Unity hammer vs Fleshies |
06-01-2018, 11:41 AM
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Unity hammer vs Fleshies
Does the unity hammer countering all HP regen to yourself counter Fleshies dps boost vs Regen % such as timmies 75% procs?
The proc it is quite oblique, Let's say I use the hammer with timmies, regen rune, euphoric, since it counters all of my hp regen, would that, in turn, make my actual hp regen % bonus 0? It should, since it says it stops it, and fleshies proc says they deal bonus damage verses regen capabilities since I in effect have none, will their bonus dps be stopped? I know their dps vs miti % will stay, but that is virtually nothing in comparison. If glitch or community could clarify this I would appreciate it.
Just curious, I will buy one if this is the case, but I'm not spending gold to test it to find out since if it doesn't it will be a waste on my end and virtually no one will buy it.
06-01-2018, 12:50 PM
Glitchless is offline
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It doesn't work that way, but that would be a nice change. It will after today's server reload.
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06-01-2018, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
It doesn't work that way, but that would be a nice change. It will after today's server reload.
Thank you very much for changing this! Would this also mean FDA does the same thing too?
06-01-2018, 01:56 PM
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06-01-2018, 03:08 PM
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what about listless, how does it interact now with fleshies?
06-01-2018, 03:16 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Listless reduces the regen so it reduces the fleshie bonus.
The way it worked before was based on one HP regen effect, the base one, now it works on the base one and the combat only one since they are the ones that truly matter during combat. Your actual reg stat doesn't matter for fleshie bonus.
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06-01-2018, 05:04 PM
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06-03-2018, 08:08 AM
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I forgot to ask but:how does staff of shielding interact with targets that are under listless/have unity?
06-03-2018, 10:04 AM
Glitchless is offline
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Staff of shielding is cure bonus, heal bonus, drainproof. Those are all completely separate from your HP regen.
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06-03-2018, 10:15 AM
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...and causes them to make low HP regen targets drainproof for 10 secs.
this is what I was referring to:would a target with timmies (and regen/euphoric runes) and unity get the drainproof aura, same for targets under listless.
06-03-2018, 09:35 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Ah, yes, good call. The way it works should be unified with the way fleshies works. Clarification to how that works for both:
Things that Affect it:
Gravebound/Reaper auras (odd healing debuffs that also hit regen)
Listless type auras (those that directly target regen)
Focused Defense/Hammer of Unity type auras (these work the same as listless)
Sacri type gems (regen gems)
Regener class bonuses
Things that don't:
Reg stat
Common Regen skills
Making the change now. When under the effect of enough anti regen to put you to a normal person's regen levels, you'll start being a viable target again for the drainproof effect of Stave of Shielding which has the qualifier that you must not be high regen.
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06-04-2018, 05:47 AM
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06-04-2018, 05:12 PM
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so now fleshies have no effect vs fully regening toons and dont actually hit through the miti at all? so its basicly back to being broken...
06-04-2018, 06:27 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Originally Posted by Darklords
so now fleshies have no effect vs fully regening toons and dont actually hit through the miti at all? so its basicly back to being broken...
No. What is making you say this?
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06-04-2018, 06:29 PM
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The fact i faced 2 regener's and my fleshies never broke a 1.5k hit
06-04-2018, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Darklords
The fact i faced 2 regener's and my fleshies never broke a 1.5k hit
Details needed. If they're not actually regening significantly due to your affects that reduce regen, then you won't get significant bonus damage vs. them.
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06-04-2018, 08:18 PM
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well full ef suit, +sacrigenesis +500 regen, shield with 4k AC. timmy's
What else u need to know?
other was same miti gear, 300 regen, no sacri. not sure on pets
06-04-2018, 08:52 PM
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so degening a mob which has no regening capability's and using fleshies on it acutally decreases your dps regardless surely it should just remain at 2.5k max hits? with degen going no hit higher than 1.8k
How can it become a drain on ur dps?
06-04-2018, 09:06 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Fleshies never did magic to mitigation. You're not going to do max damage to someone who is mitigating.
Fleshies never would have done bonus damage to mobs and they don't now. Degening them has no effect on their bonus vs a target that you're not getting a bonus to start with.
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06-04-2018, 09:10 PM
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This pet attacks ignores mitigation and increase further when attacking those with regenerative qualities... (why state something which doesn't do anything)
Degening clearly does have an effect vs mobs. or its just bad range.
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