Arena Group Chat |
06-04-2019, 11:30 PM
Gem Pouch Expert
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Arena Group Chat
Glitch. I do appreciate turning on group chat for this season. I honestly think it's been a plus. A good sized handful, like Formidable (first one i noticed when we got the chat), of people are being helpful by sharing a line up of who to attack. I appreciate someone who offers up a 213 and we work together. Or shatter stoic or c.a. cool down almost done or 'no apoc.' Not that 'no apoc' does much good lol
I'm not asking for anony group chat to go away. I believe it's a positive. However, I have a perfect example of a main reason we didn't have it:

06-04-2019, 11:35 PM
Gem Pouch Expert
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Alright... posted mostly for Glitch. Apparently not everyone can view it. Can you Glitch?
Last edited by Tip; 06-04-2019 at 11:57 PM..
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06-05-2019, 12:00 AM
Boss Hunter
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glitch. can anything be done about lakki? I mean. i'm a rather rude player myself so maybe i'm throwing stones in a glass house here. but he is frequently insulting low levels..pilgs… new caps...weak caps. basically if you aren't top 10 in arena he'll ***** you right out of queue. some games and sports do try to enforce /penalize sportsmanlike/unsportsmanlike conduct. rather than throwing a tantrum because you didn't win a game. if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all and such.
I haven't queued much in this arena but win or lose I say gg (good game). numerous people would be able to vouch for that if I wasn't a nub anon! xD it's just a game.
Last edited by Blaze; 06-05-2019 at 12:08 AM..
06-05-2019, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Tip
Glitch. I do appreciate turning on group chat for this season. I honestly think it's been a plus. A good sized handful, like Formidable (first one i noticed when we got the chat), of people are being helpful by sharing a line up of who to attack. I appreciate someone who offers up a 213 and we work together. Or shatter stoic or c.a. cool down almost done or 'no apoc.' Not that 'no apoc' does much good lol
I'm not asking for anony group chat to go away. I believe it's a positive. However, I have a perfect example of a main reason we didn't have it:

In a team based game when you are expected to rely on your team to win It is frustrating to win when you have to rely on others. I'm sure you understand. To describe how frustrating that situation was at hand, It was you, me, and Faisix, vs a 40% hp HK, whom casted an exhaustion gem towards me, making it so i could no longer cast any gems. I had two full HP teammates that literally could not do anything to help.
That's why i was saying, taunt, mez, stun, daze, blind. But it's apparent you guys didn't have anything or any form of CC, or heal, or something to help. that's why it's frustrating. Constant AFK teammates, or teammates who can't do any damage, or taunt whatsoever. It's a very frustrating format for the stronger toons.
My biggest mistake was not having toads against a dotter, It's clear to me now it will at least help in being self-sufficient against dotters, because you can't really rely on anyone in this format at all. And that's why samurai tanks/melees and regeners, or staff dotters do so well in this format.
My apologies for calling you and Faisix "F'ing idiots" in the chat. In fact, there are players who complain almost every day in /u or civil about a bad match they have had. It happens, it just so happens that mine didn't go to /u. Sorry again in advance, but you are more than welcome to add me to ignore Tipcrys, since we have butted heads wayyy too many times in this game.
And as far as Blaze goes, he has been added to ignore on every toon I play, and he is biased in terms of wanting to get me banned from PvP. So I do hope that Glitch takes any opinion he has to throw at me with a grain of salt.
That being said, I enjoy PvP and I do not wish to have the right to Arena, or even chat in the arena to be taken away. But I will say one thing, I'm not the first nodder to say toxic things in the heat of battle in PvP. Or even after a match for that matter, it's been this way since the early days of arena. I will say it again, If you have an issue with what I have to say, please do ignore me. You have the power to do it.
As far as I know, the only rule I've broken is " do not be a jerk" ,... but that's not really an easy rule to follow when you have situations like that, to be fair. And that's why we have the ignore feature. Because not everyone will get along and agree with everything. I take PvP very seriously, and I plan to take top 10 for seasons to come, as I have the past couple. (this season will be tricky as a non-regener though)....
