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From the Jaws of the Worm
Old 11-09-2009, 10:38 PM   #1
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Post From the Jaws of the Worm

(History of events leading to the end of an era and the beggining of Keto and Vuxxa's country.)

Long ago there was a vast kingdom nearly covering the world. The people had all that they needed, and wars no longer waged across the world. Creating massive cities, buildings reaching for the sky. The arts flourished, the intellectuals delved into their fields, with knowledge rapidly increasing over the years, discovering the universe around them. All seemed perfect, but within, a worm worked. corrupting and gaining power. Evil had not died, nor had the darkness buried within the hearts of all men, nor their lusts. Whispering thoughts to those leading the nation, grand ideas swelling within their minds. The once tamed humans yet again showing the evil within them. Crime rose, murders, theft, and the like. The government doing nothing, thinking to use this for an even deeper control of the masses. They themselves also stealing from the very people they were suppose to serve.

Quickly pushing things into being that none wished. The government forced their twisted ideals unto all. The whispering sickness filling their heads with dreams of power and riches. Telling them they could do whatever they wanted, who is there to stop them, the people which they ruled? An idea which is laughable spoke the worm. Filled with gluttony, those in control grew fat with power, as did their pockets, spilling with gold and gems, as they stripped away the rights of those they supposedly protected. All that was slowly went away, as even the land was desecrated by their lust for gold and power.

Tampering with things that that should have well been left alone, abominations arose. Their thirst for more driving them to tamper with life. They built armies and war machines. They must have the entire world. Smoke filled the skies as they marched, subjugating the other nations under the boot of tyranny. But these other nations were not unprepared, as they also built their own war machine, having watched the actions of the evil country over the years. Fires burnt across the land and battles raged, cities destroyed. Yet another fire burned. Not one of heat and smoke, but one of anger. The anger within the hearts of the peoples, those who wished to escape this tyranny. The anger started long before the war, but now had spread to many. The spark had landed but was soon to ignite.

The smaller countries banned together, sickened by the action from the king of the far west. Their union was strong, but not enough. The armies clashed, but the west slowly pushed forward. Millions died, but it was far from over. The skies in eternal darkness. The fires of war now carried itself even to the rain, which burnt the flesh of any it touched. Life now was on the bring of destruction. Desperate the king of the east met with his allies. A planned formed, agreed upon by all but the king of the north.

Explosions erupted within the cities of the empire. The beast roared a mighty howl as it was stuck a blow. The worm grew angry. His anger became a storm. An attack from within. How could this be? That which has not happened for hundreds of years past, screamed the worm within the minds of the leaders of the empire. Their anger swelling. Forces spread through their own cities, subjugating their people further. Martial law. The people cried for help as disease also struck them. The leaders laughing at their cries and the worm crying with glee.

Slowly, the east fell, the south, the west. Treated lower than any creature, Those within these lands felt the sting of the whip. Sweat dripping from their faces as they worked. Tears rolling down the cheeks of once great peoples. The north surrendered, not wishing their people to be as slaves. The diplomat approached the king of the north soon after, the worm speaking through his mouth. Do not fear for your people, they will be unharmed, I know how you objected to the others tactics, for that, I shall give you power. The king of the north stood confused as the man walked from the room.

The peoples writhing in pain within the beast celebrated as those lords over them soon fell to death. A man stepped forward, a man who seamed great, appealing to all. Declaring great things to the peoples. Soon, he became their leader, leading the entire world as one. By now the slaves had fixed the damage wrought by war. The new leader freed them, sending them to their homes and denouncing the actions of those who ruled before him.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 02:02 PM.. Reason: Spelling
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Part Demon?
Old 12-17-2009, 08:15 PM   #2
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Default Part Demon?

(this marks a change in style)

The man walked into the building within the new capital city. The building from which he will perform his duties. Sitting down in his cushioned chair, wrapped in expensive leather, he leaned back thinking about all that had happened. A great wooden desk stood before him. He swiveled the chair around to face a large window overlooking a beautifully kept lawn. The skies had cleared up since the war ended three years before. Something scientists are still baffled about he thought as he now laughed to himself, basking in the sun streaming through the window. The wind blowing trees outside and a few stray clouds moving lethargically through the pale blue sky.

The noise of random vehicles passing by soon faded away as he began to doze. His body sinking into the chair, worn from many events that he had to attend lately. He heard the door open in his half sleep and a woman speak "Your not sleeping are you. That big head of yours might topple the chair over." she said teasingly. After a few seconds there was a loud bang, startling the man from his sleep. Almost falling over in his chair he quickly grabbing the desk and turning around to see a stack of papers in front of his face. Slumping over, letting his red tie drag the desk, he straightened himself and the chair to directly face the door.

He fiddled with his tie a bit and said "Um, Evelyn, how nice to uh, see you. I wasn't sleeping, I was just, well, resting my eyes." he looked around the stack at her as she raised one brow.

"Oh, so that's what you were doing snoring." she laughed "Well, as much as I would like to stand here chatting, I must go. Well, have fun" Evelyn said as she shut the door.

"Perhaps I'm a little too laxed. President of an entire world is a lot more than president of a single country. Even one as large Magog." he said before turning to the stack of papers again. One by one, several hours went by while he read page after page, signing his signature, or vetoing a bill.

Finally it was done, he stood up stretching. The light through the window now angles differently from the sun's passage. As he walked around the room he saw his reflection in the mirror Wow, it's been quite sometime since I've seen my reflection he thought as he looked at his face I'm nearing fifty now. Yet I still look like I'm in my twenties taking note of his skin, missing any sign of wrinkles, and his hair still pitch black.

Pay no mind to this. There are more pressing things to attend to Joshua Imus spoke a voice echoing in his mind

Joshua replied back Oh, and I thought you had forgotten about me Atter

I have not forgotten you. I have simply given you time my son. Soon, there is something that you must do. Something that will require much of you. And I must reveal a hidden truth to you spoke the creature

Joshua was puzzled But wasn't becoming president of this world what you wanted. You said during the ending days of the war to me "Do not fear for your people, they will be unharmed, I know how you objected to the others tactics, for that, I shall give you power" and then you guided me to this presidency. After a slight pause he continued And I would like to know for once, what you are, and why you call me 'son'?

No time passed at all before Atter answered I shall answer these things, as they were a part of what I must discuss with you. You...are truly my son

What!!! But ho..Joshua started to say before Atter cut back in.

And I am the lord of all demons. The lord of darkness. continued the creature

Shock washed over him But....that can't be. How could you be Сатана. How could you be my father? How could I be half demon. I'm...I'm just like any other man. Skin like a man, hair like a man...

I am as I said I am. And you say you are just as any other. Your eyes. Are they as another’s. Etheral blue, almost glowing. Is that as any other human. echoed Atter. Joshua now thought back. His eyes had indeed always been different. Nobody else having eyes quite like his. They had an other worldly quality to them. Now convinced, his will faded somewhat, weakening his mind. He slumped back into his chair as the Atter faded back into the man's mind.


Сатана is Russian for Devil

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 03:11 PM.. Reason: Atter means a poison/infection, Ater means evil. I used the word Magog as the name of Russia. This city is Rome.
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The soldier
Old 01-03-2010, 06:21 AM   #3
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Default The soldier

A few years later in a city to the far north a man named Michael Strau sat in an wooden chair in front of a dusty table, leaned back, rocking it on the back legs with the wall to his back. His fatigues barely visible in the shadowed corner. The cold wooden floor, grimy beneath his feet. An occasional insect skittering by, illuminated by the dim light streaming from above, straining through the dust covered bulb. Up front an old television set played, the screen fuzzy and flickering as an image of a man appeared. The bartender walked up, smacking it, cursing as he did.

Michael paid no heed, tipping back the cheap beer clutched in one of his gloved hands and chugging down a couple mouth fulls. As long as it gets me there, what does it matter he thought as he grimaced at the taste. Leaning the chair against the wall, throwing his feet up onto the table, his black boots shinning in the light, he looked up at the ceiling. Cobwebs dangled above him, swaying in the week breeze of an old ceiling fan, swaying, looking as if it could fall any minute.

Soon the television began to emit it's hollow sound. The mans voice echoing through the old speaker, the president.

"Поскольку все мы знаем, что они пробуют времена. - As we all know these are trying times." spoke the president

Yeah, because you make it that way thought Michael.

"Многие умерли, из-за невежества немногих. - Many have died, due to the ignorance of a few." he paused "Но мы не будем сдаваться. Мы продолжим бороться, чтобы гарантировать полный глобальный мир. Эти мятежники, эти террористы не будут получать то, что они хотят. Их безумный dillusions.... - But we will not give in. We will continue to fight to ensure total global peace. These rebels, these terrorists will not get what they want. Their insane delusions...."Michael finished his beer and got up slowly, revealing his green eyes and slightly long black hair, quietly slipping on his coat, thinking No, more like your insane delusions the television went out again, the bartender once again throwing out his stream of curse words. Michael walked to the door, pushing it open and walking out Sorry, I'm not branded like a cow anymore. Not like everyone else

The sun now high in the sky, it's light bouncing off of the newly fallen snow, nearly blinding him as he exited the dimly lit bar. After blinking a few times he began walking down the sidewalk, the crunch of the snow sounding with each step. He noticed a few people standing around on the other side of the street smoking cigarettes. One looked at him, now pointing and saying something to the other two. They began casually walking across the street, Michael pretending not to have noticed them turned into an alley. As he casually walked through the shadows, they quickened their pace, gaining on him. The first one pulled out his switchblade, grabbing Michael's shoulder. As he did this Michael spun around grabbing the man's hand, twisting it behind his back and slamming him into the wall, he dropped his knife.

The second man came up behind him, Michael threw out a kick, hitting him in the stomach. The thug stumbled back several steps, gasping for air as he fell on his but. The man Michael held against the wall struggled with his grip, but Michael quickly kicked the man in the back of his knee, immediately collapsing to the ground before Michael quickly ran his combat knife across the man's throat. Now the third man wretch for a gun hidden in his coat, but not quick enough. Michael pulled out a silenced 9mm immediately putting three bullets in his chest. The man dropped to the ground, eyes wide, as the snow began to turn red.

