How do gems work?
Old 07-31-2012, 01:16 PM   #1
Phrostbit3n is offline
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Default How do gems work?

I'm writing fan-fiction, and wanted to make sure I didn't contradict with someone else. Is there any indication as to how gems actually work? Are they crushed, thrown, or do they just empower the holder, letting them heal, gain mana, deal damage, etc. Suggestions welcome.
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Old 07-31-2012, 01:54 PM   #2
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Some claim the power resides in the gem itself, impregnated during the formation of the rare stone. Others say the gem itself is powerless and merely refracts the power of the user for different effects.
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:13 PM   #3
Phrostbit3n is offline
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Alright, I think I can work with that
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