[Open RP] A Guardian's Duty |
08-29-2009, 10:52 AM
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[Open RP] A Guardian's Duty
A Guardian's Duty: The Meeting They were suppose to meet in Druid’s Inn just before sunset…
It was a busy day at the Inn and a noisy crowd had already formed. The atmosphere was full of bearded men in white robes, burly miners and a handful of veiled women, serving the guests with eyes full of secrets. Above the roar of conversation, the strains of melody trickled to the guests and the trio of minstrels, by the center of the crowd, enthusiastically performed a medley.
The stranger remained still by the far end of the bar, her back towards the wall.
Dark eyes slowly scanned the length of the bar, wondering when the others will arrive. In truth, she did not know what the others would look like, but somehow, the lass was sure she could tell the difference.
Sitting alone, the girl did not cause much for attention; She wore a simple long-sleeved tunic of coarse linen that fell over dark pants, which she tucked into her heavy leather boots. Over her slim figure, a dark cloak conveniently draped over her body, hiding her curves from sight, and her face was shadowed by the oversized hood tugged low over her forehead.
For months, the guild had been searching for a strange artifact, rumored to be the key to opening the Box of Order. Recently, disturbing news from the North, had came to the archbishops attention…
”M’lord,” The young girl shifted within her seat, recalling the late night summons she had received. Rousted from bed, the young archer had hurried to her liege’s side, bowing down upon one knee when she was granted entrance. ”What is it that you wish to speak of?”
When the man spoke, it was not hard to hear the strain within his voice, ”My child, I fear the worst. Someone has found the key…”
A roar interrupted Qtchi’s thoughts and she jerked her head up slightly, a hand knocking against the forgotten drink set before her. The heavy hood flew back from her face, revealing a small face hosting a pair of startled eyes. Long dark hair glimmered in the dim tavern lights, and while she claimed no legacy to the nobles, the girl’s face was of delicate elegance.
Her eyes were now trained upon two large men sitting by the center table - each with a hand clasped tightly in a type of competition. All around them, a loose ring of spectators cheered on, many of them sporting ruddy faces from having too much to drink.
Even as she watched, the one closest to her let out a grunt and with a loud wham! the arm slammed down against the table.
The girl frowned, wondering why men would waste their talents on spectacles as useless as this. Ignoring the noise, she curled her fingers around her drink and lifted for a sip. The tavern lights shifted and fell upon the ruby ring she wore upon one finger. Noting its wealth, a barmaid hurried over, forcing a smile upon her thin face.
”Kin I getcha an'thin else ya?” The woman spoke in harsh jargon.
”No,” Qtchi replied curtly, setting the heavy tankard back upon the table. Dimly, she wondered if the others had received her letters and sent help. Surely, she couldn’t go upon this journey alone!
The barmaid’s smile faltered, but she managed a feeble curtsy, before hurrying back to her other duties, leaving Qtchi alone in her thoughts...
Upon command, the young archer had written writers to the four corners of the world, requesting assistance in this matter. Replies had returned hastily, and it was written a group of adventurers would join her here - in Druid’s Inn - before sunset.
The young lass only hoped it wasn’t too late…
This is an open RP for anyone who is interested in developing their character and working on their writing. I only ask for fellow writers to Spell Check briefly before you post. If you are new to Role-Playing, please read my Guide to Role-Playing before you join the story. Signatures are allowed, provided they aren't too big.
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Last edited by Qtchi; 08-29-2009 at 10:58 AM..
08-31-2009, 04:13 PM
The hustle and bustle of the tavern spilled out onto the streets as people came and went through the doors allowing glimpses of the merry atmosphere to heat the cold nights bitter chill. Standing alone on the other side of the cobbled street Karne stood, clutching a small ragged piece of parchment with black ink scrawled all over it. The man was wearing a hooded white robe which came down to the lower part of his leg, burgundy linen robes were concealed beneath the heavy robe, on his feet were worn brown leather boots, scuffed and scratched through the years of having them. His face was rather tanned and worn yet still youthful but there was no way of telling as the shadow of the hood covered half of his face, allowing only pinpricks of the light gleaming from his pupils to emerge from his eyes.
