Holy Army
Old 03-29-2010, 10:56 AM   #1
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Default Holy Army

(After this post the style will change back to a normal thread, This thread is directly linked to Vuxxa's history of Sanctus Exercitus.)

Years ago we were just like everyone else in the world. Just a few more people scurrying around wasting there time looking for something...better. In our school life we were nobodies, disregarded and barely noticed. But all that changed, it was a course set in action within there very own government in what was once the greatest nation on the world. But like all good things this to came to it's end, with but one man on center stage guiding us all to hell.

Things started off inconspicuously but spiraled out of control so quickly. Bill after bill was sent through into law, each one more terrible than the last. The cycle found it's climax in the most recent addition. Bill HTS-VI-66, or as it's known today, The Human Tracking System. It was introduced as a new form of currency but quickly it done away with all other forms making it a requirement to have this system implanted within you. People protested and rioted in the streets but in the end it was pointless, now there are two people in the once United states, the cattle, and those involved in SE, the " terrorist group".

Sanctus Exercitus, or translated the Holy Army a group founded by two people that as of yet have not been identified by those they stand against. Almost everyone world wide has seen this group in action it started off with a simple message. One that was viewed millions of times the world wide, they used the internet to spread there message, a particularly popular open streaming site in fact.

There message was a simple one, A hooded man speaking head down to a camera.

" My fellow people the time of ignorance has passed, and with it has gone the shroud placed over our eyes. We see them as the demons they are, and before all is said and done so shall you. The holy book told us of this day but we turned a deaf ear to it, and now the masses have been marked like cattle of the streets. Now so that you may all see the truth have we founded Sanctus Exercitus, and with it we shall strike deep into the heart of chaos. Now is our time, our time to rise up and throw of the ties that bind us to the dark path. Hear our words and know them to be true."

The next day SE had been labeled a right wing christian extremest group. The news blared countless stories slandering them with comparisons of some the most despised people of there time. These things held little importance though for soon the masses would see SE in action and would bear witness to the beginning of the war. The great wheel was turning and destiny had strung together a group of people diverse in origin but one in meaning...

Last edited by ketotsue; 04-08-2010 at 07:14 AM..
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The Council
Old 03-30-2010, 09:42 AM   #2
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He soon found his way into the main chamber of there underground facility. Once he was inside he noticed the rest of the council was already there waiting for him to arrive. In all there were six member's of the council Ketotsue, Vuxxa, Enos, Xerxes, Andarial, and Isis. Now obviously these were only there code names not even the other members knew there true identities. They sat in there respective places at a large black marble table, it was round in nature to avoid any one member appearing any better than another. The room itself was a fortress within a fortress. Over a foot of solid steel separated them from the rest of there base, the lights within the room were only bright enough to allow each member to find there place without to much confusion.

Xerxes, He was a large man, standing around 6 foot. Short red hair found it's place atop his bulky skull, if you didn't know better one would assume he was just another pumped up meat head. And as usual he spoke first due to his overall inability to stay quit for to long.

" Late as usual... You know everyone else finds there way here on time, but here you are always the last to arrive, your no better than anyone else here."

An awkward silence fell on the room as everyone awaited the response. For a moment it seemed Xerxes had pushed his luck to far. He had not though and Ketotsue spoke to him calmly.

" I do not claim to be any greater than any of you, but you should know better than to question me or any other council member Xerxes. If I wish to spend an extra moment in though before we decide the fate of our people then I do not think anyone here should find fault in me. However if you wish to carry on your complaint your words will not fall on deaf ears."

Of course at this point Xerxes fell quit as he usually does. It seemed to everyone that he simply wanted to have his voice heard on a daily routine.

Now if we are all quite settled, I believe we have a problem to face."

It was Isis that spoke this time, She was calm and rational person, and had been one of the first to come into SE. She was of a small build, with pale skin. Long black hair found it's way down to the small of her back, though her most notable feature was the emerald green eye's that adorned her face.

Vuxxa then spoke up,

" She is right, we have a problem to face, SE had become a target of the media, and as such local police departments are stepping up there search for us, at this point we only have two options one sit around and hope they miss us, or two take an offensive stand somewhere else and lead them off our trail. "

People then feel quit, pondering which course of action would best serve there needs. A few minutes later Keto spoke again.

" Those in favor of our first option raise your hands now. "

When not a single member raised there hand it was obvious what would have to be done. All that was left was to decide a target to hit.

