Vampire build |
03-24-2009, 03:26 PM
Vampire build
Obviously I need to go melee to make use of the life-stealing ability.
1.But what is a good build for this? I am doing slashing right now with a grass sword and sheild. I'm level 7. I was looking to upgrade to a premium account soon. It looks like the next weapons should be bloodclaws. I plan on dual wielding because it seems to be the best damage? yes? no?
2.Looking at the skills for level 20+ the piercing ability for ignoring the targets armor 100% seems really good. If you ignore their armor completely they are not mitigating any of my damage output thus increasing my life-gain.
OR are 2Hs with crit/overcrit will still heal me for more? Perhaps a 2h piercer?
3.Since I am relying on my melee to heal me signifcantly, hit % is very important, thus with piercing, dex does both, damage and hit %. Also, it will further gain me life by theoretically parrying more.
Melee 100 will eventually do only 1 str 2 dex
Magic 40 been spreading it evenly, but do I really need int/cnc?
Defense 100 will eventually do only 1agi 2dur
Recovery 60 have been spreading it evenly.
5. I stopped leveling pysche magic, do I need it? which gems give energy/mana gains? I would probably need those to sustain in longer fights.
6. I plan on only leveling priest and death magic. White and green magic for constant heals and Red for burning dots and Black for long dots.
7. I suppose a little leveling in pets is worth the extra damage?
8. I suppose a little leveling in archery is also good for extra stats?
9. I suppose I will need to level gem handling for using multi healing gems?
Please when responding to certain parts of my post reference the bullets. Also if you have suggestions on weapons/suiting gear rare/epic progression of acquiring and using, that would be helpful, right now I'm only looking at bloodclaws as a weapon progression, haven't looked much into armor and much past that. I'm relying on you guys to help me with your knowledge of middle to end game. thanks!
03-24-2009, 04:51 PM
Firstly, the stat total needs to be 70*4 = 280. You have 300 total in stats.
For a melee build with a vampire, you need to look at dealing a lot of damage.
DPS is important, but more primarily earlier, dealing enough damage in 1 hit to gain at least 1 hit point is also important (later on, nearly every hit should deal more than 10 damage). At level 1, 10 points of damage in a hit gives you 1 hit point, and then 30 points give you 2 hit points. Ensure that you pick weapons that will regularly give you a nice healing over time. Criticals deal 1.5 times more damage minimum, so also factor that in.
Check the DPS for later weapons.
With your build - I wouldn't even bother with any magic levels. Just have 100-1-100-79 in each level.
03-24-2009, 04:58 PM
Also, dont bother with archery and DoT magic. Concentrate on Healing over time gems and auras to make things easy to level - especially thorns and reflection auras.
03-24-2009, 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by jeeden
1. I plan on dual wielding because it seems to be the best damage? yes? no?
From what I hear, dual-wielding does yield the best damage, so yes, I'd suggest this.
4. Melee 100 will eventually do only 1 str 2 dex
Magic 40 been spreading it evenly, but do I really need int/cnc?
Defense 100 will eventually do only 1agi 2dur
Recovery 60 have been spreading it evenly.
As Necrox pointed out, the max for stat levels is 280. I'd probably recommend dropping your Magic to 1-20... Depending on what gems you decide to use, you'll still need some mana... INT and CNC are essentially useless for this build. The magic you do use should be defensive oriented.
5. I stopped leveling pysche magic, do I need it? which gems give energy/mana gains? I would probably need those to sustain in longer fights.
Pysch Magic seems very beneficial for tanks. As a melee vampire, I would assume you will be tanking when you group with others. Blue magic has lots of useful stuff (Taunts!, Auras, Cantrips), Gray Magic also seems to have some useful stuff (damage reduction shield, anti-daze, resistance auras, etc).
6. I plan on only leveling priest and death magic. White and green magic for constant heals and Red for burning dots and Black for long dots.
You have no need for Death Magic, in fact, it will only hinder you. You're going to be a melee character - Most of Death Magic is DoTs and DD's - You don't get life back on these... Also, if you try to mix this into a melee build you'll have to sacrifice STR/DEX and dump more points into INT/CNC/MST/PST - not good.
