Post Gem Ideas Here
Old 08-30-2008, 06:44 AM   #1
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Old 08-31-2008, 01:31 PM   #2
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It would be handy to have gem pouch icons somewhere in the combat window(in a corner somewhere) to swap between available pouches without having to open the pouch window.
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Old 08-31-2008, 03:52 PM   #3
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Well, here's some ideas from me (some may be reworkings of others already in this subforum, I apologize if this is so. I also apologize if I manage to think up an Aura idea that is similar to one that got added in the latest patch):

"Class/Color Class Bonus" Specific Gems:

Trapping Roots
Green Magic (20)
Mana Cost: 30
Energy Cost: 30
Characters with Green Magic boosts only (Ranger/Druid...not sure of any others)

Does 15 damage over 5 seconds and prevents the foe from escaping for that same amount of time. After the "Entangle" Effect has ceased, that foe cannot be affected by "Entangle" for the next 5 seconds. (to prevent escape lock)

Pain Amplification Aura
Black Magic (8)
Aura Gem
Death Knights only

Your foes take 2 additional points of damage from you and your ally's direct damage and physical attacks. (In other words, the opposite of the Thick Skin Aura for White Magic)

Blue Magic (10)
Mana Cost: 40
Energy Cost: 0
Rogues/Magicians only

For the next 10 seconds, your friendly target becomes harder to hit with physical attacks (no clue on how powerful the effect would be in numbers though).

White Magic (10)
Aura Gem
Paladins only

All friendly targets gain 5% status effect resistance. (Mesmerize, Daze, etc. This can also affect DoT gems, blocking the status and thus the damage)

I'll add more as I think them up.
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Old 09-01-2008, 04:39 AM   #4
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color specific auras, that lower the resist rate of that color aura's gems. example, a white aura that lowers the resist rate of all white gems by say 5%. if you get what i am saying.
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
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Old 09-02-2008, 11:33 PM   #5
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This could just be a wacky idea.. but How about a rare gem line that has a random effect? But the random effect is limited to certain parameters? and is an extremely powerful effect for it's level, but the effect isn't always what you want/need?


Pandora's Box Rank 1. (make it a bad arse looking graphic)
Prereq's: Blue magic (5), Red Magic (5), Green Magic (5), Black Magic (5), White Magic (5), Grey Magic (5)

Energy Cost: 30 Mana cost: 30
Recast: 8.0

This gem can perform any single cast of any other gem for it's level. But... you have no control over which one. Kind of like playing the lottery. Each time could have the same effect, or a different one! it could also burn itself out. Will also randomly turn into an escape gem
Essentially, it is a all in one gem, but the downside is you have no control which effect you get, whether it is a Damage over time, aura of effect, heal for you, regen for you, direct damage, or it just fizzles out, or turns into an escape gem.
Another idea:
You can also make combine gems that have effects of all the Damage over time gems, but do less average damage than the combined effect of three and for a longer average duration. I.e. instead of 15, 17, and 18 damage over 10, 15 and 25 seconds... do 13 damage over 20 seconds. Now the reason for this is... if you cast one of these gems... and then pull a normal DoT gem out of your pouch, you can cast it and have it stack with the multi effect. This creates a playstyle that favors DoT's over anything else.

Alternitively, you could do one with the regeneration gems, that stacked with the normal regeneration gems.

But to do this, you must toss in a skill that regulates how many combine gems a player can possess TOTAL in all pouches. That way these aren't tossed about like normal gems, but highly coveted, and not just for the rare status. Thinking like you can have 1 initially. 2 at the level 25 combine gem skill, 3 at the level 50 combine gem skill, and 4 at level 100.

That way you are balanced in the way these gems can be possessed/played, and don't completely overthrow the gem mastery system in combat.

Just an idea.
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Old 09-03-2008, 10:49 AM   #6
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How about a gem for fighters that boosts certain stats once the character's hitpoints drop below half? It may look like this:

Adrenaline Rush Rank 1

Prereq: Red Magic (5)
Gem colour: Red
Energy cost: 0 Mana cost: 0
Effective when in play (like an aura gem, except that it buffs the player only)

If hitpoints are below 50%, this gem grants the caster a 5% increase of both strength and agility.

- Alternatively:

Adrenaline Rush Rank 1

Prereq: Red Magic (5)
Gem colour: Red
Energy cost: 3 Mana cost: 0
Delay: 5.0 seconds

If hitpoints are below 50%, this gem grants the caster a 10% increase of both strength and agility at the cost of constantly draining his energy.
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Old 09-03-2008, 05:08 PM   #7
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Fade Rank 1

Prereq: Grey magic (10)
Colour: grey
Energy: 0 Mana:5
Delay: 5.0 seconds

When in play, this gem grants a chance of 20% to completely avoid attacks of any kind except for damage over time effects.

