Whore Toon List or WTL |
01-31-2018, 06:48 PM
Seer's BFF
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Whore Toon List or WTL
This is a thread to list those toons that are passed around like whores. There are many examples on s1. Like whores sometimes these toons are sold or sometimes they give it up for free.
01-31-2018, 06:52 PM
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omg that norman dude must be a pimp then!
 fisherman avenger!
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The capacity to feel like an idiot is an indicator that you probably aren't one.
01-31-2018, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Pale
This is a thread to list those toons that are passed around like whores. There are many examples on s1. Like whores sometimes these toons are sold or sometimes they give it up for free.
This post is pathetic and shows how toxic you are to the community. You hate on so many people and continually act like you're above everyone else because 'first to hit 90' on S2. heck this happened long before this, what is your problem? Do you have a disease of being a C***?
Sharing is not bannable if people want to share so be it. There is nothing you can say/do that will stop this. Some people have alts they do not use, so they let others sit to make them profit, and the sitter profit. it's like any real life money making scheme. Why would I leave something in my loft to collect dust, when someone else can make use of it?
Giving a toon up for free i.e gift is not against the rules, in fact, neither is selling them - it is frowned upon. I only know of a couple circumstances where bans have occurred when the seller has taken the account back and both parties get banned for it. Some people do not have the time to run 30 toons (Stares at norm) and so they either let people sit, they gift a toon to a good friend, or they pass it on so they can focus on their main accounts since they are limited by real life.
I find it funny how you yourself do not list any of these so-called 'whores' because you do not want to piss them off. I mean I can name quite a few, but I won't because first - it is none of my business, nor is it yours. second, why does it matter? you are not on S1, you are not competitive on the main server, so kindly keep your opinion and pedantic opinions to yourself.
There is a reason why most have you iggied on S1, do you not listen to yourself or see how stuck up you act? maybe you could learn from your past mistakes and become a better person and people in nod would respect you more. Do you think people respect you more or someone like Brookeland? Brooke outshines you all day every day. You are jealous of these other people, that is why you act like a douche to almost everyone in the chats.
That's my 2 cents, adieu.
02-01-2018, 08:38 AM
Seer's BFF
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The hate towards s2 is sickening.
02-01-2018, 08:40 AM
Seer's BFF
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Halaga is one of many toons I put on iggy because of the vile hate they spew.
02-01-2018, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Pale
Halaga is one of many toons I put on iggy because of the vile hate they spew.
There is no hate towards S2, I like a few from there actually. The hate is directed at you, so do not use 'hate towards s2' as a gateway for yourself to feel the need to protect yourself.
I'm simply saying that the things you say, the things you do have a profound effect on the hate towards S2.
I couldn't care less about the fact you're on S2. if you were on S1 doing the same thing I would still have wrote this and would be saying the exact same thing, so to call me prejudice against S2 is a complete hoax.
Do you have a problem in the head or something? I hate to have a pessimistic view of you as a person, but seriously you are an absolute arse. I can't really speak for much since I to do say some bad things, but the difference is I say stuff in /u to people who actually deserve to be shut down. There is a reason why many on S1 call you out when you speak utter nonsense.
I have no hate towards you, but the way you try to make it sound like you are better than everyone else on S1 is pathetic. There will always be competition, but you cannot hack it on S1, if you could you would be able to be in the top 10 in arena, but the fact is you cannot do this, which is why you are on S2, which funnily enough, is a dead server in actual reality.
Some of your ideas for skills are also ludicrous at best, some have a good thought approach, but lack the actual reason behind them to be implemented, and the other thing is nothing that is not in the 'Most wanted' will ever be included.
Overall you are a good player and have achieved level 90, but you are in no way anywhere close to some of the vets on S1. you are nothing compared to dav, brooke, nem, freaky, tsur, dl, exc, blaze, paulo, thorin... the list could go on. But you want to make some BS thread about toons that are 'whores' shows just how low of a person you are. Like, do you have nothing better to do?
Please, just sort yourself out and learn to respect others and then maybe people would actually take you, and S2 seriously.
02-01-2018, 09:11 AM
Seer's BFF
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[QUOTE=Halagadventor;196393]There is no hate towards S2
Wow, do you expect anyone to believe that? With a lie like that no one can believe anything you say.
Glitch has seen the hate first hand when he said from the s2 beast " you hate us because you are not us"
All that being said u are just trying to derail the post because u don't want a list of whore toons in the forum.
02-01-2018, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Pale
The hate towards s2 is sickening.
You're the reason everyone hates you and s2.
Praise the hindu gods!
02-01-2018, 09:22 AM
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 fisherman avenger!
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The capacity to feel like an idiot is an indicator that you probably aren't one.
02-01-2018, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Halagadventor
There is no hate towards S2
Originally Posted by Halagadventor
Wow, do you expect anyone to believe that? With a lie like that no one can believe anything you say.