He took a heavy step towards the inn, crossing the road he took a heavy breath as he reached the door, running his gloved hand down the wooden trend of the door feeling the many stories it had to offer before placing a full palm on the door and pushing it firmly. The door swung open and the man took a slow step in doors before emerging himself into the hustle and bustle to blend in. Throwing his hood back it confirmed he was youthful, a black bandana covering his rusty brown hair which came down to the base of his neck, wavy and unkempt, his left nostril had a small silver ring handing freely the flicker of the torch reflecting off it. Surveying the inn, he pulled the piece of parchment which he kept tightly gripped in his left hand and pulled it up to his eyes and scanned over it, this was the place wasn’t it? It must of been...he had followed the directions given to him by his master to the last detail, if only he had been told who it was he was to meet. He wasn’t a small man but compared to the burly and hardened men of the inn he felt on edge, knowing he could handle himself but he was ordered not to cause any aggravation until this matter had been seen and sorted with.
Strolling up to the bar he leant over the counter "Scuse Darling can I have some assistance?" he called out to the bar lady before biting his lip. She walked over to him straight away blushing slightly "Yes love? What can I help you with?" she said giving him a slight wink and a chuckle. Karne grinned before leaning over the counter even further to whisper in her ear "I am meant to be meeting someone, an archer...have you seen one about?". The bar lady stood back slightly, disappointed and that was all he had said, she gave a swift nod to the end of the bar. Karne stood up and gazed down to the end of the bar and there sat a pretty girl "Surely that cant be her?" he asked the bar lady who was still lingering round, the bar lady shrugged and continued to gaze at Karne as though he was a prince charming of some sort.
Walking down to the end of the bar he took up a seat next to the girl and glimpsed up at her face, perfect skin and enchanting eyes, not the sort of person you would except to see in these parts. He lifted the piece of parchment and placed it on the table before sliding it over to the girl who was sitting watching some of the locals entertaining themselves with their stupid games. "So I was sent here to meet you?" he questioned looking up at the girl once again.
08-31-2009, 05:13 PM
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She heard the echoes of his heavy boots, just moments before the stranger approached the empty seat beside her.
The girl remained still, feigning an air of disinterest as she continued to study the man under lowered lashes. He was dressed like most adventurers within town; the heavy white robe barely concealed his broad shoulders and the tavern lights bounced off the top of his tousled hair, lending it a reddish-glow. His mouth was firm, as was his jaw. As the man shifted, the lights glinted off the jewelry that pierced his left nostril, rendering it’s owner a rakish appeal. Her breath caught and Qtchi's fingers tightened around her drink with a slight frown.
Could he be one of those sent to help her? She wondered with skeptism. He appeared more a pirate then guardian…surely the Guild wouldn’t play such tricks on me?
The man settled into the chair easily and the girl dropped her gaze onto the piece of parchment he slid across the worn counter.
She immediately recognized the words written upon the letter and her eyes flew back towards the man’s face, surprise faintly registering within her dark orbs. â€A-Ah, you have arrived,†She stammered, caught off guard for a moment. Mustering a smile on to her face, she hurried a glance over his shoulders, hoping to see more following behind.
â€Are you the only one?†She asked hesitantly, unable to keep the worried feeling from churning within her stomach.
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09-04-2009, 03:54 PM
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”Thank you,” Was her reply as she stopped speaking long enough to take a pull of drink. It was cold and the foreign taste slid smoothly across her tongue, calming her nerves for a moment. With the question suspended in the air between them, the girl continued to savor quietly, using the silence to gather her thoughts.