Btw, I do help new players. Plenty of them, I pay 20M RP a month to stats to help new players and constantly hand out trophies and advice to new players,as well as have PL'd players for hours of real time so please do not consider me a detriment to the playerbase, because someone who doesn't like me screenied something I said slightly offensive. Most players here are adults, and Nodiatis isn't a super casual game either. It makes other MMO's seem like basic training compared to ranger school in terms of how hardcore it is in terms of its grind, PvP, and longevity.
I'm also in the number 1 clan when it comes to PvP, so again. Sorry to those whom I may have offended. But this isn't the first time i've offended blaze or Tipcrys either.
06-05-2019, 02:47 AM
Glitchless is offline
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Arena group chat is considered civil. Don't be a dick to your teammates or you'll be banned from arenas with this format.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
06-05-2019, 03:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Arena group chat is considered civil. Don't be a dick to your teammates or you'll be banned from arenas with this format.
Alright I understand now, thank you for reminding me what is civil, and what isn't civil in regards to arena chat. Won't be so hard on teammates from this point on
06-05-2019, 05:24 AM
Boss Hunter
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i'd just like to give a shout out as a thanks for using cc
06-05-2019, 05:46 AM
Boss Hunter
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Originally Posted by Blaze
glitch. can anything be done about lakki? I mean. i'm a rather rude player myself so maybe i'm throwing stones in a glass house here. but he is frequently insulting low levels..pilgs? new caps...weak caps. basically if you aren't top 10 in arena he'll ***** you right out of queue. some games and sports do try to enforce /penalize sportsmanlike/unsportsmanlike conduct. rather than throwing a tantrum because you didn't win a game. if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all and such.
I haven't queued much in this arena but win or lose I say gg (good game). numerous people would be able to vouch for that if I wasn't a nub anon! xD it's just a game.
half the time I can't even say GG, i got to do so much work to keep my team alive. I just say who to focus, and if i have to go dot in bonus same issue, it's hard for a non afk toon to say gg, i usually say it to them if i know who it is after.
06-05-2019, 05:19 PM
Epic Scholar
flipynifty is offline
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omg glitsh said dick!! BANT!!!
omg i wanna sammich nao
06-05-2019, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Lakki
In a team based game when you are expected to rely on your team to win It is frustrating to win when you have to rely on others. I'm sure you understand. To describe how frustrating that situation was at hand, It was you, me, and Faisix, vs a 40% hp HK, whom casted an exhaustion gem towards me, making it so i could no longer cast any gems. I had two full HP teammates that literally could not do anything to help.
I've played premade and not premade. I play several not so strong toons and one strong like toon in arena. I've been in that same spot you were.
That's why i was saying, taunt, mez, stun, daze, blind. But it's apparent you guys didn't have anything or any form of CC, or heal, or something to help. that's why it's frustrating. Constant AFK teammates, or teammates who can't do any damage, or taunt whatsoever. It's a very frustrating format for the stronger toons.
Yes, it is apparent. Especially after the fact - meaning this isn't premade - you don't know what your teammates can do. We don't have prep in this type of arena - that is part of the challenge. As I've heard you state, we can't change this format. Putting the weight on our shoulders of how sad you get for losing (even in a legit try match - no afk) is your choice and error. We can't change instantly because we all want to win/be better.
My biggest mistake was not having toads against a dotter, It's clear to me now it will at least help in being self-sufficient against dotters, because you can't really rely on anyone in this format at all. And that's why samurai tanks/melees and regeners, or staff dotters do so well in this format.
My apologies for calling you and Faisix "F'ing idiots" in the chat. In fact, there are players who complain almost every day in /u or civil about a bad match they have had. It happens, it just so happens that mine didn't go to /u. Sorry again in advance, but you are more than welcome to add me to ignore Tipcrys, since we have butted heads wayyy too many times in this game.
There absolutely are and I have most of the same feelings, but - unlike controlling the format - we can control our mouths/words. We choose to complain or not. Constructive complaining is certainly different than flat out ranting; Especially ranting to the point of rage and others gossiping about showing you the door for rage quit. You side stepped your ill feelings early in the season by popping in a few pilgs, but perhaps there was some festering during that time since you went right back into the same realm of outbursts.