7. I suppose a little leveling in pets is worth the extra damage?
Yes, pets can help for any character (for healing yourself or for dealing a bit of extra damage).
8. I suppose a little leveling in archery is also good for extra stats?
This can help as eventually you can get some bows/arrows/quivers with some extra stats on them. However, the time you spend putting points into this is points away from more important things... Not overly important - certainly not a priority.
9. I suppose I will need to level gem handling for using multi healing gems?
Eventually Gem Handling is useful for any character, especially if you plan on depending on *some* magic.
Hope that helps a bit,
~ Solikos
03-24-2009, 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by jeeden
1. I plan on dual wielding because it seems to be the best damage? yes? no?
From what I hear, dual-wielding does yield the best damage, so yes, I'd suggest this.
4. Melee 100 will eventually do only 1 str 2 dex
Magic 40 been spreading it evenly, but do I really need int/cnc?
Defense 100 will eventually do only 1agi 2dur
Recovery 60 have been spreading it evenly.
As Necrox pointed out, the max for stat levels is 280. I'd probably recommend dropping your Magic to 1-20... Depending on what gems you decide to use, you'll still need some mana... INT and CNC are essentially useless for this build. The magic you do use should be defensive oriented.
5. I stopped leveling pysche magic, do I need it? which gems give energy/mana gains? I would probably need those to sustain in longer fights.
Pysch Magic seems very beneficial for tanks. As a melee vampire, I would assume you will be tanking when you group with others. Blue magic has lots of useful stuff (Taunts!, Auras, Cantrips), Gray Magic also seems to have some useful stuff (damage reduction shield, anti-daze, resistance auras, etc).
6. I plan on only leveling priest and death magic. White and green magic for constant heals and Red for burning dots and Black for long dots.
You have no need for Death Magic, in fact, it will only hinder you. You're going to be a melee character - Most of Death Magic is DoTs and DD's - You don't get life back on these... Also, if you try to mix this into a melee build you'll have to sacrifice STR/DEX and dump more points into INT/CNC/MST/PST - not good.
7. I suppose a little leveling in pets is worth the extra damage?
Yes, pets can help for any character (for healing yourself or for dealing a bit of extra damage).
8. I suppose a little leveling in archery is also good for extra stats?
This can help as eventually you can get some bows/arrows/quivers with some extra stats on them. However, the time you spend putting points into this is points away from more important things... Not overly important - certainly not a priority.
9. I suppose I will need to level gem handling for using multi healing gems?
Eventually Gem Handling is useful for any character, especially if you plan on depending on *some* magic.
Hope that helps a bit,
~ Solikos
03-25-2009, 04:24 AM
Ppl are no such thing as ****1ing "BUILDS" they are almost all the same for every melee/archer.
U want 100 Melee and 100 Defence as any melee user, u want 100Magic and something else, depending if u want pvp or pve type (defence) as archer or otherwise u will suck.
Sorry for my attitude but there was SO many questions like: VAMPIRE BUILD PLEASE!!!!!! And i really get pissed off how ppl cant figure its almost same shiet for everyone...
Yeah its really THAT simple.
Again, sorry.
03-25-2009, 11:03 AM
lol scri --- vapires are not a good pvp char the are best for mobs but currently using chain whip and a butterfly knife and i can walk away from a fight in orc fort and barely loose any life best thing to do with a vamp is just worry bout innate class ability other wise life stealing is useless
03-25-2009, 03:44 PM
Fortunatley (or unfortunately) Scri is correct. There is only so much you can do with the class levelling. You have Slasher/Crusher Melee, Piercier Melee, Archer, DD Mage (with Melee), DD Mage (without Melee), DoT Mage, Hybrid DD/DoT Mage. You can have variations on them, but basically that is it. You could build any class into any mould of these you like (for example: a Druid Slasher Melee). Class bonuses do dictate which way you would go though, and make some of these builds rediculous.
