90+ Epic Dropped non recipe form? |
06-17-2010, 11:21 AM
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90+ Epic Dropped non recipe form?
Just curious, is it a bug that Charreton has a 99 sleeve in ah (which has to be a drop) and that it was not in a recipe form?
The highest tier epics in the game (Level 90+) will only drop in the form of recipes so crafters at later stages of the game will be immensely important.

Last edited by Destruction; 06-17-2010 at 12:18 PM..
06-17-2010, 11:42 AM
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I am not going to search for Glitches post, but I was under the assumption the 90+ 100% TP's were weaponry. But I could be wrong....
06-17-2010, 12:15 PM
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that sleeve is made of Win
well im almost a ranger
06-18-2010, 12:38 AM
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maybe Glitch realized no one will get that high of crafting lvl anytime soon
06-18-2010, 09:09 AM
Glitchless is offline
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There was an issue with the code that preventing people from getting epic recipes twice in a row, it was allowing level 90+ epic drops. This will be corrected tonight and they will all be recipes as intended. We deem it quite suiting, however, that the players who were the first to fell these mighty beasts are the ones who got the first few high level epic non-recipe drops. Destruction gets 10 TC's for reporting this bug due to it's exploitative nature.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
06-18-2010, 09:25 AM
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ok wth was dest awarded TCs for that he did absolutely nothing except look at the AH and post a screenshot
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
06-18-2010, 09:41 AM
Yomother is offline
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I am mildly confused by the fact that a player gets timecards for reporting an issue that was clearly nothing of his doing. I put the sleeve on the auction house not to show off or boast but to give players some inspiration to have fun again with the game. By the vast number of responses/requests I got on Charreton, this intention was quite successfully fulfilled. I strongly recommend to keep it this way, that is, if players got two recipes in a row, they may have a chance to get a non-tp 90+ epic. The number of excited and enthusiastic players who contacted me clearly support this notion. Alternatively, give us an idea when a cap raise will come so that crafters will eventually be able to make 99 epic items from recipes.
By the way, I am not interested in getting any timecards. My first thought when I saw the epic was: wow, that's a very nice surprise, to have some true epics at this lvl and not a recipe. Others were as happy as I was when they saw the item.
06-18-2010, 09:46 AM
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i strongly agree with char and this is the reason that prompted me to buy 25 TCs last nite to hunt for this epics..now if these will benefit the crafters later then im sure it will become a vulture and piranha business...how disappointing it is 
06-18-2010, 10:04 AM
Mircicutza is offline
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Charr`s sleeve make the game enjoyable for me again, creating dreams and scenarios in my mind related to new stuff farming, now the dream ended  , is a pity that u don`t listen to real hardcore players of this game, Glitch. 
06-18-2010, 10:18 AM
IMO, make 90+ epics like 20% chance of true and 80% chance of recipe... not my preference, but will still encourage crafting, but give that excitement of getting a true epic that i felt when i got 89 crush =D
06-18-2010, 10:20 AM
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Thanks, Glitchless. Also, as a side note: I was not the first person to notice the 99 sleeve, but I was surprised to see that no one else reported the bug. When I spoke with a few clannies, some were even *grateful* that the 90+ epics were non-recipe form. Some people basically did not even care that the game was not supposed to give out these epics, so I see fitting that someone actually did report the bug and not abuse the dropping system.
06-18-2010, 10:23 AM
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noone is upset that you reported it people are upset that you did absolutely nothing and got awarded 10 TCs for it
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
06-18-2010, 10:30 AM
Yomother is offline
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If i had thought it a bug, I would have reported it myself. I - maybe naively - thought it was kind if a nice reward/benefit/giveaway for high-lvl players who explore their limits and those of the game.
06-18-2010, 10:40 AM
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he brought it to their attention so he gets the reward, is it really that hard for dickbutts to understand?
06-18-2010, 11:18 AM
A friend of mine and I both noticed the epic 99 sleeve AH listing. I didn't remember that 90+ epics are supposed to be recipe-only or I could've reported it and gotten 10 TCs. 
06-18-2010, 11:34 AM
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Here is something for all complainers:
YouTube - Trololololo
06-18-2010, 11:38 AM
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Faithfulservant is offline
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Rather than whine,watch the vid.It will calm all trolls down 
06-18-2010, 11:44 AM
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then we divide the tc 5 each char? or i will report it myself? dont ruin the excitement of lootin 99 armors glitch...think craftin will somehow evolves as game evolves and not absolutely on this concept. we feel the thrill & sacrifices of epic farmin high level mobs for this cause and to do this we grind and patronize the influx of TC purchase after purchase or else it's a total boredome to see same epics all over again - dmv, vd3, vd4 etc...as usual add some spice and maybe add 99 epic whips and i wont turn imo *wink2x*
06-19-2010, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Destruction
Thanks, Glitchless. Also, as a side note: I was not the first person to notice the 99 sleeve, but I was surprised to see that no one else reported the bug. When I spoke with a few clannies, some were even *grateful* that the 90+ epics were non-recipe form. Some people basically did not even care that the game was not supposed to give out these epics, so I see fitting that someone actually did report the bug and not abuse the dropping system.
I don't think anyone knew it was a bug. Surely Glitchless wouldn't let their precious recipe-only epics drop as full items? Wrong I guess. First thing I did when I saw the sleeve? Copied down the stats and updated the wikia with new equipment info for all to benefit from and uploaded pictures of the whole set for dreamers to gawk at. You're welcome.
I am also a little confused why it deserves a large tc bonus. If Glitchless was paying any attention to the game that day or anytime after they would have noticed the buzz about a non-recipe 99 epic. If anyone and everyone observes something, does the one person who appeared to be wasting time by making a thread deserve the bounty for jeff's rogue curly brace? Probably not, but there's nothing to do now. It's just a very strange string of events that deserves a few "wtf??" comments.
How about everyone who commented before Glitchless took any action? They are more attentive then the admin apparently, that deserves reward >.>
But most of all, don't crush everyone's fun. How much fun can mindless farming be if there's no interesting loot? We need good, unique loot to look for, not more rhinos and polar bears.
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