06-27-2008, 09:11 AM
its too exploitable dude there is no way youll be able to do it, if you wanna do that just do it with someone you trust. im sure me doug somneil hell anyone will be willing to do it with you. or you could get multiple subscriptions
06-27-2008, 09:14 AM
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doctor-warlord is offline
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well you might be right there probably will be restrictions on it but you can probably do it once or twice a day without subscription as otherwise the restriction would make no free players wanna try the game for long enought o consider subscriping
06-27-2008, 09:22 AM
i wonder if it will be more of a value thing like trades with accounts without subscriptions have to have a relativly even input and output based on store price of the item invloved or whatever
06-27-2008, 09:39 AM
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well i dont disagree on the need for restriction to none subscripers but they have be allowed x amount of trades per day else they would quit almost instantly only shops they should be able to trade freely with
06-27-2008, 12:29 PM
Jeff said that you will be able to give free accounts items/money I believe, but the free accounts cannot give things to other players. I think that's the ideal solution as well, so you can still help out a new player, or twink a new character of yours, but still prevents farming.
06-27-2008, 04:05 PM
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i think limited trading should be allowed from free accounts like selling on auction and trading it should should be very limited to free accounts to like 1-5 times at most per day so they actually can trade with more then just shops
06-27-2008, 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by doctor-warlord
i think limited trading should be allowed from free accounts like selling on auction and trading it should should be very limited to free accounts to like 1-5 times at most per day so they actually can trade with more then just shops
Sounds like boss farmer's heaven :P
06-27-2008, 04:17 PM
This is gonna be one of them things that is gonna never ever ever be gotten right i think 
06-27-2008, 04:17 PM
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not really as you will need the gold on the characters to keep them able to could kill bosses as upgrading armour and weapon every 3-5lvls in the skill required is quite expensive and not something everyone can afford so therefor i dont think it will be farmers heaven unless its crafting materials your planing on farming for sale from your main account at least thats my opnion
perhaps your right Jerome
06-27-2008, 04:18 PM
Trade restrictions aren't something new in MMO's but the extent of the restrictions are definitely becoming prevelent in recent times. As much as it is frustrating at certain times you have to realize the the ultimate goal is, and that is the limitation/eradication of farmers/botters. I fully expect the restrictions to be "harsh" and I'm sure plenty of people will feel/react negatively towards them. But if the ultimate goal is realized for the most part through it I firmly believe in the long run it is worth it.
06-27-2008, 04:27 PM
Glitchless is offline
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The way it will work is you can give items and gold to free accounts but they can't give anything to anyone. You'll be warned before giving anything to free accounts to prevent you from locking yourself out of items you did not intend to.
In other words you'll be able to minorly twink a new character for class testing purposes without having to pay any money, but if you want that character to be able to enter the game economy and trade freely you'll have to get a subscription.
06-27-2008, 04:32 PM
if they are implimented immidiatly then people wont react. the only people who will care is us, and at the end of the day most if not all of us who are posting in the "ideas and suggestions" section care more about preventing major or even minor exploits etc getting released into the final game than we do about a few trade restrictons. It might even be worth giving a few players a subscription account and some accounts with the restrictions to extensivly test to find flaws in. As crucial as it is this gets done right from the start before like one month in we get an announcment "players have been explioting this and mass farming trophies etc for themselfs, whoops" which would lead to cirtain accounts being totally over powered.
Last edited by Jerome; 06-27-2008 at 04:33 PM..
Reason: Jeff posted before i finished writing
06-27-2008, 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The way it will work is you can give items and gold to free accounts but they can't give anything to anyone. You'll be warned before giving anything to free accounts to prevent you from locking yourself out of items you did not intend to.
In other words you'll be able to minorly twink a new character for class testing purposes without having to pay any money, but if you want that character to be able to enter the game economy and trade freely you'll have to get a subscription.
For those of us willing to pay a subscription from the offset this is great, but as far as getting new players to pay for the game goes perhaps giving them some kinda of trial would be better like 3 days or something were they can make 2 trades a day or something. Then when they cant any more they will miss it. Its the oldest tactic in the subscription based mmo book 
06-27-2008, 04:39 PM
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i agree why not let it be tested in like the last week of beta where a select group gets to try subscriptions features and find if the restrictions work as intended but not allowing trading anything away from free accounts they get severely limited in there social skills
06-27-2008, 04:44 PM
With a server reset happening anyway i think thougherly (****ed if i can spell that dislexia ftl) testing everything exactly as its going to be in release is nothing but a good idea as it wont give anyone an advantage i dont mind wasting all the AT in the world to getting this game ready  . its down to jeff though
06-27-2008, 04:49 PM
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yeah its jeff's decision but we can suggest and argument to why it would be a good idea to make it more likely to happen
06-27-2008, 06:49 PM
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yeh trade restictions on free accounts
as long as u get subscription u should be fine lol
and its not exactly dear so u know sure it easy enough
06-28-2008, 07:55 AM
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yeah but from what i read the restrictions wont even allow the use of auction by free players eventhough its a type of shop
06-29-2008, 10:19 AM
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hehe well glad i dont plan on playing it free lol
just working out what class to pick hehe
with all these updates on spells coming out
i am testing the gems out to think about spell casting
09-09-2008, 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by doctor-warlord
i think limited trading should be allowed from free accounts like selling on auction and trading it should should be very limited to free accounts to like 1-5 times at most per day so they actually can trade with more then just shops
This would be easily enough abused by boss farmers, I'd think.... BUT.
If you restrict the materials that are tradable, so that all tradeskill items, for example, have a 5 stacks a day limitation on them, while all other items are a once-per-day thing, wouldn't that be an efficient solution to the problem of people mass alt-farming, while allowing the free players (I fit into that catagory for lack of funds, not for lack of will to donate. >.o) the ability to trade, thus actually having a use for the social skill portion of their skill sheet? As it is now, if you're a free player, you basically have to put it on passive (Can you? I never bothered once I looked and saw I had to trade with people... I had already found that I couldn't due to being a free player) to train it, otherwise it's untrainable.
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