Now he turned to the other man, who sat on the ground gasping for air. Kicking him in the chest the man now lay on the ground, eyes closed. Slowly he pointed the gun to the man's head "I'm guessing you don't work for anyone who would concern me. Lucky you. Never seen my face either. Keep it that way" Michael put his gun away and walked right out of that alley as the man watched him leave thankful to still be alive.

Michael's mind turned onto the past as he walked out onto another street. Events that took place nearly a year ago.


Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 03:01 PM.. Reason: The language the president is speaking is Russian.
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Past Mistakes - Awakening, Part 1, A Sacrifice
Old 01-04-2010, 12:57 AM   #4
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Default Past Mistakes - Awakening, Part 1, A Sacrifice

Michael stood aboard the Pod Carrier looking out a small window watching the clouds pass by below. Placing his hands behind his back as they now approached some suburbs, he turned around walking away. He sat down on a metal bench that ran across the wall, waiting for the right time. Four other soldiers also sat in the room also. The ride was smooth as the craft seemingly drifted through the air. Shaped like a cylinder that’s bottom half was cut off, with the two ends cut at an angle, fully metal plated, it was hard to believe it could fly. Yet it did so effortlessly thanks to anti gravity technology discovered several years earlier.

Inside the low hum of the engine was barely noticeable to those inside. Soon several doors at the end beside the control room, where communications were monitored and the vehicle driven, opened up and four more soldiers walked out joining them. They all carried their standard issue weapons, pistol, machine gun, and the like. One new weapon was different, completely silent, with a much greater distance than any rifle. Sure, it would alert the enemy that they were there. Of course that would be after the insurgent let out a scream as his body burned from the inside out.

This should be fun. I haven't played laser tag in quite a while. he thought as he sat looking at his pretty new weapon called the LFD.

The carrier continued for several minutes, it had now climbed far into the sky. The clouds miles below, nothing could be seen on the ground. Soon, the doors to the pods slid open and each soldier got into a pod, including Michael. Twenty seconds passed before drop signal sounded and the pods fell from carrier, plummeting quickly through the sky. Dropping well above the height needed for them to be undetected and the speed and size of the pods continued to hide them.

The ground rising to meet them. The ground rising up to meet them as their pods raced through the sky. When it seemed they would crash the pods rapidly slowed their descent, stopping mere inches from the ground, now hovering.

The pod doors now opening up, forming a ramp to the ground. Michael stepping out immediately. Motioning for others to check around, making sure there were no enemies nearby. There were several, but they were made short work of before being drug off somewhere, blood bubbling from their throats. Two of the soldiers took sniper positions atop some buildings. The rest moved through the town, staying hidden. Yet, there was no movement at all. As if the town were abandoned. The only sounds was of the wind and an old window rattling from the gusts.

The minutes passing slowly, yet still nothing. As they passed behind an empty store an armed man walked out from around a corner. His eyes widening as he caught sight of them, aiming his assault rifle at them, but too late. Michael clipped the man in the shoulder with a silenced 9mm. The man jerked back from the blow, blood beginning to soak through the fabric of his dark green uniform. Another soldier finished the man off with shot to the head.

Just as they were beginning to move forward Michael heard something, then he felt liquid hit his face as the soldier next to him dropped. The body hit the ground with a thud. The roof! shouted Michael as he now ran with the five other soldiers, firing machine gun spray behind them as they ran. Several rebels were hit, dropping from the building, hitting the ground. More rebels began to come in from alleyways. One of the soldiers tossing a grenade behind them as they ran into a building. They heard the blast and a piece of shrapnel shot through a window, breaking the glass.

Everything settled down and Michael listened, there was no more noise outside, not a single footstep. Slowly, he walked, motioning for the others to stay where they were. Opening the door and looking out, not a single person was visible besides the dead. He ventured out further, nothing happened. He went back in waving for the rest of the men to follow. Walking out into the streets, still nothing happened. Walking further, he heard somebody talking. A woman, and it was coming from a side alley. Venturing closer he looked around a building. There stood a rebel talking to a woman You shouldn’t even be here. Why didn't you leave with the others. Those dirty Солдаты Дьявола - Devil Soldiers are sure to be coming this way. he finished, sounding desperate to end this quickly.

The woman spoke "They will not run me from my home. I don’t care how many of those men they send. I will help you, I don't care if they do kill me.

Michael ran out before the rebel could speak another word, knocking his weapon from his hand and burying his pistol into the back of the man's head. The rest of Michael’s group rushed out. One pointing his weapon at the captured rebels head and pulling the trigger. A shower of blood splattered Michael’s face as the bullet left the head, barely missing Michael.

"What the hell are you doing!!" shouted Michael as he let the body drop to the ground. His brows furrowed in anger.

The soldier named Carlos, who shot the rebel spoke up You see Michael. Our military don't take no rebel prisoners. I suppose you wouldn’t know that. Everyone's always known that you wasn’t in line with the presidents vision. Maybe you wasn’t trusted with everything either. Carlos raised his weapon, pointing it at the woman I bet you didn’t know these civilians were suppose to die either.

When Michael heard this he dove a the woman. As his body passed in front of her the bullet came screaming from the barrel, spinning through the air as it slid into Michael’s back. He landed on her, his body shielding her from the deadly projectile. He felt the burning pain shooting through his back and the warm blood soaking his uniform. He heard Carlos "You were suppose to die here anyway." his vision now becoming fuzzy as he heard Carlos scream as his body caught fire, falling to the ground. Then it all went black.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 02:22 PM.. Reason: Spelling
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Past Mistakes - Awakening, Part 2, Healing Hands, Saveing Hands
Old 03-02-2010, 05:14 AM   #5
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Default Past Mistakes - Awakening, Part 2, Healing Hands, Saveing Hands

Michael woke up in a bed. The pain was gone. Looking around he could see he was in a large room, only a few of the florescent light were on. He could make out a few other beds in the room. A few of them were occupied. There was a machine hooked up too him. He could hear the beep and see the jagged lines move across the screen. His mind felt numb, and he fell right back to sleep.


Michael woke up again, but this time the room was filled with white light. He seen a couple people standing near him when he looked around. The other beds in the room were now all empty. As his eyes began to adjust to the light the two forms in front of him began to become clearer. To the left there was a woman. Her skin was darker than his own. Her cheek bones were high, eyes dark and weary. Wrinkles lightly etched across her forehead and around her face. The hair long gray and white with no trace of the black hair that once covered her head long ago. Her clothes were perhaps buckskin, sparsely decorated with beads.

Michael looked over to the person standing to the right. He was a man. His hair was dark brown, his nose broken, eyes blue-green. To Michael’s surprise he thought he saw a glint of metal under this man's trench coat. The older woman and the man seemed to be immersed in conversation when Michael spoke up "Um, excuse me. Where am I and who would you two happen to be." The Two stopped, now looking directly at Michael.

The man spoke up "Ah, So your awake Michael."

"Wait, how did you know my name?" said a surprised Michael.

"Whoa, one question at a time. Now, I think I'll answer the other questions first" Michael remained quiet as the man walked closer to him. "Now, I am called Vuxxa. Though mind you, this is not my real name. Hiding my real name has protected me somewhat from the government. Without it, they cannot learn about me, they cannot find anything personal to use against me. You know Family etc."

Vuxxa then walked back over to the old woman and motioned to her. She looked directly at Michael "I am called Ishaah and I am the reason you are alive right now." Michael gave her a quizzical look. As far as he could tell she was no doctor

Vuxxa spoke up "You guessed right, she is no doctor. Her skills aren't used very often, but she is very good."

Ishaah began speaking again "Your very lucky Michael that I am an acquaintance of these good people here. No doctor would have been able to save you."

"She is right Michael, her knowledge and...abilities can work marvels." Vuxxa stood looking at Michael with a grin across his face.

Michael looked at Vuxxa "What do you mean by her "abilities""

"I would rather not get into that right now"

"Well I Would!" Michael said raising his voice. "Tell me." A voice suddenly rang out from out of nowhere "What right do you have to speak to Vuxxa like that. What right do you have to make any sort of demand. If it were not for us you would be lying amongst the dead, putrefying." A man then came into view, he was shorter than Vuxxa though not by much, his hair was dark brown, darker than Vuxxa's. His eyes also brown. He wore black with something bulky underneath. Looking directly at Michael "You owe him a bit of gratitude. Anyway, right now you are at our mercy. You would be dead if it weren't for what Vuxxa saw..." He turned away and began to leave the room, looking back at Vuxxa he said "I hope what you saw was right. If not, then something bad will definitely come from this." He then disappeared through the doorway.

"That would be Ketotsue." He looked back at Michael "Sorry about that, It's just...never mind. Lets get on with this. You asked what I meant by her abilities." he cleared his throat "There are more things to this world than what you see. More than the physical. Ishaah is skilled at medicine, but she has also learned how to access something beyond. Wounds and injuries can be healed almost instantly. The skin closes together and sealed. Bones mended, illnesses disappear."

Michael couldn’t believe this, How could this be. Is he lying to me. But what would he gain from this. Michael though as Vuxxa turned his back. "There are more things than just healing though. But this is all that I will say on the subject for now. And you asked a while ago what this place was. Well, this is but one of many bases, scattered across the world that we use. I am one of the leaders of and organization, we call our selves Sanctus Exercitus. Latin for Holy Army. It's a fun name." Vuxxa and Ishaah went to the door. Vuxxa looked back at Michael "I'll be back tomorrow. We can talk some more, and I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone." He then walked out the door, disappearing from view. Michael laid there looking around Sanctus...I've heard of them before. Their suppose to be terrorists trying to undermine world peace. Just what are they trying to do. Michael felt sleeping creeping over him Wow, I didn't realize I was so tired. Whether I trust them or not, they saved me. I've been here for a while and nothing has happened. I might as well sleep He laid his head down on the pillow, closing his eyes and letting sleep take him.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 02:21 PM.. Reason: Spelling
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Past Mistakes - Awakening, Part 2 Sanctus Exercitus
Old 03-26-2010, 05:44 PM   #6
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Default Past Mistakes - Awakening, Part 2 Sanctus Exercitus

Michael woke up again feeling much better now. Ishaah was standing at his bed. "Ah, I see your feeling the effects of the work I've done on you today" He looked up at her, the old eyes gleaming with knowledge "Well, thank you, I feel much better now." He sat up in his bed, pushing the sheet off of him, "Can I get up and walk around?"

