More tactical battles :D
Old 06-20-2008, 04:28 AM   #1
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Default More tactical battles :D

Hello! I saw a sugestion about more interactive battles and read through it and I also think that battles right now are pretty boring. However I think the battles should be more tactical which will bring with it the interactivness.
My vision of how battle should function is the following:
Right now we have gems that are used for spells. Why not make each weapon come with different attack and defense moves that will depend on the skill of the player?
Basicly lets say you buy a sword. Swords will have different attack moves with different damages and defense gains/loses. Say you have just 5 slashing skill so you can unlock/use 2 basic attack moves and 1 defense move.
This moves will be represented just as the gems and you should put them in a separate punch so while in battle you will be able getting 2 different kind of "gems" - the weapon ones and the spell ones. You then should decide how to combine them depending on the monster you are fighing. This leads me to the another important topic: monsters AI.
For this system to function monsters also should be able to use different attacks and defense moves and why not spells? This should be quite random so the player will never know if the monster will cast a spell on him or maybe it will defend- so he will have to carefully choose what gem to use. If he uses a phisical attack gem but the monster choses to defend he will have lost precios energy without doing any damage. I hope you are getting my idea
In this way the player will be actually controlling the battle and not be just a passive observer.
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:17 AM   #2
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Hmm...there is already a way to unlock a second and third pouch (wizardry 25 and 50).

And adding attack gems would really be no different than other gems we've seen. The primary difference would be their prerequisite (Crushing level 4 for example instead of Black Magic level 4) and their effect (whatever specific attack effect you have in mind).

So I'd say the effect you're desiring is already within the bounds of the gem system. Maybe we'll see some weaponry-based gems at some point.
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:31 AM   #3
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Well I have kinda refined my idea of the,lets call them "battle moves". Here is basicly what they are:
1) Rising some specific skills in the Weaponry and Protection category will unlock the battle moves. Respectivily the skills in Weaponry will corespond to aggresiive/ attacking moves and the skills in Protection will unlock defensive moves.
2) The attacking battle moves will be devided in 3 different types- 1 type for each type of damage in the game. To use a slashing battle move you will need to have equiped a slashing weapon.
3) There will be 1 type of defensive battle moves and to use them you will need to have equiped a shield.
4) The battle moves will cost energy to use.
5) How will they be used? Well I have come up with the following ideas:
a)The player can chose a limit number of unlocked battle moves before the battle. Once the battle has started he will have free access to just the selected battle moves.
b) A system similar to the current gems. You have a pouch and you put in it the battle moves you have unlocked. In battle you recieve random moves from the pouch that you can use or not use.

I think that this way the battle will become pretty much more dynamic and tactic will be needed against the current pushing of the " auto attack" button.
Right now the players have little to none control over the battle. What we do is wait until we see we win or in case we dont we escape the battle.
With this system I think the player will have much bigger control over the battle:
-he will be able to actually decide if to attack or to defend himself. Apart from t his he will have a great range of options depending on his skills to choose how exactly to attack or how exactly to defend himslef.

-he will have to make tough decision weather to sacrifice energy in battle moves or guard it for spells. Also having to decide wich battle moves and spells to use at the same time will make the battles very dynamic.

-the none-caster classes will have a more entertaining battles than now.
- the caster classes will have access to some battle moves that will improve further their experience in battles.

-this sytem offers an enormous ammount of options which will let players do much more unique builds for their chars.

So...what do you think?

Last edited by adrala; 06-23-2008 at 07:34 AM..
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:44 AM   #4
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might be interesting for melee chars but not that usefull for archer for example
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:47 AM   #5
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Well...simillar thing can be added for archers. What really is this suggetsion about is giving us players means to control...the phisical damage/defense of our charecters and not only the magic attacks.
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Old 06-23-2008, 01:32 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Somneil
Hmm...there is already a way to unlock a second and third pouch (wizardry 25 and 50).

And adding attack gems would really be no different than other gems we've seen. The primary difference would be their prerequisite (Crushing level 4 for example instead of Black Magic level 4) and their effect (whatever specific attack effect you have in mind).

So I'd say the effect you're desiring is already within the bounds of the gem system. Maybe we'll see some weaponry-based gems at some point.
second pouch is now wizardry 10 i believe somneil

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Old 06-23-2008, 01:38 PM   #7
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well then should try suggest how it can be done to be usefull for all classes but limited to some classes to make it balanced for all just like for example all the spellcaster skills can be used by all but have extra effect for spellcasters due to class bonus and staff

but in general i like the idea

also the 2nd gem pouch is available at lvl 10 wizardry
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