Not So Hidden City |
05-13-2009, 04:20 PM
Not So Hidden City
(So...I moved Fluffy and I here. If the god play and fighting junk comes here I will ignore it.  Just letting ya'll know)
She felt like she was dead. She didn’t feel anything, no pain, no exhaustion, no nothing. She would rather feel pain than this nothing. She couldn’t even feel her body. Had it exploded for real or had she just imagined that feeling? It was like she was just a bunch of thoughts floating in the black of wherever she was. Where was she really? Oh, right, some field Escalion had pointed out to her. She would have to hunt again when she woke but not until she had energy. The measly scraps she had in her bag might be enough but she doubted it.
Wait…her bag that was with Escalion...with her cloths…oh nooo. Groaning into the darkness she imagined slapping her hand to her forehead. She had shifted, naked, and oh no. How embarrassing. She so did not want to wake up now. She knew she’d be mortified when she did and she was not looking forward to that feeling. She would have to suck it up. Pretend like nothing happened. She was a horrible actor back at school but maybe she picked something up, maybe she could pull it off. Oh who was she kidding, there’s no way she was that good of an actress.
She started to feel again and she wished the darkness had stayed. A low groan slipped past her lips and she felt her forehead wrinkle, felt the thudding of her blood in her head. Her fingers twitched and even that hurt. Apparently she had over worked it with the shifting. ^Note to self: eat bigger animals if planning to shift into powerful things.^
She gave a very un-lady like curse and braved opening her eyes. She opened them a bit at first and when she didn’t see any light she opened them further. Apparently she had been out for a while. The dusk had turned into full blown night. She wasn’t sure if she was all together happy about that or not. She wondered how far away the sunrise was but in all honesty she didn’t really want to know.
Finally she registered the hands on her shoulders and felt her cheeks blaze red. Escalion. Suddenly she was very grateful for the night that hid her blush.
05-13-2009, 04:54 PM
He felt her start to move and shook his head out of his semi-sleep. He had held her and tried to keep her warm to the best of his ability as night fell, but he didn't know if it was safe to move her or not. When she was conscious, he let her sit up on her own and smiled softly, "Good to have you back Laylani. I was worried for you there for quite some time. I uhh..tried to do my best to cover you and keep you warm. You'll need to eat, but I don't want you to waste any energy. I'll build a fire for you to stay warm, and then go try to find you something to replenish your energy." When he thought she was stable again he let her go and started on the first two of his tasks.
05-13-2009, 05:34 PM
.... well this is.. unexpected.
No god play going on!
05-13-2009, 05:59 PM
Please please please come back you two, you have superb talent! I mean, come on, its just one epic battle! 1! Small number! PLease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean really, you two don't need to even participate, frankly, "m not really psyched about sending Silmar to certain death ok?!
But seriously, just consider coming back! You guys are a big part of the long road storyline!
I've been looking forward to Silmar meeting up with you guys' characters since I restarted the RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05-13-2009, 07:04 PM
Boss Hunter
Necronas is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 184
Laylani, don't worry too much about the war. The ending will be quite interesting, I assure you that. And its nice to have a double-story. In fact, sometimes it feels good to move away from the world of warfare.
I'm planning a little something special. If you really need to know, I can PM you a spoiler 
05-13-2009, 07:26 PM
(Might go back eventually. Don't really want to wade though all the fighting posts-I'm a lover not a fight haha- though. This way is easier to keep track of the smaller story I'm involved in. Think of this as a branch off of The Long Road but just in a place not burned down or about to be destroyed.  And I like surprises so no need for a spoiler ^_^)
05-13-2009, 07:40 PM
She didn’t want to move from the warmth of his body, it was soothing and helped the ache in the core of her body. She knew as soon as she moved away she’d feel everything ten times worse than she was right now. She knew she would have to do so since she couldn’t stay against him like a child forever. Sitting up hurt but somehow she managed not to flinch yet when he mentioned clothing her she did, and it wasn’t from pain. Her blush flared again and she tilted her head down, hair falling into her face, to try and ignore it as well as hide it.
“Sorry. If I had known that was going to happen I would have found something else to shift into or eaten more food earlier.†She gave him a weak smile, looking up at him through her thick lashes. She pulled her legs beneath her, sitting Indian style, and groaned softly as her muscles protested. She was going to regret this for at least a day or two. Even after eating she didn’t think she would be able to shift into anything larger than a house cat.
Tucking her hair behind her ears and lifting her head she tried to give him a better smile. “I would help you get wood and everything but I really don’t think I can stand yet. I do have some provisions left in my bag that we could eat; though I’m not sure how much is really left.†She reached towards her bag and hooked the strap on her fingers. Pulling it towards her took more effort that she had thought it would; it made her judge her state a little differently. She successfully got the bag into her lap without crying and proceeded to open it.
