PK questions
Old 11-02-2013, 12:06 PM   #1
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Default PK questions

1. Will the 3x PK bonus last for life or will i have to PK people contantly to uphold the bonus?

2. Can i use recall potions while flashing? Anyone could PK someone and recall to some remote location to escape PK hunters.

3. Will the bonuses triple the xp from trophies or just the number of trophies i collect while farming? will they be <SB> or not?

4. Can i group with other PKs as soon as i PK my very first victim and gain protection or will i be barred from doing so while flashing? It would be nice to Pk someone and group with a capped toon and wait out the timer safely.

5. Can alts be used to redeem?

I create an alt, give him a face, level him and then have him force combat on me, when i kill him permanantly, i redeem. ------ Is this allowed or would i have to redeem the honest way?

*overskilling is hard work but i won't level higher than 40 so PK bonus will help me become OP more quickly*
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Old 11-02-2013, 01:40 PM   #2
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1. Will the 3x PK bonus last for life or will i have to PK people contantly to uphold the bonus?
bonus will last 7 days and to keep it you must kill at least 1 player every 7 days (for bunus renewal the player you kill can not be an alt, any toon connected to your account or a clannie) all these will count as a kill but will not renew the bonus and will only flash for 5 mins.

2. Can i use recall potions while flashing? Anyone could PK someone and recall to some remote location to escape PK hunters.
NO ..gates an recalls cannot be used while flashing.

3. Will the bonuses triple the xp from trophies or just the number of trophies i collect while farming? will they be <SB> or not?
NO..bonus will only give 3x the trophies which will be sb unless you kill that day then for that day they will not be sb.

4. Can i group with other PKs as soon as i PK my very first victim and gain protection or will i be barred from doing so while flashing?
It would be nice to Pk someone and group with a capped toon and wait out the timer safely.
Yes.. you can group with other pkers while flashing.

5. Can alts be used to redeem?
unfortunatly iirc the answer is yes (but cant remember this possitivly)I create an alt, give him a face, level him and then have him force combat on me, when i kill him permanantly, i redeem. ------ Is this allowed or would i have to redeem the honest way?
repeat question same answer as above

*overskilling is hard work but i won't level higher than 40 so PK bonus will help me become OP more quickly*
jus dooo it!!!!

Last edited by Sexykills; 11-02-2013 at 01:42 PM..
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Old 11-02-2013, 04:49 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Sexykills
1. Will the 3x PK bonus last for life or will i have to PK people contantly to uphold the bonus?
bonus will last 7 days and to keep it you must kill at least 1 player every 7 days (for bunus renewal the player you kill can not be an alt, any toon connected to your account or a clannie) all these will count as a kill but will not renew the bonus and will only flash for 5 mins.

2. Can i use recall potions while flashing? Anyone could PK someone and recall to some remote location to escape PK hunters.
NO ..gates an recalls cannot be used while flashing.

3. Will the bonuses triple the xp from trophies or just the number of trophies i collect while farming? will they be <SB> or not?
NO..bonus will only give 3x the trophies which will be sb unless you kill that day then for that day they will not be sb.

4. Can i group with other PKs as soon as i PK my very first victim and gain protection or will i be barred from doing so while flashing?
It would be nice to Pk someone and group with a capped toon and wait out the timer safely.
Yes.. you can group with other pkers while flashing.

5. Can alts be used to redeem?
unfortunatly iirc the answer is yes (but cant remember this possitivly)I create an alt, give him a face, level him and then have him force combat on me, when i kill him permanantly, i redeem. ------ Is this allowed or would i have to redeem the honest way?
repeat question same answer as above

*overskilling is hard work but i won't level higher than 40 so PK bonus will help me become OP more quickly*
jus dooo it!!!!
tyvm sexykills. i would normally ask bumper these questions but he isn't here.
Praise the hindu gods!
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Old 11-02-2013, 06:19 PM   #4
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As far as redeeming on alt. make sure the alt is higher lvl then you are. otherwise it won't redeem you.
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Old 11-02-2013, 08:16 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by xshadowedxx
As far as redeeming on alt. make sure the alt is higher lvl then you are. otherwise it won't redeem you.

its gonna take a while to get the alt to 40 then...maybe i can redeem on a person who's gonna reroll anyway. most people deathmatch their toons anyway do i can do the same when someone wants to reroll
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Old 11-02-2013, 08:51 PM   #6
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you can use multiple toons to redeem on so long as their combined lvl is equal or greater to yours

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Old 11-02-2013, 09:58 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Nemesiss
you can use multiple toons to redeem on so long as their combined lvl is equal or greater to yours
thats nice
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Old 11-02-2013, 10:10 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Soxson

its gonna take a while to get the alt to 40 then...maybe i can redeem on a person who's gonna reroll anyway. most people deathmatch their toons anyway do i can do the same when someone wants to reroll
this is implying you think you will live long enough to redeem...