"You can walk around, but you cannot leave the medical area. Is that understood?" she looked upon Michael with a stern, yet kindly look. Michael replied "I understand."

"Ok now that you understand that and you no longer need anything I will be going now. Be sure to speak up, I'm leaving this base." she waited a couple seconds before turning her back on Michael and began walking towards the door.

"Wait! Why are you leaving. Don't you run the Sanctus medical ward?" Ishaah stopped and looked back at him

"Well, you see. I don't work for Sanctus. I am only here right now because Vuxxa requested my assistance. This is only the third time I have lent my assistance. And I do so when I see that it is truly important." Michael said nothing else but she looked back at him again before leaving

"This door doesn’t leave to the hall. It leads to the first section of this medical ward." then she left through the door. Now Michael was left to himself. He walked around. Everything seemed to be in perfect order. Through he noticed slight signs of miss care. As if they didn't have to recourses needed to keep everything in perfect order. Unlike the government. He felt a little cold in his hospital gown. Though nothing he couldn’t handle.

He went to the heavy wooden double doors and opened them. This next room had a few patients with nurses and the doctors in their white coats walking around. Some had appeared to just have a virus and would be good in no time. A larger percent carried bullet wounds. There was daily fighting between Sanctus Exercitus and the government. Either a battle or small skirmishes, it never seemed to stop now. Before it would be maybe a few casualties a month. They would break in somewhere exchange fire with the police killing them. Then take something etc. Or disrupt the police during martial law.

The police searched for them but never could find them. Then they blew up a building, gaining the attention of the great spotlight called the media. The president spoke calling them full blown terrorists. The police then devoted their full power to stopping them. A federal bureau began investigating. Then things just continued to grow.

Michael walked about the room, he could see a door leading to surgery on the right side of the room. He walked passed it and went to the door that led to the hall outside. He began to wretch his hand to push out the door, but his hand stopped. It wouldn't move. It was physically impossible for his hand to go any closer to the door. He withdrew his hand. What the hell? he thought. He then walked away leaning up against the wall That was weird. He looked down at the ground I guess I really will have to wait here for Vuxxa

Several minutes passed before a female nurse walked up to Michael "Michael, Vuxxa is coming. Here are your clothes and boots. You need to put these on before he comes." Michael looked up her. She was holding out his uniform and boots. His pack was nowhere to be seen Of course that would be missing Michael thought.

He looked at the nurse Hair black, eyes gray, face...very good. Body nice. Maybe I could have some fun later. She then directed him over to an empty bed. "You can change here behind this curtain." She grabbed the curtain and began to pull it along the rail "Of course it's not like I haven't seen it before. I was the one that put you in that gown."She then laughed as she completely closed the curtain.

He thought Well, I definitely didn’t expect that as he dressed.

As he finished tying his boots he heard the door swing open and Vuxxa's voice. He finished and got up sliding the curtain open to see Vuxxa waiting for him with the nurse standing next to him. He now wore fatigues. There he is. The fool that expects me to believe they harbor people with power. Though I have heard of people who possess certain gifts. But they are all affiliated with the president.

Vuxxa greeted Michael "Ah, I see you are ready. Shall we leave?" Michael nodded his head yes.

Vuxxa led the way through the door out into a hall. Obviously this was a true military base. The curved design of the concrete walls and ceiling to absorb shock and the heavy steel supports every five feet. For all he knew they could have been ten stories underground. He took Michael left, the soldier going over things in his mind I could probably try and make a break for it right now. How could I get out though. Past all the men and woman walking down these halls. And I doubt Vuxxa is without a weapon. Fighting him would be a struggle too. He looks to be about six feet. A few inches taller then me at least. His build is larger than mine, and no doubt he has undergone some sort of combat training the way he holds himself. Even if it isn't much, it would take longer to knock him out, giving others enough time to arrive.

They passed by a few doors, he could see beds on the inside. Even if I did make it out. Where would I go. I can't trust the government. Even if Carlos was lying, I can't take the chance. Vuxxa took another left, down the other hall Michael could see a cafeteria area. They came to an elevator "This is the second floor. I will be taking you to the fourth." The door slid open of it's own accord and the two walked into the box and the door closed. "Fourth floor."said Vuxxa before the elevator began to move. After a few seconds it stopped again.

Michael stepped out, looking around. He noticed immediately that things were darker. He also spotted camera's. Of course there were camera's above. But there were even more here. Most rooms were closed off with thick steel doors. Some with keycard slots, others needed a code to be punched in. There were a few men posted here and there, but it didn’t seem to be as populated as the area above. Michael followed Vuxxa down the hall before turning right. At the end of this hall was another elevator. He could see a sensor above the door and a small console on the right. Where could that elevator lead.

There were two rooms down this hall, one on each side of the hall. Vuxxa took him to a room on the right. After entering the room Vuxxa pushed a button causing the door to shut. Michael could see some rather large computer around the room and a few screens hanging on the wall. Five people stood in the center of the room.

The first was a man. He was a little taller than Vuxxa and muscular. Very muscular. On his shoulders a large head on which short red hair sat upon. The man wore black combat boots upon what looked to be clumsy feet. The pants were green, the same as those that every soldier in the building wore. On his body he wore a tight fitting red sleeveless shirt. Vuxxa extended his hand towards the man and began speaking "This is" before being cut off by the man "I'm called Xerxes. There, now, can we hurry up with this. I got important things to do. Oh, and watch around Ketotsue, he's a hothead that thinks he better than everyone else. But I heard you already met him so you should know." A look was now over his face showing that he was rather pleased with himself.

Ketotsue stood one person away, leaned up against one of the tables populating the space, he was in his full fatigues also. "Patience is a virtue Xerxes, and Michael if your going to watch anything I would suggest it be your step. Especially while around Xerxes. He has a habit of clumsiness." Ketotsue then pushed himself off the table. Michael looked over at Vuxxa who seemed to have an amused look on his face.

Looking back at the group he could see Xerxes had begun to scowl at Ketotsue, though it looked ridiculous, causing Michael to smile. Ketotsue gave a small quiet laugh. This obviously wasn't the effect Xerxes was looking for seeing that the scowl now disappeared.

"Well now, how about we move on." said Vuxxa with a small smile on his face. "Next is Isis" Michael looked over at Isis. She was small, looking even more so when compared to the massive Xerxes. Green fatigues hung over her small frame, covering most of her pale skin. Black hair ran down her back. With beautiful green eyes staring back at him. "So your Michael. As Vuxxa said I am called Isis. Don't mind Xerxes, you get use to him...eventually." He noticed that ever since he walked into the room she tried to stay a few steps away from Xerxes. He really must be clumsy. I wonder how he has stayed alive this whole time thought Michael.

Next was Ketotsue "Yes, you already know him. So then next is Andarial" This woman was the same build as Isis, though a little taller. Her skin was darker than his own. Her eyes baby blue and slightly curly brown hair hung down to her shoulder. She also wore green fatigues.”Nice to meet you Michael." Michael thought Well she seems nice enough

Vuxxa waited a few seconds before speaking "And at the end is Enos" This man stood five or six steps away from the others. He was the shortest man, standing a few inches shorter than Ketotsue. His skin was darker than Andarial's. His face was a little slender but Michael could no see his eyes yet. Atop his head, hair nearly black with a slight wave through it. He wore no amount of fatigues over his body, nor did he even wear the combat boots. He wore over his body he wore something almost completely white. It hung somewhat loose and was thin. On his feet were brown leather boots with a thin sole.

Enos just stood there. Arms crossed and his head tilted down at the ground. He looked as if he were constantly in thought. After a few seconds his eyes finally darted up at him. Michael could now see them, they were a dark brown. Michael didn’t see them for very long as Enos' eyes went back to staring at the ground. Still he said nothing.

Vuxxa finally broke the silence ”He doesn’t speak very often." Enos continued looking down. "Now that you have introduced to everybody, it is finally time to tell you the nature of things and why you are here"

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 02:57 PM.. Reason: This particular Sanctus base is situated in central Europe.
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The Anger of Atter and Imus
Old 04-16-2010, 03:26 AM   #7
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Default The Anger of Atter and Imus

Night has fallen outside of the Presidential City Dakr. A city built only a few years before. It houses Joshua Imus, his staff and their families, along with the staff and heads of all other federal level branches, bureaus and such. It also housed a large contingent of soldiers and various laboratories. The scientists lived within the city also. Various towers populated the landscape, their purpose unknown, but their staff lived within the city confines as well. By this the city has become rather large and self contained.

Dakr's defenses are the best in the world, with the largest single grouping of soldiers along with their war machines. This along with the most advanced defensive and detection technology went into the building of the city. It's full capabilities though still unknown to most. In the heart of Dakr within the presidential complex, Joshua Imus sat within his office fuming. The office was white, a painting of himself on the wall behind him.

The room was windowless, positioned in the center of the building and much larger than need be. Two flags hung in the corners, with a door to the right, left, and directly in front of him. His gaze straight ahead. Joshua pressed his fists down hard upon the table, his knuckles turning white. His teeth clenched hard within his mouth with eyes and face reddening. His head shaking slightly with anger.

Yes, the president was angry, and very much so. For defiance angered him greatly. Those insolent little worms. Thought Joshua How could they dare to even attempt to defy me. Those insects. My rule is absolute and none shall escape it. He shook his head No, I will not let this pass. Perhaps I have ignored these rebels for too long.

Over the years Atter or Сатана, had hardened Joshua, changing him, making him ruthless. Yet his transformation was not yet complete. Though there was not much for Atter to do to complete it. Yes my son. They make a mockery of you. This Sanctus. Atters thoughts hissed in Imus' mind. Can you hear it. They're laughing at you. "The great Joshua Imus, ruler of the world humbled by fools and children. Oh how that little group of children struck him a blow and he does nothing. Does he fear them." Is this what the people think privately. Atter laughed.