At first glance, the man appeared to be a rake of some sort. From the glint of jewelry in one ear to the devilish manners the man eluded - he was not all what the girl had expected from the guild. Never judge a book by its cover, the girl reminded herself as she picked up the piece of parchment, studying the scrawl across the worn page. If the guild sent him for this mission, then I will trust him as well, She told herself.
”Ignis,¹” She mumbled under her breath.
The note burst into flame and Qtchi dropped it, letting the crinkled paper gently float onto the ground. Tipping her head back, she finished the last of her drink before dropping the mug onto the counter with a heavy chink!
”You are the only one that arrived… so far,” The girl spoke, straightening in her seat. The uncertainty slowly dispersed from her face as she faced the man fully for the first time. Her hand thrusted in mid-air as she introduced herself…
”I am Qtchi, Appointed archer for the Guild, Keeper of Incendia²,” The girl spoke in a low tone, her face void of any smiles. ”And you are...?”
The girl's voice trailed off as she cocked her head to one side, awaiting a response...
¹ Ignis translates - Flame.
² Incendiary translates - Fire.
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09-06-2009, 06:25 AM
The women thanked him, then seemed to go silent for a few moments. The moments felt forever, as what she had asked before echoed throughout his mind. The once lively tavern now seemed to have died to a faint murmur in Karne's opinion and staring eyes darted too and from each person, being sized up. Karne looked to the floor and then to the ceiling in his usual angsty fashion, unable to sit still for more than a few seconds.
The girl broke the silence when she mumbled something under her breathe, he turned to look at what she had done and only saw the ashes fall to the floor of something she had just burnt. Watching the girl down her drink he was slightly impressed how such a slim girl could drink so much. The girl spoke again, establishing what he had once thought. Karne took a hefty swig of his drink, his confidence starting to establish itself once again "Well trust, with me here you don’t need anyone else." he said with a slight chuckle. It was always odd how Karne could change so rapidly, one moment he was a nervous wreck of a man, ready to flip out and the next he was a charming, egotistic gentleman...it was like he was two people.
The girl introduced herself "Qtchi...Qtchi....Sounds so familiar to me...." he mumbled to himself once the girl had introduced herself. Putting his hand out he shook hers gracefully "Its a pleasure to meet you love" he said giving the girl a swift wink. "I am Karne, I deal with all the things the guild don’t want you to hear about..." he said grinning, surely she knew what he mean when he said that. There was something oh so familiar about this girl, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
09-07-2009, 02:15 PM
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His hands were large and calloused, engulfing hers for a moment. Through his firm grip, she could feel a strange undercurrent of power between their two palms. He can snap your wrist with just a careless move, The thought echoed within her mind and the girl found her throat had suddenly gone dry. He mumbled under his breath, his eyes flickering upon her face to study her…
Don’t be silly, She scolded herself unconvincingly, shifting uncomfortably within her perch. He was sent to help you… not harm you-
His hands tightened around her own and suddenly, all thoughts vanished from her mind. A strange tingling sensation traveled up her arm and unintentionally, her face flushed slightly from the feeling. With her dark eyes wide, Qtchi felt her own lips curling in a faint smile, as she continued to stare into the man’s eyes. It didn’t feel foreign at all - on contrary, it felt as if her hand belonged there, held warmly within his and-
He released her hand, a grin alighting his face.
Dazed, she blinked a few times, before she realized her hand was still extended in the air. As if awakening from a dream, the girl rubbed her face a few times before reaching out to clutch her drink. Tilting her head back, she let the cold liquid filled her mouth, only stopping when the tankard was empty.
A spell? The girl wondered, lowering the empty tankard with a closed expression. It unnerved her how she could have failed to spot something like this. Could the jewelry he wears, be a talisman of some sort?
Regardless, the girl pushed aside her own puzzled emotions and got to her feet. Whoever this man was, he had just proven he was not of simple stock. Once more, the guild had surprised Qtchi.
