Esticania Adventures
Old 11-29-2008, 10:16 AM   #1
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Cool Esticania Adventures

This thread is like Draak Knights Adventures but it's about Esticania's adventures.This will have a story each day a story will have 7 parts and a new one will come each week.Anybody in Esticania can make a story on this thread.

Lost In Moss Dungeon.

Chapter One.
Into Moss Dungeon.

Tridius slashed with his sword and hit the Mossy Anteater he was facing.The Anteater fell to the ground and lay still.Tridius ran forward to Demonwing and helped him kill a Polar Bear Cub."I cauld have killed that Cub on my own you know." said Demon."We are a team we help each other." said Tridius."Lets find Ariada hes propeley nearly dead now." said Demon then he ran off towards Moss Dungeon.Tridius followed Demon.

Ariada dodged a attack from a Deformed Griffon.He put his hand into his Gem Pouch and pulled out his Ignition Gem.He threw it and hit the Griffon in the eyes.Nows my chance thought Ariada and he jumped onto the Griffon and hit it in the heart with his Oceanic Staff.The Griffon fell to the ground and Ariada jumped off the Griffon.He walked away thinking he had won but then the Griffon got up and hit Ariada in the stomach.Ariada flew trough the air and landed on the ground with a thump."Told you he would be nearly dead by now." said a voice.Demon came running towards the Griffon and fired his arrow and hit the Griffon in the leg.Tridius gave Ariada his hand and pulled him up."Don't die mate." he said then he slashed at the Griffon and cut its head off.

"Thanks if it was'nt for you i would be dead." panted Ariada.He looked up at the sky then said "Lets get to Moss Dungeon." and then he walked towards the entrance.Tridius and Demonwing followed.

Ariada stopped at the entrance to Moss Dungeon.He got out his heal gem and healed himself, Tridius and Demon."You ready?" he said."I'm always ready" said Demon."I'm ready if you two are ready" said Tridus."Come on then lets go!" shouted Ariada and he went trough the entrance to Moss Dungeon with Demonwing and Tridius...

To be continued tommorow.
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Lost In Moss Dungeon.
Old 11-30-2008, 12:20 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
Cool Lost In Moss Dungeon.

Lost In Moss Dungeon.

Chapter Two.
The Tiger Slugs Homes.

Water fell from the ceiling of the dungeon.A few drops fell on Demonwings head."I hate getting wet." he said after he whiped his head.A screech came from further into Moss Dungeon."Whats that?" whispered Tridius."Don't know." said Ariada.He walked forward and soon darkness consumed him."Ariada!!" shouted Tridius he walked forward too and was consumed by darkness."I have a bad feeling about this." said Demon and he followed his friends.

Ariada kept walking and he tripped.He wondered what he tripped on and he looked down.He saw a body of a Monkey."This must of been the one making that noise." he said."Whatever killed this Monkey must be near here.Guys watch out theres something around here!!!"

Tridius walked on and heard Ariada shout "Guys watch out theres something around here!!!" Tridius looked around."Gotcha but whoever or whatever it is will stand no chance against me!" Demonwing shouted from behind Tridius.Tridius walked towards Ariada's voice.

Behind Tridius Demonwing also walked towards Ariada's voice.

Ariada walked on and founded himself falling through a hole.Later Tridius fell into the hole as well.And after that Demonwing did the same.

"AGHH!!" went Demonwing and then he fell on the ground."Ouch" he went after."Get up Demon!" shouted Ariada.Demonwing got up and picked up his bow.Slugs where everywhere.Ariada and Tridius were fighting them and Demon joined in.

Demonwing,Tridius and Ariada cut through every Slug and it looked like if one died 3 would pop up in its place.Tridius slashed with his sword and hit a Slug.The Slug did'nt die and hit Tridius hard Tridius fell to the ground.Demonwing fired his arrow and hit the Slug between the eyes.The Slug still did'nt die.Ariada hit the Slug hard in the chest and the Slug went flying.The Tiger Slug hit a wall and the room started to collapse."Good work Ariada really good work." said Demonwing."Run!!!!!!" went Tridius.All of them ran in different directions.


Ariada got up and looked around Demonwing and Tridius were not there."Tridius,Demonwing where are you!"Here!" they both went."Ok lets meet each other at the entrance to Moss Dungeon!"Ok!!" they both went.

All of them walked to where they thought the Moss Dungeon entrance was...

To be continued tommorow.
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Old 12-01-2008, 11:32 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

Will not be able to do the story with christmas coming and everything i'll finish story after christmas.Anybody from Esticania can finish the story if you want to.
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