A group had appeared several years before now, calling themselves Sanctus Exercitus. They were one among several such groups. Joshua simply allowed the police to take care of such things, for they were beneath him. Yet, Sanctus continued to evade them. Getting bolder and bolder. They then drew the media's attention. Though they truly did not know how great of a blow had truly been dealt. Several secret plans of his had been interrupted, and special 'artifacts' stolen. But on top of that his governments perceived invincibility had been damaged along with his own godlikeness. For he was now looked upon as a god. The man god.

"Ah, maybe I should try to find them again. I cannot believe they have hidden themselves from me so well. Three times I have failed but not a fourth. Imus quieted his mind and began searching through the minds of multitudes of people, their thoughts buzzed through his mind as he searched. Soon Atters power began to seep into his mind and them his mind became heightened. He stopped, Here is something unique. I nearly missed it. The only creature in the world that seems to exist in this one little town. Yet, all around I see people, and ah, there are Sanctus troops, but how could I not access any of their minds. Never mind, even though this is a mere baby, I should still be able to locate this place on in the world. After a few seconds he spoke out loud "Yes, there it is".

Good echoed Atter Perhaps a team should be put together Joshua answered back Yes, and I have the perfect candidates. This is also a perfect chance to get rid of Michael quietly. He then began to make preparations for the mission.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 03:14 PM.. Reason: Dakr is a fictional city I have created. It is in Northern Italy.
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Evils Failure From Overconfidence
Old 04-17-2010, 08:56 PM   #8
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Default Evils Failure From Overconfidence

It should of worked thought Joshua Imus. He sat in his office, his arms to his sides and head hanging slightly. An expression of loss, disappointment, and failure, over his pale face. How could they have won. My elite unit, utterly destroyed by those simple minded rebels. It was a surprise attack, yet it seems they knew it was coming. How? He stood up slamming his palms down on the desk. It seems impossible to me. But, i watched through their eyes. The ambush, even though there was no way for them to know. He walked away from the desk slowly. Yet it happened. And Michael, he completely disappeared, though I know he didn't die. He walked around to the front of his desk now.

Nearly twelve hours before, Joshua had sent an elite Special Forces unit to attack the village. Surprise was on their side, along with the skill, stealth and weaponry of these elite soldiers. Yet, those ill fated men never returned. The rebels hated so much by the president defeated them like amateurs. Only Michael survived, the one he wanted to die. This was because Michaels ideals drifted form that of Joshua's.

Yes, it seems there is something strange going on within Sanctus said Atter within Joshua's mind. A hint of fear now wavered through Atter's being, though Joshua didn't sense it, or perhaps he ignored it out of disbelieve of Atter even being able to fear something of this world. Perhaps... Atter paused, giving what he was about to say some thought, They are like you. Endowed with...gifts.

Atter hated and feared this, for it called to his mind something that he had learned centuries ago, and if what he thought was so, then it could mean his downfall. The prophecy thought Atter. If only it wasn't so. Hopefully I am wrong. But if not, perhaps there is a way to change what is to come.

What are you saying? said a nervous Joshua. They to can do the things that I can. How?

They are here to destroy you Joshua. Though they do not rival you, they are surely here to do this. Atter paused They have unlocked power deep within their minds and they have been preparing themselves even before you had this world. Making plans to subvert you, for your coming was known thousands of years ago.

Joshua yelled out within his mind Destroy me. I will make them pay dearly. They are my main concern now. I will not play any longer. They will fear. Joshua slammed his fist into the desk, which split in half, the two ends jumping three feet into the air. He then said calmly So, what else do you know.

The details are not necessary, but it is time for our complete ascension to power. Soon, you will become much more powerful. Atter laughed You need not worry. I believe we can change things.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 03:16 PM..
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Trouble in the Northlands
Old 05-04-2010, 11:25 PM   #9
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Default Trouble in the Northlands

Michael now turned his mind back to the present, to the tall building, the snow covered streets, the noise of cars, and the few people who now walked around in the cold weather.

Should I have stayed with the Sanctus? Would things be better? Micheal's thoughts strayed back as they often did, when he was shown the truth of the Sactus Exeritus. When the power of the Council was revealed and Vuxxa gave him the option to stay or leave. I would have still been overmatched. I would still have to hide. But would I be making a difference. Would I be closer to stopping them. Maybe. He remembered each of the council and how they displayed to him something he thought was impossible.

Vuxxa was the first. Concentrating water within his hand before turning it into a spike and freezing it. Moments later a force grew within his other hand, which he released knocking Michael back. Afterwards a twenty pound weight rose seven feet from the ground. Vuxxa explained that the last two abilities were held by all the members, the first though was his own. Control over liquid.

Next the large member, Xerxes, eagerly called flames. The displays continued with Andarial who shaped light into a sphere, a few moments later Isis followed by arcing electricity through the air. Ketotsue protested but he eventually did create a burst of wind. Then Enos, he simply glared and made a noise in his throat.

Next Vuxxa explained how he had a vision moments before the attack that Michael's team was on their way to the town. And that when he had seen Michael he had remembered a dream he had months before that Michael would save them all. Though Vuxxa explained that Ketotsue had a dream of them all laying dead at Michael's feet.

Afterwards, that was when Vuxxa gave him the option to leave and Michael took it. They returned his equipment to him and he walked out of the base, hiking over hills and working his way toward some nearby mountains. Afterwards he made his way form city to city, eventually making it to where he is now, the city of Tallinn.

Tallinna Reisisadam, or the Port of Tallinn. Over six hundred thousand people reside within this port city resting on the southern coast of the Gulf of Suomi. To the south-east lies the largest lake in the area, Lake Ãœlemiste, which is fed by the Kurna stream and Pirita River. On the western border lies Lake Harku, the second largest lake. A lime stone cliff runs through the city, exposed on several large hills. An oblong limestone hill lies in the center, called Toompea, which is the center of area's government, and the Riigikogu - the parliament.

Michael continued on down the sidewalk as it began to snow again, the flurries slowly falling from the sky. A dim sun filtered down through the clouds as he heard shouts up ahead. He could see soldiers marching from another street. Leading them was a man, bigger than Xerxes, about six foot four, a little less muscular. He wore all black, silver down each side of his pants, a silver buckle, and silver buttons up his shirt. Silver embroidery ran up the sleeves, looking somewhat like a dragon surrounded by flames. There were silver plates on each shoulder. On his chest hung a badge, signifying him as a Lower Acolyte, a new little thing that the president created. They take care of things on behalf of the president. In other words they take care of his dirty work when he doesn’t see fit for him to show up himself, or finds it below him.

Two men stood in the way of the marching troop. The soldiers stopped. There were some words exchanged before the two men shouted NOW!

Around ten people on each side of the street pulled out automatic weapons along with the two men who stood before the soldiers. The gunfire echoed through the streets as fifteen soldiers dropped immediately, the Lower Acolyte seemed to become enraged. Swiping his hand through the air several men dropped. The rest held firm and continued firing as the soldiers now returned fire. The bullets never seemed to reach the solders though, no more died, now the ones dying were the rebels. With a sign from the two men the three rebels that remained standing fled into the alleys.

Michael crouched down beside a row of parked cars and crept closer to the two men, still remaining out of site. "So the rebel leaders come out to play. 'Ketotsue' and 'Vuxxa' I presume." The lesser acolyte said laughingly. I can't believe I didn't recognize them. Though, I didn’t expect to see them. Thought Michael as he watched from behind a red car piled up with snow.

"Now why would you think that Phael." said Vuxxa slowly as Ketotsue whispered something to him.

"Your not planning on leaving so soon are you. I was hoping to have some fun first." said the Lesser Acolyte Phael as something exploded between Vuxxa and Ketotsue. Though neither man was hurt, milliseconds before the explosion they had already began to jump to the side. The smoke from the explosion hid them as they both disappeared into the alleys. They were fast, faster than Michael. Phael said angrily "Our information must be right. He has to be here." before marching his soldiers onward.


Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 03:24 PM.. Reason: Suomi is the Finnish word for Finland
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In Tallinn, The Elder we Shall Seek.
Old 05-10-2010, 12:06 AM   #10
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Default In Tallinn, The Elder we Shall Seek.

Three Days Earlier, The Presidential City of Dakr

Michael must be in the north, for I can feel the call of the land. spoke a distracted Atter in the mind of Joshua Imus. Joshua sat slumped at his desk with his face buried in his hands. That is reassuring...but...there are many towns and cities to cover. thought a stressed Joshua, who was joining in the search with Atter.

He will show himself eventually. The two have been searching for a year but to now avail. Working their searches farther and farther north. Michael was a hard one to find. It would have been a simple thing to find him, if not for his mind being blocked to them.

Hours seemed to pass, nothing. It seems impossible. These months going by and he continues to remain hidden. There was a short moment before Atter spoke Perhaps it's easier than we thought. There are various relics and beings scatter about the world that have spread a web of energy across the area around them. I know of methods that scientists have used to find things in space they cannot see. Joshua cut in You mean the way they can find extra solar planets by the wobble effect their gravity has on their star.

Atter went from one to another. Methodically checking the energy across the north. Finally, in the city called Tallinn there was a disturbance in the 'elder's' energy. It has to be Michael Joshua rose from his seat with a smile on his face I'm familiar with the legend Atter, and I believe I have thought of a way to get rid of Michael without actually doing it ourselves. Atter laughed in Joshua's head My thoughts exactly. This should be entrusted to somebody that is at least semi competent. The Lesser Acolyte Phael. He shall seek out the Elder and Michael will be no more.


Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 03:25 PM..
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Ãœlemiste Vanake, Tallinn's Terror
Old 05-10-2010, 01:29 AM   #11
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Default Ãœlemiste Vanake, Tallinn's Terror

"What to do?" said Michael as he strolled through an Alley. I doubt I could leave the city. It's bound to be guarded. He continued as he walked closer and closer to a woman leaned up against a wall with a hood hiding her face. Should I seek out the Sanctus? As he passed by her she pushed herself off the wall and bumped into him before walking off in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Watch where your going. He took a few steps before realizing. Wait a minute. He felt around, his knife and gun were missing. Michael turned around just as she began to run. Chasing her around a corner she was easily outrunning him. She took him through some more ally's before running across the street. Michael checked for traffic before following. She seemed to be waiting for him before she ran yet again. He caught a glimpse of green eyes looking back at him before she rounded the corner.

