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09-28-2009, 06:52 PM
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Death... it was not what he had expected. Where were the fires of hell he had so anticipated? All he felt was an overwhelming since of emptieness. He opened his eyes for the first time in what seemed like ages only to find... pure empty darkness staring back at him.
^ Atterimus?^ he waited for some time only to not hear the familiar resonance of his spirit's voice within his mind. ^ Atterimus where are you... Atterimus...No...it's not... of course I really am dead and the chains that bound our souls together have been torn apart... but then if I am dead then where am I why am I not paying the price for my sins?^
Hours passed or maybe mere seconds it was impossible to tell for sure but finally something happened. " You are in a place known as Tartarus it is the void in between your world and the spirit world beyond... You have been brought here for a specific reason and you will play your part in one way or another either way you will be given the tools to acomplish your task... you have two options one claw your way up and out of this void and back into humanity or two let yourself sink down into the spectral abyss where you will surely find new form as a spirit forced to wonder the earth in the same manner as the Atterimus you once knew..."
^What the hell... I will not become a pawn in this game^. His mind now made the world around him started to take on a rocky shape. In the distance he could see walls of bronze and even further away he could barely make out the large bronze twin gates that could only be the exit to this prison. There were only a few problems now one was the vast distance he had to traverse. The others was the fact that he was in Tartarus the prison of the gods, he could see the giants known as the titans romeing the land along with the exceptional few people that were deemed fitting for this place. And not to forgot the gods themeselves though they were few in number still they were gods, and among them was the trickster god Promethius he was surely to be avoided.
" So where are these tools huh if the gods of Olympus and the titans can not escape this prison then how can I? " He shouted in fury blindly into the sky, moments passed and then " when the time of your need comes you will realize what we have given you ". ^ Lovely not only am I traped in the prison of the gods but I have a riddle lover for a guide ^. With great reluctance he set forth to once again find his place in the material world.
Last edited by ketotsue; 03-25-2010 at 04:05 PM..
09-28-2009, 10:31 PM
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Vuxxa lay upon the parched earth looking up upon the darkened sky as lightning arked between the clouds with an ensuing boom of thunder. There lay around him thousands of those slain in battle, enemy and ally alike. Vuxxa slowely turned his head seeing all those around him "In death they are all the same." blood runs from his mouth "Families and loved ones that they will never again see. Victims of greed and lust. When will man learn" He lookedback up at the sky rain now hitting him in the face. His breathing now shallow his eyes close as he passes out from the pain.
Minutes later or perhaps longer he wakes up again the same storm set before his eyes ^Xaikiel are you still there?^ he asks to his spirit partner ^Yes^ he replies ^I am still with you.^ the voice echoes in his mind. ^My body has been through too much during this battle I can barely move, my magical energy is used up. How about you, do you still have any energy left?^ Vuxxa asks Xaikiel ^Yes, I still have some energy, but.....^ he trails off ^But what?^ Vuxxa asks ^I cannot heal you since you no longer have any of your own energy. The Energy of the dead cannot heal the living without any living energy to accompany it^ Vuxxa pauses before replying ^I know that.^ Vuxxa looks back up at the stormy sky, just stareing in silence ^Just how long can I cling to life^ he thinks to himself.
Soon the silence is broken, the voice of a man lauphing begins to echoe all around. Quickly the form of a white dragon appears beside Vuxxa spreading it's wings protectively over him. A man begins stumbling along mumbling to himself and lauphing blood splattered across his face, the dragon disapears ^It was nothing to worry about. A man driven insane, perhaps becasue of magicks cast on his mind, or maybe he couldn't handle the atrocities of this war.^ said Xaikiel. The man slowly stumbles on through and out of site off to an unknown destination ^There were no victors in this war, both sides completely destroyed.^ says Vuxxa. He speaks to his spirit again ^So how many more times can you take on your physical form.^ the dragon spirit replies ^I only have the energy to do it a couple more times. I could only hold the form a couple minutes each time. If I have to stay any longer than that the I can only transform one more time.^ Scavenger birds now begane to land and feast upon the many bodies scattered around. A magical mist gathered around Vuxxa, the spirit spoke up ^Now those birds won't bother you^ Vuxxa said ^Thank you my friend^.
Hours passed and the sun sank below the horizon as the moon now took it's place ^So is Mallodeus truly dead^ Vuxxa asked Xai ^Yes, it seems he is. The life is gone from his body^. ^So^ Vuxxa said ^He is now on his journey throught the abyss. He shall no truly pay for his crimes. Hopefully that fiend he drudged up shall soon follow.^ He lay there for a bit longer, before passing out he thought ^I wonder where my brother is^
Last edited by Vuxxa; 10-29-2009 at 08:47 PM..
