Epic rod tool suggestions
Old 03-08-2020, 08:28 PM   #1
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Default Epic rod tool suggestions

Not sure how others suggested this.

Being able to upt and downteir materiels faster.
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Old 03-08-2020, 09:15 PM   #2
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My take :

It definitely should :

- Uptier 6 pairs of non stackable resourcess.

Hopefully it can :

- Uptier 6 pairs of stackable resourcess (no way to abuse it)
- have reduced crafting time by half.
- have option to either place resulting item in inventory or storage. Or if stack is taken from storage goes back to storage .

And maybe :

- be able to downtier 6 pairs of stackable resourcess.

Technically it can be abused by downtiering silks and sell it to store which can yeld profit up to 3k per minute but more likely 1.5 k in average . Given it cost 10 M it will be unlikely worth the hassle especially with dragging and dropping .

On other hand it would help crafters - where they need to downtier their materials to desired tiers in large quantities .

Personally I support it just because it's steep investment to get it and most won't bother with it .
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Old 03-08-2020, 09:30 PM   #3
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Glitch said it probably will never downcraft in civ.

Would be nice if you could upteir potions. Being bale to do 660 potions at once vs 110 is a massive time saver. Especially if prepping for pilgs where you need hundreds of high rank potions.
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Old 03-09-2020, 04:15 AM   #4
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Ultimately in my opinion everyone should benefit from it one way or another not only few players who either focus on high end enchanting or high tier LG .

Catering to very small group with scheduled patch would backlash and seen as selective/racist.

Downcrafting is questionable - I agree. However any form of resource management is needed . I mention in other post that gathering was boosted by up to 12x via paid upgrades and zones while crafting/resource management still stays behind at 1x.

This is perfect opportunity to bring things up to date .
Maybe a voting or wider discussion should take place .

Edit :

Even if new rod has better resource management it should scale with upgrades the same way gathering does (accel and DA for total x6)

Similar to chippie some of its functions should be unlocked with full upgrades to prevent newly created free toons from abusing it . This way only serious players can use it properly .

Last edited by Joanna; 03-09-2020 at 08:38 AM..
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