lg skills for reducing weight?
Old 12-10-2018, 02:06 PM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Default lg skills for reducing weight?

My idea is this:

1) Legendary skill that reduces the weight of crafting resources by up to 50%, similar to the newly released (epic) skill which reduces the weight of trophies. I imagine this as another social skill.
2) Legendary skill that further reduces the weight of EVERYTHING by up to 33% so those who for some reason constantly carry extra suit pieces, weapons, pets, and tools don't have to feel so much of that weight. I imagine this to be an adventuring skill so people have to spend excessive amounts of time actively working on it to get any use out of it. Even if it were the one and only exception to the "boon does not affect" rule, it would still take an ungodly amount of time to get close to capping it.

I don't think most would spend the time for either one, but there are also those who would for the xp boost or because they legitimately hate the weight of resources (veggies, skins, geodes/ingots, bones, etc.) and everything else like me.
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