“Be careful. We don’t know what lives here, though I thought I might have seen some buildings before we landed that way,†She pointed in the general direction as she pulled out the small bag of food with her other hand.
Watching him walk away she dragged herself towards a tree and leaned back against it. Without him there she gave into the few pain related tears stinging the backs of her eyes. She felt childish, sitting there alone, crying, while munching on a thick strip of dried meat. Yet since there was no one there at the moment she didn’t feel the need to stop herself.
05-13-2009, 08:16 PM
[Well... as long as you guys return Laylani, you two have incredible talent, the story wouldn't be the same without you.
By the way Necronas, superb post you just made, everything is coming together!]
05-13-2009, 08:57 PM
Boss Hunter
Necronas is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 184
Laylani, the entire battle is taking place in the plains and badlands (human & orc lands).
the elven forest, the mountains and the islands are still peaceful. this isn't a "world war" as such, just Vuxxa going mad with power, Necronas with a hunger to consume that power, and everyone else in the plains in the war is in it for reasons of their own.
05-15-2009, 11:55 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
ketotsue is offline
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Sorry to add random badgering but dosnt it get boreing being involved in an RP just about talking?
05-15-2009, 11:11 PM
(If you think we just talk, then maybe)
05-16-2009, 07:33 PM
Ketotsue, dialogue is alot more interesting then a proccession of both shrewd and lethargical observations and, dare I say it, DBZ style power playing!
You'd be surprised how much dialoge can, (if done correctly) make a tale that much more interesting.
Besides, I find Laylani's style of writing fresh and natural while Sheshros portrayal of elder figures who bask in the shadows, diverting our attention to them without interrupting the tale keeps the mood somber.
Translation: Me likey!
Keep up the good work you two!
05-19-2009, 05:50 AM
Boss Hunter
Necronas is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 184
lol, keto.
"There is more to life than blood and fire." - Prince Ormus (one of my RP chars)
05-19-2009, 01:16 PM
(I'm begging you all. Make this comment the LAST ooc on this thread. Please? Please?! And do NOT respond to this here or feel my wrath mwhahahahaha)
05-19-2009, 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Laylani
(I'm begging you all. Make this comment the LAST ooc on this thread. Please? Please?! And do NOT respond to this here or feel my wrath mwhahahahaha)
05-19-2009, 08:51 PM
05-19-2009, 09:03 PM
Growling low in his throat, leaving her by the fire he stalked out into the plains. Night had fallen, and he doubted he would find anything, but he shifted anyways, taking wing into the night sky. He peered into the grasses and low shrubs, finding a few stray mice out of their homes, and a hare large enough to at least restore her energy enough so she wasn't a shell. He could hunt for her better in the morning. Each animal he brought and started to cook for her, going back into the forest to find dead branches to place in the ground to keep them in the heat of the flames. He hooted at her after the last hare and took back to the skies, ^I'll keep watch. Eat, and try to get some sleep.^
05-19-2009, 09:34 PM
Scrubbing her eyes dry when she heard him start to come back she looked up to see what direction he was coming from. She was sure her face was red but just as sure that the darkness hid it. When he started the fire and it blazed to life she tilted her head forward to allow her hair to swing into her face. If he noticed the redness or her slightly puffy eyes she could easily pass it up as the shadows and reflection of fire and her hair against her skin. She was rather pale in complexion so it was a plausible excuse.
She managed a weak smile at him before he took off again this time, she assumed, to find food. She was grateful that she’d be able to keep what was left of her dried meat and fruit for later and for him if he returned hungry. She was sure she’d prove herself a pig and eat everything he brought to her. Which, of course, she did. She hardly waited for any of it to cook thoroughly, especially the mice, and picked the bones clean. Even the hare she devoured. Of course she tasted none of it but she did feel better by the time she finished. Though when she looked at the pile of clean white bones she couldn’t help but feel a little disgusted by herself. She was in human form, she had no excuse to be so improper.
^Okay. If you need something to eat,^ Since I ate all your hard work like a glutton, she added quietly to herself ^then there’s a bag of dried stuffs you can help yourself to.^ As for sleep she knew she would have no trouble there. Her lids were already drooping. With the combination of the heat, and cracking, of the fire and her full belly sleep sounded lovely.
Taking the bag of food she had mentioned out of her larger bag she set it close by where he could find it. Laying down she pulled her bag beneath her head to use as a pillow; seeing as how it was filled with nothing more than cloths and a few trinkets and was soft enough for such a use. Easily, and quickly, her eyes slid closed and she was fast asleep.
She dreamed of dragons and fantastical creatures and a faceless man, woman, and girl child. Both females kept changing into the different creatures but not the man. He just stood by and watched. Before she could piece it together the dream changed to something more mundane and much less interesting.
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