Escape Gems (Exploit?)
Old 06-06-2012, 10:17 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Escape Gems (Exploit?)

When you are at or above 3x your weight limit, you're character is not suppose to be able to move from square to square, However with escapes it is possible to do so, thus giving the 1 square out of town farmers an extremely easy way to move trophies, and this also made it easier to move my trophies after a PKK found my static farming location. (moved the trophies without the PKK knowing, and was able to get them far enough away I could encumber myself "safely" and gate back to town.)

1. Farm the three hours, or two hours, or however long you might have for RT/RRT.
2. Enter combat one last time, load up all your trophies while you're getting beat on by the mob.
3. Use an escape gem to move to the previous square, (ex. A Town)

Depending on how far away from a town you are you could also use it effective then as well.
This could be a way for an N or a standard player to use less RT transferring all his trophies into the town, instead of making 2-3 trips and hitting a mob every time you leave the town. (with premium characters this is almost a moot point because of grinder.)

What could possible happen to fix this is when the character is over the 3x limit when escaping they stay on the same square? (Yes unrealistic I know, but who is going to try and lug all the stuff away they can't carry anyways if they're getting killed?) Or it can give some kind of message saying you cannot escape with your weight or something to that effect. (like the message it gives when you try to manually move after said 3x weight.)

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Old 06-07-2012, 01:37 AM   #2
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Been reported, pretty much it's so much work it aint an exploit
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