09-30-2009, 05:43 PM
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He had walked for months or what he imagined to be months time was hard to keep track of here. The only light came from the unnatural glow of the bronze walls. That is why he had chosen to walk along them forsaking a few "days" in order to be aware of what lay aroung him. Still he walked towards the gates that loomed in the distance and still he wished for the company of Atterimus the spirit that had been with him though all his tribulations.
He imagined the sun and wondered if he would ever fell it's warmth again. As he stood there thinking of the world he had been forced to leave his hand moved of it's own accord. By the time he had noticed the movement it had already come to rest on the back of his neck. There he could fell the hard stretch of scar tissue that had grown between his first and second vertebrae. Untill now he had forgotten why he was here...
Suddenly he was standing in a decaying meadow it was dark and conflict raged all around him. To his right stood his brother and behind them stood what appeared to be an army of knights all clad in pure white armor. Soon he was lifting his hand and screaming "ATTACK". Then the memory faded away and took shape some time later men and beasts lay slaughtered all around him and a storm had broke loose. He had been placed on his knees with a ring of people standing around him. His hands were bound and soon he was blindfolded as well.
" Your brother lays broken and defeated along with a vast majority of your supposed army, and soon you will follow him to the abyss your crimes have been to vast to count and you think you can repay them all in one fight against me? Pathetic...". After he was done talking he heard someone walking through the muck towards him. And then he heard something unmistakeable the scrap of blade being pulled from it's sheath. The last thing he could remember was the cold point being placed on the back of his kneck and then...
He shudered as if he would shake the thought from his mind and quickly took up his journey once again.
10-02-2009, 12:46 AM
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Vuxxa's eyes opened to a blue sky, the sun blinding him as he raised his hand to block the strong rays of light. "I'm still alive" he whispered in relief as he sat up, whinsing in pain. He held to his stomach until the pain subsided. "I suppose it's time I finally look." he slowly took of his armor, looking at it, a hole lain open within in the metal, blood covering the inside. After throwing the armor upon the ground he slid off the chain mail, it also bore a large hole. Now, slowly lifting his shirt he looked down, only a small gash ramained, mostly filled in with new flesh, it was now almost completely healed. He looked over at his cloak, "The only thing that remained unskathed."
He put his armor back on ^They may now be flawed, but still usefull^. He walked over to the body of Mallodeus, "You thought I was dead, but I got back up killing the group of soldiers who were with you. You may have got me when I impailed you, but I'm still here." He turned and walked away thinking to himself ^Did Ketotsue get away. I don't see his body anywhere, it should be here if he died. But I could hve sworn I saw him die and the form of Atterimus rise out of the blade.^
Now that he no longer had to worry about his wound he began to feel the effects of him and his spirit both useing up their reserves. For the first time in many years, he felt thirst and hunger, the spirit no longer possesing the energy to sedate the human need for sustinance and sleep. He began to wander through the desolation, he now possesed barely enouph energy to walk. The simplest of actions now seemed to be feats of strength and will. Trudging on, his lips cracking, throat burning, and the emptiness of his stomach all torturing him. Miles stetching before him and also behind him, he yelled "Why must I be tormented so!" His mind boiling from the heat, deprived of sustinance "Where are you gods!? Were are you now!?" The sea of corpses lain before him, body after body, enemy and ally, death knew not. He cotinued on across the blood stained soil, where once red streams trickled from the dead.
The years Vuxxa had lived, he had never seen such brutal and blood thirsty fighting. The brutal and animal like behavior of the enemies had confused his allies. All sanity and humanity had been driven from them. They had no civility, wildly swiging their weapons, leaping upon his men and tearing their flesh like predators. These men had been born in darkness, tortured and treated like nothing, everything had been driven from them, only killing remained. Demons also skattered the ground along with flying beasts. The battle of horrors. A stench lain in the air. The battle continuously playing throught his head as he walked. Even the shadows came to life and tore men to peices. Body parts lain here and there, the innards torn as they were held down, and ripped apart while screaming. Even children were used by the enemy.
Finally makeing it to the edge of the wasteland he found a small stream flowing out from a cave. He drunk the water, the cool liquid flowing over his tongue and down his neck, refreshing him. He lay down next to the stream and quietely fell asleep.
Last edited by Vuxxa; 10-29-2009 at 08:51 PM..
10-06-2009, 01:31 AM
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Still he was wondering the endless distance of Tartarus. And still the gates seemed to loom at the very same distance as when he first arrived into the abyss. ^ How is this possible it seems an eternity I have been walking and im no closer to my destination^. Stoping for a moment he looked around himself seeing nothing in the vast darkness. ^ There must be something I have missed in all this something im not... seeing...maybe the darkness holds my answer maybe that's why not a single soul lingers by these walls^.
