Trashcan oddity
Old 05-25-2012, 10:28 PM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Default Trashcan oddity

Before the trashcan, the easy way to get rid of resources was to try and equip them and then they went poof. The only snag was that they remained "in your hands," preventing others from initiating trade with you and the resources would show up in your inventory on arena or logoff/logon.

This "exploit" still exists and one of my toons did it by force of habit.

OK, so because the resource is still "in your hands," every time you pick up something, the trashcan appears. Imagine my surprise in the next battle when the trashcan appears every time I pick up a gem!

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Old 05-25-2012, 11:28 PM   #2
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Well, if anyone wants to put a gem in a trashcan then yes, I suppose it is detrimental. Everyone can play the game their way...

The exploit itself has been well known for ages and was no secret. I'd have to go looking, but I'm sure it's in forums already. The general feeling was the "something in his hands" change was a partial response to it. I seem to recall a comment that it was wierd that the person who used the exploit could still initiate trade while the other person could not.

BTW, my suspicion is that if you put a gem in the trashcan, it would be the previous resources that were destroyed and not the gem. I doubt there is any real risk here. I just found the whole thing funny.

Last edited by Barsoom; 05-25-2012 at 11:40 PM..
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Old 05-26-2012, 02:47 AM   #3
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There's no risk, like you guessed if you put the gem in your hand it will destroy the resource that you failed to properly destroy before.
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