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How Stats Affect Block, Parry, Miss, Damage, Resist and AoE Resist
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Default How Stats Affect Block, Parry, Miss, Damage, Resist and AoE Resist

Stats and Combat

Crush Blocked Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Str
Crush Parried Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Str
Crush Hit Chance: Attacker's (Str + Dex)/2 vs Defender's Agi
Crush Damage Curve: Attacker's Str vs Defender's AC

Slash Blocked Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Dex
Slash Parried Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Str
Slash Hit Chance: Attacker's Dex vs Defender's Agi
Slash Damage Curve: Attacker's Str vs Defender's AC

Pierce Blocked Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Dex
Pierce Parried Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Dex
Pierce Hit Chance: Attacker's Dex vs Defender's Agi
Pierce Damage Curve: Attacker's (Str+Dex)/2 vs Defender's AC

NoWeap Blocked Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Cnc
NoWeap Parried Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Agi
NoWeap Hit Chance: Attacker's Agi vs Defender's Agi
NoWeap Damage Curve: Attacker's Str vs Defender's AC

Ranged Blocked Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Cnc
Ranged Parried Chance: None
Ranged Hit Chance: Attacker's Dex vs Defender's (Agi+Cnt)/2
Ranged Damage Curve: Attacker's (Cnc + WhicheverHigher(Int, Str))/2 vs Defender's AC

Pet Blocked Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Pet's Dex
Pet Parried Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Pet's Str
Pet Hit Chance: Pet's Dex vs Defender's Agi
Pet Damage Curve: Pet's Str vs Defender's AC
Pet Heals are based on the Pet's Min/Max damage, so bonuses to that will increase heals, but there are no stats that will increase pet heals.

Crush/Slash/Pierce/NoWeapon Kited Chance: Defender's Agi vs Attacker's Agi
Pet Kited Chance: Defender's Agi vs Pet's Agi
DD/DoT Kited Chance (Trickshot): Defender's Agi vs Attacker's Cnc

DD Blocked Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Cnc
DD Damage Curve: Attacker's Int vs Defender's AC and Cnt

Gem Resisted Chance: Defender's Cnt vs Attacker's Cnc
Gems components with "Dex/Cnc" in their description Resist Chance:
Defender's Cnt vs Attacker's Cnc or Dex, whichever is higher
Gems components with "Dex/Cnc in PvE": same as above but only in PvE
Block chance is halved if your last auto attack type was auto shoot rather than auto attack.

Note that the stat-based defensive mechanics Block, Parry, Kite, and Resists are inextricably linked to your stats. Having an item give you a 10% bonus to Resist, for instance, will only give you the full 10% resist chance if you are facing an opponent whose CNC is comparable to your CNT. All other % based effects will simply give you the % listed.

Combat Attacks and Delays

-You are stunned for 20 seconds if parting with a staff during combat.

-You are stunned for 3 seconds and have all fading damage absorption effects removed if parting with a shield during combat.

-Swapping rune sets while in combat (and not looting) without waiting 10 seconds in between each swap will result in a 1 second stun.

-There is a 10 second stun (20 seconds if during arena countdown) for parting with an incantation rune during combat.

-While in PvP combat, every swap of an item in your equipment will result in a 1.5 second stun; pets will be a 1 second stun. Unlike normal stuns, these stuns will accumulate in duration and also prevent all types of regeneration for their duration. These stuns will max out at a total of 7.5 seconds, so a swap of an entire equipment set will result in a 7.5 second stun. Note that if you are already stunned for some other reason, these stuns will still not increase your total stun duration to more than 7.5 seconds, so if you are swapping from a staff suit to a nonstaff suit, which would normally stun you for 20 seconds, there will not be any additional stun duration from this mechanic.

-While in PvP combat, swapping a pouch will result in a 5 second stun. Regen not affected. This adheres to the same 7.5 second max as the above.

-For each whip you have equipped, your ranged attacks will be slowed by 25%.