She turned right, then left before running into a building. The building looked abandoned, several windows were broken. He charged forward opening the door, it's rusty hinges squeaking. When he entered the building the woman stood waiting with her hood down. It was Isis. She stood with a small smile, her white coat was unzipped showing the white shirt underneath. Her pants were dark tan and tucked into black boots that rose two inches below her knee.

"Well, you did find him. Though I would have to say your method of bringing him here was a little much." said Ketotsue who sat at a table to Michael's left.

Vuxxa stood to the left about six feet from Isis "Yeah, Keto's right. I was thinking more along the lines of you just asking him to come. I didn’t expect you to steal his things and lead him here." Keto and Vuxxa both wore the clothes he had first seen them in. Their civilian attire.

"Would you rather me to have done the expected and to of been followed." she then gave the two a look that Michael couldn’t see.

"Well, I would have to say you win." said Ketotsue with a barely discernable grin.

Vuxxa spoke up immediately afterwards "And I would have to agree."

"So, uh, what's this all about?" asked Michael.

"Oh, we just thought that maybe you would need our help here." replied Vuxxa

"Yeah, seeing that this place is crawling with soldiers now." said Ketotsue

"That is true. Keto doesn’t kid around about soldiers. At least where number are concerned." said Vuxxa jokingly.

"Oh, how I dislike enemy soldiers. They plagued my gaming life and now my real life."

Isis cut in "Please, not this again. Vuxxa! Why did you have to get him started?"

"Uh. Wow, big difference from when you guys were in the Sanctus base." said a slightly puzzled Michael.

"Oh, you probably have some questions don't you? said Vuxxa

"I do have some questions. How did you guys know I was here and is that why you came to Tallinn?" asked Michael.

Ketotsue replied "It was lucky guess and no, we didn’t come here for you."

Isis glared at Ketotsue before speaking "We came when we noticed that the N.W.O had sent a large group of Marines to this location. Normally that wouldn’t set off red flags."

"Very true. What really alerted us was that they had sent the Lesser Acolyte Phael. As you know they are sent on the presidents personal business. We have also encountered Phael before, so we couldn’t let him go again." said Vuxxa as he approached Michael.

Michael asked "Do you know why they are here?"

Isis replied "We don't happen to know why they are here. But they seem to be gathering to the south, around Lake Ãœlemiste, ."

"Yeah, and I sensed a strange energy pouring from that place. commented Ketotsue with a slightly angry look on his face. "Whatever they're doing, It definitely isn't good."

"So what do you propose?" asked Michael.

"We're going there of course." answered Vuxxa

"We should probably do some research on this lake." said Isis.

"I suppose I'll do that." said Vuxxa as he walked upstairs.

"And I suppose I'll just sit here twiddling my thumbs." said Ketotsue sarcastically.

"So how long should this take?"

Isis replied "Not too long. Ketotsue just wants to be a smart ass."

A minute later Vuxxa came back down. "Well, there is a legend about something called the Ãœlemiste Elder, or Ãœlemiste Vanake in the local tongue. He's suppose to live in the lake. Supposedly anyone who encounters him he asks if Tallinn is ready. Answer yes and he destroys the city with a flood. To avoid the destructions the person needs to answer No, there is still much to be done."

"Well that was easy to find. Just what would things be like without the internet." spoke Ketotsue as he rose from his chair. He walked by Vuxxa and stood in between Vuxxa and Isis. "We should get going now." Vuxxa called out and twenty men and women came down the stairs, all in civilian clothing. Vuxxa, Isis, Ketotsue, and Michael all left the building along with the other Sunctus members who now all dispersed through various alleys and streets. Michael and company now made their way south-east to Lake Ãœlemiste.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 03:41 PM..
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Micheal's Fight and the Search for the Elder
Old 05-11-2010, 01:57 AM   #12
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Default Micheal's Fight and the Search for the Elder

Dusk was beginning to settle over Tallinn as the city became even more quite than it already was on this cold December day. Ice floated across the slow moving waters of Lake Ãœlemiste as Michael, Vuxxa, Isis, and Ketotsue crouched in their hiding spot observing the activity by the shore. A chill settled across all four observers as an icy cold wind blasted over them. The temperature was twenty degrees below zero with the wind chill.

"Why did it have to be so damned cold today." Ketotsue whispered with a shiver as another frigid blast whipped over the four. Vuxxa felt of his nose and whispered "Yeah, it is a tad bit chilly. My nose feels icy."

Down at the lake Phael and his men simply stood by the shore waiting. Why are they just standing there thought Michael What could they be waiting for and how the hell can they stand this cold so well.

Vuxxa suddenly began to whisper a song

"We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.
Hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new land,
To fight the horde, sing and cry: Valhalla, I am coming!"

"Nice" said Ketotsue as he began to blow warm air into his hands that he cupped over his face. As they continued waiting, the Sanctus soldiers have already set up, taking sniper positions and picking their targets. On command they would fire in unison.

Several minutes later a sub rose and the water seemed to begin to shake. The water seemed to begin to part. A stair well rose, meeting with the shore. Isis whispered "Now". Her voice was heard on the headset of each sniper, all taking their shots. Twenty soldiers dropped as their blood splatter out into the lake. Phael looked back and laughed before running into the stairwell followed by ten soldiers. They disappeared down into the lake.

Michael, Ketotsue, Isis, and Vuxxa all rose, making their way to the lake. Half way there though a group of fifty Marines came out of numerous building instantly opening fire. "Nevermind them. Our men can handle it." Vuxxa said to Michael as he looked back. Several Sanctus died immediately. The rest found good cover and returned fire.

As Michael came to the shore, he could see the water had now calmed. Steam rose up from the stair well. Water still poured down the sides, and water dripped from the opening. "Here we are." said Isis as she peered into the darkness that they must travel through. "Hopefully there's only one way." said Ketotsue as be took his first step on of the slippery stone steps.

Isis began to follow Ketotsue before a man stepped up behind them. Michael stood closest to him being at the back. "Where do you think your going." the man said. He was obviously a marine. "You guys go ahead. I'll take care of this guy." Michael said, motioning to the others to go on down the stairs. They did as he wished and walked down into the darkness.

He doesn't have any weapons. I'll get a little close with this one thought Michael as he looked the man over. He charged the man, throwing a punch with his right hand straight for the man's face. His foe dodged easily before Michael threw a kick at the man's stomach, who dodged this attack also. He moves so easily thought Michael as his foot flew past the man.

Michael felt a pain in his stomach. He stumbled back holding to himself. Damn...I didn't even have an inkling he was attacking. Michael looked up at the man, who simply stood there with his fist still extended, smiling. He didn't even try Michael thought as he readied himself. Michael simply stood where he was waiting. After a few minutes the man charged. Michael spun to the left as the man approached and threw out his elbow, slamming it into the man's stomach. The marine simply laughed and sent his own elbow into the back of Michael's head, sending him face first into the ground. "Was that suppose to hurt?" the man asked as Michael struggled to his feet. He thought He's just playing with me. as he took a few steps away from the man.

Michael's thoughts turned to his gun. I don't have any more time for this. I have to get down there Michael pulled his gun out immediately pulling the trigger. But to Michael's surprise it didn't hit the man. Surprise washed over his face How. The marine spoke up "You fool. Somebody doesn’t have to dodge the bullet, only the persons arm. Which with you is easy enough." Michael quickly cleared the shock from his mind and formulated a plan. He began firing rapid shots at the man, who dodged them all. Now. Michael fired once more, hitting the marine in the shoulder mid jump. The man spun midair form the hit and fell to the ground.

The marine rose up slowly, some blood had already collected upon the ground. He held his shoulder, some of the red liquid running out from between his fingers. The man yelled out You!, but before he could say anything else a knife hurtled through the air, he barely dodged, keeping it from ending his life. Instead it hit his leg, tearing into his muscle and imbedding itself into the bone.

Michael holstered his empty gun and ran at the injured man. Michael jumped up throwing a kick, the marine barely stepped back. The pain burst out in the man's muscle, causing him to stagger. Michael took opening, kicking him the nose. However well he can take a hit, that still has to hurt thought Michael as blood began to ooze out of the man's nose. the man threw a punch with his right fist, though injured he was still fast. Michael dodged to the left, grabbing the man's wrist, slamming his palm as hard as he could, though it didn't break as he had hoped. He then jumped and drove his elbow into the bullet wound, then, using the momentum, pushed himself higher, kneeing the man in the temple.

The marine yelled out in pain, and frustration, slamming both fists overhead, down on Michael, hitting his stomach. "Oof!", Michael's breath escaped him. Luckily he caught him himself with his hands, rolling back onto his feet. Immediately after threw a kick at the man, though he grasped Michael's ankle. Michael quickly threw a kick with his other leg, catching the marine in the temple. Though he dropped to the ground, he used this to his advantage. Grabbing the man's wrists, kicking him in the stomach with his free leg, and rolling back when he hit the ground. This carried the marine over him and to the ground.

Michael now rolled on top of the man, delivering punch after punch, before something happened. There was a loud noise that echoed out from the stairs. "What the hell is that!" shouted Michael. Then something hit him in the chest. Not a first or anything like that. A dark mass, pushing him away from the marine. "I'm tired of this!" yelled the man. The darkness began to cover Michael as he hovered nearly two feet above the ground. He felt like he couldn’t breath, it felt like it was burning his flesh. "I will end this now." the man said standing up. "Damn you!" shouted Michael.

Am I really going to die here thought Michael as the darkness covered his vision. He felt a strange sensation, like a tingling in his brain. Then a heavy feeling, and his mind seemed to expand. The darkness quickly receded, instead it flew straight at the marine. He screamed out "How!", before the darkness dissipated into the air. Michael hit the ground running, What the hell was that he though as he grabbed the knife in the man's leg. With both hands he loosened it, bringing it up the man's leg, the flesh and muscle tearing easily, and on up coming out his shoulder. Then with a swift motion the blade went across the man's neck, the skin flaying open and the blood falling out. He dropped to his knees before falling face first to the ground. The blood began collecting in a pool, mixing with the snow. Behind him the gunfire continued, though it had died down quite a bit.