" I personally belive we should hit them where it hurts, large oil drills would be best."

This time it was Andarial that spoke. She stood somewhat taller than Isis. With the same relative build. Her skin was darker though almost native american in color. She had slightly curly shoulder length brown hair, and her eyes were baby blue in color.

When no one else spoke against her plan it was unanimous, soon they would move out and hopefully bring the attention of there home land. Soon enough they had all found there way to the massive door that lead into the center of there base. Vuxxa walked to a small keypad to the right of the door, and punched in a rather long code. The door opened and they quickly went there separate ways.

Last edited by ketotsue; 03-30-2010 at 09:53 AM..
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Old 04-08-2010, 07:13 AM   #3
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This was the day everything would change, now there mark would be made and soon people would know there is more than one path that could be taken in these dark times.

I wonder... do the people really believe us to be the evil in this world?

He was deep in thought sitting in large wooden chair awaiting noon to strike. Everything was already in order, though it had been scaled down dramatically everything would still work out fine, only difference being that it was now only Vuxxa and himself that would make the strike.

He stood up from his chair so that he could get ready for the strike, as of now he was still in civilian clothes and was unarmed. The room he was in was dark which made thinking easier for him, but did have the draw back of slowing his change into resistance fatigues. So he pressed a small button that laid on one of the chairs large arm rests, and soon dim lights kicked on allowing him to see.

The room itself was very plain, it was only the size of a small child's bedroom. Within it were very few decorations, the large chair he was sitting in, an oak desk to accompany said chair, and a large painting hanging on the right hand side of the wall. It was one of the few paintings that escaped the president's sweeping flame of destruction for he saw all open sources of expression as an enemy of the state.

He now walked towards the painting, when he stood directly infront of it he spoke out

"Ostendo sum vestri specialis" Reveal your secrets.

There was a faint clicking noise and the painting slide open showing a small room within the wall. As he walked in another dim light kicked on revealing a single table within the secret area. On the table laid his equipment, combat fatigues colored a single shade of green, a set of large black combat boots, two silenced nine millimeter pistols complete with three round burst modification, and behind the table laid upon a foam replica of his body was his favorite equipment. A black breastplate sat upon it's chest, and on it's hip rested a small 24 inch short sword, just in case things got to close for his liking. Soon enough he was walking out of the room his breast plate and blade hidden underneath the combat fatigues.

Waiting on the other side was Vuxxa, there was an uncommon expression on his face, one of concern.

" Something has happened, we now have more pressing concerns. Walk with me."

Without another word they started down the hallway, heading towards the elevator at the end.

" What has happened? "

" One of our villages is about to be attacked they were thought to have been hidden apparently not well enough... There is a government assault team heading there now, if we don't get there ASAP then they will all die"

" Then what are we waiting on let's get moving."

Within moments they had arrived at the ground floor which was really only an exit from the complex. Waiting on them were two area sensitive police cruisers, as this seemed to be the only way to move around anymore. Inside each cruiser was three soldiers each armed with semi-automatic weaponry. Without another word the two of them got in the cruisers and headed out to the village.

Last edited by ketotsue; 04-09-2010 at 06:45 AM..
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First Contact
Old 05-15-2010, 08:09 AM   #4
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1 Year ago

Rumor had gotten around, and SE was no longer just a whisper on the wind. There group had found fame on the internet but was still denied by the government or the media. They had made several attacks on government forces crippling there planes in multiple ways, raiding cargo trucks, taking our railways, anything that would slow the government's advance.

But this was there first chance to do something truly important to the cause. One of the "presidents" service dogs or "lower acolyte" as he called them was close to one of there bases undoubtedly searching for them. They would make his search easy though, as of right now the entire SE council was suiting up to take him out.

He was the last to arrive outside as usual. The blade he carried with him hung off his side which prompted a remark from Xerxes.

"Here we are, off to lay a personal blow to the pres. and he brings a knife to the gun fight... "

"And if I may, what do you intend to do when you run out of bullets???

His retort had left Xerxes red in the face and unusually quit. Within moments they were on the move heading east to the location of the new target. Soon enough they had caught up with the target. It seemed the president was serious about finding there base as he had sent one of his more trust worthy Acolytes this time, the Lesser Acolyte Phael. He was very far from finding there base though so they waited for a moment assesing the situation. It seemed he was under guarded for such an important mission. Only a few marines stood beside him they counted six including Phael.