â€We-†The girl found her voice to be deeper then her usual tone and frowning a bit, she cleared her throat. â€We best be on our way?†She voiced, still wondering why she sounded breathless. â€I will leave note with the tavern keeper for any others who will be joining us.â€
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09-08-2009, 06:27 AM
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Necronas was getting impatient. He had only agreed to join the girl because she had promised not to make herself a burden for him. Obviously, he had reasons of his own, but it was enough to say that he did it for her. She probably didn't believe him anyway, but anyone with a decent level of intelligence knows not to prod where one is unwelcome, especially when dealing with someone like Necronas. He had stayed outside the tavern because, frankly, he hated having to socialize. That did not mean he was not good at it. It simply did not interest him, and Necronas did not do anything that did not interest him. But now he was becoming somewhat irritated by the girl's lax behavior. He knew he was probably going to regret it, but he lifted himself off his stallion and entered the tavern anyways. The smell of ale was everywhere, and there were people of all kinds everywhere. One with the kind of military training Necronas had disciplined himself into could not look around without thinking a single, unavoidable thought.
Everything is so... flammable.
The thought was pushed behind when Necronas spotted his quarry. The archer seemed to be conversing with some sort of bandit. Obviously, Necronas was disappointed. The boy was young, probably younger than Qtchi, and had most definitely seen little of the world. Yet, it would be best not to underestimate him. Necronas remembered the kind of havoc he himself could wreak at that age. The young warlock did not have the power of wisdom, but he had the power of spectacle, a flare of youth that is both magnificent and transient, much like a firecracker. Yes, that was what he would call the boy. Firecracker.
"You've been keeping me out waiting for ages," Necronas began in what would seem like a rant if it was a little louder, "And this is the best you could find?" The voice was strangely calm for a scolding. Deep, suave, and utterly disciplined. It simply had an aura of undeniable authority around it. But then again, Necronas never raised his voice much. It was pointless. It was tiring and added nothing to the statement. Of course, he had not been waiting very long at all, but Necronas was loathe for having to wait at all. Waiting was counter-productive, and more importantly, it was boring. Introductions were also boring, so Necronas decided to skip them.
"Might as well be on our way. I regenerated the horses, but I don't really feel like summoning one more, so you and firecracker are going to have to share." That was the one beautiful thing about being the most powerful member of a team. If you said you didn't feel like it, you didn't feel like it. He wasn't tired, in fact quite to the contrary, Necronas was itching for a fight. But he always got a good laugh out of human experiments, and taking from how the two were blushing at one another with a greater alacrity than Necronas could hurl shadowbolts, he was most definitely going to get a chuckle or two out of it. "Let's go, ladies. Time is of the essence."
Last edited by Necronas; 09-14-2009 at 03:53 AM..
09-08-2009, 04:02 PM
(OOC: Welcome ^_^)
Karne continued to stare into the girls eyes, even as she tried to say they were going to leave. She seemed to be trying to find a way out of the gaze, avoiding it like a vampire would the sun. She looked slightly taken back, he knew that he had done something but wasnt quite sure what it was. He started to turn away when he noticed the other man, he was alot older than Karne and seemed alot bigger. He seemed to be making his way over to them both, which Karne seemed disheartened about as he had started to get along with the girl now. Leaning in towards he continued to watch the man approach "You know this fella?" he tried to ask her. But before he had time to finish his sentence the man was standing over them. The man was a good half a head bigger than Karne and more solid in stature, resembling more of a off duty knight or something. The man complained about the amount of time Q had taken to find Karne and also complained that he was not good enough for the task. Karne turned his head to the side and glanced the man up and down, he was not here to be judged, he was there to do a job.
The other man seemed to have great authority over Q, is this her guard or something he thought to himself pondering over the mans sudden and abrupt appearance. The man spoke again ordering Karne and Q to ride together and refering to Karne as Firecracker. Karne could feel his heat rising and the veins on his head starting to emerge, slightly angered by this nickname he clenched his fist. Maybe the man was wary of Karne's instant bond with the young girl. His temper started to fizzle out and what was once an angry frown now turned into a devious grin "Ok come on Qtchi" he said breaking into an even wider grin. With that Fordo grabbed the girls hand and winked at her before waiting for her to walk with him to the door.
