huge ass rant of update
Old 03-10-2019, 11:41 PM   #1
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Angry huge ass rant of update

So now i can't do pilgrimage at my own pace because of this silly update?

As a player who has spent money on this game, I am now strongly discouraged. If i don't have the option to nom the TC's to keep farming, then why bliss?

Ideally my plan was to save as many TC's as i could, so that I can pilg from 86-90, and play the game at MY OWN PACE.

When i go pilgrim, Or farm, I do it hard. i did the first one in a few days, ( I could have done it in two days if i didn't grind hard the day before...) and I was planning to finish the other ones after saving enough TC's to do them from 86-90, as quick as I could. If i spend my money, and buy TC's from ah to do it, at my own pace. I should have the right to farm as much as I physically can handle it. This is not something i plan to do for the rest of my life, but when you have short-term goals in life and want them done you will work hard for it.

Many players have done pilgrim 1 in less than a week due to farming for for well, 24 hours or so straight. if we want to grind that hard to do something, the choice should be allowed. So now, If i decide i want to mass pilgrim, i'm limited to 12 hours per day, or 84 hours a week. and can't farm, Or if i just feel like playing my own toon for a long time, and making progress that's not allowed?

There are players who have jobs, and who are responsible to play the game for long periods of time. I've never, not ONE TIME. played a game, where I was limited to playing it for only certain hours at a time,... that's called being in Middle School, and being told to go to bed by your parents lol. I've never seen this happen in a game before, ESPECIALLY an MMO. the most time consuming games, where your time spent is supposed to be absolutely rewarding. What about players like DL, or myself, now it's suddenly fair for the people that did put in that time to grind hard, and now others don't have that option? Because anyone who plays the game a long time is just automatically a bot? Are you trying to force people to make Alts, so late in the game's lifespan, or just giving a big finger to the people who primarily play 1 toon?

The silly thing about this update is it doesn't even affect toon sitters! It encourages it, because who can physically cap out 84 hours a week on multiple toons? players should have the option to work on their own toon for long periods of times , and then work on another one later on. Maybe not all of us have the mentality of wanting to group and level toons together, maybe some of us want to actually want to work on our own toon, finish that first, and work on the alt later? ...
This update pretty much punishes players who play a main toon for long periods of time, but also punishes those who share a single toon among multiple players. it hurts BOTH parties. Leaving it the way it was before was actually a BETTER solution.

So what's the point? Our game's economy is doing fine, we've had 1.5. - 1.75m TC's for the past few months, which is WAYY cheaper than they were around November, on top of that dusts have dropped to 500k from 900k, skins to 200k, and various other mats have dropped. You think that the mats got cheaper because players are botting? No, it's because players are actually coming back to the game, and being more active! now it's being discouraged and the option to make progress is being slowed down???? FOR WHAT PURPOSE! WHY?

Believe it or not, some players ACTUALLY do have a lot of time to play games, and work jobs! being our parent and forcing us to play the game in short intervals makes no sense. Why even have the option to burn TC's for RRT, if it can't even be done because of the stupid 84 hour cap? If i want to burn TC's for pilg, or to farm the choice should remain the same.

Nodiatis is a game about Dedication and is a game NOT FOR CASUALS!, and the game just got a hell of a lot more casual by putting a time limit, on a game that requires a ton of grinding to get anywhere.

This update doesn't affect sitters, if anything encourages it. On top of that. it screws over individual players who play a lot, in an attempt to screw over sitters who farm an OP toon and farm it nonstop. But at the same time you're screwing over hardcore players who actually have time to binge and make good progress.

I don't know where i'm going with this anymore, But i don't see the point in the update. I've played Runescape, WoW, SMITE other big games and i've NEVER , EVER played a game that where the developer had to put a time limit on the game I've heard of laws in Korea, where CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE of 16 cannot play online games between 0:00 - 6:00 in the morning, but these are CHILDREN. we are ADULTS. WTF IS THIS UPDATE!

Rant Over!

