I can't place any new items onto the auction house. I keep getting the message that "You already have the maximum amount of items up for auction based on your Salesmanship skill.". This is not true. I have 9 items up for auction, and a Salesmanship of 140. I'm not sure the exact number, but I think it should be at least 45 stacks of items.
This only happens on one character, Mattidoor, and persists after relog and restart of client. I tried auctioning various items, with no luck (trophies, resources, equipment). I tried cancelling an already placed auction, and that did not open up any slots for a new item. I could not place the item back up for auction either, I simply... lost a spot. My items are showing up in the auction house. I'm not near gold cap either.
Not sure what, why, how to fix... hmm.