With his new path chosen he walked into the eternal night waiting for his answer. A strange and yet familiar voice rung out through the darkness " Figure it out did you? Those walls are cursed you see not that it matters now that i've found you. Do you happen to know what happens to a person when there killed inside of Tartarus? It's rather dreary im afraid life ceases completley for that person at least this time when I kill you it will be for good". He then remebered the man the voice belonged to, it was the man that drove the blade into his neck, Mallodeus.
He heard the scrap of steal on sheath and responded in kind only to find something strange grace his hand. It was not the handle of Aregetim the katana he forged with his own hands but something diffrent. He could hear the sword of Mallodeus whistle through the air allowing him to dodge the man's mad swings. He continued backwards barely avoiding blow after blow when he heard ^ The sword at your side is the first tool we have granted you, it was forged by Hephaestus and will never lose it's edge nor will it ever leave your side, and when you need is greatest you will see it's true power. Now draw your blade and carve the path to your freedom.
He then drew the blade at his side and in an instant everything about it felt as if he had carried the weapon for an eternity. The light of the bronze walls had not peirced through to where he was now and yet the curved blade gave off a briliant glow. His opponet was obviously thrown off by the shimer of his blade in this preternal night for he was now staring awestruck at the blade. Seeing the error of Mallodeus he took his chance and lashed out with the new sword and quickly he found his mark, the katana peirced through the bottom of Mallodeus's skull and came out through the top. Blood quickly pured out over the new katana and the eyes of Mallodeus flickered wildly as his mouth twitched for a few seconds. Then he was still Mallodeus was no more.
He then pulled his blade free from his enemy and barely noticed as the body went limp and vanished before it even meet the ground. He flicked the sword around in a wide circle freeing it of red fluid that had graced it's razor edge. ^ Now this I can get used to ^. He looked down the shimering blade and noticed some odd symbols at the base of the blade. After some inspection the symbols seemed to change into words of his understanding "Kusanagi" ^ so this is the name of my new sword^ he then gave his thanks to the gods and continued his journey.
10-06-2009, 11:12 PM
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Vuxxa woke up to the trickle of a stream and the rumbling of his stomach. He stood up stretching in the sunlight. All in all he felt much better than he did just the day before. Drinking his fill of the water he pulled out his water horn filling it before capping it. He left the stream behind to search for food. The plains before him, though grassy and more hospitable than the wastelands he left behind, were no less daunting. He came upon multiple types of edible root including potatoes, but not much else but a couple hare that he could not catch.
Vuxxa had collected quite an array of root, he took off his cloak, now useing it as a sack of sorts to haul them. In the distance he spied a lone tree amid the sea of grasses, now heading for it's shade. As he got closer he spied a man who appeared to be sleeping under it's protection, a man enveloped in a black cloak and hood. As he came even closer, he saw a katana on the ground next to the man, ^Could he be....^, Vuxxa hurried to the tree "Brother is that you!" he spoke loudly and nudged the man. Quickly he jumped up unsheathing his katana, jumping back, Vuxxa looked at the sword "The Aregetim! Ketotsue, stand down, it is me, your brother, Vuxxa!"
The man continued to stand there holding his weapon in an attack position, but finally he sheathed his blade, unfurling his cloak revealing the black armor, and lowering his hood letting his black hair fall down in front of his face. "I thought you had died there in the battle at the hands of Mallodeus, but I awoke after days of sleep and seen your body was missing. Now here you are, alive and well!" Vuxxa said with a smile on his face. Ketotsue just stood with his head tilted down, hair blocking his face. "What is the matter brother?" Vuxxa asked, Ketotsue moved the hair from his face, looking up slightly, revealing dark rings around his eyes and deathly pale skin. "Nothing is wrong.....brother, I'm simply shocked that your still live. The...wound you had recieved looked to have been the death of you." said Ketotsue shallow of breath,
Vuxxa replied "Hm, I thought the same of you. I can't see how you survived that blow to the back of the neck. Also, uh.....why the dark rings and bad complexion?" questioned Vuxxa
Ketotsue replied slowly"Oh, it's just.......it's been so long since I have slept....sooo...long." Vuxxa looked at his brother strangely, he quickly contacted Xaikiel ^Your not sleeping are you?^.
^No^ replied the spirit ^I awoke as you were approching the tree. My energy is now recovered.^
^Good^ said Vuxxa ^Now, about Ketotsue, do you not find him a little....strange at the moment?"