P.S. Grey mobs/townwalking, Crafting, and trading affect this timer, and the first arena queue too! and we can't PL our friends now because we're on a time limit! if someone asks for help for a PL, i'll have to charge them because I only have a certain amount of time i can physically farm my toon in the game now! BS man... BS!
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Old 03-10-2019, 11:56 PM   #2
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Start hitting the cap before you complain. We're not set on 12 hours exactly, maybe we raise it to 14 or so if legit players are actually hitting it.
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Old 03-11-2019, 12:09 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Start hitting the cap before you complain. We're not set on 12 hours exactly, maybe we raise it to 14 or so if legit players are actually hitting it.
I'll start pilg on the 15th of this month, and see. but someone may beat me to the cap b4 then
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Old 03-11-2019, 04:17 AM   #4
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If the purpose of the limit is to reduce botting, then i would propose to reduce the play time even more, make it as arena matches replenish:
1) make the limit of 20 hours of continuous activity per day
2) replenish 8 hours each day

8 hours per day playing nodiatis is almost inhumane, 12 hours as it is right now is for nolifers or botters.

My play style or any human based interaction with the game is several hours at most during normal week days and nolife (~6-8 hours) during weekends.

To combat botting, i would prompt a captcha like question each several fights just to get rid of them.
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Old 03-11-2019, 07:58 AM   #5
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The intention is not to change how anyone who isn't sharing their account plays the game, and there's no judgement involved on what is healthy or unhealthy playing times. Lakki and others have rightfully expressed that it's not our place to say how long a legit player wants to play each day. And if legit players can do 14 hours per day or more for 7 days straight, we'll raise it to that.
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Old 03-12-2019, 10:52 AM   #6
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I feel that this game is already limited on time enough with rt and rrt time.
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Old 03-12-2019, 10:15 PM   #7
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tl;dr glitch'll fix if people actually hit the limits, which i doubt they will
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Old 03-13-2019, 07:17 PM   #8
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No denying you have a valid point Lakki but you should appreciate that this doesn't amount to middle school style restrictions on your liberty. The toon sharing epidemic allows toons who are linked to no one particular owner to outpace users who have, rightfully, played only they're own toons from day one. If these sharers can't pass the same toon around to level 24 hours a day, or close to it, a hard playing user can't be outpaced by a "whore toon". It is my opinion and belief that Glitch only made sharing a non-bannable offense because the situation spun out of control. I don't think Glitch has ever approved of toon sharing. I don't know if this perfect fix but I do think a fix is needed. I do agree that if you, Lakki, want to stay up for 90 hours straight pilging you should have the right to.
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Old 03-13-2019, 08:19 PM   #9
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Just checked the logs. Might want to add Lakki to the toon sharing list. This rant makes a bit more sense now. He's out of the running for the "if you hit it, we'll raise it" clause.
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Old 03-13-2019, 10:36 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Just checked the logs. Might want to add Lakki to the toon sharing list. This rant makes a bit more sense now. He's out of the running for the "if you hit it, we'll raise it" clause.
There have been two people to log my toon in the past few months. My girlfriend, who I admit. we do share toons, and a clannie who literally logged for a few minutes to check my build. Ever since I started my pilgrimage, no one else has used my toon for anything.

Why don't you actually look at how many hours I've farmed on my end from my IP address on THIS TOON? If i'm out of the " if you hit it, we'll raise it" clause, then that's stupid, there are plenty of people who log others toons to just simply craft an item, or move items. so if someone decides they want to binge farm, or grind, or just simply get a pilgrimage done, or whatever, you adding a time limit is silly to begin with.

You simply removed me out of the competition to prove that your time limit is silly because you knew I would actually meet the time that's met.

But i'll do you one better.

How about I change my password, and you reset my 84 hour weekly limit. that way you can't pull that BS card that someone has helped me, just because they logged my toon for a minute or so. Which again , is silly. If my girlfriend wants to log my toon she should be allowed, or if a clannie i've known for years who helped me through highschool logs for a couple minutes to check my build, makes your toonsharing stick-o-meter go haywire.

