Your MAIN Nodiatis toon`s character story :3 |
01-27-2012, 08:29 AM
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Your MAIN Nodiatis toon`s character story :3
Tell Us about Your Nodiatis character, Ur main toon`s story, his hobbits etc :3
1. All places and characters used in heros story must be related to Nodiatis world.
2. Please keep this topic clean, and dont post ur story twice, just edit ur first posted one.
Here`s the blank info form:
#1 Name: ****
#2 Class: ****
#3 Story: ****
#4 Best Friends: ****
#5 Enemies: ****
#6 Idols and favorites: ****
Last edited by Atropos; 01-28-2012 at 01:41 AM..
01-30-2012, 12:03 AM
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Lightdrinker is offline
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Blood of my fallen foes
Used to be trojan but now i has more pk point then him so myself
Originally Posted by Glitchless
You look to be correct about Dinhoruiz and we believe he has been involved or scammed in the past, however, we cannot confirm this with 100% certitude which is necessary for any bannings. Definitely don't trust him - not that you should trust anyone.
01-30-2012, 12:39 AM
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flipynifty is offline
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omg i wanna sammich nao
04-28-2012, 06:43 AM
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Middington is offline
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Name: Middington J. Woolworthe III
Class: Walrus
Story: I r oldst walrus on nawd
Best Friends: Enduir, Zoekend
Worst Enemies: MG (he knows what he did!)
Idols: All those people that chose to remain a low lvl, my heart is with you....noobs

Middington J. Woolworthe III
05-17-2012, 08:11 PM
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Darkdingus is offline
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Originally Posted by Atropos
Tell Us about Your Nodiatis character, Ur main toon`s story, his hobbits etc :3
My hobbit is Bilbo. He has his own story.
A man in love is incomplete until he marries.
Then, he's finished.
06-07-2012, 06:17 PM
Taknamay is offline
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Mister Skull
He was brought back to life by a good necromancer and now fights to protect people.
No current friends.
The enemies of mankind.
No current idols/favorites.
12-02-2012, 12:35 AM
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oderman is offline
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One of the elite guards in the realm of Nodiatis. When he heard of the princesses dissapearence he abanded his post in search of her. Unfortunately his charge was to guard the passage to the nether realm which housed the most foulest of beasts, and for this he has been cursed with a senility of epic proportions. Take pity on him, but beware the time when the curse is lifted. Though he comes through in waves now, his immence power will be brought to full bearance on those that would attempt to exstinguish the light of good. All should use caution in their travels; the Epic and Legendary beasts that roam the lands of Nodiatis have an eternal hatred for their imprisoners.
Last edited by oderman; 07-09-2013 at 09:19 AM..
12-02-2012, 10:46 PM
Rat Slayer
Kratos' Son is offline
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(I sorta break the first rule in the 1st half of my story,sorry :/)
The story of one of many sons of the God Of War:After being seduced and submitting to for one night by The War God, the sea goddess Amphitrite beared him a child in the Drevina Sea. At the time of this baby's birth was around the time Gods were called upon to return home once where their ancestors originated from, but they would have to leave all things behind,including their children. Amphitrite would leave the baby in the sea as she made her way to Mt.Whitecap to gather with all the other Gods and Goddess while they wait for the Sun Divine to allow them access to their true home. The Gods then dissappeared, their existence only in memories of those who encountered them and their forgotten children. The baby would drift for many months in the sea until it washed ashore into Drevina Town Pier. He was found by one of the Drevina King's servant, and he brought him into the kingdom of Drevina, and showed him to the King. The King, had a surprised look on his face, for he saw the baby's face,and showed a remarkable resemblance of the God Of War. The King had the baby become his son, for his wife never beared a child. The child would be next in line to be The King Of Oceans. Many years passed by, the child became a young man, and was entitled as the Prince Of Oceans as his father died sometime soon. The man though unfortunately did not want to become the next king until he was ready, so he struck out on an adventure in the land of Nodiatis. One event in this adventure was his travel into Mt.Whitecap, where the Sun Divine appeared before him, and before the man could attack it, The Divine blinded him with light, and memories of the man appeared before him, showing his true origins as a child of the Gods. With this knowledge and understanding, the man wanted to become a protege of The Sun Divine, where he would teach him the ways of battle. Many months passed, and soon the man was experienced in the beauty of the crushing weapons. He struck on out having learned monsters have rampaged all over Nod, troubling the existence of Men. But before he left Mt.Whitecap, he asked The Sun Divine what his real name was. The man was Kratos The Second. Since then he's met numerous people and other species of good and evil, but he keeps in contact with a half man half zombie Sierracoop. His greatest enemies are those of his half brothers, though no one knows who they really are, some say they are those of elites in the Nodiatis world, but rest assured, Kratdog wouldn't mind killing them all off to feast on their powerful yet wretched souls.
