07-15-2009, 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Hafgrimr
I noticed that if you untrain enough levels when de-levling to put you at 5 or 6 skill levels until next playerlevel, it reports remaining skill levels wrong.
lvl 40 deleved to lvl 37 by removing Recovery, and showed 6 skill levels left until next playerlevel.
Trained up 1 level in Magic, and got the notification " You now only need 1 more skills in Melee, Magic, Defence or Recovery to level"
Bug ?
I am guessing the report was for the next player level that you would level to, had you not deleveled.
07-15-2009, 04:23 PM
No, that doesnt add up either.. but even if that was the case, it's still reporting levels wrong since it's showing "5 left til next level" but giving me the "1 left til next level" message
07-16-2009, 03:26 PM
Ok, bug showed another side of itself today: Trained one more level in Magic, and i got the message: Congratulations, you are now lvl 37.. although it has been showing lvl 37 all along. Skills-counter is up to par, showing 4 left to next level.
07-16-2009, 06:36 PM
i got it half right. 
07-16-2009, 06:51 PM
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USAViper2127 is offline
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Its cause you can't delevel more then 3 levels total. You deleveled more then that I take it
07-17-2009, 02:31 AM
Yes i did, but that doesnt take away the fact that it displays messages that aren't true. If it displays 6 skills until next level, once you gain 1 skill it shouldnt post the "only need 1 more to next.."
And when 5 to next level and you gain a skill, it shouldnt tell you that you just leveled up to the level you already were according to char-sheet.
It's not the mechanics behind it i'm reporting, it's the messages itself that are faulty 
07-17-2009, 02:39 AM
similar instance has been already reported. i think the outcome was that it is a reminder as to how far away you are from your level or something
07-17-2009, 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Hafgrimr
Yes i did, but that doesnt take away the fact that it displays messages that aren't true. If it displays 6 skills until next level, once you gain 1 skill it shouldnt post the "only need 1 more to next.."
And when 5 to next level and you gain a skill, it shouldnt tell you that you just leveled up to the level you already were according to char-sheet.
It's not the mechanics behind it i'm reporting, it's the messages itself that are faulty 
The messages aren't faulty per se.
The game thinks you are back at one level, and realizes you are still at your level.
This causes the contradicting messages, but if you think about it the messages aren't faulty at all.
6 skill levels until you actually level up.
1 skill level until you level back up to your original level.
07-17-2009, 11:04 AM
ffs, read my post again. I WAS ALREADY LVL 37, then it told me i became lvl.. 37. Isn't that screwed up somewhere?
If the game actually takes me down to 36, but displays 37.. that's also fubared. In reality it should keep me at 37, tell me i have 6 to go, do nothing until i've done those 6 skills THEN tell me i became lvl 38. If that would've happened, i would not complain at all, since that is what it should be like. The mechanics is fine, i am not questioning how it works, it's just the fact that the game THOUGHT i was lvl 36 while displaying lvl 37, then telling me i leveled up to: lvl 37.
Question i have is wether all other mechanics of the game except char-sheet actually thinks i went down to lvl 36. Could i for example have entered a area with 37 minimum lvl to enter? I can't be bothered to try it, but atleast jeff could check it out and confirm if it's all working as it should, or if it's broken somehow.
07-17-2009, 11:16 AM
I read it, now read my post again.
The contradictory mechanics probably considered you 36 but left you at 37, but in reality you were 36.
07-18-2009, 12:50 AM
lol not a glitch. max delevel of 3. end of story. any more than that servers as a reminder your not lowering any more.
07-19-2009, 06:45 PM
I KNOW THAT.. but jeez, klippi, read a post before you post.
I am fully aware of that you can't delevel more than 3 levels, that is NOT the issue. Got it ?
The issue is, that the game thinks i deleveled more, so it tells me i leveled up.. but i didnt. See? problem..
Go troll some other posts
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