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Potential Duplicating when fighting epic beast as a PK
Old 06-05-2012, 05:53 PM   #1
Silentdeath is offline
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Exclamation Potential Duplicating when fighting epic beast as a PK

On my PK, I solo attacked epicbeast and died, when this happened, i noticed a few very interesting things. Number one, I lost all of my gold. Also, every item I had equiped or in my gem pouch, got duplicated, and put into my inventory. I think that this could be easily exploitable.... for obvious reasons, now I didnt try to sell anything I simply logged off and logged back in, and when I did this, All of the items I was wearing where gone and my gem pouch empty. Now I still have another copy of everything throughout my inventory, So i was able to simply put everything back on and where it should be. My solution to this, change the way the code reacts to a PK dieing, specifically when being killed by the epic beast, and also, no loss of gold :/ I was a little upset about that.
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Old 06-05-2012, 06:38 PM   #2
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This is a bug in the way PK deaths from beasts are currently handled, however, it would nto be exploitable. It may have appeared that the items were duplicated to your inventory but that was only because the data in the gem/equipment categories was not updated to reflect that they had been moved to the inventory.

You will be given 10 TCs to compensate you for your gold loss and for helping us correct this bug so future PKs can attack beasts without losing anything.
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