Last edited by Kratos' Son; 12-02-2012 at 11:01 PM..
Reason: no u
12-03-2012, 01:24 AM
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Jerzy is offline
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#1 Name: Punch Rockgroin, The "Rogue Ogre"
#2 Class: Fabled Spicer, subclass Thiefz
#3 Story: Punch Rockgroin is a 12 foot tall Ogre thief. He is rarely successful in his endeavors. He also always wears white and red Zubazz pants or overall shorts (with only one side hooked). Occasionally he moonlights as a folk singer with a band called The Turd Toasters in a dingy bar in Castille. Founding member of B.A.H.S. (Brotherhood of Aged Hellwood Shield). He frequently yells out "You kids need to get off the drugs".
#4 Best Friends: Qwan, anyone with >lvl 10 Free-flowingness, Nikita, Dr. Knuckles
#5 Enemies: Friend to all
#6 Idols and favorites: Billy
12-04-2012, 01:10 AM
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Hunters Bane is offline
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#1 Name: Captain of the Imperial Guard, Moff Morgan Crunch
#2 Class: ATST Walker Leader
#3 Story: I was on the Moon of Endor quelling an uprising by the native scum known as the Ewoks when we came under heavy blaster fire. It turns out that the Rebels had landed on the moon base and was threatening to destroy the shield covering the not yet completed Death Star. I called for reinforcements and we started to push the Rebels back, when some hairy mother ****ed pulled me out of my pilots chair and started to **** **** up. I escaped and fled the planet. I know await on a distant planted waiting for the Sith to rise again
#4 Best Friends: Anyone allied with the Empire
#5 Enemies: The one hairy mother ****er. I just waxed my ATST.
#6 Idols and favorites: Boba Fett and Jango and Freddie Mercury
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
Katerine |
06-29-2015, 06:40 AM
Katerine is offline
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#1 Name: Katerine
#2 Class: Angel
#3 Story: spawned in Castille, not knowing where her fate lies, she tries to do her best as much as she can to survive, feeling like a pawn sometimes, wondering where her journey will end. Her hair is long and auburn, her eyes green as emerald. most angels are depicted as beautiful slender dames, but that is how humans picture them. Katerine her skin is light sun-kissed, curvey like a guitar, broad shoulders and hips,cute round firm ass and well, chest well formed, short but firm legs ,hidden by her armor. She loves to weild the spear and her humor is warming. it is easy to make friends with her.
#4 Best Friends: "i do not want to make people jelous"
#5 Enemies: the npc chara's in Nod
#6 Idols and favorites: all are my favorites
06-29-2015, 07:37 AM
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devil is offline
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Name: devil
Class: soul stealing regenerererer
Story: ventured from the depths of hell looking for new souls to play with when i landed in castille. from castille i have ventured all over the land of nod killing mobs bosses and people alike with no distinction then playing with their souls while their broken bodies rot on the ground and i dont have a scratch on me.
Best friends: Anyone who enjoys an ice cold beer or who gives me their soul
Enemies: Anyone who doesnt like beer or /u
Idol: the drunken fisherman cause hey who doesnt like being drunk 24/7
07-01-2015, 02:57 PM
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name: Blaze
Class: Dark Knight
Story: a noob who was bored so figured saving the princess would kill some time.
Best Friends: Alastrina, Excellence, Brickk, and the rest of the noobs in clan Blaze
Enemies: too much effort to have enemies. just people that annoy me.
Idols: Alastrina, Bumperassassin
07-03-2015, 03:50 PM
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uglyoldman is offline
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Name: Uglyolddude
Class: Regenerer
Story: First I was born a dude, an ugly dude ... who was old.
Friends: I literally feel like I have 0 friends in Nod.
Enemies: It way to much work to have enemies.
Idols: Drunken Fisherman ... that guy just seems to have it all figured out.
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