The woods all around them made for perfect cover, so the group of them split up so they could more easily take care of the situation at hand. Everything was set and ready to go, all they waited for was a signal from either Vuxxa or Ketotsue, and then the fight would be upon them...
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Resistance: An Act of Futility
Old 07-01-2010, 06:35 PM   #5
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Default Resistance: An Act of Futility

The woods were quiet despite the occasional hoot of an owl. The pale light of a full moon filtered through the leaves and branches above them, this being their only source of light. Ketotsue carefully navigated over sticks, around trees, and other obstacles, careful not to make a sound. The only noise he created being the light whispers of the undergrowth as he brushed across their leaves in passing. Of course he decided to bring along a few men even though they faced only a handful of marines and the president's 'dog'. Though it was a well taken percussion seeing as to the importance of the mission, no doubt there was some sort of trap, or some hidden marines. How strange it is. The president sending so few for something as important as crushing his main opposition. His thoughts quickly being interrupted at the sound of a quiet snap and a whispered "Dammit".

Ketotsue turned his head looking at the soldier standing back to his right. The Council Member had a look, stern, bordering on angry, whispering "May I suggest you pay more attention to where you step. Or would you by chance wish for our cover to be blown and the enemy to discover us!" He looked ahead once more "Now, I'm guessing we can continue without and more snapping of sticks" He then motioned for them to move forward again. Continuing on until they reached the edge of the tree line, crouching down in he undergrowth. The grass out across the field was fairly tall, around two feet, the tops swaying in the wind as a slight breeze swept across the field. And there, thirty yards away stood the so called Lesser Acolyte Phael. He then reaching out with his mind, concentrating, it took a few more seconds before Ketotsue found him, on a rocky hill to his right. Vuxxa, the name rang out in his mind.


Vuxxa emerged from a patch of woods, several Sanctus soldiers followed behind him. He continued up a hill, nearing the top he lay down on his stomach, his men doing the same, and continued to the top. The other side of the hill was a small rocky face that met the ground below. Why did I have to choose the hilly, rocky woods he thought as he peered out over the field. There he is he thought as he saw Phael with his men, they appeared to be talking before continuing left. Then a voice rang out in his mind Vuxxa

Ah, Ketotsue. he then realized exactly where Ketotsue was, in the patch of woods to his upper left. Well Keto. Just your luck, it seems their headed in your direction.

Damn my luck. It's insistent on being bad replied Keto

Well, we should go ahead and start this. Though you should probably wait until his attention is diverted away form your general area.

Oh, I planned on it.

Vuxxa then concentrated, searching for the other, a slight pain shooting through his head, There they are.. Then another pain. Is everyone in place

Xerxes was the first to answer, Yeah, I'm ready to get these punks.

Isis, Yes

Andarial, I'm in place

Then Enos in an almost angry tone ......Ok

Then Vuxxa sounded his vice within all of their minds ATTACK! A second later machine gun fire erupted from various locations around the field. Vuxxa and the three men with him joined in on the attack. Three marines dropped. the two remaining marines returned fire into the woods and Phael turned towards Vuxxa. Then Ketotsue attacked, bullets began to spray from the undergrowth. Vuxxa pulled out his scoped .44 Magnum, grasping it in both hands, lining Phael's head in his sights and pulling the trigger. His arms bounced up from the recoil, but when he looked again Phael was still standing there laughing. The other two Marines also were unharmed. "You fools!" shouted Phael. Did you truly believe that our glorious and omnipotent President, Joshua Imus, would truly allow a mission such as this to fail so easily. Hahahaha! No! But you, you believed it to be so. We and a few marines. You believe that to be it. Guess again. He waved his hand revealing thirty more men and a tank. "The lord of this world has granted me power. And by this godly might shall you all fall."

Ketotsue contacted Vuxxa Well, now were hopelessly outnumbered, and this Phael guy seems to be packing a hell of a lot of power.

Vuxxa duck down behind the hill, bullets whizzing overhead and burying themselves into the trees. A tank shell slammed into the thick of trees near Ketotsue, pieces of wood and dirt flying from the forest. A crater a fire took the place of those trees. Yeah, we're going to need to get rid of those tanks.


Ketotsue dove to the right as the shell exploded nearly twenty feet away. Several trees went flying out into the field taking with them a few marines. Chunks of earth launching up into the air like a fountain as trees splintered in all direction. A splinter caught one of his men, who fell to the ground and the wooden missile drove through his left jugular. A spray of droplets launched forward as the splinter exited. Blood began to ooze out at the base of the projectile, while a fine spray periodically shot up. "F***!"

