Downtiering "exploit"
Old 03-13-2019, 05:37 PM   #1
Crab Defiler
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Default Downtiering "exploit"

With the new downtiering for LG armor, you can just make a t2, then morph, then downtier to get 2 t1 of that type, or t3 -> t2 or however high you want to go without having to spend the extra 100 heroics and the armor essence (specifically for legs and sleeves where you would need 100 heroics / 1 armor essence per.

Is this intended? Yes they are soul bound but it still saves a fair amount.
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Old 03-13-2019, 07:14 PM   #2
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Good catch. Perhaps morphed armours will have to downtier into 1x storebought and 1x morphed.
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The player was banned for using an exploit repeatedly without reporting it. There's only 1 proper way to profit off an exploit: report it.
Originally Posted by Huggles
Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay

For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.

Just repeat for multiple effects.

DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
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Old 03-13-2019, 08:55 PM   #3
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Morphing/transmuting uptiered LGs has always been a way to save gold and heroic essences. The fact that you can now split the item afterwards is in itself far less savings than morphing a tier 8 that was made purely from store boughts just to have it. Items have no memory of whether they've been morphed, so the real solution would be to prevent morphing of uptiered LGs, however, it would be unfair for us to change that after so many have made significant use of it. This uptier, morph, downtier, method will remain.
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