(Higher ranks would drain more mana and grant a chance of up to 40% to avoid damage.)
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Old 09-04-2008, 05:10 PM   #8
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Vampiric Touch
Pre: Black 5
Cost: 10 mana 5 energy
Drains 1-5 hp from the target and transfers it to the caster
Class: Necromancer/Dark Knight after level 20

Healing Touch
Pre: White 9
Cost: 30 energy
Randomly removes a harmful effect and heals the target for 1 to 8 hit points
Class: Priest/Paladin after level 20

Entangling Vines
Pre: Green 9
Cost: 20 mana 20 energy
Vines spring from the ground entangling the caster's target for 1 to 10 seconds preventing them from using melee attacks and temporarily halts gem draws.
Class: Druid 15

Edit: I didn't see this sticky thread when I originally made this post.
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:15 PM   #9
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Finger of Death Rank 1

Prereq: Black Magic (10)
Gem Color: Black
Energy Cost: 75 Mana Cost: 0
One Use Per Draw

Target enemy has a 20% chance to die instantly. For every level the caster's character level is above that of the enemy, this chance is increased by 5%. Vice versa, for every level the caster's level is below that of his target the chance is decreased by 5%. If the targeted enemy is a boss monster or another player, the chance is halved.

(The purpose of this gem is not to be used as a regular combat spell, thus the high and inefficient energy cost. The spell is more of a risky alternative to fleeing - the odds are worse, but if it works the reward is great. Also, if you know you will lose a battle in the long run or if a team member is about to die after one or two more hits, you might give it a shot with this gem. When it fails, you can still attempt to flee.
Higher ranks would have higher energy cost and provide a basic chance of up to 40%.)
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:27 PM   #10
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How about a line in Grey magic to Drain Mana or Energy from your enemy and give to yourself?

We have Resistance Auras, so what I think Hop was saying, is how about an Aura, or Gem that we can cast on an Enemy to lower their resistance to certain magic types?

And even perhaps a Gem to lower the enemies Armor Class and Agility? True Debuffs and some Buffs we can cast on allies to increase attack speed?

Sorry playing an Enchanter in Nod after playing one in EQ1 Disappointed the Mez, Dazzles and Stuns are all Blue magic...
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Old 09-05-2008, 05:07 PM   #11
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Dying for Power
either 0 or very low energy/mana cost
sacrifce 30hp gain 15energy or mana (separate gems)

could work very similar to the current healing gems except in reverse so

20hp for 10 energy/mana
27hp for 14 energy/mana
35hp for 20 energy/mana
50hp for 35 energy/mana
etc etc
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Old 09-08-2008, 09:11 AM   #12
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Spell Absorption Rank 1

Prereq: Grey magic (15)
Color: Grey
Energy Cost: 15 Mana Cost: 15
One use per draw

The effect of the next spell aimed at your friendly target will be negated and 30% of that spells energy and/or mana cost will be restored on it.
If no spell is cast on your target during a time span of 10 seconds, the shield fades out.

(Higher ranks restore up to 60% of the spell cost.)
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Old 09-10-2008, 06:33 PM   #13
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Infernal Weapon Rank 1

Prereq: Red Magic (15)
Gem Color: Red
Energy Cost: 0 Mana Cost: 12
Delay: 10.0 seconds

When in play, the targeted ally deals 2-20% additional direct damage each hit. Intelligence determines how likely the character is to deal full additional damage.


Vampiric Weapon Rank 1

Prereq: Black Magic (15)
Gem Color: Black
Energy Cost: 4 Mana Cost: 0
Effective when in play

Each hit of your targeted ally costs you energy and deals 5% additional direct damage. The ally is healed for the amount of added damage.
(Alternatively, the ally's mana is restored with each hit. Call the spell Spectral Weapon then or whatever.)

Last edited by Nosebatter; 09-20-2008 at 07:29 AM.. Reason: ambiguities
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Old 09-10-2008, 06:59 PM   #14
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Balance Rank 1

Prereq: Green Magic (15)
Gem Color: Green
Energy Cost: 10 Mana Cost: 20
One Use per draw

Each time the targeted ally misses with any kind of physical attack, his chance of getting hit is lowered by 20% for 2 seconds. The triggering effect fades out after 15 seconds.

Guardian Angel Rank 1

Prereq: White Magic (15)
Gem Color: White
Energy Cost: 35 Mana Cost: 0
One Use Per Draw

Each time the targeted ally receives damage (i.e. gets hit for more than 0 damage), a 10 hitpoints damage absorber is cast on it. The triggering effect fades out after 10 seconds.
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Old 09-10-2008, 10:46 PM   #15
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Strength of Arms Rank 1
Prereq: Black Magic (3)
Gem Color: Black
Energy Cost: 5 Mana Cost: 5
Delay: 3.0 seconds.
Increases the physical damage you and your allies do by 1 damage.

Increasing ranks up to 10, that increases damage dealt by the same amount. The cost is multiplied by the rank.

On the flip side...

Body of Steel Rank 1
Gem Color: White
Prereq: White Magic (3)
Energy Cost: 5 Mana Cost: 5
Delay: 3.0 seconds.
Reduces the physical damage you and your allies take by 1. Cannot reduce the damage you take lower than 1.