Then Vuxxa's voice rang in his mind Yeah, we're going to need to get rid of those tanks.

Ketotsue replied Yes, we definitely do. He then got up off the ground looking at the man, "There's...there's nothing we can do. He's gone" He then closed his eyes before looking down at the body again "May your soul finally rest in peace away from this dark world" He then turned around, pulling out his two 9mm pistols. Vuxxa spoke to his mind again Xerxes says he'll go after the tank at the far end of the field. I'll go after the one

Ketotsue then interrupted "No, leave that one to me. I've always wondered what it would be like to face tanks. Now I'm learning." He then ran out into the field followed by a lone soldier, his pistols head out in front of him, the bullet fire ringing out across the field, one, two, three, marines dropped. Water splashing up his pants as he ran, the field being sodden from the recent heavy rain. Bullets passed by him as he jumped to the left firing some more rounds, four, five, marines down. He could hear Enos' SMG's off in the distance, accompanied by the assortment of other weapons, most automatic. As Keto passed the hill he hear the sound of Vuxxa's .45, to the left one marine spun with a hit in the shoulder, another through the head, the blood flying out as he fell to the side.

He could now see the tank as he ran farther and farther. the barrel swiveled, Ketotsue ran behind a thick of soldiers, they turned, firing on him as the barrel launched it's missile. there was the resounding BOOM!, accompanied by the explosion as body parts went flying through the air. The council member fell to the ground. His ears ringing, then a pain. He held his hands to his ears, "Dammit!" He forced himself up. The barrel was now turned to a different direction. He sprinted, bullets erupting from form the tanks machine guns. Keto dove and rolled, jumping up on top of the tank. There was an explosion, Xerxes thought Ketotsue as he worked with the hatch trying to get it opened. Finally it did and he wretched it open, stepping to the side, pulling a grenade pin with his teeth and throwing it down the hole. Ketotsue turned, letting the hatch drop as he dove off the metal shell, rolling as he hit the ground, shifting instantly into a run. They grenade then went off, smoke then began pouring out. The crew killed and interior beyond use.


Really, did they expect not to take heavy losses. Their in an open field with no cover thought Vuxxa as he took down six more marines. He ducked down behind his rocky hill again. Well, at least those tanks are down. Two sanctus soldiers were crouched down to his right and left. These bastards seem to be tough. If you don't shoot 'em in the head they keep firing back. He thought as he pulled out his .44, crawling to the top and looking down his scope. Bang, another one killed in the distance, another shot, one more dead. Some bullets flew over his head as he crawled back down. Of course, twenty more marines had to show up when there was only ten left. And surprise, the ones who survived were near Phael. Vuxxa peeked over again, he though Damn as he could see some marines were converging on his area. A Sanctus soldier shot at them but got clipped, flipping him back into cover. Then something went flying over head "Oh hell" he said as he dove out into the open, the grenade going off and shrapnel flying through the air. Vuxxa rolled, sending a barrage of lead at the approaching men.


Isis lay concealed, mostly covered by a tree. She looked down the barrel of her rifle. Her finger began to pull down on the trigger then So how about after this we go and do soemthin', the voice rang in her head as she missed her target.

Xerxes, I don't have time for this. Can you save your unwanted advances for a time when were not being attacked. she said to Xerxes through her mind looking down the barrel of her rifle yet again.

Come on baby. I like you, and you sure as hell got the hots fer me. Just admit it.

Isis sighed No Xerxes. I find you repulsive and your idiotic banter and lack of intelligence is a disgrace to this organization.

Come on hot stuff. You know you love me. Plus yer always checkin’ out my package

She replied trying yet again to shoot a marine, this time it was a marine aiming his barrel at EnosNo, I would never even think of looking at your so called package, and no I don't love you, I may actually hate you.

Well you know, the part of the brain for hatin' is close to the part of the brain for lovin'. So yer just confused. Yer gettin' hate mixed up with all that love. Ya want me so bad it's leakin' into the hatin' part of yer brain.

If you don't shut up you will know pain

All I'm hearin' is you wanta get kinky with me.

Have you already bothered Andarial

No, I only got eyes fer yer sexy ass

Um, Isis, sorry for bothering you but I thought I should tell you that Xerxes was just bothering me and he'll probably go for you next.

Just ignore him Isis. Just block it out she thought as she aimed and fired, taking down a marine.


