Diamond in the rough |
01-29-2009, 08:08 AM
Diamond in the rough
With a heavy sigh to match the stale rushing wind in the alley, Gallager steps out of the Castille Magic Shop. Running his right hand through his thick brown hair, he glances up and down the street. Everywhere he looks, there are signs of poverty, disease, famine and depression.
"I wonder how many generations will suffer through life like this for the sins of our fathers..." Gallager thought to himself out loud. He was not born into a time of faith in the gods and a bright hope for the future. No, he had been born into a time where man was nigh extinction and the glory of human heritage was now a mockery spat upon by other races. "...perhaps the gods are merely waiting for us to remember them before they remember us?"
Shaking his head slowly, he stepped down from the doorway and used his twisted, poorly made Apprentice Staff as a mock walking stick (for he didn't need one) as he made his way further up the street towards the church. ^"Church" such an odd name for a building with no gods.^ As he passed by the various altars dedicated to aspects of life, he mused within himself whether these same altars were once dedicated to the gods...^No wonder they're angry with us...^
01-30-2009, 10:12 AM
As he approaches the large stone doors of the church, Gallager takes a heavy breath and shoves them open. The Seer sat in his usual meditation hall and patiently greeted him as he approached.
"Your holiness, my name is Gallager Ministrev. I'd like to ask you some questions about the past, if I could?" The Seer looked him over with an expert eye of appraisal.
"Knowledge is not free. First, you must prove that you are worthy to have it." The Seer replied casually.
^As expected, nothing is free in this realm.^ Adjusting his stance a bit and positioning his twisted staff against his left shoulder, Gallager drew out a small book of blank parchment and a worn quill. "Alright, what would you have me do?"
Last edited by Gallager; 01-30-2009 at 10:19 AM..
Reason: Grammar fix
01-31-2009, 09:46 AM
Again the Seer looked him over and with an exhale that sounded like a mix between a grunt and a sigh, "You must gather reagents for sacrifice upon the altars. The test is two-fold. First, in the gathering you prove your mettle. Second, in the sacrifice of your reagents you prove your devotion. Now go."
Gallager stared at the Seer blankly. ^Seriously? You want me to go kill something and drag it back here in order to ask about the past?^ "What exactly are you looking for?"
With a cold chuckle, the Seer smiled to the young human male. "You must bring me the teeth of rats as prove of your accomplishment, we will discuss the details further beyond that."
"Rats?" Gallager asked incredulously.
The Seer gave no answer and returned to his meditations.
"Rats." With a nod lacking in enthusiasm, Gallager stepped out of the church into the newly arrived rain. "Rain and rats."
02-01-2009, 03:11 PM
Pulling his hood over his hair to offer minimal protection from the rain, Gallager stepped out of the church and into the courtyard. He was not at all pleased with the progression of the conversation, if it could be called a conversation. There is nothing wrong with wanting to prevent knowledge from falling into the wrong hands, but how in the pits of Hell is slaying rats supposed to prove anything? Besides, he hated rats...really hated rats.
Passing back through the main street, he glanced around him as he often did. The scenery changes slightly in the rain, most people clear the streets, seeking shelter under a pavilion or visor. Some of the more flavorful people would have magical rain shields or simply stand in the rain anyways. Gallager walked with his head lowered, his twisted apprentice staff clinking against the broken stone pavement beneath his feet. This day had not gone as planned so far and he really doubted it was going to get any better.
02-02-2009, 10:09 AM
While the rain continues to fall, painting the sky a dark gray and lending a new level of dreariness to the dull gray of Castille, the young Enchanter wanders through the streets of the city towards the docks. Or rather, the abandoned docks since they weren't used for trading anymore.
^It would figure it would be raining, I doubt I'll find any rats at all in the rain. Perhaps I should be thankful....^ It wasn't hard to find the docks, Gallager had been living in Castille his whole life. His father was a craftsman, fond of swords and pretty good with both making and using them. His mother was a priestess. Of course, none of that mattered now, they had both been slain when Gallager was just hitting his teenage years. Decided they would try and make it west to Fenelia and never returned.
