Nod Stats |
03-27-2013, 03:33 PM
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Nod Stats
Originally Posted by Glitchless
It's a good question because honestly the game doesn't really provide you with enough information to answer it on your own. Pet attacks are treated the same as slashing attacks when it comes to block and parry. Here's how all the attacks break down:
Crush Block Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Str
Crush Parry Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Str
Crush Hit Chance: Attacker's (Str + Dex)/2 vs Defender's Agi
Crush Damage Curve: Attacker's Str vs Defender's AC
Slash Block Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Dex
Slash Parry Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Str
Slash Hit Chance: Attacker's Dex vs Defender's Agi
Slash Damage Curve: Attacker's Str vs Defender's AC
Pierce Block Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Dex
Pierce Parry Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Dex
Pierce Hit Chance: Attacker's Dex vs Defender's Agi
Pierce Damage Curve: Attacker's (Str+Dex)/2 vs Defender's AC
NoWeap Block Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Cnc
NoWeap Parry Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Agi
NoWeap Hit Chance: Attacker's Agi vs Defender's Agi
NoWeap Damage Curve: Attacker's Str vs Defender's AC
Ranged Block Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Cnc
Ranged Parry Chance: None
Ranged Hit Chance: Attacker's Dex vs Defender's (Agi+Cnt)/2
Ranged Damage Curve: Attacker's (Cnc+Int)/2 vs Defender's AC
Pet Block Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Pet's Dex
Pet Parry Chance: Defender's (Dex+Agi)/2 vs Pet's Str
Pet Hit Chance: Pet's Dex vs Defender's Agi
Pet Damage Curve: Pet's Str vs Defender's AC
Kiting Chance: Defender's Agi vs Attacker's Agi
DD Block Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Cnc
DD Damage Curve: Attacker's Int vs Defender's AC and Cnt
Gem Resist Chance: Defender's Cnt vs Attacker's Cnc
Question about crush: do dex and str have same effect on accuracy or is that just saying they both affect it?
Originally Posted by Glitchless
If they put a nice icon on you it's beneficial if they put a mean one on the other guy it's detrimental.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The player was banned for using an exploit repeatedly without reporting it. There's only 1 proper way to profit off an exploit: report it.
Originally Posted by Huggles
Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay
For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.
Just repeat for multiple effects.
DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
03-27-2013, 04:01 PM
Glitchless is offline
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It's saying the effect is based on the two of them added together, so they have equal effect.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
03-27-2013, 04:06 PM
Epic Scholar
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k thanks
Originally Posted by Glitchless
If they put a nice icon on you it's beneficial if they put a mean one on the other guy it's detrimental.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The player was banned for using an exploit repeatedly without reporting it. There's only 1 proper way to profit off an exploit: report it.
Originally Posted by Huggles
Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay
For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.
Just repeat for multiple effects.
DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
03-27-2013, 05:27 PM
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After seeing this list second time in my mind came only one thing : there is a variety of epic and legendary items which gives you chance to hit, but there is no such items with things like chance to do full damage. There is something wrong here: either me is high atm or there is a lack of fairness between those 3 types of weaponry.
03-29-2013, 10:48 AM
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Agreed with Marzus. From an offensive perspective, all crushers need is massive str, as it effects EVERY aspect, piercers just need dex as it effects EVERY aspect, however slash goes back and forth on str and dex. With slash you either sacrifice your hit chance for dmg, vice versa, or sacrifice both for it to even out. Seems like something of a disadvantage for slash. Maybe this is why Dice was added? (though that doesn't help whip users)
03-29-2013, 01:05 PM
Seer's BFF
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pets help whip users
If you make a sad face when you sing I hate you, die.
03-30-2013, 08:16 AM
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keep in mind that str+dex for crush and pierce is divided by 2
where dex for hit chance on slash isn't
so for pierce or crush you have 800 str+dex/2 gives 400 to hit chance
the only thing that really would make it seem like slash may falter slightly is the damage curve, hit chance is right there along with the others if not slightly easier to obtain on slashing weapons
04-14-2013, 08:00 PM
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Bump for Thorin
04-14-2013, 11:26 PM
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keep in mind that all stat points are logarithmic.
04-15-2013, 12:33 AM
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omg i wanna sammich nao
04-15-2013, 11:33 AM
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oh damn... I thought a little bit of STR would be needed to do full damage with piercers. Time to reset stats...
I mean what good is a dagger if there is no strength behind it? It won't pierce anything.
If a baby got a dagger he ain't killing nobody no matter how much dex he magically somehow has.
04-15-2013, 03:09 PM
Rath is offline
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Piercers find the sweet spot. No strength required to get through that soft flesh you have.
04-15-2013, 04:08 PM
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There is also the simple fact that when you look at parries and defensive traits you need dex as well. A crusher who goes all strength will suffer with their defensive abilities. This is not necessarily true of a piercer although strength effects blocking (should they be pierce shield). I doubt anyone is going to throw a fit that piercers are Overpowered, the upgrade to dice has made slashers more popular and I do not see any balancing issues with the way things currently are.
04-16-2013, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Skarner
oh damn... I thought a little bit of STR would be needed to do full damage with piercers. Time to reset stats...
I mean what good is a dagger if there is no strength behind it? It won't pierce anything.
If a baby got a dagger he ain't killing nobody no matter how much dex he magically somehow has.
You do realize that you just jinxed yourself? Now you will die from being stabbed in the eye by a toddler Oo
Can i get some data on hard/soft stat caps in general and how they affect archers specifically? Since im pretty sure there is a soft cap on cnc starting at 600, how does it affect the combined calculations?
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Some people like to be able to do things to corpses even if it wastes mana as an integral part of their role-playing experience.
04-16-2013, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Murdoc
You do realize that you just jinxed? Now you will die from being stabbed in the eye by a toddler Oo
Can i get some data on hard/soft stat caps in general and how they affect archers specifically? Since im pretty sure there is a soft cap on cnc starting at 600, how does it affect the combined calculations?
my best guess on this so called "soft cap" on stats that have a combined effect on 1 particular thing is you have 2 identical curves 1 for int and 1 for cnc it first takes your point on said curve and then averages the benefit from curve A with curve B
so say the plateau in the logarithmic function starts becoming obvious at about 600 of a stat (plateau is the observed "soft cap" while not really a soft cap due to formula remaining the same as stated by glitchy) if you have 800 of the stat youll get the bonus from the curve lets say at 600 it goes relatively linear on bonus and you get 600 bonus from 0-600 now at 800 you get a 700 bonus and then you have the other stat at 200 so you get the full 200 bonus from that the 2 average to get a bonus of 450 from the 2 stats while if you have 600 and 400 you average to get 500...this is why i theorize people actually do observe a difference when modifying stats as i just stated
note that all numbers in this are completely arbitrary due to me not knowing the actual formulas and i dont know if this is actually how it works or not its just my theory behind the equations but it would be nice for glitchy to confirm if it is or not
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
04-16-2013, 11:24 PM
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That unfortunately fits my observations and guesses pretty well. Thank you for the second opinion Pkp.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Some people like to be able to do things to corpses even if it wastes mana as an integral part of their role-playing experience.
04-30-2013, 01:11 PM
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Bump again for civil noobs...
05-12-2013, 01:16 AM
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bump again for more people !!
07-30-2013, 11:48 PM
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09-12-2013, 01:40 AM
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