Time had passed and now only seven marines remain, all under the protection of Phael. All efforts of attack fail. So what the hell are we going to do said Ketotsue through his mind to everyone, a pain soon shot through his head.

Then Andarial spoke out with an idea Hmm, maybe we can overload that force field

Hm, my thoughts exactly replied Vuxxa

Ketotsue fidgeted before answering back Yeah, I was just thinking of the same thing. But is it a viable plan for us?

Well answered Isis hesitantly Overloading it should definitely be possible. But can we do it. I want to say yes, but, do we have the ability. She paused before grinning with an evil glint in her eye We could always send Xerxes at it and see what happens Then she thought to herself Maybe he'll be his stupid self and go charging into the field. How could they blame me for doing anything. "Oh, how was I suppose to know he would go charging into his death" Oh wait, Dammit. They know that I know he's that stupid.

Vuxxa then said sarcastically Oh yes. Muscles that large are bound to be able to overcome anything.

A smile spread across Xerxes face. The others knew it too, due to his lack of being able to hide thoughts, feelings, and physical action from others who share a mind link with him. Yeh Xerxes said through his mind to the others. Now we're talkin'. I was wonderin' when you guys would decide to send out the pro. He then readied himself to go running out into the field. Getting into his charging stance. I'm going to roast this Phael guy. Then he tried to think to himself, only to fail, If only I weren't so good at this kinda stuff. But then just as he was beginning to reach the edge of the tree line, a small spark of intelligence glowed within his brain. Wait a minute. Are you trying to kill me. He then withdrew back to his hiding spot.

Well, now that that's over. began Ketotue If there's no other ideas I suppose we should get started with this.


After some consensus, it was determined that breaking the force field through overexertion was their only option. And not a very hopeful one. So, now that we've come to a conclusion. We know what to do. It's simple really. Attack the hell out of the force field and hope it's energy source gets strained and this little invincibility shield of his breaks down!

Then Xerxes cut in Yeah, and this plan is based offa me. Don't any of you forget that!

Then Ketotsue came to a startling conclusion Hm, we're going to hammer into this force field repeatedly in hopes that it will break down. Damn, he's right! This plan is based solely on Xerxes type, uh, 'tactics', if you could call it tactics.

Ok. But don't you think we should go and get this over with already instead of talking. said an agitated Isis.

Yeah, I'm ready. Then with consensus from the others it began. Enos was the first to act, almost as if he hungered for it. Pulling our his Falcon and unloading the clip into the protective bubble around Phael. Isis followed with quick consecutive rifle blasts.

Next came shots from Vuxxa's .44 and Ketotsue's 9mm bursts. Followed by Andarial's AR. Then finally the resounding boom of Xerxes massive and powerful handgun, the 700, sending both of his hands nearly above his head. Though none of this did anything. Only small bursts of light erupted from the impact points with the energy field around Phael. Then suddenly a grenade flies out of the forest, out into the field. The council members cover their eyes as they begin running out from the tree line. Then a sudden burst of light burst across the field as the flash grenade goes off. The marines reel back, covering their eyes. Phael continues to stand perfectly still.

The council member unshielded their eyes as the light faded away. Revealing again the palely illuminated world under the moon. After some reloading, the attack begins again. While firing some of the member reach out with their mind, brushing against the energy. Surging out whatever amount of telekinesis or PEC(Psi Energy Control) they could muster. Trying to find weaknesses and break through. It seemed to begin weakening. Their hopes rising.

Ketotsue could feel his mind weakening as he pressed against the wall of energy. His ammunition running low also, Ketotseu decided to fling himself into it, as a last ditch effort. As he flew at it Phael waved his hand and the energy vanished. Then, in the blink of an eye Phael was in front of him. Then pain spreading through his stomach. The punch was swift and powerful, bringing Keto's feet up of the ground. He could see the marines drop as the hail of bullets met their flesh. Though it didn't matter to him. He might as well be facing a hundred of them on his own.

The Council Member's face was draped with a look of shock. the other five finally realizing what was going on, ran toward him with their guns ready to fire. Everything seemed so slow. Though all that mattered was the stabbing pain. But then another blow, a kick came straight down on his head sending him to the ground. Ketotsue nearly threw up as he though Of course, it has to be me.