The spirit replied with concern ^Yes, he does seem to be....different, a bit slow winded too. His magical energy seems mostly the same, but there seems to be an element of the former energy missing from it, which I find odd.^
^Hm, I shall think upon this, but for now, I must eat^ he cut off connections with Xaikiel and layed down his cloak with all the roots and spread it out "I have gathered these as I journeyed across the plain. I know they're not much to eat by themselves, but they should do, have you eaten yet." there was a long pause "Food!" said Ketotsue happily "I haven't eaten in......let's just say a very long time." Keto stood, thinking "Ah, I think........I have some.........meat." he rumaged through his pack before pulling out many large stips of meat. Looking at Ketotsue strangely Vuxxa finally cleared his throat "Yes, that could be used to stew with the roots and potatoes. We will have to cook twice though, it's not like a have a large pot with me, just this small bowl sized pot. That is unless you still have yours?" Ketotsue stood silent again, before pulling out a small metal bowl. "Well" said Vuxxa "lets get some fire wood." He looked around at the plain "Uh, we'll settle for dry weeds, maybe we can find some sticks under this tree too.
Vuxxa went out, gathering dead weeds and Ketotsue gathered sticks under the lone tree. Finally they gathered enouph fuel, Vuxxa used magic to ignite a small fire. Vuxxa put some roots, potatoes, and meat in both metal bowls, pouring in a little water from his horn, he set them on to stew. Vuxxa staired at Ketotsue while the food cooked. His brother just stood by the tree, silent and non-moveing. ^What happened too him^ thought Vuxxa.
After a silent wait the stew was finished, Vuxxa used magic to cool the bowls and Ketotsue grabbed his and Vuxxa his. Ketotsue ate slopily, like an animal, gobling it up quickly, finishing long before Vuxxa. Ketotsue sat in front of the fire, his breathing slow and heavy while Vuxxa finished, not saying a word. The time passed as they sat there, Vuxxa keeping an eye on his brother distrust creeping thorugh his mind. The moon rose, emiting it's dim glow across the land. Ketotsue sat against the tree and slept imediately without speakig still. Vuxxa moved the fire outside the protection of the tree as not to catch it on fire, adding more fuel to make it brighter. He layed down at the edge of the tree near the fire ^Xaikiel^ Vuxxa said throgh the mind link ^Yes^ said the dragon spirit,
^I would like you too keep an eye on Ketotsue while I sleep.^ said Vuxxa,
^I will^ said the spirit. Vuxxa closed the link and drifted off to sleep.
Last edited by Vuxxa; 10-29-2009 at 08:53 PM..
Reason: spelling
10-29-2009, 10:18 AM
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He knew now that there was little point in walking into the darkness. The only way to advance ones journey in this place was to play your role in the god's game. And so he waited for what was still yet to come. ^ So if these are tests that I must pass I wonder what is still yet to come my way...^
Now he sat alone in the shadows simeply waiting. The wait to him seemed to take longer than the entire time he had spent thus far in this void, ^ I gather this is to test my patience.^ After what seemed to be decades upon decades the god's seemed to take notice of him. He was then greeted by four balls of white fire. They spun slowly around him for a while, and after a few moments three of them took there place in a triangle formation around him while the fourth one hovered directly above him.
Then a voice sounded from the flame just in front of him " I am creation and yet I am also destruction, what am I?" He pondered the question for a moment before answering " You are fire, The consuming force that leaves the groung fertile" at this the white flame took new life and burst into a vibrant red fire. Then the white flame to his side sounded. " I am a blessing and yet I am disaster, what am I?" This he took several moments to concieve " You are water, the source of life and yet destroyer of land". When his words left him the white fire died down and slowly changed into an orb of bright blue water. After that the white flame on his left sounded out " I am everything and yet I am also nothing, what am I?" This one took no time at all to figure out " You are air, the reason for all life and yet you are never seen". This time the flame was blown out entirely and in it's place swirled and strange green force off of which he could feel the wind blowing forth.
And then finally the white fire above him sounded " I am both the giver of hope and despair, what am I?" This one required long thought for him to solve. ^ It seems as if I already know the answer to this...^ then suddenly a memory sparked in his mind, It was several years ago when he still embraced the darkness of his soul, the memory was hazy but he could see both himself and his brother and there was some sort of conflict going on. Then he heard his own voice amid the chaos he could barely understand what he said but he did catch " Light can not destroy the darkness for it only makes the shadows leap higher". ^ Of course ^ " You are two things, you are light and darkness for nither can exist without the other."
At this the white flame above him burst apart leaving a jumbled blob of both the brightest light and the deepest darkness. Then the orb above him broke apart into three smaller pieces each of which found it's place in one of the diffrent elements around him. As soon as the elements were meet with the remains of the orb that was once above hime they started to spin around him rapidly. Moments passed untill all that could be seen of the diffrent orbs was one multicolered line around him. Soon after this the line flashed and in an instant he was gone. Only to reapper at the bronze gates that promised his freedom.
