zirconethyst |
03-28-2014, 01:16 PM
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chloe is offline
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is there a reason why the helm gives better manergy regeneration rates than the breastplate on this set?
most armour sets have a stronger bonus on the bp than the other items, and the stats are not incredibly amazing on it to make up for the less regen bonus.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
03-29-2014, 09:15 AM
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Oneangel is offline
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I agree...pls buff the zirco bp
The way I see it the legs give the same bonus as an epic rune at t1 level for crit, demon bp gives same as epic pain rune etc. why is this a about 1/5 as strong as epic euphoric without the reg bonus?
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha
03-29-2014, 10:58 PM
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03-29-2014, 11:55 PM
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Originally Posted by jaym
Support what?
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03-30-2014, 12:13 AM
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Huggles is offline
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glitch has addressed this already and has said it is working as intended.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
If they put a nice icon on you it's beneficial if they put a mean one on the other guy it's detrimental.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The player was banned for using an exploit repeatedly without reporting it. There's only 1 proper way to profit off an exploit: report it.
Originally Posted by Huggles
Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay
For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.
Just repeat for multiple effects.
DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
03-30-2014, 03:43 AM
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Oneangel is offline
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Does anyone apart from me even have a zirco bp? I just gotta ask with reg being a part of every build that either farms or pvp at high lvl, why would you go for zirco over earthfusion as your bp? 12% to mre and pre is kinda like 24% to reg as is it boosts 2 stats rather than 1, but still earthfusion gets 25% and then a 2% mitigation bonus as well.
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha
03-30-2014, 04:51 AM
Seer's BFF
chloe is offline
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i recently got one as i am trying what people have been saying to me for about a year ><
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
03-30-2014, 05:43 AM
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Jadakris is offline
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It is what it is, a lot more goes into a piece of armor than proc value.. Just an example, an armor with say +9 mre and +7 pre or something and 1 or possible even 2% less can be better because it allows you to drop the helmet for say something like an earthfusion helmet which is also more beneficial than the breastplate.. Allows for diversity of builds based on stats/ac count and not just procs.. At the same time prevents you from overstacking a specific procs..
03-30-2014, 07:00 AM
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Oneangel is offline
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All good points jada...I agree that it does a job and does it ok, the stats on it imo aren't overly complimentary to the proc though and although not far behind the other bp's, when you consider that you get 7% bonus to mre/pre from an epic 88 helm, 12% for a lg bp seems a bit mean. Even 15% bonus to mre/pre on the bp would be enough to make it a serious choice for more builds.
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha
03-30-2014, 07:11 AM
Seer's BFF
chloe is offline
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all i was saying was the bp isnt used that much, probebly due to other bps being much more beneficial to builds
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
03-30-2014, 02:57 PM
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Nautolan and Ripple both used it.. Yea it would be nice if it were better, but it's purpose is still there.. Healers will have their day again soon people just need to sit back and see how to do it properly 
03-30-2014, 04:16 PM
Seer's BFF
chloe is offline
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tbh i think quite a few of the armours need to be looked at again, i havnt tried a build with alot of them, but some of them i think are lacking compared to others. there needs to be more incentive imo to try other armour sets, but as they lack the formidity of other suits, i think it discourages people from trying new builds. just my thoughts anyway
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
03-30-2014, 07:21 PM
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StormGuardian is offline
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I use a Zircon BP also, and, as much as I would like to have a little more regen boost, I think it's ok. The one big thing jada missed, and the comparison to hp, is that, simply, HP pools are much larger, and get taken down much quicker, whether it be by damage or thefts/draws, w/e. Regen needs to be a higher %(even if reg itself could be nerfed slightly, but that's a diff discussion). Simply put, the BP is ok. It's not great, it's not terrible...but if it fits in your build...then it works pretty well.
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