Vuxxa was shocked as he witnessed the marine's in front of him drop. Then he looked over to see Ketotsue draped over Phael's fist with feet dangling. The other's must have noticed too because they all pulled out their weapons as he did and began charging Phael. But then, like lightning, Phael released Ketotsue, and jumped, spinning with a kick, sending Keto violently to the ground. Vuxxa was about to fire a shot before the government dog swept his hand around, everyone's guns being ripped from their hands.

Next the man was in front of Xerxes, who tried to throw a haymaker, only to get back fisted in the face. The red headed fool stumbled back before falling, blood streaming from his nose. Then Isis ran up to him, throwing a kick at the left side of his head. Phael's arm automatically shot up, blocking the kick, his right fist flying out, straight for her stomach. Luckily she was quick enough and both of her hands thrusted downward, knocking his fist down before jumping back.

Vuxxa then arrived, throwing two punches, both being caught by Phael. Vuxxa jumped up, trying to kick him in the stomach with both legs only for Phael to block with his knee. Phael then kicked Vuxxa in the side, letting him go to turn to Andarial, Isis, and Enos. Vuxxa now knelt on a single knee holding to his side. This guy is strong and fast. But I have a feeling he's just playing with us.

As Vuxxa got up, he could see Xerxes walking up, anger across his face. Yer mine! the man shouted out at Phael. This could be a nice distraction He thought as he watched Phael block the others attack and turn toward Xerxes. The large man threw a punch, though Phael grabbed his fist, swinging him in front of the others, causing them to hit him.

Vuxxa slowly walked over as Phael was playing with Xerxes. Quickly throwing a kick wen he got close enough, he though he made it, but Phael threw Xerxes forward before turning around and wrapping his right arm around Vuxxa's leg and coming down with an elbow right into the knee cap. The joint broke instantly. Bone popping out the back of his leg. Vuxxa fell back, nearly blinded with pain, clenching his teeth.


Ketotsue's eyes rolled around a little before focusing in on the fighting up ahead of him. Damn he though as he could now feel the painful throbbing on the back of his head. His head felt light as he laid with his cheek against the ground, a blade of grass nearly in his eye.

He could see from where he was that Vuxxa was on the ground, and Xexes, well, he was on the ground too Figured he would Keto though.

Ketotsue planted one fist on the ground, pushing himself up. Now on his knees he grimaced as the pain in his stomach started up again. He watched as Andarial leaped at Phael, trying to knee him, only for Phael to spin out of the way and drive his elbow right into her stomach. She fell to the ground, curling up into a ball. I suppose I should try and go out there. Don't know how much good it would do. But maybe I'll surprise him. Keto slowly got up, looking down at the sheathed sword at his side. Now who would expect a sword in this day and age. He slowly unsheathed it, as to minimize any noise. Then walking forward he came up behind Phael as he was busied with Isis and Enos. Now for the death blow He swung the blade vertically, the moon overhead reflecting of the metal. Though his hope was crushed as Phael spun around, catching the blade with both hands. A smirk then spread across his face as he shoved the sword aside before thrusting his hand forward. A powerful force slammed into Ketotsue sending him ten feet back, slamming into the ground.

You should have stayed down you little rat. said Phael before another force slammed down on Ketotsue knocking him out.


Vuxxa watched as Ketotsue was defeated, unable to do anything. Dammit he though. He tried to get up on his good leg, but any movement made the pain that much worse. He watched Xerxes get back up only to be kicked in the face. Then he watched Enos and Phael going at it, sure, Enos is quick, but amongst the flurry of attacks Phael quickly overcame him, knocking him back. The whole time Phael smiled.

Next Isis went down. Ah, at least you Sanctus fools were a little fun. That is while you lasted. Phael said with a smile. Then he became more serious and sighed Though my search must go on since your obviously not the leaders. Ones so pitiful couldn’t possibly be a threat to my master. He then spread his arms out at both sides, before stopping. Lowering them he saidI've decided not to destroy you, for one reason only. Tell your leaders, Ketotsue, Vuxxa, Isis, Andarial, and Xerxes to come face me themselves. They can't hide forever.

He gave them all another looked over before walking away. Disappearing off into the distance.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 09-07-2010 at 11:18 PM..
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Post Op
Old 09-07-2010, 08:19 AM   #6
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His eyes became burning spheres of pain as a white glow crawled over them. It wasn't long before he realized he was regaining consciousness and was probably laying inside of a medical facility hopefully one inside of S.E. Moments passed before the pain in his eyes receded enough for them to be opened.