Then as he went to place his hand upon the gate he heard a voice sound within his mind ^ I am Promethius god of forethought and creator of mankind, I am now bound to your soul as punishment from Zeus, with me at your side you will feel you have never imagined... but before you can really begin to understand the powers I will share with you you must escape this prison, and to do that still one more test remains...^
10-29-2009, 10:45 PM
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Vuxxa awoke with the sun creeping over the horizon, a few stars twinkling on the other side of the sky, the night feebly gropeing for more time. Vuxxa yawned and stretched, this morning feeling almost completely back to health. Rising up from the ground, useing his elbows as support, he looked around as a small breeze swept through the plains, prairy grass swaying in the winds, mountains in the distance edged in a golden light from the early sun behind them. The sky near the sun almost pink in color, Vuxxa finally sat up, takeing in a breath of air, it was late spring, he could spot a few wild flowers in the distance. The wind quickly changed directions, smoke blowing into his face, looking over at the source he now seen that the fire was out, only smoke billowed up from the dead gray ashes.
Vuxxa stood up looking over at Ketotsue who was still sitting against the tree, his head drooping down covered with the hood, before even a thought could cross Vuxxa's mind, Keto's head shot up, stareing at him with a blank expression, before he quickly darted his head down as if to hide his face, before he did, Vuxxa thought he saw something strange, his brothers eyes had appeared to be different color, not brown, as he knew his brothers eyes to be. Vuxxa decided not to question him on this ^Perhaps my mind was playing tricks on me.^ Vuxxa thought. "Were you awake when I got up brother?" Vuxxa asked. Ketotsue stood up strapping his sheith back to his side, "No...I was sleeping. The sounds of you...stirring awoke me." said Ketotsue slowly. Vuxxa now contacted his spirit ^Xaikiel^
there was a pause ^Yes^ replied the dragon
^How did things go last night?" asked Vuxxa
^Oddly enouph^ said Xai ^Nothing at all. Ketotsue remained completely motionless the entire time, besides the rising and falling of his chest that is.^
^No movement^ said a surprised Vuxxa ^I thought he would have seeing as to the uncumftorable position he was in.^ Vuxxa looked over at Ketotsue ^I suppose I should get going, he looks ready.^ with that Vuxxa cut off the connection as Ketotsue marched thorough the weeds and grass ahead of him. They traveled in a North western direction, heading for a forest that they had seen off in the distance as a line of dark green. Vuxxa walked up beside his brother "So, any particular destination in mind." he questioned. Ketotsue continued looking strieght ahead "Reach the safety of the forest...then try to find a town in these unknown lands. It is time for my plans....to become...complete".
"What plans are these exactly?" asked Vuxxa
Ketotsue paused in thought as they walked "I complete myselft to assume my full strength......the other....I cannot tell you."
Vuxxa replied aggravated from his brothers answer "I thought you were through with becoming complete. You had given that up. And why can't you tell me the other part of you plan?" Ketotsue remained silent. The next three days remained Ketotsue did not speak and so did Vuxxa. No sleep, no food, Vuxxa was sustained by his spirit, they continued across the plains with inhuman speed, yet the forest barely grew. Finally they rested and ate, not wanting to exert too much of their energy incase something happened. Vuxxa questioned Ketotsue "How are you handling things, all those lives lost. Those men and women under our leadership, they all died. Then, there were those like Hein, we both became great freinds with him. He was an exceptional warrior and friends I greived for him and left it all on the battlefeild, but, you seem to be affected by it still. Now is the time to let it all go. Maybe you should talk about it." Vuxxa waited a moment for Ketotsue to answer "I am uneffected by his death, he was weak, and he died. That's what happens to the weak." Vuxxa spoke up "How could you say that about him! He died for the sake of many, for you, for me" Ketotsue lauphed "He made a fools decision. That was how he was, and he was weak for it." Vuxxa stopped speaking and began to stare at the flame.
^It seems he is not Ketotsue. Simply something useing his shell^ Vuxxa said to Xaikiel
^It was to be expected. His behavior, the way he looked and spoke. Now his reaction to the death of Hein.^ spoke the dragon, disqusted by the hate presented by the creature pretending to be Ketotsue
Vuxxa spoke again ^Yes, but I had hoped it was not so. But I am afraid I must continue to pretend he is my brother, I must find out what it wants. Sorry, but you'll need to watch over me again tonight.^ Vuxxa knew the spirit's answer, and closed his eyes and slept.
Last edited by Vuxxa; 11-09-2009 at 09:54 PM..
11-15-2009, 10:08 AM
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Promethius...what do you mean one more task I am already here the gates stand but inches away from me...You need wait no longer fleshling your test has arived.