09-08-2009, 07:25 PM
Reens was tired, way tired. She had just walked into the grubby-looking tavern, a Claymore at her side. A giant Wood and iron shield upon her back. Her armour gleamed slightly as she took off her tattered and blood-stained cape. Walking quickly towards an empty booth at the back, she catches the attention of the Barmaid. With a quick stream of words and several gold coins tossed around, she was sitting at the table at which the seats were still warm with piping hot bowl of stew and a hunk of bread.
As she sat down, a person approached her, wordlessly, sliding a note towards her bowl of steaming hot stew and great hunk of bread. (The man was gone before she even looked up.) scanning it quickly, she was suprised to see that they had already left.....
Quickly guzzling her stew and chomping ferociously upon the hunk of dry bread, she loses herself in her own thoughts.
"I would have thought I could get a good night's sleep before having to leave, but I guess that's a fantasy." She mumbles to herself.
Reens quickly hurries outside to mount her steed, unbeknowst, followed from the shadows by the man who handed her the note....
Riding along, she spots a seller of foreign fruits. The fruits were orange in colour and had a distinct citrus smell, she purchased several before continuing on her way.
Riding quickly, she catches up to the trio as they are just about to set up camp, unsheathing her sword and unbuckling her shield, she approaches the camp cautiously....
^Just in case^ she thinks to herself.
OOC: (This is my first RP post so please be slightly more patient!)
Last edited by Reens; 09-08-2009 at 08:30 PM..
09-09-2009, 12:12 PM
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[OOC: Welcome to the RP! I am glad to see you here. We are all here to practice our RP and I will do what I can to help with everyone’s writing through offering suggestions. Just a small note: Currently in the story, we are still by the entrance of the tavern/within the tavern, but I will remedy that with my post ]
Before she could turn from the young man, a new voice suddenly called out to the young lass - its familiar resonance evicting a small shiver down her spine. Her body moved to the newcomer, her gaze falling upon a striking man making his way through the crowd; the man was a mere head taller then the young lass, his face a pale, solemn visage. A dark cloak settled loosely from his shoulders, and the glint of its silver embroidering was barely visible in the dim tavern lights. Behind him, the open door remained unblocked as the sunlight spilled forth the dark tavern, elongating the man's shadow across his path.
”M-My apologies,” The archer stammered, finding her tongue tied in the presence of the necromancer. Indeed, whilst the man spoke in a deep velvety voice, the young lass could not help but feel a tinge of uneasiness when he stood near her. At first glance, Necronas might appear to be a simple man, and while his frame cannot compare with the muscles and brawn of a berserker, upon closer study, t’was no doubt he possessed a great power - one even the Guild would find unfathomable at times. In truth, the lass was surprised to find one such as him, willing to travel upon her tentative request, but with the dangerous task stretched before her, who was she to turn down a helping hand?
Straightening, she gestured to Karne, introductions upon the tip of her tongue when Necronas interrupted her, gesturing towards the door. With a voice strained with impatience, he instructed her to share her mount with the newly acquired stranger and headed out, leaving her gaping at his retreating figure. Warm hands grabbed her own, and she started for a moment, blinking at Karne.
Hiding her own emotions, the girl exited the tavern and easily mounted the horse. As she waited for Karne, the sound of an approaching hoofs caused her to glance over her shoulders. A rider was approaching rapidly, the glint of her drawn weapon visible under the sun. Instinctively, she brought her horse around, her own hands tightening around the smooth curve of her bow.
”Halt!” She commanded, her voice ringing clear across the clearing. Dark eyes flashed and she gave Necronas a quick glance before she faced the approaching women. Her muscles tensed... Was this someone from the Guild… or a foe?
"Who goes there?"
