Town Defense |
12-12-2009, 11:33 PM
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Hunters Bane is offline
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Town Defense
Basically my idea is once a day for 1 - 2 hours players have a chance to help defend towns against an Orc raid.
The patch could have a story line like "The Orc rulers are growing unruly about the uprising of the human population and have sent commanders to raid the towns to settle the uprising."
The players could take up different positions to help defend the town, the main gate, the church. and the town square. Players who help defend the town could get an increase in exp per kill plus the bonuses from accel and double accel. The trophy ratio per position would be 100% melee in the gate, 100% spirit in the church, 50/50 at the square, and a higher item drop rate.
Along with the exp from the fights an additional amount of exp (it doesn't have to be big) could be awarded for the effort and time put into the defense of the town. It will be based on how well everyone as a whole defended the town(s) during the raid. Almost like partial reimbursement for the RT spent killing the invaders. Of course, if you have Travel Mode enabled it would decrease exp gains and gold drop like a normal mob would. However the exp gained at the end for killing the invaders would not be mitigated.
Have a meter that keeps track of the orcs that have been killed and how many reinforcements they have available and base the rewards on those figures. Keep in mind it could be several towns at once, or just one in particular and plan accordingly. If one town takes too much damage then ending awarded bonuses might reflect the towns dissatisfaction.
How players will take part in defending the town is there would be a world message in the left box stating that a raids are taking place in all the towns (or just one in particular) and the townsmen need help defending it, the players would then go to the Seer and accept the new quest of defending the town. Players can then exit the town and at the map screen have the options to defend the gate, church, or square.
Orcs will start at +3 and +4 your level. They wont be level 90 like the beasts. If you want stronger you can go to the Seer and request it. They will be +5 and +6 Elites. Go big or go home yo. As in PvE the exp gained will match the mobs you're fighting and them some. Since you're partaking in a event you will gain an additional percentage to gold and exp gains.
The time decided for the raids could be chosen at random or it could be at a set time everyday, the choice is up to the programmers. The difficulty of the raiders would be a little higher than the monsters around the players' level to add a little challenge for the fun of it. Groups like in regular PvE would split the exp/loot but the extra exp at the end of the raid would not be split.
Also I've entertained the thought that you can incorporate Heroic Mode into this too. If you have Heroic on and you're fighting solo it'd be 2vs1 and if you have a group of 2 it'd be 3vs2 and a group of 3 would be 5vs3. Since it IS Heroic Mode, it's be time to nut up or shut up. Be the Hero.
I'd suggest level 20 level restriction because that is when the second skill tier is opened and that's when you get dual wield and all the class specific skills. Players do NOT have to assist with this event, it is not mandatory. They can ignore the quest but they will not be awarded the exp for helping.
However if the town falls there should be consequences (higher prices for X amount of time, reduced exp at the altars etc.) Those who did help and killed any amount of raiders can leave at their leisure and return to farming as usual and will be awarded their bonus exp when the raid is finished whether logged in or not.
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
Last edited by Hunters Bane; 10-27-2013 at 01:04 PM..
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12-13-2009, 01:09 AM
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thatperson is offline
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the idea sounds good but i dont think it should be a daily occurence i think it should happen once a week tops and i think teh exp boost from finishing shoudl be substantial (depending on how u did during the raid) deaths during raid should be treated as normal ...lost RT ...make the mobs pink for each player and trophies of the appropriate lvl (level 25 player fights lvl 29 mobs and gets lvl 29 trophies) j
ust elaborating on some of the more vague points you had in there
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
12-13-2009, 03:26 AM
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Smashbros is offline
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i would say red over pink mobs, but otherwise i agree with thatpersons additions.
12-14-2009, 02:30 PM
This idea could go really far. Gj Cappie.
In games I've played in the past, I've been kinda partial to hordes of enemies that become increasingly difficult rather than one big nasty one right from the get-go.
12-15-2009, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Hunters Bane
If trophies are awarded, trophies from defending the church are 100% spirits and trophies from the gate are 100% combats.
The difficulty of the raiders would be a little higher than the monsters around the players' level to add a little challenge for the fun of it.
Thatperson: I was thinking if your player level would be 25 for example and the mobs level would be 26 elite mainly because not everyone has a really good build. Perhaps if this idea gets taken into consideration after taking the quest you can return to the seer and ask him where the higher raiders are.
I was also thinking of a whole new trophy line that gets dropped from the raiders altogether. New trophy exp amounts, pics etcs.
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
12-15-2009, 02:35 PM
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flipynifty is offline
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To be honest this could tie in with my zone idea, owning a zone could also invole not only being invaded by other clans, but creatures as well.
omg i wanna sammich nao
12-15-2009, 03:58 PM
I like the whole Pink mob and Red mob idea. But Pinks are harder to hit so i dont like that and anyone with half a brain can kill red mobs.
So i suggest HARD!!!! Even HARDER than Pink mobs but have them be Red so easier to hit.