Ketotsue spent seconds blinking slowly, trying to rub away the white glare in his vision. Blurred walled showed few details, only that they were made from a dark material, which came as a great relief. Simply because common knowledge told him all government hospitals had white walls. As his vision became sharper, he began to notice other beds in the room a total of 6 including his own.

The others seemed better off than he was, they were already awake, well except for Xerxes which honestly was a bit of a relief to him. First thing he noticed was all of them had an assortment of bandages. Vuxxa lay flat arms behind his hand and a leg held elevated in a sling, Xerxes had a few random bandages and one noticeable that covered half his face.

A dramatic improvement really.

He tried to laugh from the thought but the pain that quickly shot through his ribs him forgot the humor. The others all looked over at him, apparently themselves finding humor in the distorted mix of laugh and grunt.

Vuxxa was first to speak,

"" Took a bit of a beating out there didn't you? Nurse said you had a few broken ribs and a crack in your skull. Hell you were in a bit of a coma for a few days now nurses didn't expect you to wake though as we know there used to the normal soldiers."

Isis then jumped in the conversation,

" Don't worry though your not the only one with a few broken bones, Vuxxa over there has a completley shattered tibia, and dear ol Xerxes has a collapsed cheek bone, though the nurse said he should look exactly the same as before no such luck I guess.

Enos sat silent his legs crossed under him. Apparently he had taken far less damage than the others, it seemed the only time he acctually got hit was when the lumberjack was thrown into him. Andarial, and Isis both had bandages wrapping around the whole of there stomach which apparently made it hard for them to breath.

A strained breath escaped Andarial as she began to speak,

" From what I've gathered from the nurses, now that your awake we should all be back up and in action within a month or two..."
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The Fallout
Old 09-17-2010, 05:24 AM   #7
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Default The Fallout

The time passed by slowly for the group, days turned to weeks, weeks into months, and before long a new year had begun. In the days since there most recent run in with the lesser acolyte Phael, they have made several small moves against the government. Attacking key points that would strain the oppositions supply routes and public image. On top of all this they had increased the amount of recruitment messages streamed into open media sources online. It was all this that brought Joshua Imus the now world wide leader onto the world news.

" In light of recent events such as the oil rig bombing that has crippled our shores for months, the recent plague of terrorist activities such as railroad and oil platform bombings, then there most horrible move thus far... The attack on our political figures... I now have no choice but to declare the terrorist organization known as Sanctus Exercitus an enemy of world wide peace and as such from this point on it will be our top priority to find this group at home and abroad and bring about a quick end to there treachery. It is also in this spirit that I have been granted special privileges by the UN and will now have sole control over all political aspects of any nation deemed to be plagued by this terrorist organization. While I had hoped desperately to avoid measures such as these I will in cases such as here in the United States be forced to enact a state of martial law, as such for your own safety curfew will be enacted the country over for your own sake I urge all of you to adhere to these new rules... Thank you all and god bless."

This was the message that changed everything. From that point on basically anyone involved with the government had been granted an open license to kill. Brought forth from martial law anyone caught out after curfew, or in any way was thought to be helping or be an actual member of Sanctus Exercitus was to be put to death immediately and by any means deemed necessary to the individual enforcing the laws. In the days that followed the death count for innocent individuals sky rocketed. From this gruesome display of violence laws were enacted to force anyone "punished by death" to be burned and dumped at a place of nearest convenience, most often any local landfill or trash dump.

It was all this and more that had brought the Council to there meeting. At well past midnight they had convened and would stay in the council chambers for hours after that. In the conversation that took place many things were discussed but most importantly was there next move. It was unanimous that they would have to strike, and it would have to be there boldest move to date. Tomorrow they would make there first move to crush an active military base and claim the supplies there. It was open knowledge that one of the presidents lesser acolytes would be attending to the base.

Silix was probably the lowliest and weakest one to ever grace the acolyte "prestige". His strength was known to be far less than the others of his kind. It was this that made the tactical value of the base to grand to pass up. For they knew that the simple knowledge that the rebellion was capable of killing a lesser acolyte even a weak one would inspire the masses to come together and once again take up arms for there freedom.

Last edited by ketotsue; 09-17-2010 at 11:42 AM..
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Insurection (possibly finished)
Old 11-17-2010, 04:37 PM   #8
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Default Insurection (possibly finished)

They had come to the destination, Fort Silix. A military base named after the acolyte that ran it. The base itself occupied a wooded section of eastern America. It was a site that had as of yet gone untested against enemy attack, a statement that would not be true for long. Each of the SE council brought with them thirty highly trained soldiers. The council members themselves were also armed to the teeth, several extra ammo clips adorned each of them along with a few home made explosives.