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Last edited by Qtchi; 09-09-2009 at 12:20 PM..
09-10-2009, 10:56 AM
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Necronas could sense movement, he could hear the smooth rub of metal against metal as a claymore was unsheathed, and he could feel the discomfort, the fear, of some unnamed entity the woods. The archer mumbled something, no doubt she had sensed it as well. The sound of galloping came closer, and something within the deep labyrinth of Necronas's infinitely paranoid mind clicked. As if out of instinct, he twisted his left hand into a fist, and as he did so, the galloping ceased with a loud neighing as an enormous thud of a horse, no doubt a healthy one, crashing to the earth, its titanic muscles ripped asunder without a single tear in its delicate skin. Whoever its rider was, she was now probably sprawled across the floor, although Necronas could not see exactly what she was doing beneath the soil and dirt the horse had lifted. His deep crimson eyes pulsed slowly but surely with the essence of power itself as Necronas, both hands covered in flames for launching at the slightest notice, began to speak to the stranger as he located her, ready to make a move at the slightest notice. "It was foolish of you to attempt to approach me with such... vigor." He made a telepathic gesture that would pull the claymore out of the girl's hands. "Give me one good reason why I should not do to you what I have done to your poor steed."
Last edited by Necronas; 09-11-2009 at 09:52 PM..
09-13-2009, 03:34 PM
The horse gave a sudden jerk, ^This shouldn't be happening! My horse isn't even a mortal one!^ Reens thinks to herself.
The horse was picked up and slammed into the ground. Reens was thrown high into the air. The powerful warhorse landed with a heavy "wump!"
It lay still for several moments. Reens got up painfully, she felt bruised all over. A powerfully built man was kneeling over her. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine, thanks." Reens gasped.
She streched out an arm and a turquoise-green light washed over her, her wounds healed. ^I guess that'll have to do, for now.^ She thinks to herself, head pounding like a great drum. Reens noticed her horse in a heap and she then hurried to its side.
She streached out her hands a green glow surrounds the horse. Within a few minutes, it was rejuvinated. Reens notices her weapons and shield lying a few meters away. She quickly snatches them up. She held her ribs painfully. "Who did this to me!?! I am Reens! The emissary of light!" A vengeful flame was lit in her eyes. Her travel bags lay forgotten by the wayside.
Last edited by Reens; 09-13-2009 at 08:01 PM..
09-14-2009, 03:47 AM
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Karne was being overdramatic. So Necronas had been a little careful, so what? Things happen, and regret was pointless, because it was not going to change anything. Now that he looked back at it, she probably did not intend to attack. Her stance had been all wrong for a charge. But paranoia works on many different levels, and it had saved him more times than it had been bothersome, so Necronas did not hate it. He did not hate himself. There was no point in doing so, other than sinking into depression, and Necronas had no time for that. He was already busy enough with the other myriad chains that tried to pull him down.
Yet, the white stallion was able to repair itself. Somehow, the muscles realigned, and the horse stood up as if it had never been felled, shaking off the blow like it was little more than a gust of water. There was an air of magic about the creature, and the signature of the spell whispered to him the secrets of the beast's power. White magic. Powerful. But how could the girl have something as rare as a-
"Who did this to me!?! I am Reens! The emissary of light!" That made some sense. A holy warrior. The power of her steed meant that she was probably quite powerful as well. She could prove useful, probably more so than firecracker. Necronas's mind was still pulsing with energy, ready to be released on the slightest notice. It was a habit of his. Yet, the visible flame had dissipated into an ominous glow. His voice sounded almost like that of a gentleman, for he had been one for a long time, and he knew exactly what to say. "The pleasure is all mine, My lady." He took a few steps towards the girl, always cautious, and studying whatever hints of her ability he could determine by both her physical appearance and the aura she emanated. "They call me Necronas, Lord of Death."
Last edited by Necronas; 09-14-2009 at 03:57 AM..
