I just lost all nice things was saying, cuz tried to copy paste on this cell & can't explain all as to why & how it happened while highlighting in blue that comes out & accidently hit back button & lost ,but last 4 words. ARRRGGG ! Oh well maybe say my peace views another x if I recall t,si take time out 2 do so. Lol Used 2 be on here 2008 & lost it all 2 unforeseeable sad events & lost lost contact & characters created w/ coolest names /backgrounds,classes,etc & 3 weeks paid account,but tho is my year 4 sure this Tim & another face # of mines combine 1 & 7 also 5,8,11,21,25,27,& 37,& un-matching those, #2 & 100.
"It is the best of times,It is the worst of times." But more of best this x around. Nvm. I just post this 1 reply comment of thoughts on the matter or subject of discussion & leave it @ that perhaps. Anyhow,I used to do same thing as some that prefered 2 do multiple windows,but it was ever bern known or will ever be of it's kind & coolest ever #1 Forevermore I am glad this game exists & was created & only 2 coolest that plays on all systems & servers,which every game created should,but sadly doesn't.
I wish I had a controller �� & or wireless keyboard & mouse,etc to hook up with cell meanwhile toll can afford a new laptop type device like the Surface Pro 4 or Portable Personal Wi-Fi Hun 4 my tablet,which should be soon in Feb or March of tho 2017, & also pay on main acct 4 now on Std x am totally unencumbered,unfettered,& a lightweight,compact,space saving type of device that work like an old PC does & then some extras.
Possibilities are endless & limitless. To that 1 below that said that games should nit allow,but 2 character is Ridiculous & not nice or fun at all. I think quite the opposite & is what makes me now not even think of the old fashioned ways yesteryears of other games that refuse to policies of not even considering it being a part of their game. It's 1 of the things that makes this game the #1 most popular & very best game ever of all time & fan based following ! ! ! History Making ! ! ! It is the hallmark of a great game & as American as Apple pie & like being in the real estate business ok ? ! ! !
I just had a thought when going to c/p to copy 1st b4 editing so don't lose it accidently kind of what emails do 4 us automatically as we are typing ever word maybe or section steps,but I started doing it manually on dave button ever few lines or a paragraph or so took time out to just incase it wasn't working or doing it atm. Lol I had that happen allot of times on that Dell laptop & b4 that my 1desktop the Gateway mini heavy though tower desktop. Well till later,layers,laterz,g2g urgently get ready. Running late. Cya around soon. I hope.

just lost all nice things was saying, cuz tried to copy paste on this cell & can't explain all as to why & how it happened while highlighting in blue that comes out & accidently hit back button & lost ,but last 4 words. ARRRGGG ! Oh well maybe say my peace views another x if I recall t,si take time out 2 do so. Lo
l Used 2 be on here 2008 & lost it all 2 unforeseeable sad events & lost lost contact & characters created w/ coolest names/backgrounds,classes,etc & 3 weeks paid account,but tho is my year 4 sure this Tim & another face # of mines combine 1 & 7 also 5,8,11,21,25,27,& 37,& un-matching those, #2 & 100.."It is the best of times,It is the worst of times." But more of nest this x around. Nvm. I just post this 1reply comment of thoughts on the matter o subject of discussion & leave it at that perhaps. Anyhow,I used to do same thing as some that prefered 2 do multiple windows,but it one of it's kind & coolest ever #1 Forevermore allot of work as vaguely recall it.
I am glad this game exists & was created & only one coolest that plays on all systems & servers,which ever game created should,but sadly doesn't. I wish I had a controller �� & or wireless keyboard & mouse,etc to hook up with cell meanwhile toll can afford a new laptop type device like the Surface Pro 4 or Portable Personal Wi-Fi Hun 4 my tablet,which should be soon in Feb or March of tho 2017, & also pay on main acct 4 now on Std x am totally unencumbered,unfettered,& a lightweight,compact,space saving type of device that work like an old PC does & then some extras.
Possibilities are endless & limitless. To that 1 below that said that games should nit allow,but 1 character is Ridiculous & not nice or fun at all. I think quite the opposite & is what makes me now not even think of the old fashioned ways yesteryears of other games that refuse to policies of not even considering it being a part of their game. It's 1of the things that makes this game the #1 most popular & very best game ever of all time ! ! ! History Making ! ! ! It is the hallmark of a great game & as American as Apple pie & like being in the real estate business ok ? ! ! !
Darn I replaced old saved paste & now lost nicest closing lines oh well g2g running late on day of fave day of the week after weekend of course C you all soon I hope till then take care & be safe ! ! ! Stay SaFe My Friends !

�� ������ I love emoji & All Caps. Sorry. Lol I love puns & nice jokes too &"using song & movie,old wise sayings,etc as well. it looks like now what I wrote reappeared or just looked similar. Too tired, in pain,can't see straight again. Lol I Am super excited & Elated & Passionate about this game 4 SURE ! ! ! ��