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 11-02-2013, 11:07 PM   #9
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yes...there are only a few people in my range who can actually kill me. most have not logged in a long time. blaze knows better than to PKK me. plus, i'll put on high pots. there are remote places that people barely touch that i can hide out in. i'll do it when most of nodiatis is asleep or afk.
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Old 11-02-2013, 11:18 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Soxson
yes...there are only a few people in my range who can actually kill me. most have not logged in a long time. blaze knows better than to PKK me. plus, i'll put on high pots. there are remote places that people barely touch that i can hide out in. i'll do it when most of nodiatis is asleep or afk.
lol, just lol.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 11-03-2013, 08:17 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Soxson
yes...there are only a few people in my range who can actually kill me. most have not logged in a long time. blaze knows better than to PKK me. plus, i'll put on high pots. there are remote places that people barely touch that i can hide out in. i'll do it when most of nodiatis is asleep or afk.
thanks for letting us know your strategy
Originally Posted by Hoodrat
Stand your ground, concerned white citizen !
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Player mistakes have to be lived with.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
I have it on good authority that the founding fathers were pro PKing.
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Old 11-03-2013, 12:10 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Hooker
thanks for letting us know your strategy
np :P
Praise the hindu gods!
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Old 11-10-2013, 12:24 AM   #13
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i thought my strategy was good as well....then i got pkked
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Old 11-10-2013, 02:13 AM   #14
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completely unrelated things to remember...

10 tips all pks must know

1. If you pk while in group you go open range.

2. While those above your level range can't pkk you, those below your level range still can (provide they are above or grouped with someone above level 20).

3. you don't have to approach each potential target in same exact fashion. You may find that shield works better against some, whereas dw or 2h works better against others (or some combination thereof). May come in handy to have a few taunts if you come across a target that is fond of escaping at the last second. This is also a potential counter to any group that tries to renew testudo by repeatedly escaping and reentering battle (otherwise, in such a case, you only can really win by killing 'em instantly).

4. Do not feel ashamed to sit around in a town for prolonged periods of time. Keep those who could potentially kill you on buddy list. Absolutely no reason to ignore a clear and potential threat. Keep an escape pouch on you for whenever leave town. If go flasheh (pk), do NOT go past point of overencumberance. You can't destroy items in inventory while flashing. You will be a sitting duck if you're trying to wander around with 10 second stun and encounter mobs on every square. It is easy to say "I have a plan, and nobody will pkk me". Do not forget, you could potentially face a 3v1 battle. When it comes down to it, if you are going pk, you should be well aware of and prepared for the possibility of death. Always inspect before pking, and if you can't escape from someone stronger than you then is always better to lose a clan battle (if possible) than to permadie ... which brings us to...

5. dying in cb while flashing=permadeath.
6. do not forget that even if you don't die, if you fail to kill your target after five minutes you still... die. ?????????????????

"*overskilling is hard work but i won't level higher than 40 so PK bonus will help me become OP more quickly*"

7. Overskilling is easy. Burning through boon... not so much. You should consider having a plan in place for what you will do IF you do end up dying. It might not be a bad idea to have some alts set aside for a pl just in case

8. Cheddar cheese is delicious.
9. ^^^ (goes without saying)
10. did I mention ^^^

these are just a few small tips. You'll figure out lots of things as you'll go along

Originally Posted by Hooker
thanks for letting us know your strategy
ikr? XD

"I create an alt, give him a face, level him and then have him force combat on me, when i kill him permanantly, i redeem. ------ Is this allowed or would i have to redeem the honest way?"

Doesn't actually work this way. If your alt simply forced on soxson then said alt would not go pk. Your alt would have to force and kill somebody else and THEN force you. Otherwise, you'd more or less just be killing a "pkk", except for no actual benefit whatsoever. It would actually do more harm than good since it would advertise your location and you'd flash.

PS. I'm not sure about #6, but see below. You've been caveated =O

Last edited by ipsofatto; 11-10-2013 at 12:52 PM.. Reason: caveat :o
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Old 11-10-2013, 04:20 AM   #15
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Nice job ipso, but are you sure about #6?
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Old 11-10-2013, 09:30 AM   #16
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Nope. I raised my eyebrows when I heard it, but never cared to find out

One of those things that sounds wrong, yet strangely could be right. Seems a bit TOO crazy though?

Probably shouldn't enter a battle that would last more than five or so minutes either way, since that's allowing quite a bit of time for things to go pear shaped. (apologies, I just had to use that in a sentence at least once in my life)

I'll add a caveat though.

OH! One thing I forgot. When outside of town, /afk can be a killer. You never know when you may lose internet (it happens), and if you turn off afk then your toon won't be sitting around indefinitely while you wait for an opportunity to reconnect.

Last edited by ipsofatto; 11-10-2013 at 11:50 AM..
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Old 11-10-2013, 01:37 PM   #17
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ty ipso.

the chedder chese one is indeed helpful
Praise the hindu gods!
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Old 01-12-2014, 09:42 PM   #18
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go pk NAO

i have an alt who may or may not go pk so potentially you could use him to redeem on when i feel he has enough xp to reroll
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Old 01-12-2014, 09:43 PM   #19
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btw.. what happens if you, lets say crit yourself and die as pk. is that perma death?
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Old 01-12-2014, 09:52 PM   #20
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if flashing probably but not sure
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