Fight For Freedom
Old 09-20-2009, 08:14 PM   #1
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Default Fight For Freedom

(Open RP for anyone who wants to join. I just got really bored today and wanted to write something. )

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she pounded uselessly at the cuffs around her left wrist with a rock. With each strike of the hard earth against the metal cuffs sparks flew but the cuffs remained unmarred. Screaming her frustration she chucked the rock, with more force than she had intended, into the cropping of trees surrounding her and startled a family of birds.

“My apologies,” she muttered at the squawking mother bird. Staring at the silver cuffs that enclosed both her wrists and ankles she felt tears sting the backs of her eyes. She had broken free of one prison only to remain trapped in one much worse, one that would forever follow her around. That is unless she could get the blasted metal off of her person! She should have known better than to try using a rock to remove the enchanted ‘jewelry’, as her previous captor had so affectionately called the chains.

Pushing to her feet the woman walked to the edge of the small pond she had collapsed next to hours before. Kneeling at its edge she dared a look into its waters and again felt the sting of tears at the backs of her eyes. The form that stared back at her was not what she was used to, she never would be used to it. The thick blue-violet hair that hung think to her rib cage was not hers nor were the full lips, the high cheek bones, and the most insulting part of the figure staring back at her was the tan skin. What she took slight comfort in was the pure black eyes that stared sorrowfully back at her. At least those were still her own even if they no longer sparked like they used to.

Slapping her hand against the surface of the water to erase the reflection she pushed herself to her feet and spun on her heel. Trees stared back at her reminding her, harshly, that she had no clue where she was or where she had been. Which way had she come from? God forbid she happened to make the mistake of going back. Then again she had been traveling nonstop for three days, on foot which she still loathed with a passion.

Pushing her shoulders back she stood up straight. She was free now. All she had to do was find the Witch that had created the spell on the cuffs and get the woman to release her. She longed for her own body back and the freedom that it would bring her. Only then would she truly be free. But first she would need to find a way to give the body she was stuck with the sustenance it needed. Now, which way would take her to other humans?
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Old 09-26-2009, 06:03 PM   #2
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Life as he once knew it was over, his body, mind, and spirit were all still willing to lunge headfirst into the heat of battle. The problem was there was no longer a place for him in this world. The people had all turned on him they had grown to fear his power and baned him from the common dwellings of humanity. Now he lived as a recluse roting away in the woods he had been forced to claim as home.

A sigh escaped him as he went about his normal rituals, he had already fetched his water for the day and the fire pit he used to cook already contained a dyeing fire, perfect to roast the fish he had just traped from what could barely pass as a large creek. The water was pure though which is why he had chosen this paticular place to begin his new life. ^ this is hardly what I imagined myself as when I was risking my life for those people ^.

He then placed a few of the fish on spickets of wood which he put a few feet above the dying flame so as to ensure the fish would not over cook. He then took his familar place by the fire on the carved wood that had taken the shape of a simple bench. " Well Atterimus guess this is all that's left for us now" he sighed again as he watched the flames crackle and slowly crawled into the ash that would be there grave. The warmth of the fire was soothing even when his mind was filled with memories of the past and soon enough he had fallen victim to it's ploy and was fast asleep.
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Old 05-26-2013, 12:09 AM   #3
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Defeated by exhuastion, hunger, and the darkness of being alone the girl sank slowly to the ground. Sighing heavily, her limbs could no longer hold her upright to stand but just enough for her to sink down to her knees. The lonesome girl's lips curled to a pout as she stifled a cry from the abandonement of her once loving older brother and the long-forgotton memory of her parents. She closed her eyes for a brief moment before realizing that she hadn't eaten in days. Dazed by hunger the girl slowly rose to her feet and pulled a small dagger that was hiddem saftely within one of her leather boots, slowly and steathily the girl walked on her long, unkept, dark brown, almost black hair was pulled back in a tight braid to reveal a pair of icy blue orbs with golden flicks within them.

The girl's icy blue eyes scanned her area, though, she could see nothing to well due to her vision being blurred by the locks of dark brown hair that covered her eyes, she could hear all to clearly. Listening intently was what the girl was doing, listening for the sound of a snapping twig or the rustling of a shrub that would signify that an unexpecting animal was near. The sound of not a snapping twig nor the sound of a rustling shrub brought the young girl to her senses but the sound of calm, soothing waters near by the location the girl was at. With renewed engery, the girl silently and swiftly made her way closer to the water, cautious of any dangers that may lie ahead, she edged close to the water. Staying hidden in the shadows, the girl scanned the water then any animal near the waters edge, her stomach began to rumble and growl with the hunger she still had yet to over come.

Seeing that all was calm, the girl slowly came from the shadows and closer towards the waters edge. With slightly shaken hands, she cupped the glorious, fresh, cool water in her hands amd bent her head to take a sip before she caught sight of a ripple ahead of her. Silently, the girl drew her dagger and a waited for another sighting of movement under the waters surface. Soon after she drew her dagger, she caught sight of another ripple and quickly struck the water with such timing that the startled fish never had time to escape. Smiling at her small triumph, the girl reached for the fish then went to collect twigs, bark, and amything useable for making a small fire. Soon enough the young girl had a fire ablaze and the fish cooking, humming ever so softly to herself the girl smiled.
"And all said that small little Saza couldn't make it in the wilderness alone" The girl whispered to herself as she turned the fish over to cook the uncooked side.

Last edited by Kitten; 05-26-2013 at 12:10 AM.. Reason: Correction to small errors
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Old 06-17-2013, 09:14 PM   #4
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His eyes flashed open, grabbing for the katana attached to his hip. And In a moment the man realized he had just awoken. The man took in a few deep breaths and slowly got to his feet "It's been so long ago now."

He stood against the darkening sky waiting for something to once again give him purpose. All his life he had spent on warfare. Even now years after the scars that adorn his body first formed they seemed to burn from the bite of cold steel. Fate had set his path but it was one he took in stride, all ways wearing the light weight darkened steel body armor and his katana.

Years of living alone in the woods had changed some of his physical characteristics. His jet black hair now hung down below his shoulders held in a single piece by a strip of leather. His skin was darker now not by much but still darker... a healthy tan one might say. But one thing about him it seemed would never change was the color of his eyes. The almost inhuman neon blue green eyes was something that made many people wary of his intentions almost immediately.

He cast his gaze out towards the woods pondering his current visage. And for a moment he considered wondering back into the world to see just how many years it would take to be forgotten. It seemed a possible thing to accomplish as he went over everything that had changed. The nostalgia of the moment had almost make him overlook the newly formed light off in the distance. His body then reacted before his mind could really argue the idea.

"All ways best to know ones neighbors I suppose."
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Old 02-20-2015, 10:35 PM   #5
Azarin921 is offline
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Something crashes in the middle of the woods and it startles the birds out of the trees around you.
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