Don't expect anyone to read this honestly. Just felt like traveling down memory lane.
A blurred memory recounting my journey over 6 years in Nod.
The Early Days.
I started Nodiatis on 12/14/2011 on my first character, Blaze. I was 13 back then. My first memory of Nod was being level 2 in docks. Saw Glitchless at some high level which inspired me to wanna be like that. Thought the game was awesome. (I didn't have any money, an email, a computer or anything back then.) I played when I could at my grandmother's on her old desktop computer. I was a Regener and this was my first real rpg. I did the total noob move of trying to raise all my stats evenly. Around level 19 I was rather weak, so I rerolled to Dark Knight. I was a slasher. The first person to actually help me was someone who isn't very fond of me these days

Milkchan. She invited me to clan Truth and gave me a bloodclaw. along with some trophies to use it. I spent the days back then out of rrt helping new players, inspired by her helping me. My first real friend was Kat/Katie. She was similar age to me irl, and we hit it off rather well. One person I helped get to moss dungeon actually gave me a time card for it. Back then I never spoke in civil chat and didn't pay attention to much. So didn't realize just how valuable that item was. Sadly I'll never know who did that favor for me, because shortly after I used 28 days standard, rl stuff happened so I was unable to log for months on end. I lost all my alts. Only Blaze remained because of one stranger's kindness.
on my 15th birthday I got a laptop, and that's when I started being active. I saved up my allowance and got a prepaid credit card with my dad's help. I really loved Nod back then. I blissed a whole $25 and sold the tcs for gold. I had Raist craft me a 25 armor set (boy, did I overpay for that