Michael began walking toward the stairs What the hell was that. Is what they said would happen, happening? His thoughts soon turned to finding his way around as he entered the darkness. Hopefully things are going alright. It's still hard to believe that I've got caught up in something like this though After several minutes a dim light began to seep into the darkness. Along with the light, came the sounds of fighting. He took a few steps forward, there lay two marines, near the entrance to a room from which the light came. As he came to the edge of the room, the fighting seemed to stop.

Michael took several steps into the room, blue and red light played across the ceiling, floor, and walls. He heard heavy breathing and saw scattered about the room Vuxxa, Ketotsue Isis, and Enos? How did he get here? Michael thought as he continued his survey of the room. Seven marines lay dead about the room. In the center stood a pedestal with runes etched around it, glowing and etheral blue, becoming brighter before dying down, in a continuous cycle. Atop it sat a statue of an old man, his beard was long, with flowing robes. He almost seemed real. Across the statue there were etched deep lines, canals, through which energy flowed. Red and blue, the energy glowed like the runes at the base, ebbing and flowing, like water. The eyes were white, time never fading their color or brilliance.

Standing before the statue was the Lesser Acolyte Phael, a smug look over his pale face, the light dancing across it. He turned his head, looking at Michael, Phael said almost lovingly"It's beautiful isn't it Michael. before letting short deep laugh burst from his chest, Haha!, he cut it off quickly. He raked his fingers through his black hair, looking up at before letting out his breath. He shook his head, making a noise with his tongue, before staring directly at Michael with his hazel eyes, "You and these Sanctus fools had to intervene. You had to anger the president, now you all just had to intervene here, and make me angry too." Looking at Vuxxa, Ketotsue, Isis, and Enos, who lay sprawled out upon the floor, "The Sanctus idiots never should have come here, they could have left this all alone and been fine. Though they would had their turn soon enough. What we wanted to do today could have all been over without the suffering and fighting. Well, Michael it seem you shall die anyway, despite their bests efforts."

Michael heard some struggled movement before looking over to see Ketotsue raising his head, looking straight at Phael and grinding his teeth, "No Phael! You are the fool and idiot here!" Ketotsue winced in pain "What do you know, your the presidents dog. Do you really believe he will let you live once everything is done. Or do you think he will save you from what's coming. Either way, I assure you, you will die."

Phael stared at Ketotsue, his eyes narrowing. Michael could see the muscles in his jaw tightening. Then in a swift motion of his hand, a force slammed into Ketotsue's side, sending him rolling fifteen feet across the floor, before hitting a wall, now laying limp.
"I should have just finished them all off earlier. Oh well, I can just do that now. Then I can kill you since your here. Oh, and for the fun of it I can still destroy the city" He held up his hand. No! I can't let him do this. But what can I do against somebody like him. I'll just have to try. Michael pulled out his knife, leaping at Phael. Normally Phael could have easily blocked or evaded Michael, but now, occupied with the others, he had no chance. The knife sunk into his left arm, several tendons severed, his hand went limp. His elbow was drove down, as the knife hit the bone.

Phael yelled out "AAAAAAAH!! You fool!" Phael slammed his right palm into Michael's chest so quickly Michael could barely see it looking directly at it. Michael sailed through the air ten feet, hitting the stone wall. He felt sick, and he couldn’t inhale. Pain shot through his spine, wrapping around to his ribs. He hit the ground, now laying on his side. His consciousness began wavering as Phael began saying something to the statue, what it was, he didn't know. There was a flash then a rumbling. Phael placed his hand on the statue, the lights dimming before he simply vanished.

At least...I tried Michael thought as his mind began to dim. He felt sleep trying to come over him. Rolling his head to the side he could see water beginning to come into the room. The others began moving as the water touched them. Isis said something as she tried to get up. Ketotsue continued laying where his was. Suddenly all he could see was white. What's happening! he thought, trying to move, but unable to.

As quickly as it had happened it was over, Michael's vision returned. Though not to the room under Lake Ãœlemiste, he now lay upon his back staring at the dark sky. He felt around with his hand, a person lay on each side of him. Looking closely, on was Enos, the other, Vuxxa. The sound of men caught his attention. Looking around he could see several lights coming towards him. Getting closer a light shown in his eye, blinding him. A man yelled out, several others kneeling, Michael finally drifted into darkness.


Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 07:41 PM..
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In Comes the Press
Old 05-17-2010, 03:43 AM   #13
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Default In Comes the Press

Joshua Imus sat in his room smiling. His bed was rather large, against the south wall. North is a large window, letting in light, with a view of a lightly wooded area and small garden. The door is to the left of the bed. The carpet is gray, with various other objects on would expect to find in a bedroom. Along with the rest was a portrait, a rare thing to see now. Though it was portrait of himself.

Dakr was very busy today. Handling relief efforts, the investigations, and the flood of reporters waiting to hear from their president. Such a catastrophe did not happen very often. It also wasn't very often that you could blame an enemy for it. Tallinn was being searched for survivors, but he knew there would be none.

Joshua sat watching the television, images of the effected areas being shown. The surrounding communities had been effected, though not destroyed. There was an image of a small town, completely flooded. Rescues were going smoothly, and everything was timely. All to the liking of the people. It seems our enemies have been destroyed echoed Atter. Yes, not only was Michael destroyed, but Sanctus tried to come to the rescue. Now their leaders float among the dead as well. The president laughed to himself. Yes, and with all the bodies dressed in Sanctus uniform found amongst the dead, it will not be difficult at all for them to believe what you are going to tell them.

The woman on the television spoke "In a few minutes the president is going to address the world." Joshua stood up It's almost time. Oh, remind me to give Phael some sort of an award. He's been such a good dog. He laughed to himself again. He then exited the room walking calmly down a hall carpeted with blue carpet. Several windows lined the hall, while on the opposite side of the hall were doors.

Joshua turned right continuing on, passing by another hall before coming to some stairs. As he traveled down them a man came running up. Upon seeing the president he stopped looking a bit flustered "Oh, sir. I was just coming to tell you it was almost time for the address. Though it seems that was unnecessary, sir."

Joshua said calmly "That's alright. If I would have forgot you would have got me in enough time." He began walking away before looking back "Your new aren't you."

The young man replied "Yes, sir."

"It's good to see that your doing so well your first day. That says something about you." Joshua said.

"Thank you, sir" the man said shyly.

Joshua walked the rest of the way down the steps to a large room. The front door stood twenty feet from him. The floor, marble tiles. He walked to the right of the stairs going through a wooden door that was bared to most. H sat in a chair, people rushing to help prepare him, though he did not need it. The people shall shout for revenge. Calling for their destruction. The remnants of the group shall be searched out and obliterated. Joshua paused in though Yes, it shall be complete. We will no longer have to worry of those insects. Atter replied apologetically I am sorry that those fools were able to cause us any trouble at all. It should not of been. There seem to be those about whose paths are completely concealed from my view. Those few being among those who caused our trouble. Joshua replied back It doesn't matter now, they are gone. Well, it's time for me to go out there now. A man was waving to Joshua to go out to the podium.

Joshua walked out into the lights, the flashes of cameras filling the room. Rows of seats filled with reporters eagerly awaiting his speech, after which they will get their chance to ask questions. He could see the video cameras, his image now being displayed across the world. People around the globe waiting to hear his voice.

He walked in behind the podium, which had his presidential seal on the front. ”Good evening people’s of the united world. He looked across the room in a sweeping motion before tilting his head down slightly. ”As you all undoubtedly know” he looked back up ”Yesterday a great disaster had befallen the city of Tallinn. My heart goes out to the families whose loved ones are missing. Know that crews are searching day and night for survivors, by boat or aircraft.” He cleared his throat. ”What you may not know is how a flood could have caused such destruction. Know that this was not a flood. This was a massive wave that swept through the city. And this wave was not caused by nature. I am saddened to report to you that this was a man made disaster.” He watched the reactions of the reporters before continuing. ”Nor was this an accident. This was an act of terrorism. The terrorist organization Sanctus Exercitus orchestrated Tallinn’s destruction. All in the hopes of mass casualties and demoralizing the world. Several agencies have uncovered hard evidence of their actions…"


Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 07:44 PM..
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Today on the News
Old 05-21-2010, 03:08 PM   #14
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Default Today on the News

Michael Strau woke up in a hospital bed. The lights brightly showering the room with their glow. Somewhere nearby a television was going. Waking up in a hospital bed just like a year ago. But is this Sanctus he wondered looking around. If this is Sanctus, they're certainly doing better than they were thought Michael noting how new and well cared for everything appeared. The walls were blue with numerous other beds around the room.

Michael tried to get up but a pain shot through his ribs. His whole chest and back aching. "Damn" he said holding to himself. Michael slowly sat up in the bed. Getting to his feet he walked over to where he heard the television. The only place where somebody could be is around that T.V He looked around at the empty beds. As he came closer to the front of the room he cam upon a group of seven people. Two being doctors. Two more were Xerxes and Andarial. The other three who were wearing hospital gown were, Enos, Isis, and Vuxxa. It seems Ketotsue is missing.

All stood around a bed, their heads upturned staring at the television hanging from the opposite wall. Fuzzy images played across the screen. He could see Sanctus soldiers moving towards a lake, then he could see a sub dipping below the surface, and finally, a massive wave of water rising up and speeding at the camera before the image went out.

"Those were the final images from Tallinn. Showing the terrorist organization Sanctus Exercitus preparing for and executing the destruction of the city." The woman speaking turned over to a man sitting next to her. "Now, after the shock of what the president revealed yesterday, the public outcry is great. Will this mean all out war, and how exactly did they cause such a catastrophe."

The man looked at her before responding "Well, I don't really see another option. With the mass loss of life and the public outcry. Though I doubt he really wants anything else, after what they've done. Now, as to how they caused such a disaster, from what I know, they stole an experimental energy device. Now, what exactly this might be, I don't really know." The television then went black.

Vuxxa yelled out "That son of a bitch!"

Michael turned around and looked at the others "So, I'm guessing the president is blaming Sanctus for what happened in Tallinn."

"That Phael guy is probably feelin' real good about himself." said Xerxes.

Isis spoke in reply "Yes, the good dog is undoubtedly getting some kind of a reward."

Andarial spoke up, her head hanging down "Things are going to get harder. Even more than they already are."