The ground then bean to tremble and shake. A small crack appeared in the ground at his feet and started to grow as the tremors intensified at a steady pace. Soon he was barely able to stand and the ground in front of the gates had been split into a large abyss makeing progress to the gates impossible.
The land then grew deathly silent. His heartbeat seemed to sound out through the entire realm like a wardrum of some longe forgotten army. Bum Bum...Bum Bum...Bum Bum...tremors ran through the ground again this time focused in the area of the chasm in front of the bronze gates. The shakeing of the land intensifed for a second then stoped all together and again it grew quit...bum bum...bum bum...bum bum...
His heart was growing faster as the moments passed the anticipation welled up inside of him. Just as he began to calm himself a massive hand burst furth from the dark depths and crashed to the ground at his feet, promting an instinctive lunge backwards. The hand alone was collosal in stature it alone layed taller than any man. The skin was bleach white from the centuries of darkness and what could only be described as massive knarled claws protruded from the fingers.
The hand then dug into the ground moveing huge mounds of land behind each finger. Soon another hand burst furth from the abyss that then mimicked the first. Now two of the beast's hands were sunk deep into the ground apparently strugeling with there own mass. The head of the giant soon came into view. It's eyes were a odd shade of white hopefully meaning that the creature had become blind since being trapped here. Otherwise it was relatively normal for what he had expected of a titan.
Quickly now the the titan pulled his entire body from the canyon, and with his escape the ground healed and was soon whole again. The giant stood still for a moment massive in proportion to Ketotsue who stood shorter than a single toe on the titan. Looking up at it he could see the titan was now smelling the air obviously searching for the reason it was here. Soon it had honed in on it's prey and was now thrashing both of it's hands down at where it smelled the prey.
With every crash of the titan's hand Ketotsue leaped back swipeing into them with his new katana. The damage was fleeting however because each blow healed it's self in a matter of seconds.
Promethius...how am I supposed to beat this every wound I inflict is an act of futility...That is becuase this is not a test of force youngling this is a test of courage and fortitude, the only question is can you face your undeniable future?
It was all he could do to avoid the lumbering beast's strikes, while pondering the words of his new spirit.
My undeniable future?...what does it mean...wait this is a test of courage... then I have to...
" Beast hear me and know my place, and know I do not fear you." He now stood still adamant in his new path, nothing would hold him here any longer freedom would be his. The words were still echoing off the walls of bronze as the titan let out a thundering howl and brought a massive hand down towards ketotsue.
He closed his eyes took a depth breath and just waited, waited for the future...
A cricket sounded in the distance as a breeze blowed past him carrying with it a the smell of grass. He opened his eyes and found he was now standing in open meadow, grass as far as he could see the sun had apparently just set moments ago, though he could barely make out a single tree standing on the horizon, at last he lived again. He then looked himself over just to make sure it was actually him. Everything was exactly as he remember except for the armor he was wearing which to him seemed to be completley weightless.
That armor is very special it is the only one of it's kind made from damascus mythril, Hesphestus himself created it and theres is no armor to rival it.
He then fell to the ground simply to once again know the feel of the grass and soon enough he was asleep sprawled out in the middle of nowhere.
Last edited by ketotsue; 11-15-2009 at 10:15 AM..
11-26-2009, 10:47 PM
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Vuxxa woke up the next moring, quickly gatting up. This morning felt different, like something that was gone and now fallen back into place. The Ketotsue imposter was also up, seemingly angry about something, muttering to himself, paceing around curseing under his breath. "Is something the matter Ketotsue?" Vuxxa asked barely able to call this thing Ketotsue.
This Ketotsue turned towards Vuxxa ubruptly Just, something very unexpected has happened. Something that may ruin my plans. Something I thought impossible! becomeing even more enraged he slashed the Aregetim through the air before finally storming off through the field. Vuxxa grabbed his things before following suit. Running as fast as he could He still was loseing ground Xai, looks like I'm going to need your help here. Vuxxa asked his spirit
You would be helpless without me. the dragon chuckled as the energy poured into Vuxxa's legs and his speed grew more and more until he was now even with the Ketotsue imposter.
Ketotsue continued running, the day went on, yet he still went, Vuxxa in tow, Wow Xai, if this keeps up I might actually age a day like a normal person Vuxxa said light heartidly to his partner Well, it would'nt hurt you much would it. But, don't worry, I could easily keep this up for several days streight
Vuxxa's breathing stayed steady as he traveled across the ground, faster than a horse. The forest ahead of his quickly grew, and kept growing beyond what Vuxxa would ever have thought it could grow. He watched the trees grow before his very eyes as it became darker and darker before he could not see them at all. Yet they kept running Is he going to run me dead thought Vuxxa.
