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The story of Adrian Kibou
Old 01-09-2010, 05:24 PM   #1
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Red face The story of Adrian Kibou

A young girl, about the age of 11 was backing up into a corner. She wore a pink shirt and red shirt, she had brown long hair with 2 ribbons with pink flowers on her head, her face expression showed she was fritened. In front of her was a man, he wore a black suit, with slightly darker black stripes on his shoulders and hips that seemed as a tiger, he had short black hair."Where are you going young lady" The man says.
"Leave me alone" The girl says.
"Why no....Why would I" He began walking closer, the girl then realised that she was in a corner, and she fell to the floor. suddenly another young child, who seemed to be the age of 13 came out, he wore white and light blue pants, and a shirt to match. he had short brown hair with bangs. He carried 2 short sword on his back.
"HEY YOU WITH THE FACE" He shouted. The man looked over to him, the child ran towards him, jumped up and kicked him in the face. The child had a smile on his face. The man was pushed far back and then fell on his back, and layed there silent, as if he was knocked out. The boy walked over to the girl. "Hey" He said to her as he reached his hand out. "My name is Adrian, but others call me the Musouka" The girl grabed his hand and he helped her to her feet.
"M-my name is isha" The girl said. She looked into her eyes and was amazed at how he had just saved her, and shown no sign of fear at all. Suddenly she noticed the man geting back up. "LOOK OUT" She shouted to Adrian. He turned over an noticed the man now had 2 short sword, that were similer to the style of his clothing, and was about to strike him. The boy was surprised, he parryed the mans attack and then man backed a little away. The girl look to Adrian smiling, but noticed blood drop from his arm.
"Whats wrong" The man says. "You really think I am that week" The man ran towards Adrian, and Adrian ran towards him. They began slashing at each other, Adrian attacked, and was parryed, and then the man slashed at him, and adrian parryed, they continued several times untill the man cut Adrian on his chest. Adrian backed away, and then fell on his knees. Then the man droped his swords and walked towards him "you can't beat a member of the black tiger clan) the man says. Isha then reaches into her pocket. And pulls out a gem, with a green leaf encased in it. The gem begins shining as she holds it out.
"Oh gem of heavens glance,Heal Adrian" she says, The gem glimers and shine's a bright light, Isha closes her eyes a little from it. And the cuts on Adrian begin to heal, they are not completely gone, it is enough for him to get back up. As the man throws a punch at Adrian, Adrian lifts his sword, the blade cuts the mans hand in half.
"AHHHH, DAMN YOU" The man screams in pain. "The black tiger clan will get you" And the man runs off, leaving his swords behind. Adrian starts walking towards Isha, he is limping from the pain of the wound on his chest. Isha runs towards him.
"Are you ok" She asks.
"Heh...are you okay" he replies.
"yes" She smiles "Here let me heal you" She pulls the gem out again and begins chanting, the gem shines brightly and after a few times, he is completely healed. She begins to breath heavily from using the gem.
"Thanks" Adrian says"...Do...you have any parents" He asks.
"Yes, I was on my way home when he attacked me" She says.
"Then let me walk you home" He says. And she smiles again.
"Okay" She says. They begin walking through the town. There were not many people around, other then a dead body or two. These were usually taken out of the city by the few guards that are left, and left to rot and be eaten by rats. "So, when did you learn to sword fight" She asks him.
"Hmmm...about a month ago i when i really started" He replies.
"Really tell me about it" She says.
"Well..it all started when my uncle took me to the docks..."

Last edited by Sleepingfox; 04-21-2010 at 06:15 PM.. Reason: finishing it
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