You should personally be able to see the time that each person has actually spent on a toon if you're adamant on such a silly change on micromanaging on how long people should actually be able to play a game. This game has Rollover Rested time / Rested time, which is already a time-restricting constraint on your progress, and if you want to make the progress you either bliss for more TC's, or buy TC's, or wait a few days to play the game again. because we all know TM gains are diminishing... lol, but back on topic.

I'd seriously be down to take your challenge if you're willing to reset my 84 hours and let me know when i can actually start it on a 'fair playing field' for us both., and i'll do my part and not let anyone log my toon for the duration of this challenge if you're willing to let me try it again.

Instead of in-game pilg, all you are doing is making me stay up for 12 hours per day each day, which is in a sense, an IN real life pilgrimage.

I don't like being told how long I can play a game sorry, nor should anyone. You may be the developer of the game, but do keep in mind that It's supposed to be FUN. I understand balancing a game and trying to keep economies from being overran and stuff like that, but you are literally telling people what they can, and can't do in the game twice, in a different way. The game already has Rested time restrictions, which can be paid off in TC's for gold, or blissed for. Only difference with this cap, is you can't bliss it away, or buy tc's to get rid of it.

I've played this game for 48 hours straight when I was a teenager on summer break, if people have fun playing a game and grinding away at it, they should have that right. I understand this is an MMO so control has to be tightened up a little bit, but this is a lazy attempt at getting rid of botters, and doesn't even affect people who sit toons, just people who no life it or do bot. But instead of actually looking into the botters, you just throw up some cheap solution that actually affects REAL players.

I've never seen something so silly in a game in my life, that actually doesn't let you continue playing the game any longer once you reach a certain threshold.

But curious to hear your response / thoughts on the matter.
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Old 03-13-2019, 11:10 PM   #11
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It's irrelevant at this point. The entire reason for the change in the first place is because sharing can be done in an undetectable manner and this is the only way to limit its abuse. Account sharers will no doubt want to get the cap raised as high as possible to maintain an advantage. Whether they accomplish it playing solo or not (we won't be able to tell--unless they stream the whole thing) isn't important. Since they have more to gain than merely "being able to play a lot" they would be willing to force themselves to play a week for more than they'd ever truly wish to, just to reestablish a greater benefit from sharing.

To help ensure that we're getting a reasonable measure of what a person is truly capable of under normal conditions, we'll only be using established accounts who have no history of account sharing as a means for data collection.
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Old 03-13-2019, 11:33 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
It's irrelevant at this point. The entire reason for the change in the first place is because sharing can be done in an undetectable manner and this is the only way to limit its abuse. Account sharers will no doubt want to get the cap raised as high as possible to maintain an advantage. Whether they accomplish it playing solo or not (we won't be able to tell--unless they stream the whole thing) isn't important. Since they have more to gain than merely "being able to play a lot" they would be willing to force themselves to play a week for more than they'd ever truly wish to, just to reestablish a greater benefit from sharing.

To help ensure that we're getting a reasonable measure of what a person is truly capable of under normal conditions, we'll only be using established accounts who have no history of account sharing as a means for data collection.
So basically any toon that has ever been logged by someone else is disqualified, does this include people who log on to other toons owned by someone else as well , but have never let someone log their main toon?

There have been few Nodiatis streams ever, but even then, I don't think I have the training/willpower to stay up for 84 hours straight, on a Twitch Stream without sleeping in between. and farm a low level toon ( for demonstrative purposes) to hit the cap legitimately.
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Old 03-14-2019, 01:41 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lakki
So basically any toon that has ever been logged by someone else is disqualified, does this include people who log on to other toons owned by someone else as well , but have never let someone log their main toon?

There have been few Nodiatis streams ever, but even then, I don't think I have the training/willpower to stay up for 84 hours straight, on a Twitch Stream without sleeping in between. and farm a low level toon ( for demonstrative purposes) to hit the cap legitimately.
Yes, anyone who has something to gain from the limit being increased due to possible account sharing.
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Old 03-14-2019, 01:45 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by glitchless
yes, anyone who has something to gain from the limit being increased due to possible account sharing.
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