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 07:46 PM..
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Ketotsue's Problem
Old 05-27-2010, 03:04 PM   #15
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Default Ketotsue's Problem

Michael stood with the others in a Sanctus medical ward. The thoughts of the presidents lies still hanging on their minds. A silence now lay upon the room. Then a thought came to Michael Wait, how did I get here from Tallinn. He looked around at the others voicing his thoughts "How did we get here anyway? We were in Tallinn. The water was pouring into the Elder's chamber. Then I remember just appearing outside somewhere, then some men found us."

Vuxxa answered him "Well, Michael, that's simple enough. We...teleported here."

Michael gave Vuxxa a strange look "How?"

"Well, it's not like it's the first time it's happened. Though not with so many people at once. Michael gave Vuxxa a quizzical look. He continued, "Well, I guess this would be a good time to tell you. Me and Ketotsue both have the ability to teleport. Though we can't control it.

"Really?" asked Michael.

"Yes. After Vuxxa's reply, Michael stood, thinking. It seemed impossible, even more than everything else. After a moment Michael said "So, where is Ketotsue. He's been absent this whole time.

Xerxes cut in "That would probably be the best thing that happened. He's in a coma right now. Though it is bad to have a member out of commission for a while, at least he isn't 'round to run his mouth."

"Really Xerxes. That's what you have to say. Then be quiet." calmly stated Isis.

Vuxxa continued "As you heard from Xerxes, Ketotsue is indeed in a coma.

"Well, he took quite a blow there at the end." stated Michael. "So where is he."

Vuxxa replied "He's got a room to himself. This base is a bit bigger than the other. So there's more space." Pointing to the south side of the room he said "That door to the right leads to a hall where people with severe injuries get their own rooms."

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Old 05-28-2010, 06:45 AM   #16
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Public Opinion
Old 06-01-2010, 06:56 PM   #17
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Default Public Opinion

Presidential City of Dakr, Presidents office, Midnight

Such a fickle little thing it is thought Joshua Imus.

Atter replied Yes, even with their great love and devotion to you the public opinion can quickly shift. After a short pause Atter continued Mortal creatures have such weak minds. Even after that display of destruction, change could still be wrought in their thoughts. It is always a possibility Sanctus could shift opinion in their direction. Though such a task would certainly be very difficult for them. Especially with most of their leaders destroyed and the great hate of the peoples.

Luckily we hold all the cards. IF they did attempt such a thing, our skill in this little game is much greater than theirs Joshua let out a small laugh.

Atter spoke in reply, sounding slightly impatient Beware. If they were to acquire so great a hold upon the people's minds, turning them to their truth. Even your power might not be able to turn them back.

Joshua sat in his chair I don't see how that would be possible. Though I will heed your advice. Joshua then tapped his foot on the floor under his desk three times then spoke "Patefacio quod take mihi tenus aula of gemma. - Open and take me down to the halls of the gem" Soundlessly a section of floor opened directly under the desk. His chair slowly being lowered down a concrete shaft, though the section of floor that went down with it appeared to touch nothing. The ceiling above closed shut as a calm blue light flooded in from below. Three stories down a mythril blast door slid open allowing passage farther down.

After passing the section of mythril, the four sectioned blast door slid back together. The silvery metal had a light blue tint to it as it sealed shut. An orange tinted field flooded around the metal as an energy shield surrounded the door. The same things happened five more times. Each door spaced one story apart.

Joshua finally met with the bottom, rising from his chair. A reinforced mytrhil door surrounded by a force shield stood before him. As he approached light blue lines of light swept across his face, scanning him. After a few seconds it stopped, Joshua clearly saying "I am he who is the master of all". The shield disappeared. A disk in the center of the door spun around twice before there was a click and the door split into it's two halves as each side slide into the walls to the left and right.

On the other side was a long circular hall of reinforced concrete. On each side are two doors. Straight ahead dim blue light continued to pour into the hall. The source was a crystal fitted within a domed room. The hall circling around it before meeting again of the other side. Railings separating the crystal's space from the hall.

This blue crystal, the source of energy for Dakr. Powering every light and facility. Maintaining all defenses and shields continuously. It's output greater than the energy needs of the city, greater than the need of the surrounding country. It even surpasses the energy output of a fusion reaction. That is to say man made fusion. The reaction within the sun of course is far greater. The crystal delivers it's energy constantly. Never wavering in it's output, without ever putting anything into it like the power generation facilities of old. Like the coal plants and fission reactors. Even the fusion reactors, which need hydrogen. This nifty little crystal supplied continuous free energy. Though the people have no knowledge of this.

All who are supplied with this energy still have to pay. Unknowingly paying for something that cost nothing. Though the majority of the population were rightly paying for energy that did cost something to make. Only three places possessed such crystals, feeding off of them for their energy. Most of the world getting their energy from wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal. Those being the more natural and self producing forms of energy. The other being more traditional. Energy created within a facility. Fusion, like having a little sun trapped within a building. Continuously creating energy using hydrogen. Energy from creation, the binding together of hydrogen to create a denser atomic structure. Releasing energy in the process.

Joshua walked by the doors, heading straight for the crystal. Two other hells went off to the left and right from the crystal. Though Joshua continued going straight, rounding the crystal and looking down into the depression in which the crystal sat. The tip hanging down in a hole where pure electrical energy is extracted. The light playing across the walls and Joshua's body as he passed.

As the hall continued on the other side five doors lined each side. Joshua passed them all by. At the end the hall split left and right. He took the right, passing two doors before the hall split yet again. It split left and right. A scientist slowly walked by, coming from the left hall. Joshua turned down that hall. Several soldiers stood by the three doors he passed, all of these doors being on the left. The men saluted before becoming motionless again.

The hall split three ways now. A hall to the left, straight ahead, and to the right. Joshua turned right, entering a long featureless hallway. The light dimmed more and more the farther he went. Finally in light dimmer than twilight he reached a locked door. Grasping his hand around a dark blue orb which sat within a recession in the wall to the right of the door. He looked down at his hand, forcing minute amounts of energy into the sphere. A darkness spread from his hand. Like oil, it's tendrils wrapping around the orb, slowly spreading.

Atters son slowly releasing his hand. The darkness ebbing like the tide, as it receded into the recession. Revealing again the dark blue orb. Though not as it was, as the darkness receded, lines of dark blue light were left in it's wake. Etching themselves across the orb, before meeting in the back. A ring of dark blue light now scrawled itself upon the door. A symbol forming in the center. Then a click and the door opened. All of this happening in an instant.

Joshua stepped into an elevator, going down six more stories before stepping out. He now stood within a large domed room. The room is mostly circular, stretching around fifty feet across, and the dome going up seven stories. To the left on the wall hangs a massive computer screen. Also to his left are a row of computers leading up to eight feet from the door. On the right was another entrance, larger than the one he just came through. In the center, a table.

Various men sat around the table, most from the military, others advisors. A man sitting in the middle of the group spoke up. His attire signifying him as a high ranking general. General Hawthorne, the general over the marines. The mood was light"Mr. President."

"Well, it seems I'm the late one." Joshua said as he sat down on the other side of the table.

"That you are." He paused "So, I see we have a new place to meet. Why the change?"

"I thought certain precautions were necessary." said the president, resting his elbows upon the table and placing one hand upon another in front of his face, palm facing downward.

"So I assume there’s reason to believe that they could spy on us." Hawthorne said in reply.

"Something like that." said Joshua. "So, shall we get started."

"Certainly." Hawthorne cleared his throat "We're continuing to search for their strongholds. We've begun to observe their movements with satellite imagery and spy planes. Though we're still finding it difficult. They're erratic in their movements and seem to disappear. We've also tried finding their agents in the cities and towns with no luck."

Joshua interupted "I have an idea. Though, I think it would be to drastic for you to go along with Hawthorne. A little birdie told me how you'd react to my full plan and well, I just can't have that. I just guess there's only one person who could do the job." The others rose from their seats "Don't worry, none of you are going to lose your jobs. You shall be fodder along with many others." two secret doors opened in the wall and Phael and another man stepped out. The other man appeared older, he wore similar clothing, though it had more design and badges. Signifying his as an Acolyte. Behind them four men followed wearing Sanctus fatigues and automatic weapons.

By this time the men tried to run only to get pulled back by an invisible force. Phael walked up to Joshua as the machine gun fire began, handing him a cup of coffee. "Nothing beats kicking back and watching a massacre while drinking my favorite brand of coffee." He began taking a sip as some blood flew onto his forehead. "It's a little hot Phael." Some more blood hit his cheek. Joshua wiped the blood off with his finger. Looking at it he lick it off his finger. Tasting it and smiling.

Bodies lay upon the floor, blood splatter covering the table. Puddles of the liquid lay under their victims, some smeared as they slid as they fell. Joshua stood up "Public opinion shall go even farther to my side. They will not dare to thing bad of what I shall do. They will practically beg for my solution." He looked at the two men dressed as Sanctus members "Come here." They immediately walked to the president. Stopping next to him, unblinking as they stood rigid.

"Phael and Burgen, you know what to do." They grabbed the two men and began yelling. Escorting the two to the larger exit that led to the more known parts of the base under Dakr. Joshua changed, looking more disheveled. He followed after appearing shocked.

The people shall not only be angry, but fearful. Attacks like this going off in all the cities at this very moment. Their cry shall be great.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 07:50 PM..
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The Growing Fear
Old 06-11-2010, 10:40 PM   #18
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Default The Growing Fear

Sanctus Headquarters, Morning

Michael woke with a start. That was a strange dream. He thought. The president is pretty fond of General Hawthorne from what I could gather. He would never do that.

He threw the sheet off his body, turning his body so his feet could touch the floor. He put on his pants, socks, and boots, before rising from his bed. He took a few steps forward stretching his arms out before putting his black shirt on. His jacket hung in a closet, his weapons and bullet proof vest having their own special places in his room. His fatigues were new, Sanctus issue. Recently they had 'found' a large amount of carbon fiber and had begun making uniforms out of it. Therefore Michael’s still snug is slash resistant clothing.