Glitch has seen the hate first hand when he said from the s2 beast " you hate us because you are not us"
All that being said u are just trying to derail the post because u don't want a list of whore toons in the forum.
The no hate was referring to me, I don't hate on S2, i just think it is a massive waste of time and resources.
I have said it time and time again, S2 should have stayed and been a legacy server so the old vets would come back to the older style of nod they enjoyed. I love nod back in the 09-2012 era, it was great, now it's a bit stagnant. That said, it's a great game and i'm hooked, but you thinking i'm hating towards S2 shows how misinformed you are. the hate is towards you.
and V to sox
02-01-2018, 11:08 AM
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This thread is simply uncalled for.

02-01-2018, 11:20 AM
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This was stoopidly made. To say there are many examples of whore toons on s1 is kinda stoopid is it not? Yes it is true. But then you have s2 with 5 players running like a whooping 40 toons.
 fisherman avenger!
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The capacity to feel like an idiot is an indicator that you probably aren't one.
02-01-2018, 12:10 PM
Seer's BFF
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I run the 5x toons I started and payed glitch for. I do all crafting and resourcing on the toon I built.
02-01-2018, 03:07 PM
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As stated above, the hatred isn't toward s2. It is toward the constant asking for buffs and changes, as well as towards some of the more salty players. S2 has one main problem, and that problem is the smaller player base. You knew what you were getting into when you started it, and you accepted that fate. Now rise above the challenge instead of succumbing to an intolerable fate.
03-29-2018, 09:17 AM
Seer's BFF
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Since no1 seems is willing to list any toons I will start.
1. DTM Inc. A set of toons that can do all crafting and resourcing. This group of toons has been offered to me twice. I turned down the offer to buy 2x. The original owner offered to me before he left Nod. An additional time was from 1 of the many owners since.
It is my understanding that DL owes the DTM group now. Under his leadership the group has reached a new low, resulting in loan sharking, giving loans to lose that can't pay them back, then taking that toon as payment. They sell the gear offf the toon than resell the toon. This has resulted in many players leaving s1.
2. Soxson
Last edited by Pale; 03-29-2018 at 11:26 AM..
03-29-2018, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Pale
Since no1 seems is willing to list any toons I will start.
1. DTM Inc. A set of toons that can do all crafting and resourcing. This group of toons has been offered to me twice. I turned down the offer to buy 2x. The original owner offered to me before he left Nod. An additional time was from 1 of the many owners since.
It is my understanding that DL owes the DTM group now. Under his leadership the group has reached a new low, resulting in loan sharking, giving loans to lose that can't pay them back, then taking that toon as payment. They sell the gear offf the toon than resell the toon. This has resulted in many players leaving s1.
You're the only one that takes toonsharing personally. So what if you don't personally share? Do you want a participation trophy for being one of the many people with multiple toons but don't share?
You act like a raging c*** to s1, toonsharers, people who challenge you in arena and clan affairs, and anyone else that opposes you one way or another, and then you act like the hate you get is unjustified and try and make it sound like they hate s2 instead you. Another major issue is that you tend to argue using insults rather than reason and logic. If you don't agree with someone, explain why, using facts, evidence, reasoning, theories and such. Calling Raidens an 's1 crybaby donkey' does not support your statement, nor does it disprove the opposing statement.
I don't pay enough attention to s2 affairs to know who's the strongest so I'll assume you're the top dog, but you're also casting a bad shadow over s2. Your competitiveness and bitterness takes the fun and joy out of s2. Balze should include you in the pros/cons of the 2 servers because people don't want to want to share the same server as you.
Praise the hindu gods!
Last edited by Soxson; 03-29-2018 at 11:06 AM..
03-29-2018, 11:06 AM
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ecnod is offline
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pale is whore toon on s2. was and still is raped by bots
03-29-2018, 11:59 AM
Seer's BFF
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lol whats a "Boolas" ? Sounds like something that crawled out a lobsters ass.
03-29-2018, 12:16 PM
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We all know Brow for S1, a failed toon, a failed clannie (was a great day in Merc when Darkloards kicked him from clan), a lowbrow human being always ready with a racist rant. Don't we remember him? He's the lackluster gamer than ran to s2 in order to redeem himself from the ranks of the Failed. He renamed himself Pale hiding from the disgrace of Brow and in actuality became a larger failure. He let his need to be top dog drag him further down the toilet of mediocrity and over-bloated ego. Brow = Pale = Fale. Pale = Fale. Brow/Pale you will always be a failure, as a gamer and as a human being!!
"Father! The Sleeper has awaken!"
"And how can this be? For he is the Kwisatz Haderach!"
03-29-2018, 12:21 PM
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Shouldn't this OP be moved to Player Guides under "How to be toxic?"
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