Buying Rerollers Boon
Old 01-09-2012, 09:37 PM   #1
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Default Buying Rerollers Boon

So Ive been doing a little testing, It seems as long as you have a couple million gold and a lot of free time you could essentially buy loads of rerollers boon. The way you do this is first have 3 level 1 characters, buy some time cards, preferably 25 to start. Sell them for gold, at 250,000 gold for each time card you get 6.25mil in gold. I only had 2.1mil gold to do this test but the principal is the same. I after those time cards sold you should have any where from 30-50 in the social skill that received the experience. This is because after 10 levels you only get 10% of the experience you normally would. Well, if you delevel all the points from that skill you will have 0 again in all social skills. At this point you go down the line with your accounts, I did it with 3 accounts. Now the trader and the person getting traded to both gain experience. As long as the skill is below your level you do not take an experience penalty. So you trade the 6.250.000 gold amongst your accounts. I went from level 1-69 with 2.1mil gold. With 6.26mil you will get a lot more experience. After all your social skills have been completely leveled to High 70s, you reroll your account and delevel all your social skills to level 0. You use all the boon you get leveling other skills. Then you repeat the process. Granted you need to have a lot of gold to do this, but that generally isn't a problem for higher leveled accounts or people with money IRL.


Simple but effective solution to this problem. Do not allow players to untrain social skills. This would completely destroy this tactic.

Each skill to level 100 renders you 260,715,800 experience.
There are 5 skills you can level rendering you, 1,303,579,000 experience in boon each time you do this.

Last edited by Morrodin; 01-09-2012 at 09:59 PM..
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Old 01-09-2012, 10:00 PM   #2
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Default Also

If you were to level bartering first to 100 as a trader, you would pay almost nothing in tax.
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Old 01-09-2012, 10:06 PM   #3
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Old 01-09-2012, 10:52 PM   #4
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Yes but that is also a level 80 skill and a level 1 could not use that.
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Old 01-09-2012, 11:50 PM   #5
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This IS a possible abuse, but would cost approximately...

Start with 6M. Trade and lose 5% - Down to 5.7M
Trade back and lose about 1.3% (assuming bartering 70-80 from first trade) - Down to 5.63M
Repeat - Down to 5.55M
Repeat - Down to 5,48M
Repeat - Down to 5,41M - Final trade, two characters with 1B boon.

So, 590K (about 2,3 TCs - 11.50$) to create two characters with 1B boon.
As far as xp prices go, this looks rather profitable...
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Old 01-10-2012, 12:01 AM   #6
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Not to mention i went from level 1 -69 with just 2.1mil so that would be assuming you don't hit level 100 in 1 skill from 1 trade with 6mil gold. And after the first trade on each toon, they all have 100 bartering, So trading henceforth would cost you nothing, and to add to that you could start then as traders. SO they would pay less than 1% tax on all the gold.
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