S1: Looking for a PLer(s)(Power Leveler(s)) |
09-29-2009, 08:09 AM
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TemariChan is offline
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S1: Looking for a PLer(s)(Power Leveler(s))
Im looking for a Power Leveler(s) for Skele Coast that can kill within 1 minute or less, I am offering payment as such, what Trophys/Items drops that you can grab, is your payment. In due time this works out to be 50/50. I am currently level 29. The toons name is Temarichan. PM me there if interested. I hope to do the 2hr RT all at once. I am looking for someone(s) to do this till im able to get to lvl 33. I am on majority of the time, currently mostly looking for someone to PL me, so PM at anytime to see if I am in need or not.
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09-29-2009, 10:16 AM
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flipynifty is offline
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so you're paying the person to powerlevel you by letting them have their trophies and half their normal exp? Is that even a payment? Oo
Lol, i'd do it for ya (for free since this is what it is) but you'd need to be lvl 46.
omg i wanna sammich nao
09-29-2009, 11:14 AM
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Um... why do I need to be lvl 46 in a lvl 36(7) area where you can be lvl 24 to start being PLed...
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09-29-2009, 11:46 AM
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zenga is offline
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I once had a char that killed lvl 36 mobs in 10 seconds, he was lvl 35. Regrets that i leveled him up in a way.
09-29-2009, 09:43 PM
Wow that offer is BS
is it a serious offer? mooching off their kills and letting them have half their normal trophies and expierence is payment
what kind of world do we live in atleast be honest and say looking for someone to powerlevel me for free
09-29-2009, 10:51 PM
i can power-level you in the ogre caves if you'd like, with my level 31. i can complete the kills in about 3-5 minutes, and you can have all your trophies, so it should work out eventually that you get about half of what you're normally getting now.
09-30-2009, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Pasterqb
Wow that offer is BS
is it a serious offer? mooching off their kills and letting them have half their normal trophies and expierence is payment
what kind of world do we live in atleast be honest and say looking for someone to powerlevel me for free
Well first of all you dont have to be a god damn prick about it, and 2, a lot of people either do that or just give me the whole lot of trophys, and 3 you must not relise that with in an hour, that about 350k+ exp of trophys, 2 hours is around 700k exp of trophys the person gets for helping, I find that pretty damn fair of payment.
Originally Posted by Tapobu
i can power-level you in the ogre caves if you'd like, with my level 31. i can complete the kills in about 3-5 minutes, and you can have all your trophies, so it should work out eventually that you get about half of what you're normally getting now.
And sorry but thats a ways a way out of my way and that takes up to much RT.
Do I care if you hate me, do you wanna know the truth? c'est la vie, adios, good riddance, @#$% YOU! ┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐
Last edited by TemariChan; 09-30-2009 at 08:43 AM..
09-30-2009, 02:38 PM
With Rollover Rested time i get 100k exp while PLing someone i get 50k with accel on. and kills dont get any faster they get slower cause of the grouping. You are implying that they have travel mode in which they still would lose half the exp and trophies they get cause of fighting in groups because the kills are slower. And yea i Powerlevel for free but i would never make a forum asking random people to powerlevel me saying i will pay them with their own trophies.
09-30-2009, 05:33 PM
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zoidberginc is offline
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Lolololol why dont u just suck it up and grind a few tc's to get to 33..... not that hard really... AND guess what? when ur 33 u will still be in skelly for all combats!!!!!!! no loss there and i see that ur idea of even powerlvling isnt really paying them at all =p...... gl tho
EDIT: if you want 2 powerlevelers ur crazy.... thats 1/3rd less xp for everyone......... groups of 3 are for bosses and sg's not true grouping or powerleveling
Dont mess with the Zoid, im surprisngly not that bad!
Last edited by zoidberginc; 09-30-2009 at 05:36 PM..
10-01-2009, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by zoidberginc
Lolololol why dont u just suck it up and grind a few tc's to get to 33..... not that hard really... AND guess what? when ur 33 u will still be in skelly for all combats!!!!!!! no loss there and i see that ur idea of even powerlvling isnt really paying them at all =p...... gl tho
EDIT: if you want 2 powerlevelers ur crazy.... thats 1/3rd less xp for everyone......... groups of 3 are for bosses and sg's not true grouping or powerleveling
Grindering a few TCs is a bit hard when they cost on average 125/130k and the without having to pay real life cash for it, and I want all the combats I can get, best place for a lvl 34/35 to fix his toon to where he has a two 1 lvl stats to Uber lvl himself to 44/45 in a day to get PLed by a 70 and for 2 Plers I was refurings to getting someone to do it one day and the other the next, and if that PLer needs someone else for the skele boss, the arnt very good, cause all the PLers iv had so far have been able to kill it thems self with my siting there healing. And so far, iv had someone do it for me everyday, mostly for free, either there grinding or just not wanting the trophys, so in all case, shows how much you know.
