Old 06-23-2019, 01:04 PM   #1
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Default balance.

i know you dont believe in nerfing unless its able to be ninja done. but can we seriously debate it to fix some of the possible mistake lg's and effects :[

samurai bow is a 100% proc chance. you hit me and you auto take that dmg. that blows for dw melee. anythign that hit small hit but fast hits. same with dc dd

kok staff has 100% proc chance hit or miss to cause 500 dmg. even when biffed. thats 500 dmg to 2 people regardless if you hit or miss... and thats 500 dmg to start...just wait till bonus

toad + anuran. 100% counters bleeds... why. at all would it be nessasary in pvp to 100% counter a dmg type...i get it counters samurai gear. but. it also counters bm crits bleeds. it counters piercer bloodlets. archers broadheads. which makes the broadhead bow 100% USELESS against it. aswell not to mention in 3v3 premade for example. 1 team has a samurai piercer tank. a bm. and a healer. opposing team ea has toads + anurans. that completely negates bm bleeds and samurai dps and piercer bloodlets. and the healer cant use quake to get rid of anurans. so the only hope that team has to win. is everyone focuses on shatering that one gem. and praying they dont draw it fast enough to make shattering them useless. yes tank could adapt and go crusher...owait no point in crusher since anuran stops stuns. and stuns were heavily nerfed anyhow just people who dont use the counters complain. tank could go slasher and dice. but then losses chance to hit through ac with piercer. bm simply losses chance to do bleed way to fix that at all.

there are many more ways pvp has become imbalanced due to listening to the people who whine but dont use the counters already in game. how many people use toad rn. how many melee use weighted to counter samurai? shatter broadhead gem to stop the broadhead bow effect from WTF pwning them with 1k bleeds ea crit. how many dotters use imperv in pouch to stop people draining them? but now use toad cause its free less drain? how many people ran stotics <_< or kriss. or any of the other LOTS of ways to counter stuns rn -.-

can we stop listening to people whine. and making 100% proc. and 100% counter lg's. 2 lg's costing 40m ish. shouldnt disable a whole dmg type <_<
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Last edited by Demons; 06-23-2019 at 01:06 PM..

Old 06-23-2019, 01:36 PM   #2
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