09-14-2009, 09:59 PM
Black and evil. These were the only words Reens could think of to describe this man. A waft of his aura already gave her a slightly sick feeling. Her sword, Lumni, vibrated in her grip. The heavy wrought-mithril and andamantite sword was given to her by the god Mars. It warned her of ill tides if they were to happen.
Her horse gave a small whinny,^The Archer doesn't seem all that bad, try talking to her instead of the man.^ The horse told Reens through their telepathic connection. Reens lowered her guard slightly.
"Thank you, Qtchi, I am honoured to join you." Here she presents her sword to the slim female archer. A sign of genuine sincerity.
(OOC:Where did Karne go?  )
Last edited by Reens; 09-20-2009 at 07:47 PM..
09-15-2009, 05:17 PM
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Qtchi’s voice was soft, yet there was a slight edge to the single name she uttered. Flickering her gaze from the necromancer, the girl remained seated upon her horse, but she let the animal step closer. Even as she approached the woman, the girl could feel the air ripple with power and watched with wide eyes as a gentle glow filled the air. Without flinching, the woman healed herself, then turned immediately to her horse and repeated her gesture. Through her introductions and from the healing spells, the young archer could tell this was, indeed, a fortunate addition to their travel party. Thank the Gods, She thought to herself with relief.
It was Karne who reacted instantly, rushing towards the newcomer and offering a hand.
”Are you alright m’lady?” The young archer echoed the sentiment, now kindly glancing at the woman. ”I apologize for my impolite greetings… I did not know if you were friend or foe…” Glancing down from her mount, the girl inclined her head and offered the lady a gentle smile. Her eyes did not miss the offered sword, and Qtchi brought a fist across her chest, resting lightly upon her left shoulder - a military gesture familiar to those from her town.
”I am Qtchi and it is a pleasure to have you join our group,” She said, gesturing for the young lass to put her weapon away.
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Last edited by Qtchi; 09-21-2009 at 05:54 PM..
09-29-2009, 08:24 PM
With a flourish Reens sheathed her weapon. Qtchi; she had heard of that name before. It rung a bell, but she didn't know where she heard it. She then noticed her travel bags lying in a heap. She reaches inside and pulls out several foreign fruits and a small hunting knife. She hands one to Karne, Qtchi, and Necronas. She led her horse to the edge of the camp. She detached her quiver and bow from her horse's saddle. She then strapped her ornate hunting knife to her hip while her equipment vanished into thin air.
"I am going to go hunt, please make sure my horse is not stolen. She is worth more than your souls could ever repay."Reens says.
With that, Reens dashes off in search of her prey, her speed trails leaving a slight hint of gold and a smell of mint.
09-30-2009, 06:27 PM
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It was boredom that had lead him to the guild but it was something else that lead him to agree to there request. He had seen her only for a brief second passing through the halls of the guild and when he did an undeniable since of deJavu flooded overe him. He thought about the felling as he walked into the bar. Absently he moved to the bar around which all maner of men stood some had takeing to curseing around a table apparently there was some conflict over a show of strength.
When he looked back to the bar a peice of parchment lay in front of him. ^ It seems you took a little to long... Thank you Atterimus I hadn't noticed that^ the sarcasim came over clear and with a curse he exited the bar. Soon he was running through the woods the unnatural speed of it forced a brisk wind to flood past him. The bite of the air was comforting to him after all sleep was needed even for a man such as himself.
Soon he had caught up to the guild members he stoped a distance before hand though. ^ There appears to be some turmoil between them^. Slowly he approached them he drew his precious katana from his side ^ best prepared than dead ^ Soon he stood behind a women who seemed small in stature but carried a large claymore in one hand and a large wood and iron shield in the other. ^ How odd ^. He then decided to announce his precance. " My name is Ketotsue... so is this it then?" He then held up the parchment to prove he was who he claimed to be"
Last edited by ketotsue; 09-30-2009 at 06:32 PM..