And as far as Blaze goes, he has been added to ignore on every toon I play, and he is biased in terms of wanting to get me banned from PvP. So I do hope that Glitch takes any opinion he has to throw at me with a grain of salt.
That being said, I enjoy PvP and I do not wish to have the right to Arena, or even chat in the arena to be taken away. But I will say one thing, I'm not the first nodder to say toxic things in the heat of battle in PvP. Or even after a match for that matter, it's been this way since the early days of arena. I will say it again, If you have an issue with what I have to say, please do ignore me. You have the power to do it.
I've seen lots of examples of toxic words regarding arena matches. The ones I've seen via premade matches are def expected - you're working together and planning and are comfortable together. But directly degrading someone is noticeably rarer than the typical "@$*&^!% this gear sucks, wrong thing to shatter, apoc'ing your team screws me over."
As far as I know, the only rule I've broken is " do not be a jerk" ,... but that's not really an easy rule to follow when you have situations like that, to be fair. And that's why we have the ignore feature. Because not everyone will get along and agree with everything. I take PvP very seriously, and I plan to take top 10 for seasons to come, as I have the past couple. (this season will be tricky as a non-regener though)....
Refer to the point of you choose what comes out your mouth and how you treat people. Not as easy for you as for others is your personal burden. This season being tricky is the good point to focus on.. like arena in general, adapt and improve. That is competition in which, even though a team in a match support each other, you get yourself to w/e position as shown via rating list with everyone having their name alone in a position.
Btw, I do help new players. Plenty of them, I pay 20M RP a month to stats to help new players and constantly hand out trophies and advice to new players,as well as have PL'd players for hours of real time so please do not consider me a detriment to the playerbase, because someone who doesn't like me screenied something I said slightly offensive. Most players here are adults, and Nodiatis isn't a super casual game either. It makes other MMO's seem like basic training compared to ranger school in terms of how hardcore it is in terms of its grind, PvP, and longevity.
There is such an uber community here that you tooting your horn about rp and time spent seem.. aside from the point. Gads of regular Nod players have sacrificed of their own prerogative. Just like it's your interpretation to not super casually play Nod. It isn't that way for everyone and that's a topic that's been beat beyond death already, again and again - the dead horse is glue already, leave the poor thing alone.
I'm also in the number 1 clan when it comes to PvP, so again. Sorry to those whom I may have offended. But this isn't the first time i've offended blaze or Tipcrys either.
I appreciate the apology. I don't have any personal issues with you, but you do kill some of the glory of Nod for me because I don't agree with some of your perspectives. No big deal, I'm not attacking you daily or have picked any fights. That ignore feature you mentioned def has helped with making that easier as Tippy was already the only one I play which does not have you ignored. Choppy u/civ chat irks me, so typically don't iggy from Tippy unless severe (and even then it's usually on rotation. Anyway, I said nothing directly negative in my start up post on this thread. I would support a mute or w/e for repeated abuse, but that'd be way in the future and hopefully won't come about. As of now, I just posted screenies of words in reference to arena group chat - everything else is how the screenie speaks to people and what they add around the situation.
Now, after that long winded, wordy section: I just want to comment that where's the good? FFS you got face in arena in days right after pilg.. ahead of a **** ton of people in less time. There is half a season left to work with. Individual matches may harsh on you and but you are climbing in ratings.
Arena being a fight is perfect cause to be sad. :S Cake and eat it, too?
06-07-2019, 10:28 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Arena group chat is considered civil. Don't be a dick to your teammates or you'll be banned from arenas with this format.
The anon's are rude in chat. Can anon's be banned from group arena chat ?
06-07-2019, 04:32 PM
Boss Hunter
Blaze is offline
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would kinda defeat the purpose of group arena chat if 90% of members were bant from it. can we just remove group arena chat entirely so everyone stops whining? qq
06-11-2019, 11:38 AM
Rat Slayer
Oreano is offline
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The community is too small to fight this much. I think everyone should just try and get along. If you don't like someone just iggy them.
06-12-2019, 06:58 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
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lol Yeah.. such harsh fighting.
Besides, doesn't a ton of iggies just make the community even smaller? >,>
06-12-2019, 02:50 PM
Rare Collector
Darklords is offline
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well before i found forums i thought i was the only player on nod
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