((ORP)) Clan EIE
Old 11-03-2009, 01:13 AM   #1
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Default ((ORP)) Clan EIE

The Goblin grimaced, looking awkwardly at the black pouch in front of him.
"Seven thousand more on successful trade. I keep my word, Dinkylk."
"No names!" The Goblin whimpered. Almost as an instinctual reaction, one gnarled claw reached out and tugged on the corner of the pouch. 'Tink!' The noise from inside as unmistakable - gold on gold.

Money was money, and that was how she had done it. Nodiatis may have changed, humans might be on the brink of extinction, but if you had the gold, you had the power. So it is, so it was, so it will always be. Xenyth let the puch drop, and the banker caught it, again almost on instinct.

It had taken a day. All said and done, the actual bloody part had taken only a single day. Certainly there had been weeks... months of preparation. Learning how to read the market. Discovering how a dummy auction worked. Manipulating the flow of information to and from an Auction House... But in the end, the goblins had become hers in less than twelve hours.

Certainly, it was only three goblins, and certainly it wasn't much of a fight - but three goblins well placed meant that she had control over an entire sector of the national human slave trade. Not that it was control she wanted - the very thought made her break stride and offer a pained look to the sky. No, not control. Just... sanctuary.

Xenyth had been on a wilderness hunt when Humanity had lost. Honestly, the wars hadn't even been an influence on her life, until they were over. The restrictions on human movements had pained her - caused her to lose significant tracts of forest to Orcish progress. It irked. She had never been one for swift action, but something about the current state of Nodiatis had her reconsidering her moral stance.

Evil should not win.

She had never considered herself as a moral person - her only loves had been the forests, the beasts, and tending both. But now, her blood called to something greater than herself. Her need to care for the endangered was reaching out to a new species.


And so that was why she had done this. After all, the goblin economy was nothing more than another kind of forest - trees of gold, growing in the soil of moneypouches and taxes. Leaves of goods falling, to be caught by the soil and turned into more taxes. Her mind had transformed the economy of Nodiatis into another great wilderness. And she had learned to tame it.

Of course, in the current air of the world, her actions were seen as rebellious. Vigilante. Evil. And so she had begun to gather rebels, and they had called themselves just that - Evil incorporated.

She reached the gates of Castille, and looked back at the goblin, who was now pouring the seven thousand gold coins she had given him into a large stone vault. It was done, and should her bribed banker deliver, he would get another lump sum later.

And so Evil Incorporated had purchased another human. And saved another life.

((Thought I should do some intro RP into the runnings of Evil Inc, and the motivations of it's leader. Feel free to add to it!))
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Old 12-13-2009, 09:26 PM   #2
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(the whistles while all is in cold dead silence)
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