Just thought to do a story for fun.It's going to have everyone i know on this game.It's about the Draak Knights clan and the adventures they do.I'll post on this each week and every story will have four posts a new story will come each month anybody from Draak Knights can post and create your own stories.

The Ghost Of The Abandoned Docks.
Chapter One:Castille.
Ariada walked past the Pet Shop in Castille.He equipped his Oceanic Staff and looked around.They were Rats everywhere and bodies of dead men,women and chrildren scattered around the town.He looked at a boy the boy looked like he was 7 or so.Ariada walked up to the boy.It looked like the boy died two hours ago.Ariada took out his resurrection gem and tried to resurrect the boy.He failed.Using his resurrection gem used a lot of mana and energy so now Ariada was tired.He got up and moved out of Castille and into Traveller's Way.He lay down on a patch of grass he was waiting for his friend Demonwing.He and Demon were going to go to the Abandoned Docks to search for a so called ghost there.After about 20 minutes Ariada drifted of to sleep....
To be continued next week.