IMO This game should be played by the good/Elites of their level not by some nubs who have crappy builds.
12-15-2009, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Pasterqb
So i suggest HARD!!!! Even HARDER
Thats what she said.
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
12-15-2009, 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pasterqb
So i suggest HARD!!!! Even HARDER than Pink mobs but have them be Red so easier to hit.
IMO This game should be played by the good/Elites of their level not by some nubs who have crappy builds.
Go with endurance battles then (ie no regen between combat). The longer you stay alive, the greater the reward.
12-15-2009, 07:26 PM
ooph... relying purely on replenish/reitalize and heals.... evil, pure evil... I'm in
12-15-2009, 07:52 PM
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flipynifty is offline
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i wouldn't mnind the endurance thing :P
omg i wanna sammich nao
12-15-2009, 08:32 PM
Epic Scholar
Smashbros is offline
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the endurance thing would be nice.
12-15-2009, 09:15 PM
endurance would be epic!?!?!?!?!
12-16-2009, 08:59 AM
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orderr is offline
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I think once a day but one town per day, not all towns at once.
Doesn't sound that hard to do however. The monsters would not have to actually move from somewhere like the orc fortress to the towns. They could just appear in the towns after a warning.
Perhaps the "periodic random competitive quests" that is on the to do list will include some stuff involving mob aggression?
12-16-2009, 03:36 PM
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Smashbros is offline
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Originally Posted by orderr
I think once a day but one town per day, not all towns at once.
Doesn't sound that hard to do however. The monsters would not have to actually move from somewhere like the orc fortress to the towns. They could just appear in the towns after a warning.
Perhaps the "periodic random competitive quests" that is on the to do list will include some stuff involving mob aggression?
i dont like that. then your leaving out those that are in a different location.
say it happens in slevisk, no one below lvl 40(ish) could participate, and as it is an out of the way town not many would go there for it.
12-16-2009, 06:11 PM
Seer's BFF
StormGuardian is offline
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Love the idea of raid...and I agree the mobs should be pink...or maybe black since fighting in groups. The endurance idea is epic as well 
12-17-2009, 12:10 PM
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Hunters Bane is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
12-17-2009, 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by StormGuardian
Love the idea of raid...and I agree the mobs should be pink...or maybe black since fighting in groups. The endurance idea is epic as well 
ewwwwwwwww groups i guess i didnt read it all then
No to the groups IMO
12-18-2009, 02:44 AM
this sounds similar to the beast invasion concept used in RWK with a different twist..
I also agree that it being a daily, or even weekly event would make it too mundane a concept to work.. so 2 or 3 max a month would make the most sense..
the main issue i see is that not everyone in a particular town is a certain level.. and the color the raiding mobs take will vary wildly. having a group of levle 40 mobs attacking castille would basically tell newer players "sorry, we made this concept up to get the player base more involved in the story. but you to get to play along because you suck."
It does have definate possibilities. How to tweak this to make it more interesting (and thereby fun for everyone)..
Lets start by having the raid last for a set amount of time, say 1-3 hours.. that gives more players a chance to participate. Next, the raiding AI mobs force combat (NPC induced PK'ing.. with no AI looting, because that would just not be fair) on players. The level of the attacking mob would be determined by the actual level of the player being attacked and that characters skill levels (by having some of the AI code doing a full inspect of the player being attacked, and counting the number of offensive/defensive attack skills and adjusting its level accordingly to make sure its isn't too easy/too hard of a fight.) Each attack wave woudl consist of between 3-5 mobs for each player in town (or enters the town during the raid). At the end of each fight, if you win, you loot the chest and trophies that drop and heal but do not get the option to exit out of looting. once the loot timer runs out, you exit looting with the next fight in the wave automatically starting. Notice that there are only trophy and chest to drop, as items will be rewarded based on the results of the raid itself.
Survive one wave and you get a slight reprieve to turn in the trophies before the next wave starts or leave town to opt out of continuing
If you die, you respawn back in town but are now flagged as a noncombatant (like I think how clans can set some clan members as non-combatant) for the rest of the attack.
Post raid rewards will depend on:
1) player level
2) # of mobs defeated by the player over the course of the attack and
3) % of defenders to survive the onslaught.
4) if you actually survived yourself
5) amount of time actually spent defending the town from the raiders
a player that survived the attack will generally get better loot than one who did not (unless the one who did not killed a much larger number of raid mobs)
You want the process to be fun for everyone, but not a buzzkill because a level 60+ mob wanders into Castille and lays waste to all the low level players who do not stand a chance of even touching it, let along killing it.
Now implimenting this particular idea might be a major, major game update..but it might be fun to see happen
Edit: I apologoze for the random way the post seems to go at points, but I'm tired and will liekly forget all the details of my idea if i slept onthem or tried to reorgainize it properly
Last edited by Titokhan; 12-18-2009 at 02:47 AM..
12-18-2009, 11:38 AM
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Hunters Bane is offline
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Good ideas Tito
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(
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