Yes, more gem ideas (Grey and blue magic)
Old 06-22-2008, 02:19 PM   #1
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Default Yes, more gem ideas (Grey and blue magic)

Some more ideas, which seem most appropriate for the Mind Bending class of gems, blue and grey. Which gems go with what color, who knows, but they all help you get different gems from your pouch.

Cantrips -- The term comes from Magic: The Gathering - spells that have a minor effect on their own, and then replace themselves with a new card draw.
Basically, a spell with a very minor effect (minor damage, small heal like the regeneration gems, or a minor restore on mana/energy, etc.), a long-ish cooldown (10-20 seconds), but you immediately draw a new gem from your pouch after casting.
Alternately, a simple gem draw spell, on a short cooldown with a moderate mana or energy cost that does nothing except refresh your gem draw. You could slot this instead of an aura or a real spell, and fill up your gem slots faster, at the cost of some mana/energy.

Redraw - A gem type that allows you to redraw the gem in your draw slot. Low cooldown, low cost. Can only be used when you HAVE a gem in your draw slot, so you can change it, but not get a new gem when you have an empty draw slot.

Shifting gems - Gems with a primary effect at a normal cost, but once used, they replace themselves with a random gem from your pouch. The new gem is on a short to moderate cooldown (3-8 seconds), depending on the level of the shifting gem, with more powerful ones giving shorter cooldowns. This is just to prevent a rapid-fire spell spam by filling your pouch with shifting gems.

Gem Warp - Like the shifting gems, but a once-per-draw gem that replaces all currently slotted gems with random gems from your pouch, and places those gems on a cooldown, with more powerful gem warps giving a shorter cooldown. Higher level gem warps also put a new gem in your draw slot after casting.

Transforming gems - Gems with a low to moderate cost, once per combat. When used, you are taken to your gem pouch screen, and you select the gem that it transforms into. The new gem replaces the old gem, and is placed on a 15 second cooldown (or less for higher level transform gems.) Auras selected this way don't function until the cooldown is up. The gem will not be drawn from your pouch for the rest of combat, but you won't get an escape gem, like if it was an empty slot.

Filler Gems - Gems with no effect, and will not be drawn in combat. Allows you to reduce the size of your gem bag. Since you're capped at 3 of each type of gem, you can't have total control, but each time you reach a new level of filler gem available, you can reduce the size of your pouch by 3 more. (Say there are 5 types total in the game -- you can reduce your pouch size to 35 if you use all 5 types.) They also have the problem of being very heavy (metal lumps in your gem bag, 1+ rock each, so there's some drawback to using them.)

Basically, what these ideas are for is giving the player more control over his gems, and reduce the randomness that gets introduced as your gem pouch gets larger and larger. If you only have a dozen gems you want to use, but 20 slots, you can fill the rest with these gems to give you a better chance of getting what you want, at the expense of some time, and some of your mana/energy.

Alternately, a skill to manipulate pouch size:

Gem Pouch Control - Every 5 points in this skill lets you increase or decrease your gem pouch size by one slot, to a minimum of 5 gem slots. Note that it is impossible to go below 30 gem slots once your pouch reaches it's maximum default size at level 50.

And something to add to the Wizardry skill:
At 75 Wizardry, you keep your far-right gem when switching pouches, and the 2 rightmost gems at 90 Wizardry. If you replace or cast (for once per draw) gems, they return to their original pouch.

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Old 06-22-2008, 02:23 PM   #2
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Oh, i had another idea that doesn't really fit in with that category, so it gets a followup post:

Charged gems - Gems that aren't recastable indefinitely, but aren't once per draw. Say you can cast it 3 times per draw, and has a 5 second cooldown instead of 10 seconds. Since recastable gems have a higher cost and lower effect, maybe charged gems have one or the other. In other words, they do as much damage as a once per draw gem, but have the cost of a recastable, or the other way around. *shrug*
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Old 06-22-2008, 05:01 PM   #3
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Ideas added to compilation threads
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Old 06-22-2008, 05:07 PM   #4
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i like the ideas of these gems as they could be helpfull to reduce randomness of gem drawing for spellcasters though as for the size thing of gem pouch there are so many spells that you can easily fill your pouch so i dont think is necessary to have a skill that reduces its size
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Old 06-24-2008, 09:47 PM   #5
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A couple more ideas:

Consume Magic: Returns all your active gems to the gem pouch, restoring some amount of mana and energy for each gem returned (itself included). Higher levels of Consume Magic restore more per gem returned.

Gem Drain: Consumes itself and another active gem to restore mana and energy. Both gems will be disabled for the remainder of combat, preventing you from drawing them. Higher level Gem Drains restore more mana/energy.
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