It's almost time... I hope everyone is ready, soon they should all be in the mess hall and that will be our best opportunity to end this with minimal losses... Do whatever it takes to take to reach Silix and destroy him.

There was a long period of silence between them, and then the horn rang out inside the military fort. That was the signal that started their 60 second count down. It was thought that it should take about a minute for everyone to gather in the mess hall.

One minute later each of the council members stood up and pulled a rather large metal tube around from there back. After a few seconds they removed a rocket propelled grenade from a pouch on the side of their green fatigues and loaded the device. Within seconds they had all knelled to the ground and aimed at their respective target destinations, and fired off the rocket. A trail of smoke launched itself from the metal tube and went straight into the target area's of the fort, exploding on contact and reducing the area to ruble.

Before the smoke cleared each group charged hoping to clear out the fort quickly and make the fight with the acolyte a quick one. Each member lead there soldiers through the entrances they had created. Almost 200 sanctus soldiers now stormed through the masses of dazzed and confused military personel. Bullets flew through the air from both sides but it was army forces that would suffer the most.

Within moments Ketotsue had mentally contacted the rest of the council members Me and Vuxxa will take Silix the rest of you stay with the men and keep them alive"

Shortly after Vuxxa and Ketotsue had made it into the acolytes room. The room itself was a perfect circle and was rather large. The walls were all made of stones tan in color just like the rest of the fort but something about them just seemed... stronger. There was no furniture within the room making it appear Silix had expected them to show up. And there in the middle of the room stood Silix facing the two of them with a smug grin on his face.

"I hope your ready to die in here Sanctus fools..."

As the words left his lips Silix brought his arms from behind his back and revealed a rather long pole ax. The end of it came to a serrated point, and where the ax head should be on a like weapon there was short scythe honed to an obvious razor edge. Soon the acolyte was moving towards them at an alarming rate, Ketotuse was first to react emptying what was left in his last two ammo clips into the air all in complete futility. The tip of the spear found it's placed buried into the ground and Ketotsue barely rolled out of the way. Vuxxa quickly tried to capitlize taking aim with the last round in his firearm and firing. Silix used one arm to flip his body around the handle of his spear completely avoiding the round fired by Vuxxa. Now out of ammo both the coucil members holstered there guns and pulled the swords they carried from there sheaths.

Ketotsue ran forward followed closely by Vuxxa the two of them heading directly towards Silix...

Last edited by ketotsue; 08-11-2011 at 05:58 PM..
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Old 08-11-2011, 05:59 PM   #9
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Default Aftermath

************************************************** *

A few days later

The entire sanctus council besides Vuxxa and Ketotsue now stood silently inside the mess hall of there base. Almost every Sanctus member had begun piling into the room when word of the broadcast spread. Now an old television screen held the attention of everyone glued to a man standing in front of a podium with several microphones attached to it. In front of the podium sat row after row of news reporters and journalists each desperately trying to get a word in.

" It is true that yesterday morning the terrorist organization Sanctus Exercitus lead an attack on a military outpost known as Fort Silix. Now it is at this time unclear what the total losses where but we are pleased to report structural and collateral damages were minimal as was loss of life on our part. Furthermore we believed the attack on the fort to be an assassination attempt on one of our esteemed acolytes Silix. This was a fa... atte... on... beli..."

It was here the broadcast signal blurred in and out a few times before being completely reduced to white noise. This continued for a few moment before a new image flashed onto the screen.

Two golder griffins faced each other on either side of the screen with the middle section filled by the words Sanctus Exercitus. The image never faded out but soon new voices could be heard, Vuxxa now spoke over the signal.

" We did in fact attack fort Silix and that is about all that was honest in this broadcast. Casualties were high on both sides but it was a fight that could not be avoided the acolyte had to fall, and that is exactly what happened Silix is dead and the fort named after him is nothing but rubble. Know now mister "president" your army is not untouchable we will always find the way to bring down your little charade."

With the words slowly trailing off the image flicked instantly to a static camera stationed at Fort Silix. Piles of smouldering ruble filled the scene but in front of the forts remains lay the recently deceased Silix with two bloody short swords sticking into his chest. Now millions of people around the world were seeing not only the first signs of a win from the S.E. but proof that the president was not in fact the perfect leader he was assumed to be.
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