Do I care if you hate me, do you wanna know the truth? c'est la vie, adios, good riddance, @#$% YOU! ┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐
10-01-2009, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by zenga
I once had a char that killed lvl 36 mobs in 10 seconds, he was lvl 35. Regrets that i leveled him up in a way.
Rage/Rager wasn't it?
10-01-2009, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by TamariChan
Grindering a few TCs is a bit hard when they cost on average 125/130k and the without having to pay real life cash for it, and I want all the combats I can get, best place for a lvl 34/35 to fix his toon to where he has a two 1 lvl stats to Uber lvl himself to 44/45 in a day to get PLed by a 70 and for 2 Plers I was refurings to getting someone to do it one day and the other the next, and if that PLer needs someone else for the skele boss, the arnt very good, cause all the PLers iv had so far have been able to kill it thems self with my siting there healing. And so far, iv had someone do it for me everyday, mostly for free, either there grinding or just not wanting the trophys, so in all case, shows how much you know.
so your saying that someone is grinding, and either give you the trophies or you just taking yours??
if thats the case then say:
hi im a idiot and im looking for someone to PL me in skelly, i promise you will get **** all from it, and ill be ever so grateful
10-02-2009, 07:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Smashbros
so your saying that someone is grinding, and either give you the trophies or you just taking yours??
if thats the case then say:
hi im a idiot and im looking for someone to PL me in skelly, i promise you will get **** all from it, and ill be ever so grateful
Well I see it clear that your a fu cking read, go back up to #8 and #11 and READ what I stated, or well since that more then likely will be a problem for someone that have the brains to read it, ill state it here again.
Well first of all you dont have to be a god damn prick about it, and 2, a lot of people either do that or just give me the whole lot of trophys, and 3 you must not relise that with in an hour, that about 350k+ exp of trophys, 2 hours is around 700k exp of trophys the person gets for helping, I find that pretty damn fair of payment.
Grindering a few TCs is a bit hard when they cost on average 125/130k and the without having to pay real life cash for it, and I want all the combats I can get, best place for a lvl 34/35 to fix his toon to where he has a two 1 lvl stats to Uber lvl himself to 44/45 in a day to get PLed by a 70 and for 2 Plers I was refurings to getting someone to do it one day and the other the next, and if that PLer needs someone else for the skele boss, the arnt very good, cause all the PLers iv had so far have been able to kill it thems self with my siting there healing. And so far, iv had someone do it for me everyday, mostly for free, either there grinding or just not wanting the trophys, so in all case, shows how much you know.
I even simplified it with the MAIN statement in bold and underline. Hope that helps out a lot, if not, I hope you have a school near by to go back to, to re-learn to understand a statement.
I swear ignorance must be contagious, I better stop posting on the dead subject before my collage smarts get dumbed down.
Do I care if you hate me, do you wanna know the truth? c'est la vie, adios, good riddance, @#$% YOU! ┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐
Last edited by TemariChan; 10-02-2009 at 07:25 AM..
10-02-2009, 07:51 AM
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Smashbros is offline
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Originally Posted by TamariChan
Im looking for a Power Leveler(s) for Skele Coast that can kill within 1 minute or less, I am offering payment as such, what Trophys/Items drops that you can grab, is your payment. In due time this works out to be 50/50. I am currently level 29. The toons name is Temarichan. PM me there if interested. I hope to do the 2hr RT all at once. I am looking for someone(s) to do this till im able to get to lvl 33. I am on majority of the time, currently mostly looking for someone to PL me, so PM at anytime to see if I am in need or not.
hmm based on the highlighted part i believe that you entered this thread as the idiot and are dumbing everyone else down.
your "college" smarts dont include jr college bucko
10-02-2009, 03:06 PM
Seer's BFF
zoidberginc is offline
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Originally Posted by TamariChan
Grindering a few TCs is a bit hard when they cost on average 125/130k and the without having to pay real life cash for it, and I want all the combats I can get, best place for a lvl 34/35 to fix his toon to where he has a two 1 lvl stats to Uber lvl himself to 44/45 in a day to get PLed by a 70 and for 2 Plers I was refurings to getting someone to do it one day and the other the next, and if that PLer needs someone else for the skele boss, the arnt very good, cause all the PLers iv had so far have been able to kill it thems self with my siting there healing. And so far, iv had someone do it for me everyday, mostly for free, either there grinding or just not wanting the trophys, so in all case, shows how much you know.
wanna DM? ill show you how much i know
Dont mess with the Zoid, im surprisngly not that bad!
10-04-2009, 03:47 PM
I hope NOBODY PLs you !
Good luck on normal fighting noob !
10-04-2009, 04:03 PM
10-04-2009, 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by TamariChan
I swear ignorance must be contagious, I better stop posting on the dead subject before my collage smarts get dumbed down.
If you went to college i think you would be able to AT THE VERY LEAST spell the word college.
Unless you actually meant collage which is defined as
-a paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image
10-04-2009, 10:33 PM
no, she meant her collage smarts. she's taken all our avatars, printed them out, and glued them to construction paper. that is our payment for plvling.
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