Thoughts of his family seeped into Gallager's mind from time to time and his emotions never knew how to react. Sometimes he was angry, sometimes homesick, sometimes simply saddened and other times, thankful he was not with them. Thump! Ah, that was the sound of wood on wood. He had arrived at the docks.
02-02-2009, 10:53 PM
Rare Collector
USAViper2127 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Currently stationed in Portsmouth, Va
Posts: 833
so, he dies by the ship rat, doesn't he?? lol
02-03-2009, 08:19 AM
(Please keep OOC talk within parenthesis, thanks!)
02-03-2009, 08:25 AM
Pulling the now soaked hood down, Gallager ran his eyes over the scene of the docks. Most of them were in ill repair, wood chipped at the ends, splinters begging for the unwary body part to pass over them so they could plunge into it. The water crashed along the docks in the storm, small waves breaking over the man-made barriers and splashing back into the depths through the cracks. In the distance was a half-dressed man trying to fish in the rain, several empty rum bottles lay around him.
Gallager tightened his grip around the twisted staff in his hands and took a step towards the end of the pier he was on. He was so busy murmuring to himself about this ridiculous "quest" that he almost didn't notice the rat scurry across the docks to some unknown destination. Almost.
02-04-2009, 08:23 AM
The very sight of the little rodent caused Gallager to stop in his tracks. The little buggers were more trouble then their worth.
"It's you and me, rodent." He said more to himself than the oblivious rat. Casually, he reached his right hand down towards a pouch on his hip and pulled out a polished gem. Right as he looked up, the rat rushed straight at him and bit him on the shin. "What in the blazes?! Vile vermin!" He had to admit that he had not expected it to attack him!
With a slight grunt, Gallager whirled the twisted staff towards the rat and walloped it right over the head, sending it toppling backwards. As it tried to recover from the blow, he then drew the magic from the gem in his hand and focused it on the rat. A bright burst of gray-white energy slammed into the rat, which promptly collapsed lifeless on the pier.
02-06-2009, 05:39 PM
Gallager wiped his right hand on his robes as if brushing something disgusting from it. The light gray from the magic blast fading into non-existence as he did so. Taking up his twisted staff once more, he walked towards the corpse of the rat and grimaced in pure distaste as he spotted the rotting teeth jutting forth from its open jaw.
Gallager had been trained in the use of spiritual and physical reagents as he studied his profession of Enchanting, but that didn't make certain aspects of it any more appealing. "This had better be worth it..."
Even as he knelt down, drawing a knife from his side to cut the teeth from the creature, movement to his side caught his eye. Glancing over, he noticed another rat coming his way and the fisherman had stood up, taking another sip from his bottle. Setting the knife back in its place, Gallager stood up and prepared for the next kill.
02-11-2009, 03:02 PM
Withdrawing his hand from the hilt of the knife, Gallager stands to get ready and drags the fingers of his right hand towards the gem pouch at his side. The oversized and now apparently angry rat lunged teeth first at him and bit into his right forearm.
"Bloody Hells!" A mostly subconscious response to the sudden stab of pain in his arm as he swung it outward, hurling the rat from it. As if taunting the man, the rat landed soundly on its feet and its dark eyes stared menacingly at the human before it. Finishing what he started, Gallager drew a gem from his pouch and drained the magic from it, hurling another bolt of grey magic into the torso of the rat.
In retaliation, the vile beast leaped forward again but was soundly planted into the docks by the staff in Gallager's hands, a loud crack of bone heard as the creature made contact with the solid wood and went limp. Taking a brief moment to inspect the bite on his arm, Gallager glanced up just in time to see the clenched, dark-skinned fist of an angry, drunken fisherman slam into his face.
02-17-2009, 06:13 PM
(mind if I join in? I've posted on the social group and the main page, but I didn't get any answers...)
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