The night continued on with wolves howling from the forest and the full moon high in thesky bafore him. Soon the moon seemed to disapear completely. Darkness seemed to envelope all before him, but behind across the field he could see the ghostly light of the moon. Still they ran untill he could no longer see light even behind him. "Stop!" yelled Ketotsue all of a sudden. Vuxxa did so and now felt there there was a massive wall in front of him "It is time to sleep now" said Ketotsue calmly as Vuxxa thought he felt something press down upon him before his mind went blank.
As quckly as it happened Vuxxa's eyes were open once again. But instead of darkness, there was light, the sun now directly above him. He was still standing and Ketotsue stood slightly behind him. Now turning his head forward he saw bark, it seemed to go in all directions. Stepping back twenty feet he now seen trees of a size never before seen by him. The trunks seemed to be fifty or more feet wide, looking up into the sky the trees seemed to stretch forever.
Vuxxa spoke up in disbelief "What....what sort of forest is this?"
This said Keto Is the most ancient of forest. Forgotten by time, and we must go through it. Ketosue hadalready stepped into the forest, strolling through as if he owned them. Vuxxa stepped into this forest, vanishing from the veiw of prying eyes.
Last edited by Vuxxa; 12-11-2009 at 08:19 PM..
11-27-2009, 08:19 AM
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He opened his eyes and above him flowed a few small clouds passing by at a snails pass. As he layed there the scenes of nature all seemed to have gained new beauty, the air seemed cleaner than he remembered and the birds seemed to have been given a new song. They chirped on merily makeing him forget for a moment all about the dark void from which he had just found his freedom. It was then the voice of his new spirit brought him back to the matters at hand.
It should be apparent but there are things about me, that sword, and your armor, that make us all very special but of course these things must be earned, simply owning an item does not make you it's master... but that will come soon enough, as of now you need to know what you must do.Of course he had expected this but he had been dreading the moment. Untill now he was still free but as soon as the goal was known there would always be a chain waiting to drag him back into the darkness.
Before this can all play out there is something you must deal with...Atterimus. He is now in control of your old shell and the sword you used to trap that dreadful demon within, his power is already gaining and he now journey's with your brother so that he may complete himself once more. "Not to worry in order to do that he would require a massive source of energy. FOOL HE TRAVELS WITH YOUR BROTHER IS IT NOT OBVIOUS WHAT HIS INTENTIONS ARE!?!
The truth of the matter hit him at once "No I must do something I will not allow my failures to claim the life of my brother" . Then act fast they travel through the forest in the distance im sure you will know your way once you get there..
His body reacted before he did and he was now running full pace towards the darkness of the forest. His feet carried him faster now than he had thought capable of himself previously. The dread of being to late flowed through his veins as memories memories of shared time passed by his mind.
Damn it im such a fool the link, I must warn him. And with that he opened the mental link that connected the two brothers. brother you are in danger, Atterimus plans to sacrifice you to once again complete himself, you must slow him down stop him whenever possible if you act as if you know he will surely attack you with the not only his full power but the demon traped in the Arregetim as well. Hold out as long as possible im on my way...
01-01-2010, 03:20 AM
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Vuxxa tromped through the forest for a few minutes before finally comeing within eyesite of "Ketotsue" when suddenly his mind link opened up and he heard the voice of his brother echoeing in his mind, warning of impending doom at the hands of Atterimus. I knew that was not you within that body, but I didn't think Atterimus would be able to take your body ounce you were dead. This is most troubling brother, but, do not worry, I can handle myself and the link cut off immediately.
So he wishes to use me as a sacrifice. Well, I think I can delay him a smile creeps across his as he calls up the enslaved mind of an old foe Choronzon!!! the call echoed into the deepest reaches of his mind calling out the now lowly demon. The being surged to the surface of Vuxxa's mind, filled with anger You fool, do you think you can resist me forever. I will rise again and you shall be my eternal slave!!! You are weak, you are nothing but a meek little child you are the demon was cut off as Vuxxa shouted within his mind out of anger Silence you foolish little imp! This is my body and my mind. Only I am the master of both and nobody else. And never again shall your form be returned to you from the captivity of Atterimus the demon quit speaking instantly.
Vuxxa continued Now, your master wishes for a few demon to hinder the path of Atterimus. To slow him down. Now do as I say the demon did nothing except obey Vuxxa's orders. His eyes flashed red quickly and several demons appeared up ahead to delay Atteimus. Vuxxa stood watching as demon after demon threw itself at Atterimus only to die. His going went by slowly as demons attacked one after another. Soon, distance that should have took and hour took three.
Atterimus' anger grew as the attakcs continued Why do you fool insist upon attacking me?! Why!? It only ends with your deaths! What is so important that you make it your goal to hinder me?!