The Late Arrival |
10-02-2009, 06:34 PM
Gem Pouch Expert
Qtchi is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Trying to survive...
Posts: 271
The Late Arrival
DéjÃ* vu…
She kept still upon her mount, Necronas by her side, and Karne quietly awaiting her command. The sun revealed the glint of steel unsheathing, yet the girl didn’t move… didn’t fear… didn’t panic. The man came to a stop, just behind Lady Reens, his hand lifting the parchment for Qtchi to see…
A warrior.
â€Welcome,†Her warm voice called out to the man, just as the lady handed her some fruit. She took her gaze off the newcomer for a moment, taking the unusual fruit in her hands and quickly tucking it into one of her saddle-bags. Their journey will be long and arduous, so it seemed wise some members had brought rations.
â€Be safe,†Qtchi told the women as she rushed off for a quick hunt. â€The group will be settling in the clearing ahead for sundown.â€
Then, she faced the newcomer once more.
â€Ketsostue, it has been awhile,†She spoke, her face unreadable in the low afternoon sun. Just seeing his face brought back memories of the last battle they had together… One that brought back ugly memories and painful thoughts of her family…
â€I trust you remember Necronas?†She said lightly, her hand gesturing to the silent necromancer by her side. As she spoke, her gaze went from one man to the other, studying their features.
They were very different - these two men… yet they both bore similarities when it came to their battles and wit. The girl thought of the task ahead and wondered why the guild had sent them to help her… It was only the sound of a twig snapping, did Qtchi blink, pushing her thoughts aside.
Karne stood alone by the side, leaning against the rough bark of a tree with a bored expression upon his face. Even as the girl watched, he stifled a yawn and lifted a hand, studying the fruit Reens had given him. It was exotic, not one customarily found in these parts of the world, yet the man didn‘t blink when she handed it over… didn‘t bother asking what it was. Brushing it against his tunic, Karne took a bite and lifted his head - his eyes meeting that of Qtchi‘s still watching him.
With his eyes boring into hers, he continued to chew, his arms folded before his chest. Slowly, the man swallowed, a glint entering his eye and incredibly, the corners of his lips lifted into a impish grin.
Qtchi broke contact first, looking down at her hands first, then up towards the sky.
It was getting close to the evening and with the town behind them, the group will have no choice but camp in the woods for the evening.
â€Gentleman?†She said, dismounting with both feet upon the ground. Unable to look at Karne, she turned towards Necronas and Ketsostue instead. â€Would you see to our camp grounds for the night?†The girl paused, aiming another gaze towards the cloudless sky. â€I think tis warm enough to sleep under the stars,†She continued. â€Perhaps we should stop for tonight and be on our way tomorrow morning…â€
With a warm smile, she led her mount towards the thicket and loosely wrapped the reigns over a low branch. Tucking her bow over the crook of her arm, the girl then set out to find some dinner for the rest of the group…
-Karne is busy with schoolwork so I had permission to include him within my post. He'll be posting on his own soon 
-For those who are thinking, What? Settling down for the night? Seriously Qtchi, can the story go any slower? Please remember, you have all been traveling long distances to meet up with the archer. It is close to late afternoon by the time you had all meet up. Settling for the night, by all means, is not easy to write. It'll be good practice for everyone to write a little scene on what you actually do. Qtchi chose to hunt down some little wildlife and perhaps, my next post will be making her cook for the rest of the party. Perhaps someone might want to check the surrounding areas and scout out any possible dangers. Someone might want to think about sleeping accommodations, or etc. Endless possibilities...
NPC's are welcomed.
-Don't feel like you need to post A.S.A.P. Please take your time, think over your post and work on it. I know everyone is busy with RL/work/School/etc. so I don't want someone to feel like they must post right away. As I mentioned in the beginning of my story, this is a practice RP and I want everyone to have fun If you have questions, comments or a rant - forward them to my mailbox. I thoroughly enjoy getting mail
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