The only thing left out of this is the gem pouch. I need something to stand out from the bunch 
03-25-2009, 04:08 PM
Understandable... But for new players (for example, someone with 1 post), they probably don't *know* that. When you're about to create a character that you potentially take to high level, you don't want to flaw yourself right from the start, if at all possible.
There is no harm in asking... This is "Player Guides and Help" after all. So you just as well post something useful for them - it takes about the same amount of time.
~ Solikos
Gah, didn't see the double post above 
03-25-2009, 05:03 PM
so I need to run white/grey and blue/grey?
for self healing, and auras?
03-25-2009, 05:24 PM
I mean white/green.
03-25-2009, 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by jeeden
so I need to run white/grey and blue/grey?
for self healing, and auras?
Generally speaking:
White/Green = Healing
Blue = Taunts, Cantrips
Grey = Resistance Auras & Anti-Daze
If you plan on soloing, I would suggest you focus on White/Green.
If you plan on grouping, I suggest you focus on Blue/Grey.
There is no harm in taking all 4 up, just to have options, or to mix up your gem usage. My Guardian uses all 4 schools of magic; he is always in a group, so he uses Blue magic (taunts) the most, but his extra heals (Heals over Time) come in handy.
I'd level them all up and play it by ear. If you're always at full health but your party members are dying, you might want to invest more into Blue Magic. Check out gems in the shops to see what the future of each one holds for you.
~ Solikos
03-26-2009, 11:42 AM
My vampire build is as follows:
I use a bow for the opening ambush ability, then switch to my 2nd equipment set which is a melee dual wield. My magic pouches are: 1-DOT's, 2-heals, 3-escapes.
03-26-2009, 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by spartanairborne
Sexyy, I just want you to know, that I've always hated you.
Just cuz she has more eyeballs then Cryingnub?
03-30-2009, 09:05 PM
For me, I'm running 2h piercing.
2h weapons have the advantage of weakening defenses.
Piercing also break through armor.
If i need to, I can also switch to archery due to the recent changes and hail my enemies in arrow fire. Dunno if triple blow heals each time or arrow rain heals either..
03-31-2009, 04:17 AM
I thought you don't leach with arrows.??
03-31-2009, 12:21 PM
That was then, just 2-3 patches ago vampires are now able to leech with anything but magic. Thus BM had a change to be more powerful with pets.
03-31-2009, 06:26 PM
Yup, vampires can get heals from pets & arrows now putting most of the thread giving incorrect info.
You can now make a Vampire into any specialisation you like (warrior, archer, DD Mage, DoT Mage, Beastmaster). just read up on each respecitive build type in the forums. (Staves do nice big damage + good crits for healing, suppliemented with cheaper casting costs).
The only ones that it doens't fit well with now (though still 'work' in part) is Healer and Guardian. As before though, do as much damage in the shorted period of time (dps as discussed before) as possible now with any of the above builds.
04-01-2009, 12:29 AM
Well I guess I'll go dw slashing and save for 2 Bloodclaws.
1.I've been putting a little more into dex then str. What do you guys suggest for splitting the 300 points?
2.Slashing I guess is chosen because of the epics and spec that adds bleeding?
3.I was thinking about piercing because of the great min dmg(great steady heals) and the ignoring of defense of the mob you are hitting. That and you can go pretty much all dex for dmg and the dex will be great for parrying. Slashing you need both str and dex. Str helps blocking but most dps vampires dont use shields....
4. Does the bleeding ability give heals? (from slice)
04-01-2009, 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Necrox
You can now make a Vampire into any specialisation you like (warrior, archer, DD Mage, DoT Mage, Beastmaster). just read up on each respecitive build type in the forums. (Staves do nice big damage + good crits for healing, suppliemented with cheaper casting costs).
After reading the update post by Glitchless, I would infer that Archery and Pets were the only attacks that the bonus was added to...
"Vampires now gain hitpoints via range and pet damage at the same rate as with melee."
As I read it, detrimental magic will not leech life (as before). A casters staff, however, would. I suppose if Glitchless considers magic to be classified as 'ranged,' I would be wrong.
~ Solikos
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