) and iirc Strelok made me some zombie scale claws cheap. I also developed my pot addiction at this time. I met a level 53 potion maker who happened to make my favorite pot. R5 ac pots. So I started befriending this potion maker named Alastrina. Once I got a face I started becoming active in civil chat. Only started though. I started becoming fascinated to learn everything about how the game works. Something I never fully achieved. Kat was still playing and by this time I made another good friend named Graceling. Since I was finally active again I rejoined Truth (who obviously kicked me during my long stint inactive). That was when I met my biggest rival in nod. A level 33 slasher named Soxson. We raced to 52 slashing. With trophies from Edgarthebeastmas and some crafting from Strelok, I managed to bliss my way to 52 slashing a couple weeks before Sox did. My potion supplier turned friend Alastrina also happened to be upgrading her armor at the time from the 48 epic suit. She was kind enough to sell it to me dirt cheap. In the end I was level 20 with 48 armor 37 pets and 52 slashers. This started my hobby of killing bosses at min level. A hobby I kept until Goblin Swamp. That damned turtle. (also inb4 I realized just /how/ strong Dreval boss was ;-; god bless my pot addiction in my youth). Me and sox eventually both stopped leveling at 40. Sox because he wanted to solo the arena isle boss at 40. Me because...I got no freaking clue. Tcs were a lot cheaper back then though so for nearly a year I was able to upkeep face via Pling and selling t1 resources before downtiering buff. My biggest helper though was undoubtedly Alastrina. She singlehandedly did more for me than any other Nodder ever did. She always sold me those cheap tcs that I could afford at level 40. Any time I needed help. She was there.
She even gave me Accel back then. Getting accel changed a lot for me. The game was just so nice with that avoidance rate. It didn't take 2 hours to walk to slevisk anymore. A bit after this period I had joined Alastrina's clan Misty. I think it was there that I met Scoop. Who helped me my first arena season. In October of 2013 I was in tical. Sadly a friend in the clan was in the hospital. I was still a newbie back then so he asked me if I wanted to sit his toon. The toon was just barely capped with 88 epics/74 whips/95 pets and some low exp. On November 21st of 2013 (or 20th depending on time zone, but I was told on the 21st)
Raian died from his leukemia., and I was informed he wanted me to keep the toon I was sitting by his brother. That's how I got Ipoophard. This was when I finally started pushing Blaze towards cap again. With assistance from Ipoophard it was smooth sailing. In may of 2014 2 of my oldest friends Kat and Alastrina both quit nod leaving me their toons. Joemadmax, Alastrina, Alana, Katie, and Kat. 2 months later another of my 4 original friends, Graceling, quit due to rl becoming busy as well.
I'd went through a few clan changes over my first year. clans Civil, Thea, Truth, Dfwu, Tical, Bewbs, Guide, Blood, and eventually. Resev, Loony, and Merc. Before I left tical I did however meet 2 people who ended up becoming close friends of mine though. Brickk and Excellence. When i got Alastrina she was a poison dotter. She did well pvp but not very well pve. This got me started on a clan battle rampage. I CBed nonstop back then. Sadly Resev lacked dot runes. So I joined Resev on Blaze and Ipoophard and switched Alastrina to Merc. Joining Resev was an excellent choice. Resev's core back then were Devil, Excellence, Samsun, Xshadowedxx, Crazysuicid, Abbott, Freakymagic, Phantomrocks, Hooker, Thesin, Summerclown, Grrr and I. When resev's masters Frailc and Vezemir had a child they went inactive. This put a lot more pressure on resev's officers who didn't want it. So resev fell around February of 2015. all the toons mentioned above ended up joining clan blaze. Later called Clan HAI. (While we all joined loony for runes). Blaze finally capped somewhere around this time.
The Middle Years
I ended up moving Alastrina to Loony as well since Merc had r4 dot runes vs Loony's r5-6. Somewhere around here finished my first lg suit on Joemadmax and started 1st pilg on Alastrina group farming with Jmm. Irony strikes as the original Jmm returns at this point. Planning to reclaim. He was a bit surprised to hear Alastrina had quit and left me the toon. He treated me fairly though. He left me finish using Joe to speed up Alas' pilg and unsb all the lgs I had purchased. That later went on Blaze and Ipoophard. Somewhere around here Excellence and Brickk were planning to try their second season of arena together after their first season victory. They had planned to use Trojan, but Danielrox had "borrowed" Trojan's gems for arena. So 2 weeks before end of arena they were looking for a third. I was lucky enough to become that third with Alastrina. Brickk was going tank and unsb his disease dots (that I later bought) to lend me so we had a chance in arena. Alas was by far the weak link that season. So while it was fun, we only ended 3rd place. The next season we were more prepared with Alas healing and Ex dotting and came in first place. It was 1-2 seasons after being champ that I decided pve wasn't worth it and rerolled Alas to an up and coming build a few toons like Xshadowedxx and Danielrox were using called "double cast dd". The gold made was insane.
The Late Years
By this point I'd mostly achieved everything I wanted to in Nod. I just farmed gold and uptiered. Did a couple pilgs. Arenaed a bit. Had a good time killing 142 heroic boss with Redeye and Brookeland. After I became arena champ I started really looking for new players to recruit. It might have been a bit before this but a new player joined Hai named Algamisu. All of Hai did their best to help this up and coming player who most of you likely know by now as being annoyingly op

particularly in beast hunts. A few other newbies were Lordzeno who sadly left nod due to rl after capping, and Clementine who rl also claimed after she capped. around the time Clementine was 40 I started writing the "NBA" "Nod's Blazing Academy". I filled it with everything I could think of so new players could learn most of the basics of Nod in 1 spot. Norman was likely the most interesting event of the last year. He's slightly younger than me. Made an impulsive decision. Damaged his reputation short term. Over the last year we bounced between love and hate so much. Actions speak louder than words. People are idiots if they still look down upon a teenager who did something rash and impulsive once when pushed. He's been solid for last year. It's one thing to dislike him just because your personalities don't click but scamming stuff is just silly now. This is particularly aimed at people who take advantage of him by reminding him that hangs over his head.
Overall I had a lot of ups and downs in nod. Friends came and went. Clans changed a lot until Loony. Thanks Loony for always being a home to me, and thanks to everyone who helped me over the years. I hope for this to be my last forums post. It's kinda obvious just from lenghts of each section.... how my enjoyment of nod has lessened over the years.