Michaels room is of medium size, located on the second level of the Sanctus headquarters. His bed being in the upper left-hand corner of the room. A desk and chair several steps south of the bed. Farther down from that is the door. On the right a closet, and a few steps south a place in the wall that can open up, holding his weapons, and a hard mold of a torso on which his vest fitted, ready for him to equip. And four feet to the right of the door, a desk with computer.

Michael walked for the door, his bones were healing nicely, as far as he knew. It was difficult to tell with the pain meds. Though, his thoughts turned to Ketotsue. Laying in his bed, nearly lifeless. A machine breathing for him, covered in wounds. He may have been a bit of an ass sometimes, but still, he didn't deserve that. He's also an important member of Sanctus, many of them apparently liked him fairly well. Hell, i could how people could like him. Too bad he hates me though. Why would I try to destroy them. thought Michael.

Michael walked down the hall, he was suppose to meet Vuxxa outside. All was quiet as he wandered down the hall, killing some time. He passed by a few rooms with groups of Sanctus members gathered around watching a television. I thought everyone swore off television for a few days He thought as he passed by.

Several minutes later he came upon Vuxxa, Isis, Xerxes, and Andarial standing in the hall, talking amongst themselves. A sad look was over Vuxxa's face. I wonder what's happened Michael though as he approached.

"I guess Tallinn wasn't enough. He had to do somethin' else to piss on us and the people he leads!" Xerxes shouted as Michael approached.

Michael asked as he stopped "What's happened?! He looked around at the group.

"That **** of a president pulled some more of his ****!" Xerxes replied, clenching his fists. "How many people have ta be murdered to satisfy that prick."

Andarial looked over at Michael, her eyes showing both sadness and fear. Perhaps not a fear for herself, but a fear for others. "The president. He...he had so many killed. So many gunned down, and everyone thinks it was us!"

Isis then spoke up, looking at Michael with her green, eyes, looking as if she were on the verge of tears. "In every town, every city. Men and women dressed in Sanctus uniform...opened fire upon large groups of people. My own city...so many dead."

Finally Vuxxa spoke up "Sometime in the morning a synchronized attack was carried out. Groups of supposed Sanctus members opened fire in every town and city. In total, maybe a million have died. An attack was even carried out in Dakr. Two men dressed in Sanctus uniforms killed top military officials during a meeting with the president. Though, Joshua Imus himself was unharmed."

Andarial spoke up again "Martial Law. That's what they say is going to happen next." Her voice small and quiet.

"Nobody'll blame him either. They'll welcome it. Gittin what freedom they have left taken away" Xerxes ground his teeth. All of this simply hit Michael. Just like my dream. Then he began thinking of all those dead. So many gone. All of them thinking it was the Sanctus Exercitus. They're all afraid. Afraid of who might die next, when another attack might happen. Sad for their loss. So of course they will welcome full military crackdown in their cities and town. He paused in thought for a few seconds Then will come their anger. Their hate. They'll want to see Sanctus obliterated, squashed, no punishment will be too great. Mothers and father lost their children, children lost their parents.

Michael began talking, the thoughts of his dream needing to be vocalized. "I had a dream. When I woke up this morning I thought it was simply that. A dream. But now, after hearing this. I don't think so." He then began to tell the four council member his dream about the shaft from the presidents office, the halls and the crystal, and the room where General Hawthorne died from bullets fired by two men in Sanctus uniform. Recalling everything that happened and that was said with crystal clarity, including the words from an echoing voice within the presidents mind.

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 07:53 PM..
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Breeding Hate
Old 06-14-2010, 07:30 PM   #19
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Default Breeding Hate

The man hit the end button on the screen of his phone. Slowly laying it down on the table. The news he just received being what he has been fearing of hearing all day. He's spent nearly his entire Saturday morning glued to the television. The news horrible as it usually was in these dark times. the terrorist organization Sanctus Exercitus had executed yet another attack. This one even more horrible than the last. Though there was no destruction like the last attack, the human toll was greater. They attacked all across the world, nearly at the same time. At the last count the toll was approaching a million.

Still he got ready, his daughter was coming to see him. He was rarely able to see her now since college. She was all he had left since his wife died several years before. She was suppose to show up at eleven, but the hours passed by. Twelve, one, two, three. His fear began to grow. Maybe something just came up. Yeah, that's it He thought, trying to reassure himself.

He sat down on his leather couch, leaning forward, rubbing his hands, waiting. His curtains were drawn, no sun entering the confines of his expensive apartment. Though he could afford it, he had the credits. Being an engineer paid well.

After a few more minutes, his phone rang. He snatched it up, answering "Hello". He tried to cover up the nervousness in his voice. Nathan Grooms said a male voice on the other end. That was when he found out. His daughter wasn’t coming, she never would. Never again would he hear his daughter voice, never again would he see her. He felt sick, he hit the power button on his remote, the screen going black. He began to cry, pounding his fist on the table, shouting "WHY! WHY! WHY!" His clenched fist hitting the table lighter and lighter before it stopped. His knuckles turning white, hanging his head low, his tears falling to the floor.

Sadness was not the only thing within his mind. Hate strong and fierce began to build up. Growing bigger and bigger. Those selfish cowards. Angry about nothing, taking everything. Killing people who don't have anything to do with their insane ideas. He clenched his jaws. Something needs to be done. I don't care if they all die. Something needs to be done, no matter what. They need to pay. Even if I have to do something about it myself. I have nothing else left to live for except seeing their end.

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Commence the Training
Old 06-14-2010, 08:19 PM   #20
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Default Commence the Training

It was another day. Michael rose from his bed getting dressed. Today he would learn how to control the power within his mind. It was something he had been wanting to do ever since that day in Tallinn. Before, he never thought there was any reason to believe he was capable of anything like that. The members of the Sanctus Council could certainly do strange things, but for them to think he was capable of such power. They had to of been wrong. Now, he knew. They were definitely right, about him having the ability to do such things at least.

I'm suppose to meet him outside Michael thought as turned from the hall that his room was in. He turned right onto the next hall, which was nearly twice a wide as the last, around ten feet. He could see the elevator up ahead. He stopped by the cafeteria first I should probably eat something. It was a fairly large and boring place with tables arranged about the room, a few people were sitting, most had already left. Opting for some cereal, he hurriedly ate, returning the bowl before returning to the hall.

Using the elevator's voice commands he said "Floor B1". The door slid open and he stepped through. This elevator was larger than normal, eight people could easily stand shoulder to shoulder. After a few seconds it stopped, opening to another hall. This floor was smaller and the hall circular with various rooms around it closed off with large doors. The light was half that of the other floors below. He walked forward, walking halfway around until finding the exit. A thick steel door slid opened when he pushed a button to the left. There he found some sort of large lift. He stepped onto it, pushing another button. Gears spun and it moved up twenty feet before stopping. An opening above his head revealed itself, sliding open. As he clumb up out of the underground, he realized he was in a wooden structure. Devoid of anything, only a window to his left and a door in front of him. The ceiling was seven feet high, and the building being ten feet wide. Morning light filtered in through the window, shadows of branches swaying through the light. Many trees stood outside the window, patches of snow across the ground, small frozen puddles of water, and small streams.

Michael looked around Strange, I didn't think there would be anything else. Instead I find a...shack? He walked for to the door, the light playing across the old graying wood. He grabbed the handle, the metal chilling his hand as he turned it. The hinges surprisingly silent as he opened the door, a few nearly rotted leaves blowing in. He took a few steps out the door, the crunch of snow and frozen leaves mingling together. Michael looked to the left, off in the distance he could see a snow covered clearing. Off in the distance to the right a large snow covered field.

Above the trees reached towards a gray sky, the tops swaying in the cold breeze. The limbs bare and seemingly lifeless during their winter hibernation. Up ahead stood Vuxxa with his back turned to Michael. He appeared to be wearing blue jeans and a long blue coat hanging down nearly three feet. Michael walked to him, a chilled wind sweeping through. Michael could feel the temperature drop immediately.

Vuxxa let out a sigh "You know Michael, every time I'm out here I'm flooded with memories. People die, people change, everything is different. But memories, they can always bring you back. Back to a happier, easier time when things were better." Vuxxa turned around looking at Michael, his eyes betraying his sadness "When me and Ketotsue were younger we used to hang out here a lot. They were good times. Then when we were about halfway through our teen years we got drug into things much larger than we could have imagined. Well, let's get on with things shall we." Vuxxa then began walking, waving for Michael to follow.

They walked through this patch of woods, fallen limbs and the occasional dead tree blocking their way, Vuxxa quickly jumping over, and dodging all obstacles along the way. Michael tried to keep up, though he had to jog to keep up with Vuxxa's walk. They continued on, drifting to the left as they went. Looking around he noticed that the trees were wrapping around a field. They stopped soon after. Off across the field in the distance he could see several buildings and a road, beyond that another larger field with forest beyond that. "Now" said Vuxxa, "Sit on the ground." Michael sat down on the ground, clearing away any snow first. He sat folding his legs like a pretzel, left foot under right leg, right foot under left. "Now, I'd like you to empty your mind, clear it of all thought."

Michael asked almost jokingly "You're not going to have me get into the lotus position?"

Vuxxa answered "No, I definitely won't. It really wouldn’t help anyway." After a slight pause he continued "Now, clear your mind." Michael then closed his eyes, This shouldn’t be too hard. Slowly but surely he ceased nearly all thought, his slow breathing seemed to amplify along with the creaking of the swaying trees. His mind then closed in on itself, the outside noises disappearing, leaving just the darkness of his mind. He began to feel different, perhaps lighter, then he felt as if he were falling slowly, drifting downward. His body felt numb as a light began to fill his vision along with a deep calm. It was then that he felt another mind within his own.

Michael fell deeper, before him stood an ocean of energy. He could feel it as he got closer. Suddenly he began to quickly lift away from it. But then the other presence held him, helping him. He was pushed back. He seemed to hover over an ocean of white, ripples pulsing away from his body where he nearly met the liquid. This realm seemed endless, a white expanse stretching in every direction. Off in the distance a gold line circled, separating the liquid from everything else. Above him a spec of darkness, the entrance back to his conscious self. His mind seemed to grow while he was here, he seemed stronger. Then a voice echoed out Go down into it Michael looked around Vuxxa?

Last edited by Vuxxa; 08-31-2010 at 07:57 PM..
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