04-06-2009, 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by jeeden
Well I guess I'll go dw slashing and save for 2 Bloodclaws.
1.I've been putting a little more into dex then str. What do you guys suggest for splitting the 300 points?
2.Slashing I guess is chosen because of the epics and spec that adds bleeding?
3.I was thinking about piercing because of the great min dmg(great steady heals) and the ignoring of defense of the mob you are hitting. That and you can go pretty much all dex for dmg and the dex will be great for parrying. Slashing you need both str and dex. Str helps blocking but most dps vampires dont use shields....
4. Does the bleeding ability give heals? (from slice)
Slashing was probably often chosen because it has the over all highest DPS due to bleeding. However the bleeding effect probably does not leach.
04-06-2009, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Solikos
From what I hear, dual-wielding does yield the best damage, so yes, I'd suggest this.
Best damage for the early game: archer
Best damage for the mid game: dual wielder
Best damage for the end game: direct damage mage.
04-07-2009, 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by zenga
Best damage for the early game: archer
Best damage for the mid game: dual wielder
Best damage for the end game: direct damage mage.
I hope ure not talking pve coz archers pawn there
04-07-2009, 12:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Srci
I hope ure not talking pve coz archers pawn there
both pve/pvp
04-09-2009, 11:48 PM
Would dual whips or bows do more damage as a vamp?
I was thinking of doing a vamp-petmaster type of hybrid.
I like the damage of bows, and I know that is important for the HP leech. However, I know whips are important for making the pets better.
I'm trying to decide between dual whips and a bow. I'm even considering equiping the 2 whips and using the bow and eating the 15% weapon delay.
I can't find much information on this.
04-10-2009, 01:55 AM
I have not used whips, but I hear their damage is not too good... Also, making your pets more efficient does not take advantage of your vampire class ability. If you don't want to use other melee weapons, then definitely go with the Bow. However, rumor has it that the 'best' damage for a vampire (to gain life from your damage) is dual-wielding. You can use pets regardless of your weapon(s) of choice.
If you have some magnetic attraction to whips (kinky?), you might consider playing a beastmaster for a class, to take full advantage of your pets (this sounds... so wrong).
~ Solikos
04-10-2009, 02:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Sadistical
I'm trying to decide between dual whips and a bow. I'm even considering equiping the 2 whips and using the bow and eating the 15% weapon delay.
That is the best combo possible with attacking (and defending) pets. Make sure you level up the primary beastmaster skills. You don't need to be auto attacking for them to work. So in fact with taming and loyalty up and 2 healing pets you will heal with 8 bears instead of 2. Add the vampire bonus and thats an insane tank.
04-10-2009, 01:31 PM
thanks for the responses,
That's what I keep finding... that dual weilding does more damage than bows. But they are all talking about normal weapons, not whips, so I am unsure if dual whips will do more damage than bows.
With the recent patch, I'm just trying to experiment a little by utilizing the pets, now that they can suppliment our leech ability. It may not work very well, but no one seems to know.
Do you think the pets will more than make up for the 15% attack delay with the bow? (does this attack delay appear when equiping all weapons or just whips? I have the starter pike thing still equiped and using a bow, but I can't really tell a speed difference)
Also, I am thinking of going both bow and whips, but with the addition of beastmastery in there as well, that is A LOT of skills to train. I'm not sure if it would be so wise to try to get them all. That is why I was thinking perhaps I should go with one or the other.
04-10-2009, 01:42 PM
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Yes it will make up. Even more with healing pets. Like i said, you will end up having 8 pets healing instead of just 2 due to the taming & loyalty skill. And attacking will be great for your vampire.
And yes, the delay is only when you equip whips or a shield. No punish for using slashers, crushers or piercers.
06-23-2009, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Sadistical
Would dual whips or bows do more damage as a vamp?
I was thinking of doing a vamp-pet master type of hybrid.
I like the damage of bows, and I know that is important for the HP leech. However, I know whips are important for making the pets better.
I'm trying to decide between dual whips and a bow. I'm even considering equipping the 2 whips and using the bow and eating the 15% weapon delay.
I can't find much information on this.
I personally am in fact doing the Vamp Master Class, the reason why is because of the buffs whips can give to pets along with the healing bonus. I can kill monsters 4 levels higher extreamely easily and can do monsters 6 levels high with somewhat of a challange
I am doing a str dex mix for melee I have 10 magic levels all in mst (for heals)
my defence is a few levels lower then my melee level and that is in most dur(I plan on having 150 cnt 150 agi and 3xx dur at level 100) my recovery is about the same level as me and is all reg)
the only thing is you basically need to use epic damage pets other wise the damage is almost un noticable and carrying two healing pets and 2 damage pets is smart(just in case you need to get some extra heals in )
ok thats all so far
07-01-2009, 09:35 AM
I know having never been higher higher than lvl 22 i dont have as much experience as some here, but here's what's worked for me:
Attack: Even(ish) balance of Dex & Str - favoring Str
Defense: Alot more Agi than Dur
With leaching i find it important that every hit counts - so my melee is usually more than double my player lvl. (Str & Dex)
Because i liked to switch between 2 & 1h weapons, the only physical defensive skill for 2h was parry (Dex & Agi), so i put my Agi through the roof & ended up inadvertantly blocking more & parrying with my shield equipped - not to mention opponents missing me frequently.
This resulted in an awesome build, more suited to PvE.
Black mobs 5 lvls above became feasable if long (3 min battles).
& on my third attempt i managed to solo the S. Pass boss as a lvl 12.
(Fully enchanted equipment: rare 13 armor & shield, brokeblade gold sword [16 1h slash] & a chippie)
Gems: All passive heals & Auras
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