. I have tried to have one toon online aswell but i get same problems. I have newest java and i use Opera as other browsers i been testing just cause more issues for me.
05-31-2014, 05:47 AM
Boss Hunter
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Another thing that happens alot is the freezing. no dc no counting down just the page freeze up to 10 sec where i cant do anything on the page, but i can do other stuff in another window. when this happens it happens on all toons at once, some leads to timing out, some doesnt
05-31-2014, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Neela
Another thing that happens alot is the freezing. no dc no counting down just the page freeze up to 10 sec where i cant do anything on the page, but i can do other stuff in another window. when this happens it happens on all toons at once, some leads to timing out, some doesnt
This is most likely to be in your end, related to your computer's processing power.
05-31-2014, 10:02 AM
Boss Hunter
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Im not a computer nerd, but does this mean Nodiatis demand more from my computer then for example games as Dragon age origin? As i has no problems playing that game, and this happen around fall last year when i started to get problems on Nod. My internet has changed and i have faster now then earlier, i know it became a problem when u could link stuff to FB and stuff aswell. For me it seems more as a problem between Java and Nod. and i been trying chrome and firefox, and its only opera i have less problems with.
05-31-2014, 12:16 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Nod demands more unfortunately because it's using Java which is not fully accelerated by your graphics card.
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