Last edited by Vuxxa; 01-01-2010 at 03:25 AM..
04-14-2010, 06:48 AM
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Everything about him seemed to have improved since his flight from Tartarus. His speed was improved he could feel that was body was stronger and his mind sharper as well. However the idea of facing his old body and spirit continued to bring his thoughts soaring back to him. It all seemed appalling to him, how could he draw a blade on himself, but even more important was not allowing his brother to die for his weakness.
The world was blurred to him as if now only himself and his path existed everything else was but an illusion to sway his judgment. Trees flicked by as not but brown and green splotch on his eyesight, and the ground beneath him was but a compressed brown smear. All this made it seem to him the path was barely large enough for him to move on.
He knew he was drawing close to them, the rage of Atterimus spilled out like locust's on a crop. It was an impressive show of will, and something he had not seen out of his former spirit. The sight of his brother far ahead slowed him, as he did not want to go flying past them due to his still lacking grip on what exactly his body was now capable of.
It was time to tell his brother of his arrival so he promptly opened the mental link that connected them.
Brother I have arrived... and I have a plan. He obviously has not noticed me yet, probably to filled with rage and confidence to even suspect me of living. Hopefully we can score the first strike here and weaken him but here's what I want you to do, im going to move along side you from behind the tree line. When you feel confident make your move and I'll be right behind you.
The Ancient Power |
04-16-2010, 10:49 PM
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The Ancient Power
Atterimus by now had become enraged. Scream after scream echoing from his mouth. "Die you insects! AAAAAAAAAH!" By now much of the forest was behind them. Atterimus barely noticing due to becoming so enthralled in the art of destruction. Now Vuxxa noticed that Ketotsue had finally arrived.
Ketotsue's voice now burst into his mind. After explaining he would follow and help when e made his move Vuxxa answered back. "It's good to have you here brother. Though, you may not have to wait too long. Were nearing the edge of the forest. Remember that Source of power and energy that I told you about a while back. I've secretly trained in it's use. I'm going to use that power to knock him out of the forest and into the open.Vuxxa cut off the connection before continuing.
The light grew larger and large, he could now see the open plain that lay on the other side of the forest. Calling of the demons Vuxxa began to concentrate. Hopefully my training was enough. His mind put all of it's efforts before him, growing out from his body and growing in strength and power. This was not magic, but something else. Something from long ago. Lost in the thousands of years that have passed since an ancient time of man. Something which simply came to Vuxxa one day. A force he felt he had known, and that had been with him as long as he could remember. Though he knew that he had not always known of this. It was something beyond his years. He felt that perhaps his very being was older than he thought.
The energy grew before him to a great strength. A strength which Vuxxa had never attempted, nor even thought he could accomplish yet. Atterimus stopped and was about to say something as he turned around. His eyes widened as Vuxxa released the wave of energy. Mostly invisible except for a few wisps of ethereal green energy sweeping through it and the distorted view of everything on the other side of it. the boom it released was thunderous, like and explosion that continued on. Fierce winds whipped from the wave as it sweaped across the ground hitting Atterimus causing his arms to fly back as he screamed out from the sudden impact.
The ground ripped up before the fifteen foot wide bust as it slung Atterimus along with such speed that Vuxxa thought no creature could outrun it. The massive trees nearly overturned as it passed by. Soon it disappeared with a burst of energy sending Atterimus spinning through the air. While he was air born Vuxxa held out both hands before him as orbs of green swirls energy formed within the center of his palms and grew larger. Now, out into the plains Atterimus smashed into the ground rolling for a few feet before stopping. Leaving a long depression in the earth.
Vuxxa quickly let a barrage of these orbs fly from his hands, around five, they arced into the air leaving the forest before plummeting down upon "Atteimus'" limp body. Then Vuxxa's mouth moved to it's own accord shouting ”LUWS UM VULS GUAVE HIJVAPSAS” . Surprise flashed over his face as a great light appeared before Atterimus. It was pure white in color and appeared to be in the shape of a person, though ten feet in height. It put it’s fists above it’s head and as it struck down it became a beam of white energy. Through Atterimus simply flipped up from the ground in an unnatural way avoiding it. An where Atterimus had once lain flowers now sprang up.
Atterimus laughed ”Ah, Vuxxa. It has been so long since anybody has used that kind of power. Not have I had to worry about such things since before the end of mans greatest reign all those thousands of years ago! If I had not known better I would have thought you to be one from that time! Yes, you keep true to your namesake. The one whom you are named after would be proud. So I suppose in a sense the old Vuxxa has survived that time. But now my senses will be open to that power.” A dark energy rushed towards Vuxxa who now dove behind one of the ancient trees.
Last edited by Vuxxa; 10-08-2010 at 04:45 AM..
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