-If you have a shield equipped, your ranged attacks will be slowed by 20%.

-All attack types can occur at the very start of a fight (unless encumbered), but they sometimes have long attack times and their delay can carry over from the previous fight or from recent equipment changes.

-The left and right side pets are on their own timers.

-If you swap a pet, it will not be able to attack for at least the amount of time it would take if that new pet had just attacked. That time will obviously be greater if you are still recovering from a pet attack in that slot of an even higher delay.

-Left and right melee weapons are on a shared timer.

-When dual wielding, your melee attack delay is equal to the sum of the delays of your two weapons but with a 50% bonus to attack speed.

-If you change an item in your left or right hand, you will not be able to melee attack for at least the amount of time it would take if you had just attacked with your current melee setup. That time will obviously be greater if you are still recovering from your previous melee attack of an even higher delay.

-Ranged weapon delays caused by swapping equipment are more complex, because they are linked to your melee delays.

-You can fire your bow and immediately start melee attacking without added delay, but if you try to shoot your bow after a melee attack, you will find you won't be able to until both your melee delay and your ranged delay have been consumed.

-Similarly, any modification to the equipment of your left or right hand, bow, or quiver will result in you not being able to do a ranged attack again until both your current melee attack delay and your ranged attack delay have been consumed. You will also not be able to do a melee attack until your melee timer has been consumed.

-All autoattacks in Nodiatis happen in near real time (ie at a low resolution and happening in the correct order regardless of whether your client is properly polling the server), however, your client only sees snapshots of what is occurring. The rate of these snapshots can be as granular as 0.5 seconds and can cause confusion about autoattack timing.
 This means that if an attack, or anything else for that matter, is happening every 2.6 seconds for example, then your client, if only polling and not doing other actions that cause faster updates like manual gem casting, would poll at timestamps of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0, and show you the attack at 3.0s, 0.4s after it actually happened in real time. The next attack will happen at 5.2s, and the client will show you the attack at 5.5s which is 0.3s after the attack occurred but it will appear to you as though there was a delay of 2.5s between the attacks. Then again you’ll see an attack at 8s when it really happened at 7.8s, which appears again like a 2.5s delay. Then at 10.5s, you’ll see the attack that happened at 10.4s. Then at 13s you’ll see an attack that truly happened at 13s. The next attack you’ll see is the 15.6s attack and you won’t see it until 16s. This attack will appear to have a 3s delay. After that the attacks will appear to have a 2.5s delay until the cycle repeats itself. This is the nature of polling, and it won’t affect the outcome of fights nor will you notice it much during combat when your client is actually getting updates from the server at a faster rate due to your casting, targeting, etc.
 This variance in the timing of how the client presents actions can be further exacerbated by other factors such as latency forgiveness (which may shorten the time between the first and second swing in particular) and connection issues. Pings that vary in delay and packets that get lost in transit, causing the poll to require being re-requested, can cause periodic variance in delay that is much larger than 0.5s. However, the total amount of attacks over a long period of time, regardless of connection issues, will remain the same and your character will continue to autoattack at the correct times on the server.

-Double and multiattacks only trigger on initial attacks (as opposed to from other multiattacks). This would include autoattacking, autoshooting, casting DDs, and procs such as Vengeful Shot. Split attacks, such as those from autoing with Bifurcated Blade or Split Shaft are all initial attacks and thus can all produce multiattacks.

Important Combat Definitions and Notes

"Attacks" by definition are Melee, Range, Pet and DD. DoTs are not categorized as attacks.

Worgen increases the pets' stats for all of the pet stats above.

The term "item-based effects" refers specifically to non-gem item "procs", i.e. the effects that are listed in the item's description and are typically triggered.

Crit Resist "Cresist" means that an attack that would have been a crit remains a normal attack.

Damage mitigation penetration reduces the effect of standard damage mitigation only. It does not affect special types of damage mitigation such as crit damage mitigation or bleed damage mitigation.

