09-14-2008, 06:55 PM
Auction Master
doctor-warlord is offline
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well perhaps free players should be allowed to use auction freely but only with tradeskill materials and timecards as they are that way it wont be too exploitable as even if you famr a resource all day the gold you can earn on it isnt that high and this would also lower the prices on materials needed to craft items making it more interesting to do for both free and paying players
12-02-2008, 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jerome
As jeff says, as the gem system gets more complex grouping with yourself will become far too awkward hopefully. I dont have anything against it as such like if people want to do it its fine. When i say **** like dip your balls in battery acid if your gonna group with yourself or whatever i said, im just messing  i guess my point is its kinda antisocial  know what im sayin?
Agreed. I prefer teamwork though, but not with myself (I do like talking to myself, but only in real life...)
12-14-2008, 06:55 AM
Rat Slayer
evilslayer is offline
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i've tried different browser's for runnin' 3 chars at a time (at different levels ex,as now 27-19-13)
i found that 'safari' is working better than ie and firefox (witch i normally run) 
02-24-2009, 06:00 AM
I usually have 6 browsers of FF open while I play, 4 are afk sucking up shared blisses until they have enough for TC's
03-03-2009, 08:26 AM
multiple tabs in IE, in my experience, causes constant java errors, and makes the page scroll to the top with each error ... very irritating, to say the least ..
07-10-2009, 09:16 AM
3 Tabs/Windows in Google Chrome (it's all the same as each is a seperate process anyway) works fine for me with one caveat. I MUST turn sound and music OFF, or the lag is terrible. I think it must be contention for the audio mixer.
08-11-2009, 08:25 PM
i cant use more than 3 accounts at once on this pc.. with 2 its okay.. i have 10 accounts so i had to buy 5pcs only to play nod
08-13-2009, 12:44 AM
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evilslayer is offline
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Originally Posted by AphoomZhah
i cant use more than 3 accounts at once on this pc.. with 2 its okay.. i have 10 accounts so i had to buy 5pcs only to play nod
GO aphoo...the manufactures' will love you...... 
ther's a thin line between fishing and gettin' drunk in a boat...
light travels faster than sound,that's why some people appears bright untill you hear them speak...
08-13-2009, 12:54 AM
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Sapreaver is offline
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I have never really tried to do more then 3 but I will run all my alts at once tomorrow to see how many I can run ^.^
08-13-2009, 01:54 AM
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Tai`Lauranna is offline
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I've been letting 6 accounts run continuously for about 3 weeks now. (bliss ftw)
2 IE windows, with 3 tabs each. I usually only group 2 of them at a time, but have gone with 3 every once in a while.
Never fight with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level, and defeat you with experience.
08-16-2009, 05:12 AM
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Revanche is offline
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Originally Posted by doctor-warlord
well perhaps free players should be allowed to use auction freely but only with tradeskill materials and timecards
im sure Ns would love 2 b able to auction off the epics they cant use, maybe restrict it 2 a certain # of levels above/below their skill level, that way if its completely useless(way below their level) or out of reach in the not-2-distant future(way above their level) they get something from the luck of that drop, not sure if thats feasible, but any feedback from the powers-that-be-jeff would be informative
08-27-2009, 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by LouisHenriXL
Golden Showers in the shower “Suck me! Finger me! **** me! For god’s sake just do something, I can’t take this †“Just a little more â€
Now THAT's an intro! 
08-28-2009, 01:20 AM
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Alesandra is offline
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Originally Posted by LouisHenriXL
Golden Showers in the shower “Suck me! Finger me! **** me!
hmmm...last i saw, this was the discussion section, not the uncivil section. please stop taking threads that are helpful and spamming them with crap. thanks bye
09-02-2009, 01:35 AM
yes i have 3 accounts that i group with all close to the same lvl and it works like a charm :]
09-15-2009, 02:56 PM
Well, from all the different MMOs I have played over the years the majority restrict you to one character PERIOD. I personally feel that this should be the case for many reasons, including but not limited to farming, self-grouping, and basically taking over most of the game.
This discussion has pretty much turned into "how can we abuse and exploit this game?" Seriously, if you have so much free time that you need to come up with ways to cheat at a free game, you need to get a life. I'm not trying to incite a flame war or anything, because I know it will happen as surely as people will try to cheat and ruin a free game.
I started out playing for free. It seemed like it was worth a few bucks a month out of my rather limited disposable income. I don't feel any game is worth more than maybe $10 a month, and that's assuming it's REALLY good, and I think it's rediculous that people will spend that multiple times a month for a character, and then have multiple characters, just to falsly claim that they are the best.
But you know what, if they can get suckers to do that then power to ya. If you really need to blow all your money on something, you could invest in something that will offer returns (like furniture or other things for your home). Surely there's worse things you can waste $500 a month on, but the list of better things is much much longer.
I realize now that this game really isn't worth my time and money just because I know I will never get anywhere trying to play in an honorable manner. The game itself has been wonderful so far, but now that my eyes are open to how things work I don't feel I can continue much longer. Maybe something might change enough to change my feelings, but I doubt it. The players seem to enjoy what they are doing and I can't imagine that the administration is too upset about all the money coming in.
Eh, whatever. i'm not you guys. Even if I had the power to stop you I wouldn't because I believe in free will. I just felt somewhat strongly on the subject and needed to rant a bit.
Last edited by Melthor; 09-15-2009 at 03:00 PM..
=P |
09-16-2009, 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Alesandra
hmmm...last i saw, this was the discussion section, not the uncivil section. please stop taking threads that are helpful and spamming them with crap. thanks bye
Ales u are Hot, ur pic looks uncivil
09-16-2009, 08:25 AM
Melthor, Jeff should ban u for talking about the only one thing he cares.. DOLLARS!
10-28-2009, 01:39 PM
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Marianojoey is offline
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Hey, I had two chars too, but I lost too much time leveling the second one and I only had it to fight some bosses (the water elemental in the SL was the only one I did with both chars, actually). I used to run both of them in two different tabs in Mozilla (Ubuntu Jaunty), and it worked just fine.
BTW, I don't use the second character anymore (nor I intend to), but I never found an option to erase it, so if Glitchless wants to do it for me, the char name is Sariax (adventurer lvl 7) and he can send me an e-mail to confirm it (unless he usually erases unused chars after a while). 
Last edited by Marianojoey; 10-28-2009 at 01:41 PM..
11-03-2009, 06:26 PM
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evilslayer is offline
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i think an acc. is erased after 90 days if not played......
to Melt,some of us are just using some of the bar money/time here....
guess that makes sense in a way? or what?......
at least this don't **** u'r mind up...(nor physics)..... 
ther's a thin line between fishing and gettin' drunk in a boat...
light travels faster than sound,that's why some people appears bright untill you hear them speak...
split tabs |
02-20-2010, 02:19 PM
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Usul is offline
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split tabs
I play 2 at a time often, I use Firefox and an add on called split tabs. That way no tabbing back and forth. When i am on a comp with wide screen monitor I just open two windows side by side. I never get lag. at least no more than i do if only running 1.
Also i don't usually group with myself as my chars are different levels. I just think the pace of the game is slow enough that running 2 chars simultaneously makes it more interesting.
Last edited by Usul; 02-20-2010 at 02:58 PM..
Reason: self grouping
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