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04-17-2013, 05:28 AM
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Aesonicus is offline
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I'd like to be the first to go... WAAAH THIS NERFS 2Hers and ARCHERS!!!....
But i'd also like to state that this skill will make archers DPS drastically increase over the period of the fight, and thats not counting arena bonus... That is all.
and for THers well... yea
04-17-2013, 06:49 AM
costeak is offline
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In the skill description is said that "...is not affected by PK or boon pasive bonuses." Shouldnt that be changed to active bonuses since u even cant select a stat skill for passive training?
04-17-2013, 08:29 AM
jaybee is offline
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and that skill nerfs the dillo pet also. oh wait glitch nerfed the dillo pet already
04-17-2013, 08:31 AM
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Boog is offline
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Originally Posted by Aesonicus
I'd like to be the first to go... WAAAH THIS NERFS 2Hers and ARCHERS!!!....
But i'd also like to state that this skill will make archers DPS drastically increase over the period of the fight, and thats not counting arena bonus... That is all.
and for THers well... yea
First of all, this will not increase anyone's dps ever. Lowering the amount of damage someone does to you does not increase your dps. The person this hurts the most is the DDer and the DoTer. Our attacks actually cost something to use. So for the first 10s of PvP combat (which most fights outide of arena finish during) casters are expending their precious resources and operating at up to a 25% defficiency.
For an idea that doesn't suck, see below:
Thank you. I have another idea of some balancing for multiple mob encounters. It would only work for the 1 of each mob + a boss scenario. Give the number of trophies that each mob would give normally, you take a slight penalty for killing the boss since he doesn't drop trophies. Give a +50% modifier to gold and base it solely on the gold the boss would drop by himself. Therefore you have to kill 2 extra mobs for the extra 50% boss gold. Item drops I haven't come up with a decent function for. The scenario above would give every build a chance to be useful in a group. If you decide to take this route to say... redwood forest, you would be fighting a squirrel, some roots, and a nightmare. Not many tanks would be able to survive taunting 2 mobs that tough, and a boss, which is easily twice as tough as the mob, if not more, all at once, without a healer or say, an extra tank. 3 piercers could make mincemeat from each mob, one at a time, or take their own mob and personally destroy, then focusing on whatever is left after they finish killing their respective target. The grouping possibilities would be far broadened beyond superblack mobs by this addition. Also, we could finally have fights that last longer than looting and have fun with our friends at the same time, on mobs that we don't have to worry about getting killed in 1 hit if the tank gets drained. That all kinda ran together but I'm not an English major, and separating it may make it worse.
Thank you to anyone that took the time to read the whole thing
04-17-2013, 09:08 AM
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chloe is offline
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i think the point about archers and 2handers is they do alot of damage on openers, where other classes do damage more evenly, and are not effected by openers. meaning that archers and 2hers do more damage at the beginning then other classes.
with the new skill it makes it so archers and 2handers get penalized more (yes im aware of the % being the same, this is about the timing of when damage is dealt, archers and 2h do alot of their total damage in the first hits, whereas other builds to it over time.)
just the veiw from me, but its here now, so might as well accept it.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
04-17-2013, 09:11 AM
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chloe is offline
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to boog, was your suggestion about multiple mob fights just adding to the ideas of what you posted a while ago??
just came as a surprise when it had nothing relevant to the original thread, but good luck to your idea anyway. i am impartial to it being implemented, but if it does, it could be quite cool.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
04-17-2013, 09:34 AM
Rath is offline
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Really it is just a small nerf to 2h opening damage. Noone is having this maxed anytime soon.
Last edited by Rath; 04-17-2013 at 10:00 AM..
04-17-2013, 10:00 AM
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Senteza is offline
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Ty for that. Finally got a stat skill to exp 
04-17-2013, 10:13 AM
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chloe is offline
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lol it will be lvled pretty quick by some people tbh, it wouldnt suprise me to see people with the skill at around 60/80 by the end of the month, maybe even higher
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
04-17-2013, 10:14 AM
Glitchless is offline
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We'll reword it to say active.
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04-17-2013, 10:22 AM
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Gooddevil is offline
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Someone paste full skill description please - im on mobile and cannot access game atm.
04-17-2013, 10:53 AM
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Destruction is offline
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Hmm, I definitely see some major pro's and cons of this skill. Both 2h handers and archers will essentially have their "opening hits" decreased. While some will say this is fair, you got to keep in mind that the heavier, slower 2h'ers and slowest bows were supposed to be "burst" damaged..now that they won't have that then their suffer in comparison to people in a fight who have "consistent" damage.
That being said, the bright side is for casters. From my own personal experience, and from many other casters I've spoken with, they have a lot of the time getting nailed in the first opening shots of the fight, killing them instantly. I'm all up for 2hers and bow users hitting hard, but part of me does see how it can "seem" to be unfair to those casters who die instantly when the fight starts. I think this skill will give them more of a fighting chance at the start of the fight.
Also, seeing that it's an epic skill it will mean that people will hopefully spend some time leveling it before it's maxed. It will definitely change the arena fighting in some ways. =)
04-17-2013, 11:59 AM
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LadyGaGya is offline
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OMG! A caster buff! what else is new?
04-17-2013, 12:37 PM
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chrisdj is offline
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So a caster with 2 x timmys and angelic R5 + a mit pot plus this skill is virtualy untouchable to my slow heavy hitting bow opening shot while the caster wipes the floor with me!
good work with balancing classes once again glitch!
04-17-2013, 12:54 PM
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paulodjohn is offline
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everyone is prone to take huge damage from the start of arena no matter what you are using. this is a buff for a proper fight instead of a stupid insta kill that can possibly let a fragile built arena team win
04-17-2013, 01:42 PM
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Fatcheeser is offline
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Originally Posted by paulodjohn
everyone is prone to take huge damage from the start of arena no matter what you are using. this is a buff for a proper fight instead of a stupid insta kill that can possibly let a fragile built arena team win
04-17-2013, 04:01 PM
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Boog is offline
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Originally Posted by chloe
to boog, was your suggestion about multiple mob fights just adding to the ideas of what you posted a while ago??
just came as a surprise when it had nothing relevant to the original thread, but good luck to your idea anyway. i am impartial to it being implemented, but if it does, it could be quite cool.
I have no indication whatsoever that the idea has even been read by Glitchless or any of his staff, so I will continue to post it until I do.
04-17-2013, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Tale
At that point it should be mentioned that they are the only ones that can cast on all opponents in arena while everyone else is taunted by a tank, that is an advantage that others don't have so what u mentioned as unfair is practically the only chance to kill a caster before the tank in team starts taunting and u get screwed.
Definitely a caster buff in arena imo.
doesn't arrow rain trigger through taunt as well?
04-17-2013, 11:58 PM
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Oneangel is offline
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since bm doesnt use burst dmg now dillo was adjusted and a lg pet added that ignores taunts id say bms dont really loose out on this skill. casters have done best of course but its only 10 seconds and only up to 25% mitigation at max. the better players and teams will always adapt and use new skills to help them. perhaps weighted steel wont be the obvious choice for 2h users but that energy/mana could be used for more resist gems or dots or heals. im sure this overall will make things more interresting.
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04-18-2013, 12:28 PM
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