In PvP all damage amounts are increased as the length of the fight extends. For DoTs this multiplier takes place when the damage ticks, not when the DoT is applied. Because of this, cures (pending DoT removal) scale in PvP as well, however, the amount they scale is now significantly less than the amount of PvP scaling damage.

There are 5 types of DoTs: Bleeding, Forsaken, Burning, Diseased, and Poisoned. Each of those has an instant DoT version: Bloodlet, Curse, Flashburn, Plague Shock, and Poisonbolt, which are still considered DoTs for the purpose of classification and bonuses and are displayed in combat with ! after their value. It is rare, however, that a DoT bonus would exist that would affect nongem DoTs, but they do exist such as the Arcanist class bonus.

DoT damage is mitigated when it is applied, not when it ticks.


Everything stacks except for auras with the same effect/icon.
Everything stacks multiplicatively unless otherwise stated.
HP/Mana/Energy theft ie vampirism, devampirism, and cureism effects stack additively.
Kill-based HP/Mana/Energy gain effects that are based on your max HP/Mana/Energy stack additively.

Effects, AoE Effects, Color-Based Resists, Other Immunities and Resists (Tough Read)

AoEs (Area of Effect) are effects that have the potential to hit multiple targets. Colored gems are subject to specific color-based resists which are handled differently in the AoE case.

A gem in Nodiatis can have multiple unique effects. It's important to understand that the effects themselves are what have the potential to be an AoE, not the gem itself. All gems require an initial target regardless of them having AoE components or not. If the initial target is invalid, then you will be unable to cast it or the gem will fail.

The first line of defense against any gem are things that are specifically triggered from gem use such as the effects provided by Do Unto, Discourage Jeweling, and Incidental Redirction. These checks are only performed on the initial target of the gem. If such a trigger is successful, it can prevent, redirect, or mirror the gem in its entirety - that is, all its effects, AoE or otherwise.

After that, all the individual effects of the gem are performed on the initial target.

If the effect has a color, (and it is not an attack effect such as a gem that causes a Melee, Ranged, Pet, or DD attack), color-based resists are performed between the caster and the initial target prior to any AoE spread. If the effect is resisted by the initial target, then that is the end of that particular effect regardless of it being AoE or not.
Only if the effect is successful will the AoE spread to other targets, and those targets will not do a color-based resist roll.

Any AoE is triggered at this point, and the effect is split between all necessary targets.

In the case of "attack" effects (Melee, Ranged, Pet, or DD), the attack is then handled like a normal attack that came from autoattacking. In the case of DDs, this is when blocks and color-based resists will occur (in that order), on each target individually. Because attack components are split before these checks are performed, you could potentially have 3 single-target DDs redirected back to you by a skill such as Deflective Shield (which works on components) rather than a single AoE DD redirected back from Incidental Redirection (which works on gems as a whole).

For normal effects, the assigned targets now have the potential to individually do other types of prevention, such as immunities and resists that are specific to certain effects. Examples would be stun immunity from Aura of the Stoic or daze resist. Immunities and resists have a caveat that you cannot be immune or resist your own effects, ie you cannot protect yourself from yourself in this case. Except the Alcoholic, he can protect himself from his own dazes by being buzzed. Mitigation is not affected by this caveat, ie a Prowler will still mitigate his own diseases and a Berserker will still mitigate his own bleeds, should that ever occur. Also, you are not subject to your own damage mitigation penetration.

We hope this helps shed some light on the AoE process. The most common question we receive asks why the AoE nonattack color-based resists are rolled against the initial target prior to the effects being assigned to all targets. In the end, it ends up providing a taunting tank with a more important role of being able to shield his teammates from nonattack color-based AoE effects, while still requiring his teammates to have a healthy defensive ability to survive a potential onslaught of AoE attack components, further differentiating DDs from DoTs in the process.

Magnets are canon to the Nodiatis universe, however they are another issue altogether and are quite frankly beyond the scope of this article.

Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)

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