Originally Posted by Soxson
Glitch said it's a case of IRL dexterity. If you can't click on the chest properly, then you don't deserve the gold
I find this to be quality programming at its finest. You ****ed up, its not our fault. We aren't responsible for the mistakes players do, we can sit back and laugh, and the knaves can learn the hard way, the actions for their mistakes. If you aren't the overly sensitive type, you will get over it, and not do it again the next time. If you're a pussy, you'll quit this game and move to Fortnite or some **** XD
This is exactly how old games work. and Nodiatis has kept that old-school feel of, "you ****ed up, its your fault. we aren't going to hold your hand" lol..., We've asked for warnings for high level zones for a while now, or for him to label them on the map, but ehh. its technically our fault nonetheless.
Glitch could probably put more easy buttons into the game " Are you sure you want to step into this zone?" ..... or a " Are you sure you want to exit combat without opening the chest?" ... but ehh. he dun need to, y'all gotta be patient, stop rushing **** all the time. feel dumb for the mistake you made, and let glitch have the fun and laughs.
You sold a LG to the store, while unpaid. Or , you crafted an LG with accel on, not him XD.... be wary of your actions always.

Glitch is just teaching us to be prepared.