Old 04-14-2009, 08:02 AM   #1
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Default Roleplaying

Hey all, i have never role played and i was interested in how it works and wondering if someone could teach me how to do it.
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:26 PM   #2
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Role playing isn't very is basically story-writing. I thought I saw another thread in here called RP for Beginners.

Role playing is basically writing out the drama (or story) of your fictional character. For example, in Nodiatis, I am an archer. Just like everyone else, Qtchi has a story to tell. Through RP-ing with other players, you can find out more about Qtchi (whether or not she is a good or bad person, what are her quirks, interests, dislikes, etc.).

According to Wiki: A role-playing game (RPG; often roleplaying game) is a game in which the participants assume the roles of fictional characters.[1] Participants determine the actions of their characters based on their characterization,[1] and the actions succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.[2] Within the rules, players have the freedom to improvise; their choices shape the direction and outcome of the game.[2]

As a new RP-er, I recommend working on a character background before posting in the forums. Simple things like: What is your characters name, age, appearance and attitude - will help make your story-writing much easier. Try to pay attention to punctuation and that will help make your posts more enjoyable to the readers.

Last, but not least - God Modding.

In my first RP-post, I accidentally God-Modded someone...and received a stern scolding. God Modding is when you let your character do practically anything without limits and boundaries.

This is deemed unfair to many other players.

For example:

Player 1: Elsa stared at the Dark Knight with fearful eyes. She knew he was going to kill her.
Player 2: Leon was always known for his quickness. Without a word, he drew his sword and slashed Elsa to death.

That is God-Modding. Essentially, you stabbed someone to death without their permission. As a new writer, you'll have to pay attention NOT to perform OTHER people's actions for them.

What shall Leon do then? (You might ask). Here is a example of what Leon should have done:

Player 1: Elsa stared at the Dark Knight with fearful eyes. She knew he was going to kill her.
Player 2: Leon was always known for his quickness. Without a word, he drew his sword and his sword slashed through the air towards Elsa's head.
Player 1: Elsa screamed and tried to escape - but it was too late. The poisoned blade fell upon her body and she collasped. Dead.

According to the Urban Dictionary, God-Modding is:

-It can be killing or injuring a character without the player's express permission.

-It can be when they simply cant€'t be hit and dodge all attacks or anything for this matter aimed at them.

-It can also be using other characters that other people RP with. In other words, if you do not RP as Legolas, then you cannot have Legolas say anything, or do anything, without the player's express permission.

The absolute worst is when they make out another character to be what they'€™re not, just to make their own character seem superior. They make others seem weak, screaming for help, when they'€™ve made it quite clear about their advantages and strengths. This is called power-play. It€™s a strain of God-Modding, but instead of just being irritating, it€™s offensive to boot.

I hope this helps Sir...and remember, The best way to learn RP is to TRY IT OUT. Hop into a thread or start one yourself and meet other writers...through interaction, I am sure you will quickly learn the fine arts of RP-ing.

Good Luck!
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Last edited by Qtchi; 04-22-2009 at 02:27 PM.. Reason: Typo
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Old 07-27-2009, 06:52 PM   #3
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Thanks for the help Qtchi at least I find it helpful heh
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Old 07-28-2009, 07:49 PM   #4
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Thank you Thezix. If you still have questions, try reading my comprehensive Guide to Role-Playing. Welcome to Nodiatis
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:29 AM   #5
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So can we set up on Nod a Roleplay of Romeo & Juliet and name the 2 clans after the 2 families, and have the players in each clan used named alt's as per the cast list.

Then everyone gets a script and performs it in Nod. chat whilst the 2 clans fight each other and Romeo & Juliet get PK'd?
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Role-Playing not Acting
Old 07-29-2009, 03:31 PM   #6
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Default Role-Playing not Acting

While Shakespeare was a fantastic writer, role-playing is not like a movie where people read out a pre-existing script. That sort of defeats the purpose of having your own character.

Role-playing is when everyone writes their own character and interacts with other people (without controlling other people) through a loosely based story. In Nodiatis, some of the threads have "creators" who have a basic idea of what they want in the story and subtly try to move it along - but in reality, once control is put into RP, it becomes less enjoyable.

RP is quite spontaneous and good writers learn to react to their surroundings and newly introduced situations. While you can start a love story loosely based on Nodiatis, you cannot control what other characters do or react towards you.

If you want a controlled environment, then write a closed RP - a story (there are plenty of authors here that do that as well). I hope this makes sense...
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Old 08-01-2009, 12:31 PM   #7
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I Think it does lol
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Very Well
Old 08-31-2009, 02:52 PM   #8
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Exclamation Very Well

Just wanted to let you know that was very informative & it made everything i was trying to accomplish here rather clearer to understand...a little more practice & experience is what i need to fully enjoy this "Nodiatis" experience. Once again, thank you for your well thought out introduction...Hope to make it out to the Pit of Eternity soon enough...just wondering...what level should i expect to be at when i do reach "The Pit?"
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