Up to rank 10, once again, scaling according to the rank number. The cost scales at 5 per rank, ending at 50 at rank 10.

I could do the whole process of it, but you can easily extrapolate a whole series of "boost" gems from this, such as

Energy of Gaia Rank 1
Gem Color: Green
Prereq: Green Magic (3)
Energy Cost: 5 Mana Cost: 5
Delay: 3.0 seconds

increases the damage of all green damage gems by 1, and boosts the effects of passive (non-damaging) green gems by 1%.

To make it so they don't get overpowered too quickly, you could even attach a general level limitation, or even a 10-levels-per-rank style of limitation, making it 0-10-20-30 etc.
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Old 09-12-2008, 05:32 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Nosebatter
Infernal Weapon Rank 1

Prereq: Red Magic (15)
Gem Color: Red
Energy Cost: 0 Mana Cost: 6
Delay: 10.0 seconds

When in play, the character deals 2-20% additional direct damage each hit. Intelligence determines how likely the character is to deal full additional damage.


Vampiric Weapon Rank 1

Prereq: Black Magic (15)
Gem Color: Black
Energy Cost: 4 Mana Cost: 0
Effective when in play

Each hit drains energy and deals 5% additional direct damage. The character is healed for the amount of added damage.
(Alternatively, the character's mana is restored with each hit. Call the spell Spectral Weapon then or whatever.)
I like the basic concept behind these.. Possibly paving the way for "battle mages" That rely on a carbonation of Buff gems and auras along with some weapons.

Buff gems would work similar to auras, possibly slightly stronger, but they have a short time that they are effective and cost mana/energy.

For instance the Mana shield gems.
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Old 09-13-2008, 06:25 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Ebonflame
Healing Touch
Pre: White 9
Cost: 30 energy
Randomly removes a harmful effect and heals the target for 1 to 8 hit points
Class: Priest/Paladin after level 20
what, cant include angels? what are they, chopped liver now?
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:01 PM   #18
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Valour Rank 1

Prereq: Blue Magic (20)
Gem Color: Blue
Energy Cost: 25 Mana Cost: 25
One Use Per Draw

The targeted ally or enemy deals 15% more melee damage, but receives 25% more damage from any magical source. The effect fades out after 20 seconds.

(The spell is supposed to be rather useless in solo fights, but powerful and versatile for groups that have, for example, a tank with 2 caster types, or a melee damage type with a healer or tank. In the former case the spell should be cast on the mob, in the latter on the melee attacker.
For easier balancing it might be necessary to make 2 spells out of this, one cast on an ally that increases melee damage dealt and physical damage taken and one cast on an enemy that increases physical damage dealt and magical damage taken, with both being inefficient in solo play as well. But I think it would be more elegant to put both aspects into one gem if possible.)
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Old 09-16-2008, 07:42 PM   #19
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Indestructible Sphere 1

Rarity: Rare
Prereq: Grey Magic (15)
Gem Color: Grey
Energy Cost: 0 Mana Cost: 30
One Use Per Draw

The targeted enemy can't attack or cast offensive spells for 3 seconds, but can't be harmed either.

(Would be easier to handle in group battles than mesmerize, the whole party gets a deep breath basically. The disadvantage is that other than a mesmerized enemy, a sealed enemy isn't affected by any harmful spells including non-damage offensive spells that yet have to come, admittedly.)
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Old 09-19-2008, 06:41 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Nosebatter
Vampiric Weapon Rank 1

Prereq: Black Magic (15)
Gem Color: Black
Energy Cost: 4 Mana Cost: 0
Effective when in play

Each hit drains energy and deals 5% additional direct damage. The character is healed for the amount of added damage.
(Alternatively, the character's mana is restored with each hit. Call the spell Spectral Weapon then or whatever.)
I like this. Great idea! Keep on rolling out more like this.

My Idea:

Mind Thief 1

Prereq: Blue Magic (15)
Gem Color: Blue
Energy Cost: 0 Mana Cost: 0
Effective When In Play

Each hit drains Mana by 5% of damage dealt to a maximum of 2 from target enemy. Target ally restores mana by amount drained from this effect.

Energy Leech 1

Prereq: Green Magic (15)
Gem Color: Green
Energy Cost: 0 Mana Cost: 0
Effective When In Play

Each hit drains energy by 5% of damage dealt to a maximum of 2 from target enemy. Target ally restores energy by amount drained from this effect.

Say each rank increases amount by 5%, and I'm not sure about the limit on amount that can be drained/stolen. It also couldn't be implemented as a aura, this would require costs and reduced effect (would be too powerful with a full group in combat). Vamperic versions with more oomph that would be restricted to the vampire class is also a viable idea.

Edit: 1 major change & a few minor fix's & following

Originally Posted by Dewfire
How about a line in Grey magic to Drain Mana or Energy from your enemy and give to yourself?
My Idea is following the already existing flavours in green and blue,
but I think I got the same affect you mentioned.

Last edited by nordakbalrem; 09-19-2008 at 06:54 PM..
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